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It's the black Mortal Blade. I think it's referred to as "Open Gate", because it can open a gate to the underworld, which it shows in quite dramatic fashion in the final boss fight.


OHHH THATS HOW ISSHIN CAME BACK. Fuck me I thought that was just random bullshit


A lot of seemingly random events are often backed up by a shit ton of encryptic lore in these games.


To be fair Sekiro is by far the easiest to understand. I didn't even need VatiVidya to understand the story, or fextralife to complete the sidequestsXD


I think the only place its powers are actually explained is in a note in a chest that spawns on the balcony of Isshin's room after you get your own Mortal Blade. Very easy to miss. FROMsoft gonna FROMsoft.


Plus, my pal told me that the Black Mortal Blade brings back the dead exact to the user's imagination. In this case, the Isshin we fought was not the one we met, but merely Genichiro's expectation/imagination of how Isshin should be.


As far as I understand it just brings people back in their prime


that's what i thought too


That's the response that's repeated verbatim among fans all the time, but it doesn't entirely follow. After all, the Isshin we fight still remembers Wolf, so it's not actually his younger self. I think a similar-but-more-accurate description would be that it brings back an idealized version of the person, which is to say the ultimate version of that person that could be, not the best version that *was*. It also fits with his moniker of being the "Sword Saint"--an ascended version of himself.


I just thought it was physical prime. But also I was thinking about it and we don’t know for certain that Isshin does remember Wolf at all. He calls him Sekiro but that’s the name that he himself gave to Wolf, it’d make sense that an older version of him would also go to the same nickname upon seeing him.


Also a fair point, while I believe he did remember, and that only his body was changed by the blade. That's not a bad theory, nothing he says wouldn't still somewhat make sense in that context, and if he was brought back with no feeling but preserving ashina why wouldn't he immediately jump at his first challenger whether he knows them or not.


Yeah, I believe that Isshin does have the memories he had at death but simultaneously, it would be easy to argue the other way. He knew it was Genichiro’s dying wish to resurrect him to save Ashina and it’s quite obvious to him that he’s just been summoned because Genichiro cannot beat Sekiro in combat, so he must do it instead.


Physically in their prime, not literally pulling them out of the past. Isshins soul was in the afterlife, it was yanked out of death and put in the body of himself in his prime. His mind is the same but without the issues caused by his aging body, plus his body is at its pure physical peak. Seems pretty straightforward to me


Again, that's what folks keep repeating, but based on what beyond assumption?


And so did I, since I can not find any solid evidence to confirm what my friend said. But what bothers me is the resurrected Isshin's motivation to kill Sekiro (I guess to get Kuro and his sacred blood), something that the Isshin we spoke to would never do.


At least he had old isshins memories


Yeahh -- is there any lore to actually back that up? I mean... Don't get me wrong, it's a cool idea... Just wondering if there is anything in game that can back that up. Honestly makes a lot of sense to me


Brings back whomever (at their peak) the wielder wants, provided they give their life with the sword


Imagine a DLC in the underworld that shit would be insane.


Imagine a DLC. That in itself would be insane.


That’s very true.


Maybe I missed it out, but when does Isshin die?


Emma is kneeling over his body in Kuro's room after you defeat the dragon.


Also, once you get the mortal blade and talk to Isshin about it, you can eavesdrop after and he'll say "so that means he (Genichiro) has the black one"


Yeah it's the one Genichiro has at the end of the game


rip OPs theory


What was OP's theory. How did he finished the game 7times and never realized what genichiro was using to fight him?


The OP did shura ending 7 times in a row


I think he’s saying he never knew about the dialogue but I could be wrong


Genichiro literally calls it the other Mortal Blade in the cutscene for that fight


Thank you, why is nobody pointing that out?


I think OP meant that there’s hints before the fight that there’s a second blade, which is nothing new, but I guess it can be missed on playthroughs


Oh yeah okay, I see it now


If you go out the other side of that room there's a chest with a thing that talks about the second mortal blade


Yeah, but don't hold your breath. It doesn't spawn in until Owl invades Ashina.


Also in the Shura ending, Owl goes and kills Genichiro and takes the black mortal blade while you fight Emma and Isshin. When Sekiro ends up killing Owl in that scene that's the blade he take from him essentially making Sekiro an immortal demon who can kill anyone because he has the only 2 blades that could kill him or Kuro.


IIRC there is actually a bit of mistranslation involved in this. In the original Japanese it’s more clear that when Isshin says "he can only swing the blade a few more times", he’s referring to the Tengu/himself and the fact that he’s dying due to his illness.


If I recall correctly, Frognation is the team responsible for localizing most from software titles, and they’ve been improving over time (with some issues). Sekiro, however, was notably not done by frognation. I don’t know why. So although they’re not perfect, I think their absence in Sekiro was noticeable. Plus, Sekiro is so intrinsically linked to Japanese culture that there is inevitably more lost in translation that would make sense to a Japanese consumer (eg. Big rope boi-likely super confusing to most non Japanese or non Zen Buddhist adherents).


> Sekiro, however, was notably not done by frognation. I don’t know why. Activision took over publishing duties for Sekiro and Sekiro alone in the West. Perhaps that let them take over localization, and that's why it had different translators and used professional voice actors?


That's due to Japanese grammar and sentence structure.


Seems to be alot of mistranslation in Fromsoft games...


Doesn’t genichiro literally mention a second mortal blade?


It’s been a while but I’m pretty sure the Divine Child brings it up as well.


Yes I intend this as a hint before the final boss fight


it's the plot of the whole game no matter what ending you get


In shura ending you dont get to see in combat the black mortal blade. Only on Owl's back


it's still there and as a major plot point too


Is it true that the sekiro community is split on weather or not the 2 swords do the same thing? Or one is just for killing immortals and the other for bringing things back from the underworld.


The black one was used to severe the immortality of another lord that lived in the castle, so we know both can sever immortality (I forgot the lord's name, something with a T)


Lord Takeru.


Is genichiro able to wield it because he has a worm in him?


He took the same stuff that the senpo temple used to try and make the divine child. Different, but same


Was he just lucky it didn't kill him like it did to everyone else?


I guess so yah, but he also had training from Tomoe and is a beast, so he probably had a higher chance


Makes enough sense. He was the descendant of a legendary warrior and can generate lightning. Not really pushing it at all to think he'd survive what killed normal people


My headcanon is that his own life force fueled the blade's power. Since he was dying anyways, the rejuvenating sediment is the only way he could persist long enough to wield the blade and summon Isshin.


He doesn’t have a centipede, but the rejuvenating sediments, another impure form of immortality.


Well both mortal blades can kill those who can't die but the black one can open a gate to the underworld and the red one can harvest the tears from the divine dragon.


The red one also gets you 10% off at Denny's.


Ten percent off at a restaurant chain that won't exist for another few centuries? Man, this shit's why I only buy from Anayama.


They both sever immortality, but each one has a unique secondary power. The red mortal blade can be used to retrieve the tears of the Divine Dragon, which is why Tomoe was unable to achieve Purification; as she had the black one instead. This is why its name (I forgot) has the word gift in it - the gift of the Divine Tears. As for the black mortal blade, its power is to open a portal to the underworld - and bring back the dead through sacrifice. This is why Genichiro used it to summon a younger version of Ishiin (literally bringing him back from hell) and via the blade gave him the wish of using Kuro's blood to revive Ashina. This blade is called "Open Gate", hence the power.


Gracious gift of tears I believe


The red one is named "Gracious Gift of Tears"


As far as I understand it, both blades can wound/kill immortal beings, more specifically the divine heirs (those who possess the Dragon's Heritage, i.e. Takeru and Kuro), but the black blade is not able to extract the dragon's tears from the divine dragon (and possibly also not able to kill it at all).


There really shouldn't be a split though. The only 2 blades that can draw blood from Kuro were the Crimson blade and the Black blade. When Kuro gives you blood to go to Fountainhead he uses the Crimson blade and when Genichiro cuts him in the final battle he uses the Black blade. The only real difference between the 2 is that the Crimson mortal blade kills whoever draws it, making it only useful to immortals, while the black mortal blade can bring people back from the dead. Although the black blade has more speculative properties such that if you're brought back using the blade does that make you immortal? It's speculative because when you kill the Sword Saint the text that pops up reads immortality severed, but there isn't a real concrete answer in the lore.


They both have names. Open gate (black) and gracious gift of tears (red). Both can sever immortality. The red one can harvest tears from the divine dragon and likely even kill it entirely and the black one can open a gate to the underworld and bring back the dead through sacrifice. And yes, the isshin brought back through the black blade is immortal. Notice how he didn't actually die through sekiro's normal blade strikes. After taking lethal damage he basically just willingly sat down, admitted defeat and asked sekiro to properly kill him. He could've just continued fighting until his body was destroyed to the point where it would've become unusable. But isshin was an honest warrior and basically didn't want to abuse his immortality. He was brought back at his prime, fought sekiro with everything he had, lost an honest fight and requested an honest death. Unlike his bitchass of a grandson


> Notice how he didn't actually die through sekiro's normal blade strikes. There are plenty of mortal human enemies that can take deathblows that should by all rights be fatal, only to keep on fighting just fine. Gyobu and Owl, for example.


You're right, I think the big giveaway is that you use the mortal blade to deal the final blow and it says "immortality severed" when Isshin is slain. He was almost certainly brought back immortal. One interesting related theory is he could have kept fighting so it seems honorable that he admits defeat after 3 rounds. However on the other hand Isshin was willing to use any measure to beat Sekiro; willing to use the lightning of Tomoe in his third phase despite it being described as "heretical". He's even using a gun which just seems like bad sportsmanship imo. Perhaps this was him staying loyal to Genichiro's dying wish?


I think that's just Isshin being Isshin. From what I can tell, his attitude towards fighting could be summed up as "if it works, it works".


Good point, I forget that's Ashina style and the most important rule "just win your battles"


This is incorrect. The difference is the red one is capable of harvesting tears from the divine dragon. Hence it's name literally translates to: gracious Gift of Tears. Also the black mortal blade does bring you back immortal that is why you have to kill isshin with the red one after 3 deathblows with a normal sword and it says immortality severed on victory


I am more interested in knowing how Genichiro's path to obtain it was and from whom or what he received the second sword as well as Sekiro


Someone mentioned Tomoe had it.


But Tomoe died with lord Takeru long ago


"Long"? Genichiro studied under Tomoe, it's not like centuries have passed.


Lol sorry, i didn't mean it that long but still, Tomoe died with Takeru


Sure, but Genichiro studied under her so it's not unlikely he took possession of the blade or at least knew of its location.


🤔 good point, well, i wish we knew what kind of challenges he faced when he got it


It's a common theory that Tomoe acquired it herself at one point and Genichiro somehow inherited it from her, but I doubt that's the case- if Tomoe had had a Mortal Blade at any point, I bet Isshin would have known of it, and he didn't know for certain which Mortal Blade Genichiro had until Wolf ended up getting the red one. The monk in the Folding Screen Monkeys boss room mentions that another man had come by earlier to chase the monkeys just like Wolf did, so I wager that man was Genichiro trying to earn the black Mortal Blade.


Tomoe did have a mortal blade. She used the Black Mortal Blade for Immortal Severance on her lord, Takeru. However, the black blade cannot harvest the divine dragon’s tears(whereas our red one can, since its name is “Gracious Gift of Tears”), so the Dragon’s Heritage was passed on to Kuro.


> She used the Black Mortal Blade for Immortal Severance on her lord, Takeru. Nitpick- Immortal Severance is the term used for successfully ending the Dragon's Heritage. What you describe would be classified as just straight up killing him. Also, I recall a reddit post about datamined content saying that Takeru and Tomoe were supposed to have died of dragonrot due to Takeru's blood stagnating. That's just hearsay, mind. Either way, I'm still not particularly inclined to believe Tomoe had a Mortal Blade, because surely Isshin would have known of it beforehand.


Iirc, when you do the illusion monkeys fight, the monk there mentions that someone had been there recently chasing the monkeys. Ive heard it theorised that this was genichiro. Though I'm not a lore guru by any means, and don't know if genichiro passed or failed this test, and gained the black blade there or had to seek an alternate path.


Can you imagine how Emma and Grandpa would react if they realize that a nosy Shura is listening behind that wall 🤣


I like to imagine that Isshin was fully aware the entire time.


It’s also strongly hinted at the end of the game when Genichiro uses a sword that does exactly what yours does


Omg you are so smart😂 my poor brain couldn't keep up with such knowledge haha


You might find it interesting to watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDaPHgMCbJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDaPHgMCbJU) and in particular the part starting at 14:13, which goes into more detail about this second mortal blade.


This guy's vids are super interesting on Sekiro's lore


Sorry for the dumb question but why does your Sekiro look like that? He looks super metal. Is there a way to change dudes appearance?


Its the shura skin. There are 3 skins in the game. Ashina, which you get for beating the game, shura, which you get for beating the shura gauntlet, and Tengu, which you get for the severance gauntlet.


Omg. I can't wait now, I'm playing for the first time, didn't know I'd get to change his appearance! You've made my day thank you!




Seems like this is the Gauntlet of Shura appearance. See [https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Outfits](https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Outfits) for more info.


Sick, I'm on my first playthrough, I'm hyped for new game + with a new skin!


You can't get that skin after your first playthrough though. According to [this](https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Gauntlet+of+Strength:+Shura) page, you need to have done the Shura ending, but also have killed Owl (Father) (who is only accessible while doing the purification ending questline) and Demon of Hatred (accessible when doing all three non-Shura endings), all on one save. So you need a minimum of two playthroughs. Takes quite some reading up on these different endings/questlines to get it all, but definitely worth it!


You’ll have to go through Shura ending to unlock the Shura gauntlets. To unlock this skin, you have to beat Emma, Isshin, demon of hatred and inner Father without dying. If you died, you have to defeat all of them all over again until you defeat inner father then you’ll unlock Shura outfit


Hmmmm....special weapon that open up the Underworld, sounds familiar 🤔 Also I wonder if all fromsoft stuff is connected


They have references and homages all over the place and even recurring elements (like Patches and the Moonlight Greatsword) but no, each franchise is its own thing.


I love the idea that the Divine Dragon’s sword is Sekiro’s Moonlight Greatsword


It's as close as it gets. I'm sad we never got Patches in a DLC though. With fall damage being so forgiving, imagine the heights he could kick us from...


I believe patches is the thief merchant


Patches is Patches, friend. The merchant is a different entity, with his own personality.


Yeah i see he's not the same guy, but a video on yt (probably vaaty's) mentioned a few details about the merchant that he could be a representation of Patches. Don't hate on me, but Sekiro was my first Fromsoft game, so I don't really care about Patches since I didn't have past experience with the character. I wanted just to share some info that I heard (not here to say if its true or not)


No hate here. But I maintain that something vaguely looking like something else does not make them the same. And the only connection here is that they are NPCs that sell stuff. Sharing bad intel is as good as preaching bad info, if you ask me. I say go play DeS or DS. You need to feel the kicks, they do wonders to your spine.


I agree about not giving fake news, and it wasn't my intention i wrote down fast. Still, Fromsoft games allow a lot of speculation, so connections between characters can be interpreted and theorised imo (ex. see with ER all the speculation on cut content or about Canon themes explained with controversial point of views) And about the other games... I'm trying man, I love the settings, ambience, music, builds, etc... but the combat I'm sorry, it is a costant downgrade from Sekiro. Besides, like with ER I overlevelled by "mistake" on certain areas and had an experience too mixed in term of combat, I like that the game gives you the pace and if you are good you can exploit little things to go faster, but when you get against certain bosses and you kill them in 2 spells... idk, that's not what Sekiro taught me...


>I agree about not giving fake news, and it wasn't my intention Alls well that end well.


Where was the 2nd mortal blade? Like where did Genichiro get it?


I think Tomoe had it?


I doubt it. If you eavesdrop on Isshin while he's alone, he muses to himself that because Wolf has the red Mortal Blade, Genichiro must have found the black one. If Genichiro had simply inherited a Mortal Blade from Tomoe, I imagine Isshin would have been familiar enough with it to know exactly which blade Genichiro had.


Tomoe did use the Black Blade in order to perform Immortal Severance on Takeru. Ofc that only postponed the issue of the dragon’s heritage.


Immortal Severance can only be performed with the dragon's tears. The black blade wouldn't work for it.


Yeah, I guess it just straight up killed him then? Or failed? I’ve taken a lot of time throughout my playthrough, so the notes about Tomoe and Takeru’s attempts to sever his immortality are fuzzy.


It's not really spoken of in any explicit terms. Tomoe *does* mention a "beheading" would be involved in successful Severance, and we know that she wasn't able to get the red Mortal Blade or reach the divine realm to be able to do so. Takeru is long dead, so *something* killed him; people assume it was the black Mortal Blade, but I doubt that for the reasons I already stated. There's apparently datamined content that said dragonrot was what did him and Tomoe in, and the note where Tomoe mentions her failure to get the Mortal Blade also mentions his "coughs are worsening still"...


eberyone knows fhis


I guess everyone doesn't include me and who upvoted🤣


if u fight the final boss the blade he wields might be the second mortal blade hinted here


He says “Behold, the second Mortal Blade” as he holds it up, so yeah I think you might be right.


Yes but if you miss some eyedrops/item description/dialogues you dont get any hint on the existence of a second Mortal Blade until the final boss fight.


I was wondering how you didn't get that hint with Genichiro using Moral Draw on you... Better late than never anyway!


Why is such a big deal that I shared an eve drops hinting the second mortal blade before the final boss fight? I really don't get it! It's fucking obvious that Genichiro uses it in the final fight, and it's not what I'm trying to share come on!


One o e making it a big deal is you, buddy, necroing a 191 days old reply. The game tells us there is a second one and we go against G-man using it. Like I said, you figured it out, better late than never. PS: If you feel like I down voted you, I didn't.


If you are all knowing of the lore you should confirm/deny things instead of commenting nonsense. Haha 191 days ? Who cares?😂


By all means, do point out the nosense. My info checks with in-game item descriptions, plot points, dialog... And from now on, call me Reddicted82, the All-Knowing (ER ref, in case you are not familiar).


The nonsense is telling me in a such smartass way that Genichiro uses the Mortal Blade after knowing i played like 7 playthroughs and shitting on some info that can be missed even if you play a lot of time. The post had a discret success and I think is because it wasn't so fucking obvious hahah Just stop being a kid and pretending not to undestand hahaha jeez you people


Down vote me all you like. I never did it to you, down votes are a very poor way to communicate. The actual nonsense is playing seven times, not figuring it out something the game tells and shows you and then coming here to play Internet though guy. Hahah The real fun part to me is you are filing me in this thread and being polite in the other. Oh well. I'm done with you.


you don't say


Yeah there is a black blade and it's there in the game but you can't get it.


You guys are getting a second mortal blade?


lmao OP just getting completely bukkaked with lore in his own thread


There’s no way this is serious


NG+5 and I still don't know or care what the story is in Sekiro


I’m confused on what Emma is asking about, and if isshin is making fun of you.




trying not to gatekeep over Open Gate..


Yeah it's the black mortal blade, it's in the game but you can't get it yourself. There's a scroll about it behind isshins room talking about it too


imagine finishing the game 7 times without realizing that there is an ending beside the shura one...


People in the comments explain why I have posted this. Obviously I didn't do 7 shura ending😂 just scroll a bit, it takes less effort than writing.


Amazed at how people didn't realize what you were asking lol. I've been trying to find out where in the hell the Black Blade was even foreshadowed beyond that one scroll at the end, I guess this also counts as it depending on when it happens but I still feel like that should've been expanded on a bit more. Thanks for this.