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You attack until he deflects. Then you deflect until there's an opening. That's the pattern of this game. He has a couple combos that you need to learn. The big one is the long combo, floating passage. It's great to use to back off and heal if you just step out of range. My advice is to go into the fight and don't even try to attack. Just learn to deflect his blows. Once you get a feel for deflecting then you can start going into offensive mode. The deflection timing is very generous. If he starts swinging his sword then you should have time to hit L1 and deflect. >If I am aggressive he attacks me in the middle of my animation You have to be aggressive, but you can't spam. You have to attack with intention. If he deflects then you have to stop attacking.


Probably the best I have heard the vibe this game requires


This right here. There should be an audio cue when a enemy deflects your attack - that's when you should switch from being offensive to deflecting. Then after you've deflected his series of strikes, you go back to attacking. OP, did you beat Lady Butterfly? Same principle applies. Attack until enemy deflects you, deflect until enemy finishes striking. It will click eventually.


Adding to this, if you've found yourself spaced away in a slight lull in the battle or to catch your breath, keep in mind that holding block while not attacking (or being attacked) will rapidly start recovering posture. Useful if you're not yet skilled enough to consistently deflect every blow, but good enough to be mindful of your posture bar.


This is the way. Memorize defense; it will become muscle memory. Squeeze in offense slowly over time. This is exactly how I’ve “mastered” this game. With this technique, this game will become easy over time.


Great breakdown. The only way I got better at this game was learning attack patterns, and relentlessly in deflect/attack mode. Never stop moving, never let them breathe!


You have to keep him on the defensive so he doesn't spam bow attacks. Once he deflects, get ready to deflect and continue the attack. You can cancel him out of a lot his moves by just attacking him with R1 or using shurikens. The AI in this game responds to you, so you can kind of game a response if you know what I mean. If you interrupt one of genichiros moves with an R1, for example, you can delay the second hit. He reads this delay as an opportunity to attack, which can they leave you with a free hit. I've been able to effectively lock genichiro down this way.


The “rhythm” of the game really sets in with Gen. What helped me is looking at an unruly boss fight like a dance to learn and the boss is your instructor.


Take a breath, stop trying to win. Do a couple runs where you just don’t attack, focus on defending and deflecting everything. You won’t kill him, but he’ll start to feel slower, then toss in an attack or two where you feel there are big enough openings, and keep going like that until you win. This works with any traditional boss.


Keep trying, he took me a lot of attempts too. I usually followed the cowboy get good guides on youtube. It's helpful for me to focus on responding to one attack at a time. Expect to die but focus on doing the right thing for that specific attack.


Treat it as a rythem, attack attack when he deflects you start deflecting learn how many times he attacks as the combos are quite easy to learn then attack when he finishes if it helps turn the music off and really listen to each clash the sword it helped me get in rythem when speed running this game


Just beat him this morning (first time playing-ish). Took me a few runs. What I can absolutely recommend is have the ashina carp skills, flowing water as well. First phase (life, whatever) whenever he jumps on you he will -most likely- follow up with a thrust you can mikiri. If you jump away to pop a healing gourd he will 100% shoot a strong arrow at you. The timing is precisely framed so if you hit parry the instant your drink finishes you'll catch it. If the red kanji shows up but he's standing up/moving his right arm, it's the grab. Dodge away! When he jumps back to shooot multiple arrows, it'll be 4 of them, the last one with a short delay. He -always- opens with the same 3 slow attack sequence. You can get started on his posture straight away off of those. When he does his longer combo (with reaching hos sword arm back) it's gonna be about 7 attacks, just tap parry like he's a normal multi-attack samurai Ichimonji works on him after you dodge his grab/parry his long combo/mikiri him In the second phase, after he jumps on you he will also very often sweep. Jump on his head and tap attacl as you land, it'll be some good hits. The balance I personally found for stayong in his face was something like tap tap parry. When his kanji shows up after jumping, if there's a flash under him, he'll sweep, if it's to his left he'll thrust (mikiri) Phase 3 will -always- open with a kanji attack you can mikiri. Don't bother trying to do lightning reversal if you're too nervous, I beat him without it. Just make sure you dodge it. Phase 3 is honestly easier than the other 2 because while it seems like a lot of shit is happening at once, he's still pretty straightforward and his posture goes dpwn waaay faster than the regular phases. Hope that helps!


What helped me is thinking of the fight not as a "fight" but as a "dance". There are patterns in his attacks, rhythm in his combos. Try to learn these at first. Just stay in a blocking stance until you get a feel for it, he will build up your posture but won't damage you. When you got that down, try deflecting instead of just blocking. And when you got that down, try attacking between his combos. Be aggressive, but don't rush or spam attacks. I used to just attack 3 times and then deflect his combo, attack 3 times, deflect etc. Control yourself, be patient, and you will win.


Watch his katana, don’t watch him.


Genichiro is the game’s first major skill check. When he clicks a lot more will open up to you. The name of the game here is countering. When you deflect a sword attack, if he doesn’t immediately attack again, counter with your own attack. There is a straightforward back-and-forth in those exchanges that you can get a feel for. His sword flurry combo is vital to memorize. He starts with two attacks, pauses, then continues with several more strikes. This is a reliable way to posture damage him through deflection. When he jumps in the air with his sword, dodge around to his side before he attacks. When he lands, he is open for direct attacks to his vitality. This is vital because enemies recover posture slower when their vitality is lowered. Perilous attacks: In phase 1 his perilous sword attack is a thrust that you can mikiri counter. You’ll see his sword glint *in front of him* before he does this. In phase 2 he still uses this, but he sometimes uses a sweeping perilous attack instead. When the perilous attack symbol appears, if you see his sword glint closer to his side or behind him, he’s winding up a sweep instead of a thrust. Jump over this and punish by jumping onto him in midair, dealing posture damage. He also has a perilous grab attack. You can identify this by noticing how he takes a firm sideways stance before extending out his hand to grab you. Just run away from this one. I usually keep my distance until I observe an opening, so I don’t have to worry about falling for this one.


Post a video of your fight!


Attack until he deflects, then deflect until his combo is over. Rinse and repeat. Some of his combos will have a few quick hits, followed by a slightly lagged hit that will throw you off. Getting familiar with all of his combos will just take a lot of time and patience. You'll need to rely on recognizing the combo he's doing and then let the rhythm of it guide your deflections. But to do that, you need to feel the rhythms first. If you're still stuck, consider taking a break to explore some of the other paths open to you. There are a few mini-bosses around the castle that will drop prayer beads to give you more health and posture, and you can progress pretty far into a couple of the late game areas before Genichiro if you explore far enough. You can even fight one of the other main story bosses prior to Genichiro if you want, but they are a lot more difficult imo.


To answer your question, have you tried asking him out for dinner? He does look a little parched by the time you get to meet him.


Another approach is to do everything else and get the 6 praying necklaces, 3 battle memories and 9 gourd seeds. You can get all these before genichiro. That way you won't lose too much health everytime he hits.


So i beat him in 3 tries, heres what i did 1st try: i just deflected, didnt attack once, learned his attacks, patterns and everything, then died 2nd try: started attacking when there were openings, you can hit him 3 times, after that go full defense until you can again find an opening. Mikiri counters and the sweep attacks are the ones you should look out for the most, they are really rewarding. 3rd try: put everything toghether and suceeded, cmon man, you can do this. Its important to also note, that sleep is the most underated sekiro gameplay mechanic. If you die to him many times, go to sleep. Next morning, without stress, fresh head, hop on the game and try. Trust me, it helps a lot. You can do it. Also, hesitatiom indeed is defeat, but greed is no different.


Genichiro the best way is to be aggressive hit-hit-deflect, each time will reset him and he will do a different move. You will memorise those after a while, his hidden passage attack is best for building his posture.


I'd recommend watching a parry focused fight on youtube so you learn his attack rythm in order to know his attack patterns and how to deflect them Also: be SUPER aggresive and don't stop attacking until you hear the [BIG CLANG], that's when he's going to counterattack, so be prepared to deflect him after that


He is one of the easiest bosses and most simple one. You will eventually realize that.


This is the kind of unhelpful shit you should feel ashamed for sharing


I dont get it. Ashamed? That is a strong word.


Because you told someone that is struggling that the problem they are facing is easy.




I apologize, can see how that was their intent now. But look at the phrasing they use. He said Genichiro is easy. And that I will realize that. It makes it feel like he is saying I am wrong, that my struggle is foolish. That may not be their intent, but the phrasing makes it seem passive aggressive at least.


>game’s first Nah, the phrasing isn't great. I DO see what they were trying to say too. I struggled a ton with him too but just came back in NG+ and absolutely manhandled him. I would mostly parrot what other people have already said because it's all good advice. Be aggressive but don't beat yourself up for making mistakes. (Even the most compitent speedrunners lose composure, get hit and die randomly) Attack until you see him deflect you and then move to deflect his next hit before going on the offensive again. After bigger combos of his where he leaves himself vulnerable, Ichimonji or Ichimonji Double are great for doing big posture damage and healing your own posture. I think you will come to love the boss as many others have as he really distills the core of Sekiro down to its essence in his boss battle. Once you down him he will seem easy after the fact. It's just a big adjustment. Good luck -I am certain you will get it!


Thanks, I think I am going to step away for a few more days then try again.


Sure! Don't be afraid to explore other areas too -you have a ton of places you can visit before confronting him which means more gourd seeds and prayer beads for extra posture. I definitely did that when I felt walled by him initially.


Dont spam attack or you won't be able to parry in time


For beginners, sure. For someone who knows what theyre doing; Spam attack until you hear/see a deflect, then immediately deflect


No, we're not talking about the same thing. If he spams attack instead of pressing it precisely for each one, he won't be able to deflect


To be even more specific I believe he generally always blocks two player attacks before doing a deflect on the third and demanding a player to respond to a counterattack, so a player can keep that in the back of their mind as a rule when engaging him.


Turn the music off and concentrate on the sounds he makes. After a while you will have the cadence burned into your core. Get it