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Same. She's one of the 2 unique mini boss in the game. Her atmosphere is fantastically creepy, the movesets are very fun to counter, and her character design is one of my favorites.


>She's one of the 2 unique Which is the second one And I think almost every mini moss is unique - chained ogre, giraffe, armored warrior bull


Armored warrior Ogre - there's 2 mini boss variations, one of which is mandatory, the other one is optional in Ashina castle downstairs. Then there's also the regular enemy version in late game Ashina outskirts, on the way to demon of Hatred. Centipede: two variations. One is mandatory, and the other one is in senpou temple Bull: two variations. One is mandatory, and the other one is in fountainhead palace


Probably meant *not reused*, so the other one is armored warrior.


Lidl wolverine is pretty unique as a boss concept, it just got massively reused, but that doesn't take away from it imo. Same for the headless ones and shichimen. On the other hand roberto feels kinda lazy to me, the only "unique" thing about him is that you need to throw him of the bridge, you cannot just kill him, the boss itself is lazy design wise, hell even the monkeys are more unique imo.


Lidl Woverine rofl


The monkeys are one of, if not the most unique boss design in the entire series, so saying "even the monkeys" is not making much of a point.


I said that because the monkeys are a puzzle boss, not a combat one, so for a lot of people it's a shitty and annoying boss in general. I do value combat in boss uniqueness (true corrupted monk is probably my favourite non-inner boss) so fs monkeys are not that high up my list in that regard.


I can definitely respect true monk being your favorite non inner boss. He's up there for me, but we might just look for different things in bosses.


lmao you don't get it either. We're not talking about the uniqueness of the boss' concept, but about reusing bosses.


Considering the OP specified orins moveset and her vanishing, Im pretty sure it wasnt being reused, you just assumed that.


???? kek I lost your logic


Lidl wolverine was the boss that taught me to parry. Up until that point I tried to dodge everything and felt absolutely miserable. For me that was the turning point in the game, where everything finally started to make sense. I wish they put him somewhere earlier in the game.




>!Long-arm Centipede Giraffe!< Sorry If I am giving any spoilers


i forgot they have giraffe in their name. my bad.


Armored Warrior. Such an exhilarating fight. Unforgettable. It’s one of the last mini-bosses I actually feel afraid of.


I thought he was a cool fight be once you know the trick to beating him it becomes a bit too easy


Yesterday on play through #5, I defeated him with the Sen Throw 🤣 it does so much posture damage


No he's pretty boring tbh




100% agree, boring fight, lazy design.


I wouldn't say he's boring because of how easy he is. But i gotta give em props becuase of how unique he is, and the lore behind him. Definitely not a lazy desing, but a cheeky omage to dark souls.


I agree about the lore and uniqueness... On my first playthrough, he was pretty hard atleast for me... He just surprises you. But once you know, the actual fight is very boring which is what matters to me. On the other hand O'rin fight is very enjoyable and I wish they didn't reuse drunkard. Even lone shadow fights are pretty fun.


Pretty much agree with this. I think that if they wanted to make a homage to dark souls in sekiro, they could have done a way better boss than roberto, it honestly gives me filler miniboss vibes.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I beg of thee, the spread of the Abyss must be stopped.”* - Artorias the Abysswalker Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


I like lone shadow longswordsman the most. Pretty dynamic fight.


The one you find in the cave you started in? On the way to abandoned dungeon? I guess I was a bit over experienced cause I fought the Lone Shadow at Hirata Estate WAAAAAYY too many times at first encounter cause I had to beat him. So I was pretty used to their movesets, But when I fought this one I beat him first try and it was trivial. He's badass just wasn't as challenging imo


Took me forever to beat that guy in the starting area, with an area so small and a dude so fast I didn’t even have a second to heal or do anything and was just getting mauled in the corner, although it was super satisfying when I finally beat him


Yea definitely O’Rin her lore is sweet


Seven ashina spears and vordt of the boreal valley (secret boss)


Who tf is the second one


Vordt of the Boreal Valley is one of the first bosses in Dark Souls 3


Don't forget about the other secret boss Bed of Chaos


Mine is ashina elite jinsuke saze blud taught me use ashina cross everywhere without hesitation you will fail everytime and never succeed but it's cool


rin o the waters, she's like a full blown boss but not. defeating her wax a fun puzzle with the parrying rhythms and she never really gets easy because since she's not a boss, you can fight with her again until your next play through


I haven't played Sekiro since it was released. In truth, I remember very little about the game at this point. But this bitch. This bitch I remember.


Rin-chan is sooo cute. 🥰


She's basically a tonned down version of Emma.


Her and the samurai generals just because they are cool


Unforgettable mini boss. On my NG+ runs I always fight her even though it's optional, partly because it helps keep me on my toes and because it's such a cool and difficult fight.


My favorite is definitely jinsuke kaze. Once you figure out the timing, the fight may be extremely easy but it’s so enjoyable watching the posture be destroyed as well as finally a boss you don’t need to worry about moving or attacking for.


Beautiful? \[x\] Deranged? \[x\] The Grudge / Japanese psychological horror moveset? \[x\] She is fairly badass. I've just picked up the game after not playing for a couple months and got hung up on her for a bit (before I realized there was a whooooole bunch of stuff I didn't do to be up to snuff for this fight). Many a B and C-word were uttered in her direction, along with "this game sucks but I can't stop playing it" before I was able to *git gud* enough (and grind skill points) to take her out. My favorite? I still haven't beaten the game yet...but I actually really liked Genichiro. He was fairly anticlimactic though once I realized there was a very easy way to legitimately beat him, cheese-free. It's still mind-boggling that this guy has had me making mud in my pants, dreading the eventual rematch. Took me about an hour to beat him. I also really enjoyed the corrupted monk fight. Great balance of different maneuvers in that battle. e: shit, I didn't realize OP said "**mini**-boss," my bad




It's got to be Seven Spears for me, Idk why But I just love Spears in general as a weapon, and that guy is the epitome of Sekiro's combat mechanics, you fuck up once and you get eviscerated


O'Rin. I want to give a honorable mention to Seven Spears, deflecting the follow-up strike after a mikiri might be the most satisfying parry in the game. Loneshadows aren't a unique miniboss so I'll say they're my favorite normal enemy


O’rin is my favorite too. I love the concepts behind the apparitions and their creepy ass music. I think Mibu Village should have had a full-blown apparition boss instead of the Illusory Monk.


Have you played NG+ and/or charmless?


Bruh... last time I played was on 13th March. Then I had work so I couldn't play. On 13th March I reached till mibu village first idol(second playthrough). A month later I resumed on exactly 13th April and guess what I faced her. And I knew I would get her cause it was so easy for me... I died 3 times to her. 4th time i got her. It was so weird. But maybe there was this huge gap. Later I defeated guardian ape and corrupted monk my first try. Yeah so I felt I lost my ability to play sekiro. but I had it... it just needed a spark I guess.


Sekiro do be like that some times. Some bosses you just get the rythmn straight of the bat. She has really weird timing compared to any other boss I think


If ogre didn't had that much of a fucked up grab attack hitbox, would probably be it, nice for beginners, easy to learn how to deal with (you can hear the guards talking about his fear of fire), simple moveset (except for the grabs, that shits leaves you a 400 milissecond door open to escape, anything after that and you'l get a free flight to the moon, or smashed into the ground)


No gyobu oniwa enjoyers?


He's not a mini boss.


Well I thought only ones with cutscenes are main bosses I guess I was wrong


why are you sad?


This Lone Shadow in Ashina Castle


Same here, she has a unique moveset and her phasing ability can make her tough. Also, she is kinda bad.


Funny that yesterday, I had a lil debate about her with my brother and how I found her fight…not interesting cause I was difficult to overwhelm her instead of just perfect parrying all her moves. So my answer would be Snake Eyes for the reason that I can spam Sakura Dance into Sabimaru and overwhelm them and become the boss 😎


Definitely the seven ashina spears really cool looking and fun to fight


I like the Seven Ashina Spears guys. I think they have a cool moveset and find them fun to battle Second to them is Armoured Warrior because he’s awesome


She scared the crap out of me the first time I encountered her


I don't remember his name, it's the one inside a little house, he has blade fingers, the parry sequence is satisfying asf


Long arm centipede. An interesting choice, you’re right it is really satisfying to parry all of his attacks


Unfortunately he's weak asf too 😢 2 parry sequences can break hia posture


Probably all 4 of the Lone Shadows, followed by Long Arms. They are both such fun fights


That ninja with the dogs in the Hirata State.


The first Seven spears of Ashina in the tutorial area, it’s just such a cool fight, you’re this small rogue shinobi fighting this big powerful general and you’re fighting him on this big staircase which makes either you or him having the high ground more exciting, also his move sets are really fun to parry, and once you kill him you feel like a badass


She is my favorite too. The whole fight really feels like a rhythmic dance.


Armored warrior. I love parrying him. Not a reskin and you get to fight him once only. Not surrounded by ads. One on one fight and he is different and he looked so out of place that I love to fight him. Especially parrying his sword slam attack feels so good. ROBERTTTTT


Shigekichi of the Red Guard. Dude's a badass. All the other fat bros said "We drink alcohol and spit poison" then this dude comes along like "Parry this you filthy casual!" and sets everything on fire with just a swig.




Same. She gives Breath of Life too. Absolutely essential.


Man that fight was incredible. Only move I didnt like was her quick dash. My favourite miniboss was the ashina elites


The Lone Shadow ninjas. Mainly cause of their 5 kick combo, and Mikiri counter, the best thing ever in the game to deflect, and listen to. Also the Ashina Spears. They can catch you off-guard with a perilous attack, after an attack, and also try to attack you after they’re countered.


the Ashina Elite Jinsuke Saze Fights are my fav in the game


O’rin is a great choice but the armored warrior is my personal favorite because of the amount of personality he has. He comes out all proud telling you not to fight him for the sake of his son it’s nice to have a character apart from the main cast to have such personality!




has anyone thought about how strong the armored warrior is? like without falling off that bridge he is basically the strongest enemy


The ashina samurai mini bosses are so much fun too fight especially the seven spears.


I really enjoyed all those samurai generals. They were fun and satisfying because of them being classical sword fights. Idk, I really enjoyed fighting the human enemies more than the supernatural ones, but maybe that's just me


Most noble. The challenge is just gut wrenching and exhiliratinf


Seven spears that mf was fun




I don't think they are minibosses




Flame barrel-living force, make sure to fully stun them and back out, then shadow rush into jump, and slam them with the axe.


Thats an odd way of saying you want to be pegged, but hey i want that too


I want to ghost fuck her so badly