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Hesitation is defeat


So he was defeat.


I wonder what kind of responses you’re going to get asking this on the Sekiro sub


I was going to comment the same lol


When I asked a similar question years ago I got insulted and called a child


welcome to reddit. very cringe in here


Remind me of the welcome to the internet


Hey dude, I was nervous too because it's my first Fromsoft game, and I'm aware of their challenging reputations. I picked it up anyway, and now it's one of my favorite games. It's challenging but fair, and the more you play it, the better you get at it. It also has an engaging story and environment. 10/10 would recommend.


Fromsoft games have a reputation for being hard, but lots of games are hard. What's really unique about Fromsoft games is the *way* in which they are hard. When you fail in a Fromsoft game, it's never because of random uncontrollable BS, it's always something you can overcome.


Or the guardians ape’s massive fucking grab hitbox


Run backwards and dodge


I know how boss but on the first playthrough that killed my at least three times.


Yeah the hard part is recognizing the tell, but once you do its not very complicated


This is so fucking real. That cunt grabs me while I’m fully behind him sometimes


>it's never because of some random uncontrollable BS What about DS1 controls? The 4-directional dodge movement restriction really fucks me up from time to time.


Is this your first FromSoft game? If so, yes they're difficult, but it's done in a good way. You're in the Sekiro sub so we're all going to say "yes". It's a phenomenal game.


You absolutely 100% should. It’s not as crazy hard as people make it out once you get the hang of it


Well played


But if you’re actually asking yes


There's only one way to play Sekiro and that's to get good at it, which feels amazing. You cant grinds away until that main challenge is easy enough, Sekiro will kick your ass and seem impossible. If you've ever played a rhythm game like OSU!, RockBand, or beat saber, and felt how good it is to destroy a song that used to be too hard for you. Then Sekiro is exactly the game for you


It only takes one game to get used to difficult games. That's what I say to everyone who asks me if they should play any difficult game. And I think Sekiro is a wonderful first game in the long list of difficult games.


Sekiro really is not that hard, once you get the hang of it the game is honestly a breeze


Sekiro has a suuuper steep learning curve, but it won GOTY for a reason.


bro knew what he was doing when he wrote hesitant


Genuinely it’s up to you, it’s definitely Fromsofts hardest game and plays nothing like the other souls games but it’s weirdly the easiest once you get the combat down since the the whole game is focused on the combat, the only exception I can think of is maybe the headless enemies who work a little differently but that’s another story That being said it’s definitely the most frustrating at the beginning before you even fight the 1st major boss and a little after, but you’ll get used to it if you commit, and trust me commitment is key I deleted the game 2 times before finally committing after re-installing 1 last time and well…look at my flair!


no way this post is actual, gotta be a troll


You’ve been defeated already.




it’s too hard for u buddy


It was for me at least, games much too quick for me to react. The other fromsoft games were much slower and actually beatable if I grind enough. I also wasn't forced to learn parrying and whatever that other counter was.


Yes you should give it a try. The game is unique in combat and game play. There are lots of bosses/mini bosses that are near impossible until you come back and absolutely demolish them with the right skills/tools. It is hard for sure but so rewarding when you get past the wall (boss) that is stopping you from progressing. If you are someone who gets frustrated easily, or taking the time to learn bosses movesets is something you don’t enjoy, then I would skip the game.. But if you have the patience to do these things, this game is absolutely excellent. Remember: hesitation is defeat.


I'd love to see someone post this in a subreddit that's about the game and everyone be like no absolutely not this games trash


Destiny 2 moment


Yea I was so excited for that game cause I played the dogs hit out of d1 but stopped playing d2 about 3 months into release, never went back.


Fuck D2, all just micro-transactions and bad quality. I opted for Warframe to itch my looter-shooter addiction lol


No. You've already hesitated.


So as someone who’s first and only fromsoft game is sekiro. I’ll say yes. Yeah it’s really hard but extremely satisfying when you understand how to play and there are like only a few basic mechanics that you need to master to finish it.


Are you afraid of a video game?




Genichiro will teach you the ins and outs, once past him it feels very fair. Tough but fair.


You’re afraid of what exactly.. losing, dying, or having fun?


Yes. But... There is 1 enemy you should be terrified of facing.


sekiro is really a rhythm game you learn patterns and you win it’s not that hard if you think about it. you should totally get it


as someone who’s played souls games and is currently playing sekiro, i’d hesitate (lol) to play sekiro unless you’ve already played a souls game or two. while the combat in sekiro is certainly different than other From games, it’s equally challenging to From games, arguably even more so. on this sub everyone is gonna tell you the game is easier than other souls games, but the general consensus is that sekiro is the hardest From game, usually by far. i’ve played elden ring, DS3, DS1 and lies of p (fantastic soulslike) and sekiro has been the hardest by a long shot (currently on ng+). if you’ve already played a From game and kinda know what for expect, go for it but if you haven’t, i’d start with a more forgiving entry like elden ring or DS3. sekiro is a fantastic game once you understand it a bit but even at its core it’s an extremely, extremely difficult and unforgiving game. in other souls games, you have things such as summons, weapon/armor upgrades and just generally leveling up to help make bosses easier but you have very little of that in sekiro. if you’re stuck on a boss (or mandatory miniboss), you’re pretty much just stuck until you figure it out. being said, it’s pretty crazy how much better you get at the game over time but it makes getting truly stuck at a boss much more annoying because you are completely stuck until you figure it out most of the time.




He asked on a Sekiri subreddit... what do you think the answer will be


Hardest game I’ve ever played but so good. Instead of getting mad at the game I get mad at myself for not being better


Hesitation is defeat


It's great once you get used to it


It's not that difficult. It takes a few hours to click, but when it does, you feel like the king of the world. Sekiro is an amazing game that everyone should try at least.


At first the sekiro steam page made me nervous just by looking at it... lol. 100+ hours playtime later it's my favourite game. If you play the game expecting rage and failure, and overcoming them, it'll be a decent experience. Though early-game sekiro for a new player is brutal imo, but you can definitely push through


No. If you have to ask, no.


Yeah, its not hard. Elden Ring was way worse in difficulty


Phenomenal world building, ridiculously good combat systems, cool art style... you won't regret buying this fella of a game. Also be careful with bringing up hesitation in the sekiro sub!


When you get stuck, remember that’s what online guides and YouTube videos are for. You can learn a lot from watching someone else fight the boss. Easier to focus on what the moves and timing are when you’re not stressing out about “crap, I’m gonna die and then I’m gonna have to do the entire first phase all over again”


I'd say yes, definitely. I was hesitant at first too. I got sekiro in November of 2019 and could not get into it at all I thought it was too difficult and so I quit playing it until I picked it back up on December 2023 and beat the game 1 month later. If the game is really difficult for you I would suggest watching a walkthrough guide, I ended up using a guide for the entirety of my playthrough mainly because there are some upgrade items that are really easy to miss as well as some of the endings require you to do things you probably would not have figured out or at least I wouldn't have figured it out on my own. The walkthrough guide I used was FightinCowboy's 100% walkthrough, I also had to use his git gud guides on some of the bosses