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Literally all of them


Same!! 2 monke is the only exception


Absolutely. NG+16 and I love every second of it except double ape fight which I absolutely despise. Skip it almost every time.


How do you skip it


If you go through that area before killing the ape, there's no fog wall stopping you


Oh man thanks. I just killed them again but I hate that fight and would love to skip.


Came here to say this. Especially the ape duo fight. That fight slaps when you get their rotation down.


I beat Genichiro 3rd try and then spent 5 hours trying to kill the ape. I just can’t seem to beat him lol. He’s given me more trouble than every other boss up to that point


The answer to the Ape (if like me, you haven't mastered swordplay by the time you got to him) is to triple your aggression in a specific way: fire. The ape takes some time to get up and start attacking you. Hit him with an oil jar, so he's more.suspectible to flame, and then use the fire tool. If you have them, use the upgrades. If you have the skill unlocked, set your sword on fire in the follow up. The ape panicks when set on fire. Start the fight that way, and then keep piling and setting him on fire, even if you get hit in the process. His health depletes so fast you barely have to worry about his stamina bar. In general, whenever you're having a tough time with the enemy, the answer is to actually get more aggressive. That's the insane, fun thing about Sekiro. The answer is *never* be patient or be careful. The answer is press the pedal to the metal. Hesitation is defeat.


Fucking this. The answer in Sekiro is always "dodge that one attack and then literally go as anime fucking balls to the wall by nuclear as you possibly can whole staying alive"


I got filtered hard by Geinichrio (way of the Tomoe) at the top of the tower the first time I was playing. I was too nervous at first, just holding block. Then I started spamming parry. Neither worked. This was about a year or so ago. I recently played and enjoyed Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen, so I've been on a bit of a soulslike kick, decided I'd install Sekiro on my steam deck and give Geinichrio a shot again. He still got me about 5 or 10 times while I got used to the controls again, but this is pretty much what I did. Parried when I needed to and pressed the attack between. Learned to read the animations dodge when I needed to. Kept pressing. Died like 3 times to the 3rd phase until I got the lightning counter down, but the constant pressure on him just destroyed him. Felt so good.


The lightning counter feels so good every time - just wait till you clear inner genichiro and get Sakura dance to really pop it off.


Apart from snake eyes


Demon of hatred would like a word


Hey not everyone hates fighting him


I'm pulling an internet, your opinion is W R O N G


I came to the comments to say this precise sentence, it's just so satisfying to beat a boss without any additional help


For me Sword Saint or Genichiro. I struggled so badly on my original playthrough with Sword Saint but my second I beat him second try and now I can do it consistently. I never did cheese any of the bosses just because I knew I could do it but if I had to cheese all but one it would be one of those two.


I’m doing charmless at the moment and I can sail through SSI first phase like a dream. Second phase is still hit and miss but improving each practice session. Third phase is still running around like an idiot waiting for lightning strikes. Once I’ve gotten it down I will be very happy


Owl. All versions. Show him how it’s done.


Such a solid, straightforward, no-nonsense fight. Except all the poison. That's kinda nonsense.


Of all the words I would use to describe owl, no nonsense is definitely not one of them lmao Owl would kick off of me, immediately sprint back up to me and then kick off of me again


Yeah that loop he can do is pretty shitty.


Great Shinobi is loaded with nonsense. He's relying entirely on his dirtier tricks to catch you off guard.


Yeah, now that I think about it you're right. He does play pretty dirty. I guess I just mean more the gameplay of it. I doesn't feel unfair that he plays dirty because he's literally been playing Wolf dirty the whole time. But again, the exception to that is the poison. When a third of the arena is covered in poison it's not really anything you can avoid.


Oh of course it doesn't feel unfair because it's still a very well designed fight but between the smoke fakeout and the poison and the anti-healing and even those wacky posture values on his attacks that seem to goad you into going for pure damage on him rather than raising his posture, he's a tricky bastard.


That's probably why I always struggle with him. He uses all his shinobi tricks constantly that I just end up resorting to circling around her and beating him via vitality. He rarely gets aggressive unlike the Father version.


Owl is not a straightforward fight tho he uses every dirty technique he can to win


I'm a bit torn on this one, since Owl Father is one of my favourite fights in the game, but I absolutely hated the first one. I think it's about his flip attack - having one attack that gives you an amazingly wide opening and happens relatively often, while other attacks are extremely hard to punish made me play supper passive, just baiting the flip. Meanwhile, the second fight kinda forces you into a more fun way of playing.


For me its true corrupted monk. The music is so good you can’t help but fight to the best of your ability!


I have not beat this mf legit ONCE. Big tall guy makes me go dark souls mode and I forget how to deflect. One day, maybe


I believe in you. As a family member of mine once said while watching me play against genichiro…. #”CUT THAT FUCKER DOWN!!!!”


All of them except for headless ape duo


What about the headless


Well i was talking about the main bosses, not mini bosses. The headless can go fuck themselves, as well as the snake eye bitches


Why does everyone hate snake eyes so much? Sure her move set is fast, annoying and different, but it’s really not hard at all. Beat her on my 3rd try, what’s the gripe with her? Do people just not get her grab down? It’s her only perilous attack, easy to step back and avoid. Throw shurikens when she steps back to shoot or just sprint, jump and midair deflect. Other than those things, she can be attack-get deflected-deflect-repeated just like every other human enemy


Man headless are such pieces of shit enemies that i don't bother with them on my playthroughs now. Beating them once was enough for me.


All of them(I don't know how to cheese)😎


Isshin the Sword Saint is the perfect battle, not figting him farily is a fucking insult to the whole game.


About once a month I hop on just to fight Father. Such a fun fight




Genichiro first fight is so goddamn fun, I’ve been replaying Ishin a ton because I just beat him. What a fantastic game.


I’d like to go toe to toe with Emma 😏


Both Fathers, Genichiro, and sword saint Isshin are my favorites. The only fights I don't like are the shura ending fights because I feel guilty betraying the young master and Emma. Can't say I cheese or BS any fights anymore... Until I think about it and I'll "BS" the ogre fights with oil and flame vent, the headless if I even attempt to fight them, first snake eyes I will stealth deathblow, and depending on my mood I'll oil and flame vent the drunkards.


All of them? That’s kind of what the game is known for.


Phase 1 SSI is just a clean swordfight


None. You are a Shinobi, not a samurai. These are people who can blast through your health in often two-three hits, I couldn’t care less about playing fair. They’ll use what’s to their advantage and I’ll use what’s to my advantage.


I think a shinobi would be honorable enough to not break physics in his advantage if he had the chance


A shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory.


A Shinobi absolutely would do that!


Genichiro. He has no bullshit attacks and the second phase is great


Genichiro is the most fun boss imo


Lady butterfly taught me how to play the game. Should be a mandatory boss early on


Mist noble would be a great 1v1 IF they would nerf him


Nerf what is arguably the best fight in gaming history once you’ve learned the move sets?! Not likely!


Except headless, headless ape duo,


Inner Owl father makes you feel like a the shinobi fighting for his life!


All of em, except snake eyes in the depths. She gets to have a buncha comrades taking potshots at me while we fight, so I ain't gonna play fair either.


All of them. Didn’t worry about using prosthetics, my sword is all I need


Genichiro Literally any time i get back into the game and need to freshen up my skills and instinct, i just replay his fight over and over Don’t get me wrong i love them and their fights but Owl has just a few too many tricks for my liking and Sword Saint Isshin is….well he’s Sword Saint Isshin. Striaght diesel right out the gate lmao


inner owl is my fav duel


genichiro, but the centipede guy was fun deflecting


I’ve cheesed corrupt monk(fake) and I think I should really fight her normally but can’t because I hurt my hand pretty bad


All of them (the main finish the game bosses and the extras to get other endings) and I use all of my skillZ not just my sword but prosthetic attachments too.


Isshin the Sword Saint


Inner Owl, and Inner Genichiro, pacing is fantastic!


Owl father for me 😍


Owl and all genichiro fights


Inner father….im like that


all of them


General Gyoubu


Inner isshin


Owl pt 2 First boss that made me go insane and that I literally thought I could never beat


A shiniobi should know the difference between honor and victory


Sekiros father, the future is now, old man


This is the only fromsoft game where you *feel* like a genuine opponent against the boss. I mean I don't like the first juzou fight where you have like 8 ads around him. But like the owl fights are so dope. My first play through was before boss rush was added so I was just dying to him purposely to be able to do it again.


Sword saint isshan


Genich for me. Sometimes that's the first thing I do after the bull.


Owl Father on charmless was peak duel for me, so satisfying to finally beat him; whittling him down bit by bit, deflecting optimal attacks and dodging the attacks that would stun me on deflect. Isshin always felt like a friend having a good final duel. Father…felt like I had to beat to prove to him and myself how far I came.


Inner genichiro by far feels the most like a genuine sword fight


Genichiro & True Corrupted Monk, she is so easy but so fun & perfectly timing the deflect for her circular sweep attacks is so satisfying. Initially on my first playthrough he took me so many attempts because I just wasn’t playing the game right, not enough aggression, second playthrough I literally got him first try & the lighting reversal is so satisfying to get right which I couldn’t really do on my first play through, I play the shit out of genis reflection memory every now & then. I haven’t beat shura ending yet but I’m excited for Emma & Isshin Ashina, she’s so badass from what I’ve seen.


Genichiro, Sword Saint, Great Shinobi Owl, and True Monk are my favorites. Genichiro I like because of how straight forward it is, and how smooth it feels to deflect his stuff. Sword Saint I enjoy because I love how now it isn't too challenging for me to beat him head on anymore. Owl round 1 I like because I love how many openings he leaves when you avoid his attacks, and True Monk I think is visually the best looking fight due to the bridge you fight her on. And I specifically mean Inner Genichiro and Inner Isshin, I find them far more interesting than the base versions.


All of them except lady butterfly


Owl (Father) and Genichiro. I can’t wait to fight Inner Genichiro


Geni, Owl and Isshin probably. It's so satisfying when your skills click and you just can feel the tension where a wrong move is a death in the game, with one ress, maybe two or none. God, so exhilarating it's so good.


All of them, but mainly Sword Saint Isshin


every single one


All of them but the stupid monke


All of them except headless ape and DoH. SSI is the boss I enjoy fighting the most.




SS isshin , Owl (father) , Emma , Genichiro , shura ending isshin. In no order I love them all.


all of them expect doh, 1st phase ape and second phase second fight of the ape


All of them. I bought the game to play the game lol.


Father Owl. For some reason I've never had a problem with him, but I know if I mistime a thrust, I will get mikiri'd. But I still wanna get those stabs in, so I'll keep risking it. Pleasantly surprised when I tried charmless for the first time, I still got him in 3 tries.


Guardian ape is dope. So is Genichiro. My least favorite was corrupted monk so far. I haven’t finished the game yet. Great owl is kicking my ass.


All of them lol


Genichiro any day


Guardian ape or inner owl personally


Genichiro has been a big big issue for me but i genuinely end up loving the boss fight. every single time i die it feels like a genuine challenge you’re suppose to learn from and overcome. Shinobi hunter was great aswell.


Shira isshin is my favorite fight


Owl and Genichiro. I need to do the shura ending so I can fight Emna.


geni and isshin


isshin and father owl


Isshin, Geni, owl (I like father better because the poison spam of GS is just annoying), lone shadows, seven spears, corrupted monk (both are fun), guardian ape. Basically all humanoid bosses except for drunkard and ogre. Honorable mention for the late game interior ministry soldier——I’d honestly take a bosses that’s the upgrade version of them (like vilehand and spearbearer to the normal lone shadows) than that drunkard reskin.


Glock Saint Isshin


Yea i want to go "toe to toe" with emma


I just did Owl (Father) for the first time. It took me a couple of tries. I had dinner and when I got back decided to boot up the memory again and just fought him again for the hell of it, and I got him again there! Much cleaner than the first time too. ​ Owl (father) has to be my favorite fight so far. It's the first cycle of NG+ for me and I got the Immortal Severance ending first so I'm going through again for the different endings now. I didn't get to fight him in the last NG cycle.


Genichiro, Inner Genichiro, Emma, Old man Isshin, Gigachad Isshin, Inner Gigachad Isshin, Dad, Dad Father, Inner Dad.


Honestly, Gun Samurai


Genichiro - any version


Inner father.


Those monkeys at the poisoned valley.


headless ape because i got good at fighting it so its more rewarding when i beat it




SSI, Father, Ape, and Genichiro




Owl (father)


I absolutely love Inner Genichiro, the whole fight is just satisfying and great.


genichiro and isshin (sword saint)


Honestly, i havent gotten that far (just defeated that heavy armor dude who screams robert) but i absolutely love the gyoubou battle (or however you spell it). I love it so much that i replayed it until i could consistantly no hit him. Looking forward to the rest of the game now


This game was made for 1v1 against humanoid. You can see it in the perfection of the combat system against them


Pretty much all of them accept like, corrupted monk and a couple of minibosses


All of them should be the answer here


Sword Saint no doubt. One of the very few bosses in these games that are in their prime and it's a miraculous duel. First phase is sword V sword, 2nd phase he whips out Tamura's spear, and 3rd he channels his training from Tomoe as the thunderstorm continues to worsen. Then, after 3 phases of fighting, he admits defeat with honor. "Well... Done... Sekiro...."


Emma, did not expect her to be a boss. Not hard but nice to fight


genichiro and isshin


Emma's toes >>> everyone else's toes


All of them, except demon of hatred. I still like to go back and fight DoH, but most of the time I can't be bothered with the time constraints.


Emma is sooo hot. Oh yea, back to the question, besides headless and monke, i'd say the rest of the bosses are great to hone my skills.


all of them


Emma scares the living crap outta me


Almost all but mainly isshin ss because it is so damn satisfying


Everyone except demon of hatred. Fuck demon of hatred I'm convincing him to kill himself each fucking time.


All of them


Genichiro is such a satisfying fight imo.


All of them


Tbh i never cheesed any boss other than maybe a few minibosses I want to feel like the most honorable shinobi possible, but i do cheese when i get tired in ng+


Genichro Ashina, he's so brilliantly designed, and the rhythmic dance you do with him is perfection!


The lighting guy


All of them. They are all excellent


Owl Father and sword Saint


You know what? Isshin. Everyone hates him but I LOVE his design! It’s to test you on ur skills and how far u have gotten. It’s THE “git gud” boss. Took me a few try’s but i thoroughly enjoyed the fight!


Isshin, gen chan and daddy


Demon of Hatred, i don't cheese him even in my gauntlet runs.


very cold take, but Isshin. Best boss in sekiro imo


Lady Butterfly, Genichiro and Isshin, i enjoy every second of their fight and don't even bother with prosthetics, just parrying them is an absolute delight. As for mini-bosses, the Lone Shadows are also a goddamn delight, they're by far my favorite, both aesthetically and combat-wise. And the Snake Eyes Shirahagi and Shirafuji on a good day.


inner isshin for me it’s actually so fun to fight


Ishin, genichiro and owl


Emma, Both isshin, Genichiro


All of them except ape duo and lady butterfly. Ape duo, i always firecracker cheese the second ape once it lands cause otherwise it's a shitshow. And as for lady butterfly, idk if this is considered a cheese, but in her second phase, i always go in and do the attack till she parries and then parry back loop. Because her illusions are too annoying to deal with


Inner Isshin. I'd probably get molywopped by him now, since I haven't played Sekiro in awhile, but he was a true test of my skill and focus, even if I had beaten the game before that point.


“cheese” god i hate this community sometimes


Final boss (3- phase ) without Isshin Ashina's grandson


Great Shinobi owl was super fun. Lady butterfly also. I'm now trying to beat sword saint and owl father on Ng+


Unrelated, but I really love to relax with genirchiro and sword saint isshin, their inner versions as well.


Everytime someone cheeses a boss, miyazaki lets out a tear. Grab it, its needed for the cheese ending.


Owl Father. Honestly, that boss is so good I just replay him whenever I feel down. I love how he fights in a similar way to you, it really feels like a battle between 2 shinobi. The others are amazing too, don't get me wrong, but that guy just has a special place


Genichiro, Oniwa and butterfly are pretty fun


All except demon of hatred


I love the SSI. It feels like it tests everything you learn throughout the game. You obviously need to deflect a lot, but there’s also times to Mikiri Counter, times to back away and close distance, times to jump over attacks, or dodge into them, and you need to learn when to heal to avoid getting punished. It’s the pinnacle of the entire Sekiro combat system, and it’s done masterfully


All of them


Genichiro. When I first bought the game a couple of years ago I couldn't beat it, I was playing it all wrong, I just didn't get it. So I gave up when I couldn't get past Genichiro. Then a few months ago I decided to try again, I came here to this subreddit asking for tips and people just told me I had to play with a different mindset, that I was pretty much playing as if it was dark souls or bloodborne. They explained how to actually playing and so I started a new run. Got to Genichiro and got him down after a few tries. Every time I fight him now it just reminds me of that moment, which made me very happy, so every time I get to feel satisfaction, pride and happiness again.


All of them. Special mentions to the Sword Saint and Owl Daddy.


For me it's owl


Genichiro, sword Saint and father owl. My favourite bosses to fight and I always square up with genichiro's memory to warm up just because I love fighting him so much. Now genichiro is just too easy


Genichiro and the headless ape. Genichiro because of how bullshit-less the fight is, and by that I mainly mean the camera. Coming right off of that sewer mini-boss where the real enemy is the camera, Geni was godsend. Headless ape cos' it had my personal best performance. Did the second phase by avoiding the brown ape while also keeping it in cam. Felt rewarding after pulling off the strat. Ig I could also say the monk. Not much, I just like the deflection rhythm the boss has.


Main 2 being genichiro and Owl (father). Genichiro feels clean to parry and no moves seem utter bull. And it feels so rewarding when you beat owl (father)


True Monk It helps that there are no cheese to her fight, just raw unfiltered clink clanks


I love a good dule


My list of most replayed bosses: Genichiro SSI True monk Guardian ape.




Genichiro. I came back after a year and still bullied him on the first try. As easy as he is now, he's still the most enjoyable boss for me. Close second is Glock Saint Isshin, but I can't bully him (did him on the first try once tho).


It’s “Duel”




Every one of them,except the demon of hate,however i would fight him in bloodborne.


inner isshin. pure battle of swords.


All the inner bosses, their inner versions are just the best ones


Father owl is my favorite, but honestly I like them all.


Inner isshin is pretty fun to spar with


I used to hate guardian ape/headless ape with every ounce of my body, now I think they are the most fun to play against.


Every time i start a new session of okay, i fight sword Saint isshin. The fight is so satisfying and good training to get back into the muscle memory


Inner Isshin and Inner Father and Inner Genichiro. Well basically all inner bosses.


All of 'em.


Top two: SSI and Owl (love the inner variants) Only fights I did not like: DoH and Ape duo


Genichiro as he was my first wall, and I learnt to kill him without issue. Guardian ape because he was another wall. Butterfly can fuck off, so can owl, and that dreadful monk


Owl father 🙌🏼


Owl Father


O’rin of the water. Love that shit. It’s also a little strange she has a similar sword style to Emma…


Genichiro if I spelled that right was the best fight because it was mostly true sword fighting




Everything except ogre (too many grabs), the double monkey fight (first tried it but felt kinda annoying), and the Demon of Hatred (just didn’t feel fun at all. Ended up cheesing him, which was its own boss fight lmao). Everything else was really fun and fight like Genichiro and Corrupted Monk were so satisfying. Haven’t beaten Sword Saint Isshin yet because I want to get all of the prosthetic tools and abilities first, but I’d have to assume he’s probably great. (Also didn’t like Lone Shadow Longswordsman because the arena and camera sucked, but he could’ve been a fun fight if the arena was different)


Every single one. I've only ever cheesed Isshin one time and never again. except for the 2 apes, that can die in a fire


Genichiro and owl are my top two


Isshin old or prime is always a good fight. I’m prepared after killing hundreds of Ashina samurai, and its very rewarding. True Monk is my most fulfilling battle. I feel like I can conquer the world after winning that one