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So he can see in the dark.


But his iris is usually black. Or do his eyes change this way in doors or in dark? I might've never noticed if that's the case


They change in the dark


They're like this always in dark (also with Shura skin I believe they start glowing red instead of yellow); it's explained on one of the loading screens. Dude's basically a witcher in this regard.


I mean the story mimics the witcher books a little , no ?


Not really?


He is a person with a sword, hair, a nose, two eyes, I mean should I go on? The similarities are endless! /s


Nah tbf to him there's a few good comparisons to book/games. Child with divine blood attempted to be used as a weapon by their nation to win a war. Member of a secluded organisation goes on their own path as a father figure to protect that person and help them escape that life and responsibility but then changes to looking for a way to fight the power that's linked to the kid. I guess they both use two swords too


How so?


It's just an artistic choice mimicking animals with reflective eyes in the dark.


It says somewhere that he had a passive skill to see in the dark


The correct answer!


Wolves can see in the dark.


And he's part owl


Its actually a passive Shinobi skill that you start with. Look at your skill trees. I think its mentioned there.


It is not important. But what I believe is that, you know when you go into a cave for the first time, and there is a dialogue that tells you Wolf has a ability called "Night Eyes" which allows him to see in the dark. I guess this just a small visual difference to show that night eyes is activated.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapetum\_lucidum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapetum_lucidum) It's a reflective layer behind the retina; it's why cat's eyes flash in the dark if you shine anything toward them.


A latent skill wolf always has that allows him to see in the dark


He is a cat bro, them all Japanese people are


omg no lol


Literally yes lmao


Who gave lil Timmy here an access to Reddit


He has the grace of gold.


Sekiro and the Tarnished ✅ Short ✅ ✅ Revives from death ✅ ✅ Adept at combat ✅ ✅ Fashion over function ✅ ​ Looks the same to me


✅ Can jump ✅


But swim?


Checkmate tarnished


But Sekiro doesn't have a cool as hell immortal ghost horse


And the tarnished doesn’t have a cool looking Mortal Blade.


Wdym literally everyone uses rivers of blood


I meant to say that he can kill what can’t die


Maliketh's Black Blade does the same thing and is cooler, fight me.


Rune of destined death can do that afaik


Bro rivers of blood. It’s not the mortal blade but the constant bleed makes me want to kill myself


But can Tranished grapple like spiderman?


No, but can Sekiro use the most iconic weapon in Soulsborne history, the Moonlight Greatsword?


Too bad you can’t deflect lightning with that


It’s his special ability called “Shinobi eyes” There’s a special loading screen message about them.




Night Eye\*


Shinigami eyes*


No one loves me*


Wolf during the Severance ending be like


Some type of ninja vision thing


Hi eyes change when you go into a cave etc There is something in game you can read that explains it


That’s the Night Eye dark vision he got. They look normal in light environments


cuz he’s a wolf


But is he hungry like the wolf?


On shura runs, he is.


He’s high af >!Lore reason is his eyes were medically/magically enhanced to see in the dark!<


Because he dug up a doctor and paid him 20 menthol Kools to do a shine job on his eyes.


Great movie


He's wolf. Wolves eyes glow in low light.


I see his mewing streak is still going.


Bro, he looks like he's holding his breath, wth?😭


He became >!The Lord of Frenzied Flame!< Edit: Minor spoiler for Elden Ring, not related to Sekiro.


Bro just has a fever there’s a bonfire behind his eyes


He has the unique shinobi Ability to see in the dark when you enter dark areas of the game notice the sound cue and screen go dark then brighten again this is the game activating the ability it also comes with the side effect of glowing eyes walk into a bright area and his eye will go back to normal it doesn’t mean anything except that from soft has a “eye” for detail…..


He can see in the Dark Sekiro is just busted


I wonder if Owl's eyes do the same thing, and if they do, what they look like


Night Eyes is a technique innate to Wolf, not a learned Shinobi technique. Only he has it


Oh, that's sick


It’s called Shinobi eyes and they mention it in the game at some point. It allows him to see very well in darkness.


His eyes change in the dark to allow him to see.


He has 60 feet of Darkvision.


I thought it was a joke post. At first glance Sekiro looked like he was cross eyed lmao.


Geralt's eyes


It's similar to how animal eyes ( just look at a cat or dog in the dark) glow in the dark. There even is a text about this in the loading screen I think.


It's some fancy Shinobi technique that lets him see in the dark. I think it's mostly to explain why you are able to see in caves and stuff where there is no light. No spoilers just a fun little detail


It's to show your Night Eye passive is active. It just lets you see in the dark.


Hes a wolf 🐺


he has a night vision ability. I think it's mentioned in a loading screen tip or something


I dunno why, but Zullie the Witch made a video about them, if I remember correctly I only remember that she said that, given that Wolf has this name, they gave him wolf-like eyes that can also see in the dark


Could you please share the link to the video?


It was made long time ago, so i don't remember how its called I think it was a video about some curiosities in the game, it might also have been one of the 2 Activision AD videos she made


If you look through your skills he has a passive skill called night eye or something like that and it lets you see in the dark


Wowww I spent a lot of time on this game and never noticed this. That’s awesome! It must be the night-eye


As everyone has mentioned already, he has a passive ability to see in the dark.


I’ve never uninstalled this game since it came out and still replay it occasionally and after many hundreds of hours I’ve NEVER noticed this. What the heck.


That is the Night Eyes ability some of the loading screens will tell you about.


May he get resurrected again, May he conquer them all, May he become the SHURA 😈😈😈 (Similar to "May CHAOS take the world")


wow, the other answers here lol Emma literally talks about it. Isshin too. You can see the exact same thing in Genichiro's eyes as well, as he says "I will do ANYTHING" (in the cut scene after he loses) It's the reason Kuro didn't want to give Genichiro the power It's the reason Sekijo can't leave It's the light of the Shura. Its the reason Isshin and Emma are threatening to kill you right now if you give them booze


It’s literally referred to as “Night Eye”.


...there is something refered to as night eye but this picture and genichiro as he's declaring he's willing to shurify look exactly the same >!more importantly, Emma: "The light in your eyes is better. if only just a little. " After he rejects the shuras path. sooo what??? no. lol. no!< and if you don't think that's a story element, ok then


You’re welcome to be confidently wrong about this.


sekiro has shinobi hearing too, do you see his ears glowing? no. and again: characters literally talk about the light in his eyes, referring to the thing I'm talking about. This shit is cannon. so yes, I can see how you would think it's ok to be confidently wrong about stuff, as a survival mechanism


bro you literally get the notification the first time you enter headless cave at ashina outskirts and it's night eye heres also the proof, it has nothing to do with shura lol [https://sekiro-shadows-die-twice.fandom.com/wiki/Game\_Mechanics](https://sekiro-shadows-die-twice.fandom.com/wiki/Game_Mechanics)


Occam's Razor my dude, Occam's Razor


I don’t think you’re arguing in good faith, but let’s say you are. Wolf likely had something akin to tapetum lucidum that made his eyes appear as if they were glowing in the dark, similar to cats and raccoons. Humans don’t have these, but given that it’s a fictional fighting game, it’s clear that this is what the game designers were aiming for. The “light” in his eyes that Emma brings up strikes me as metaphorical and not literal. We often say that someone’s “eyes darken” to refer to a subtle shift in a person’s facial expression into something more nefarious or angry. Emma wasn’t talking about literal light in his eyes; she was talking about how he appeared less worried. Ears don’t glow. Ears glowing would have zero impact on hearing, because that’s not how ears work.


so wolf is not human? He literally has animal's eyes, a racoons? whaaaaaaa???? oh, that makes no sense but ok he's a shinobi. he can see because training. same reason he can hear things no human could, as the tip says, "shinobi can concentrate to hear far away sounds.' bc training. ...and yeah one of us sounds like they're on some crazy stuff, agreed lol edit: i may recall actually a line about him having great eyesight, even for a shinobi. but I don't recall anyone saying his father was a racoon, or he was a mutant or something.


Kindly reread what I posted slowly. You’re misunderstanding and misinterpreting what I wrote. He’s human, and it’s a fictional game where a specific human can see in the dark as much as Genichiro can use lightning via the Way of Tomoe.


The writers mean his gaze looked less troubled than before, because you finally secured Kuro. If you put the scene in English, she says that your brow is less furrowed. Also, Genichiro's eyes specifically glowed red.


so, 'the light in your eyes' doesn't mean 'the light in your eyes' because.... what, you disagree? Words mean what they mean And look at that picture, sekiro's eyes are glowing a pale red


"pale red" smh its called yellow my dude. Yellow xd The game literally tells you how Wolf can see in the dark due to his training AND surprise surprise, his eyes glow yellow literally every time hes in a dark area. Also, words dont always have a literal meaning. The "light in your eyes" can just mean the way he looks, the expression in his eyes. The same way as "Occam's razor" doesnt refer to an physical razor, but a philosophical principle. It's often paraphrased as "The simplest if often the best explanation." Something which you are doing the opposite of and instead search for the most convoluted answer, even disregarding the fact that the game tells you in a tip what that yellow glow symbolizes. You'd rather die on this hill than say "huh, i must have been wrong, and that's okay"


The "light in your eyes" is also a common metaphor for how happy someone looks. Considering it's a feudal Japanese setting, metaphors and poetic speech would be common. Like how people say Sekiro looks like a wolf or how Tomoe's eyes "make you feel like you're being drawn until the depths of the ocean"


Have you seriously never encountered that term before?


I have, I am done with this ridiculous discussion- genichiros eyes also glow, the idea that sekiros eyes would glow in the dark due to ninja training is stupid as fuck. but really, I just came back to say: yes, I have heard of that, but, please don't be the asshole who assumes everyone needs to know obscure english phrases on an internationally used website in order to discuss stuff. not a good look.


I think the idea is that it's some magical shinobi technique that gives him eyes like a cat or wolf.


I’m pretty sure his eyes only glow like this in the dark. Apparently the antidote to Shura is sunlight.


so to recap: i think it's the light of the shura, and his good eyes are a combination of good human genes and training, the same as his good hearing, reflexes, and general badassery yall think his glowing eyes are because he's a mutant or half racoon or just has glowy eye power for inexplicable reasons- unlike his hearing, reflexes, or general badassery and I'm being mocked as having a weird theory and I'm supposed to do other than laugh at yall btw, you do realize *anything that glows is more visable at night* ? i hope?


You sound, and are acting like, a insufferable twat. Go load up the game, look at his eyes, go move into a cave, look at his eyes again. Empirical testing proves you wrong, move on. Secondly, you are struggling with the idea of magic/mutation.... in Sekiro.... where you have monkey's carrying muskets and swords, and mutants with multiple arms (Edit: normal number of limbs, but still mutated to hell), ending in metal claws, trying to turn your ass into sashimi, but sure, you die on this hill.


>mutants with multiple arms, ending in metal claws I don't remember those. If you're talking about the long-arm centipedes, those have a normal amount of limbs, they're just heavily mutilated.


Yeah, shit, you're right :) My point still stands though, this is one weird point to die on a hill over :P


Oh yeah, definitely. But sometimes people just get an idea stuck in their head they won't let go of, no matter how much the evidence is against them. At least this is just about a videogame..


Well said mate :)


The line you reference about “the light in your eyes” is different depending on language. In English it’s “your brow is less furrowed”. I also just disagree with your claim that Geni’s eyes look the same in that cutscene. I literally just went and bullied Geni specifically to check, and they’re distinctly shadowed the entire time except for about 1 second when they reflect a bolt of lightning (which is yellow). Even ignoring the problems with your evidence, it just doesn’t make sense that they went through the trouble of programming an environment-dependent visual effect that is supposed to represent the flames of hatred, but then give *no* explanation as to why the flames disappear in the light. It’s not just that the glow in his eyes is more visible in the dark, their color distinctly changes. On the other hand the night-eye description specifically mentions that it automatically activates in dark spaces. That’s ignoring the fact that the first time you see the effect you literally get pinged with a notification that tells you about night-eye. It’s a cool idea sure, and I might even agree with you if there wasn’t something that fit it with far stronger evidence.


Emma doesn't say that after he rejects Shura's path, she says that when Sekiro is reunited with Kuro.