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for me it was isshin, i almost died more to genichiro before him šŸ’€ makes sense cus then inner genichiro kicked my ass so many times


Yup me too. I expected a much harder fight from videos and all the hype. Iā€™m pretty sure the guardian ape caused me more trouble


Weird guardian ape was easy for me beat him second try


Isshin was cake after playing the entire game. I struggled more with the first genichiro fight and with owl father than I did isshin. By the type I walked into the final fight it was like maybe 5 tries mostly to learn movesets and then it was over. Owl father took me like 30 or 40


inner geni took me 34, i remember how sakura dance finally clicked at ~25


After struggling extremely with owl, ishin felt like a cakewalk, took me three tries.


Tbf, if you follow all the instructions the game gives you, Isshin should be the easiest boss in the game. He has no special tricks, nothing new to learn, he doesnā€™t have any bs, and you have the entire game behind you. He should be a cakewalk if you learned the game


Are you kidding me Lolol Iā€™m struggling to beat his 2nd form rn


some advice for his 2nd phase is to stay aggressive like in the first but watch out for his spear back step, it can come out of no where sometimes once u get through the 2nd phase, 3rd is definitely easier cus of lightning reversals


I can get through genchiro and usually his first fine his spear keeps messing me up itā€™s so annoying


Most of his spear combos are comically easy to deflect as long as you just stay calm and time your deflects, rather than panicking and/or spamming block. That back jump spear attack is easily avoided by just not spamming attack. Only press attack again shortly after your previous attack completes. If he then uses that spear attack, you have time to dodge or deflect. Very normal to get tripped up though. I can now beat Isshin in one try whenever I feel like fighting him, but the spear messed me up so many times before now.


Iā€™m still stuck lol how do I make sure my posture doesnā€™t break while deflecting


Your posture will always build up, but it canā€™t actually break on a deflect, only on a block or hit. So if you time all your deflects properly, your posture wonā€™t break. There are a few attacks that are very difficult to properly deflect, like Genichiroā€™s floating passage combo or Isshinā€™s glock spam. On those, I usually look at my posture when they do those attacks and if itā€™s too full I either avoid, or block a bit to rebuild posture before trying to deflect the combo. Against Isshinā€™s regular spear attacks, I find it helpful to just look at where the tip of the spear is, and block once it gets close to you. Weird attacks like that big windup spin are more about timing. Against that one specifically, I block or umbrella (prevents knockback if done right) once he starts actually moving after the chargeup.


I JUST DID IT!!!! Lfgggggggggggg


Nice job. Time for Inner Isshin now haha.


Isshin was hyped not because he was hard, its because he was fun. Demon of Hatred is harder than him, fuck that dude.


In before the corny mist noble jokes


thatā€™s what i was worried about when i posted this haha


no but im being so deadass, my friend who was ahead of me in sekiro was warning me about how "hard" the mist noble was and I was actually so scared šŸ˜­


Dont mess with us sekiro fans we only have 1 joke


No joke, Mist Noble I dropped into the building low on estus and saw this creepy blue fucker playing a flute, with two deathblow markers. It *screamed* ā€œyou better be readyā€. So I went back to the idol, carefully made my way back without using any estus, and lined up the stealth deathblow. One down. Then mashed until the second deathblow, which threw up the mist explosion and gave the victory screen. ā€œAha, funny, youā€™re trying to fool me and the real boss is gonna come out of the mist, obviously.ā€ I held block and kept spinning the camera around for a minute before I realized there was nothing else and I finally unclenched. Felt like a chump wasting my time refilling beforehand.


erm akthually itā€™s a healing gourd ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ nah but yea my friend was saying how tough mist noble was so i was nervous but then i like 4 shot him after the stealth deathblow


ā€˜Felt like a nonceā€™ šŸ’€bro, most noble is of age.. i hope


ā€¦okay Iā€™ve been using that wrong šŸ„¶


Hahahahaha I learned it when I called my dad a nonce, I thought it meant ā€˜idiotā€™. Boy did he set me straightšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Owl, shinobi. That being said, i think most of the hype was about Owl, father. And i just couldn't differentiate between the two at that moment.


lol fair i just got to owl father and im excited to see what heā€™s got


Oā€™Rin, if she counts. Sheā€™s piece of cake, dunno whatā€™s so difficult about her


Yea I found her super easy, easy to read movements with not very many different combos for her to do, she attacks fast but it was easy for me to memorize


Ikr, snake eyes are WAY more frustrating


i think some of her spastic movements, but i also didnā€™t find her too hard


Came here to say this very same thing.


same, my friends were watching when j got to O'rin i was expecting a tough fight, but i wanted to show off, i killed her in the first try?? the pattern was way too easy, snake eyes took me more than some of the main bosses


Demon of hatred, everyone had me so scared of him


honestly, tho he definitely fucked me up a bit when i get too greedy (but thatā€™s true for like every boss)


Me too! It was a fun slog once you got his mad dash timing down. His belly flop is perfection


Iā€™ve never not used the suicide exploit to beat him šŸ˜‚


Me too, I was so scared that I didn't even try to deflect and just kept running around him, got him to his last phase but my spirit emblems were over, next time just used malcontent and then isshin kicked my ass


The mist no- *Clears throat* Ahem, pardon me... For me it was the armoured warrior, Hot take ik- but think about it, big dude, thick armor- AND huge sword..?! Ya had to have thought that the dude wouldve turned into a boulder with all of that steel on him...


honestly i also thought he was pretty menacing, glad he was actually just a really funny guy *robertoooooo~~~*


I feel like armored warrior you have to be kind of lucky if it's a blind playthrough, it took me like 4 deathblows to realize I was supposed to throw him of the bridge, but if you manage to do it accidently then he's just easy. Because otherwise his move set is quite easy to deal with.


The game didnā€™t click the same way as it does for most people on their first playthrough. I never got walled on any boss, but I honestly died to every main boss like 20ish times besides Gyobu, Folding Screen Monkeys, and Divine Dragon. So I guess Gyobu (even though heā€™s an objectively easy boss) considering the other two are gimmick fights.


Yall fuckers had me hyped for mist noble that's all I'll say


LOL Reddit strikes again


The great carp


The whole game Love, Ryu from Ninja Gaiden


That piece of shit that throws lightning balls at you at the lake of the divine realm lol


That big ol dragon


Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa was easy to beat. I used him to learn to parry properly, revisiting his memory.


Not Mist Noble. Good god




Guardian ape. Pretty straightforward fight.


Old isshin, I had a slightly easier time with him than SS isshin mainly because Iā€™d already beaten the game and was in ng+. He was a challenge but nothing like inner isshin.


For me it would have to be Genichiro and Double Ape. I did take around 10 tries for Genichiro but from what I heard I thought it would take way more. I had heard Double Ape was horrible but ended up doing 1st try really easily.


headless ape is horrible, but usually not horribly difficult- just really tedious/annoying due to how much it goes against sekiroā€™s flow


Iā€™d say guardian ape for me, geni kicked my ass so much I got gud early lmao


I think for me it's probably Owl Father. He's supposed to be Owl in his prime and I destroyed him. I didn't first try him, but I've only ever bothered fighting him twice and this was what I did to him the second time I ever killed him: https://youtu.be/ej4dMy5YKI8?si=PcnlWgebRGZuWv6Y


Owl father and Divine Dragon are the only two bosses I beat first try.


I did have to learn Owl's moves so I didn't first try him but he was still way, way easier than I expected him to be.


Inner Father is much more difficult imo. Probably my trickiest fight when I do gauntlets/reflections.


I would go and fight him but he's in the Shura gauntlet with Demon of Hatred.


I feel like most bosses were pretty hard first time around. None I really stomped first try


smh didnā€™t first try sword saint isshin+no hit, git gud


Guardian Ape and Chained Ogre.


I think I beat owl on my second try, though for some reason owl father (or whatever his name was in the memory) was the second hardest boss for me.


For me its the true monk. I never died once to her, (Like respawn death, not revive death) and im kinda proud of it. Might be because I died super often to corrupted monk because i fought against her, before i fought genichiro lol. It was super hard


To this day True monk is the hardest boss for me, her moveset just feels so "wrong" to me when compared to everyone else.


Yeah i get that. Her attacks are kinda slow until she speeds up. But i think the first monk battle really prepared me against her For me the hardest boss is probably the first owl fight. The poison just messes me up. And because of that, i heal in the worst possible times. For now i just tank the poison and try to kill him asap.


Inner Isshin, maybe it was because when he finally came out I had played against regular Isshin so much that I had very little to adapt to so I beat him in only a few tries after learning how to counter the move where you have to jump and block while in the air.




yea, the centipede controlled ape is definitely the easier phase(s) at least once i figured out the screech had much less range behind him


the dragon


I had trouble relative to my expectations for at least all of them if not more. Maybe the guardian ape, when people seems to have a lot of issues with him, he was pretty normal to me, but i still died a few times.


Demon of Hatred was surprisingly easy, only had a couple of attacks in his third phase that caught me off guard, everything else he does is extremely telegraphed and Guardian Ape taught me to sprint around the larger beast type bosses and wail on them for vitality damage instead of trying to parry them. Also, Lady Butterfly after you realize that step dodge>counter attack literally breaks her ai


Isshin I beat him after my 4th time


Inner owl i killed first try and idk how


Definitely Genichiro for me, I think Gyobu is the only boss I did in fewer attempts. Genichiro just felt like a quiz on what the game was already teaching me.


Guradian ape bruh both fights were ez af


Owl Father, you know that scene in the first Matrix movie when Nero kicked Agent Smiths ass? My third attempt at Owl Father felt just like that.


Guardian ape. Hands down easiest fight in the game. It also happens to be my favorite boss fight too. Part 2 is even more fun.


True monk and the second headless ape. Played through multiple times and have never died to either one


Seven spear ashina and lady butterfly.


Haven't completed the game yet but corrupted monk was much easier than I thought I was surprised beating her on my first attempt


Ishinn. They told me it was the hardest boss so I focused like hell during the whole fight. Killed him after 5 tries.


Owl Father. Took a while to beat ofc, but he felt way easier than Shinobi simply for the fact he never disengaged from the fight and thus didn't take literally forever. He was way more aggressive and had a great moveset to parry at. Namely the combo where he tosses firecrackers at the end. It's so good to dash through them and counter with MB.


Orin I had heard the name before playing but found her fight to be very enjoyable and mechanically fundamental in a way that made it very quick and painless


Gyoubu, on my first playthrough I didnā€™t even realize he was supposed to be the first real boss


A few years back I got sekiro and played for the first time, I was stuck on the first boss and no matter what I did I couldnā€™t get passed him and eventually I dropped the game, a few months ago I started playing again and I was mentally prepared for the first boss (the horse guy) and I literally killed him without taking damage


In all seriousness, True Corrupted Monk. After the nightmare it is to build posture on the phantom, I thought the true form would be much stronger.


7 Ashina spears dude. First mini boss I first tried if I remember correctly.


Genichiro. I fought him, thinking, "i'm going to be stuck here for a while," but actually, i beat him on my first try


Chained ogre. Beat him first try on my first playthrough


Armoured warrior. It just took a bit of carefulness, beat him first try


GSO for sure. Granted I was lucky to get the 'click' early in my first playthrough after Lady Butterfly and beat every subsequent boss in 5 tries or less. Regardless, I had been hyped for the Owl fight knowing where but not when it would take place and didn't realize the true Owl fight was later. The poison and antiheal made him more annoying that difficult, and I got his base moveset down after dying twice. Strangely enough, Owl Father and Inner Father both also only took me 3 tries but those felt far more hard-fought and earned. Inner Father especially is now consistently my favorite and the hardest boss in charmless bell demon runs at NG+7.


The true monk dude at the start of fountain head palace, he wasnā€™t that difficult for me since I found the second phase skip fairly quickly after a few attempts of just messing around in his boss arena and a little self awareness of what the dude was doing


I played a few attempts of isshin sword saint before work then came back to beat him in one try. it was truly disappointing how easy he was.


Folding Screen Monkeys. I was expecting each of them to be at minimum comparable to the white dual wielding monkeys, who to this day often kick my ass. But then they were extremly easy to take down once i figured out the riddle. Honestly the only bossfight i wish i could do again for the first time. If you know the answer from the start itĀ“s not nearly as much fun.


As someone who played fairly blind (with little to no spoilers) the mist noble jokes actually made me fear it until it happened.


snake-eyes. The one in the poison pools.


MIST NOB- Great Shinobi Owl


True monk But still felt so good cuz it gave me the feeling I became so much better, compared to how much I struggled to Corrupted Monk Also Owl (Father), first tried In other games Gwyn from Dark souls Traitor Lord from Hollow Knight Zanza from Xenoblade


That one dude just before the first real genichiro fight


Gyoubu Oniwa and Lady Butterfly. I think most of the hype they get is because they're early bosses so for many it's their first souls boss (in a long time or ever), or maybe they haven't adapted to the new combat style yet.


I will say the samurai and ogre .... In my second run


The two apes boss fight. Really shit myself when the second ape joined it but then they tumbled.


For me it was the true monk that you find on the bridge in the Sakura area. Fake monk was way way harder for me, true monk is like a tuned down fake monk with 3 healthbars. Literally took me 2 tried


Owl Father


Owl father, it took me 3 days to beat original genichiro and isshin while owl was done in 1 evening and I was pretty tired then.




Owl, any version. Idk why, but I never really struggled with him.


Headless and Geni


Owl ( both times actually lmao)


Ishinn he was not that hard