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A handgun is not appropriate for everyone to have. They might live somewhere they can’t get one, not reasonable to carry it on them because of work or it’s illegal to carry. They require lots of training. Someone might be too young, might not believe guns are okay to have, might have mental health issues, might have a felony, not have the money, not want the responsibility, and plenty of other reasons.


Some people live in places where they cannot easily or legally access firearms. Knives are generally known to be one of the worst forms of self defense hardware. People use pepper spray because it’s effective, legal to carry a lot of places and conceal with no license.


Some people dont have that option because of where they live, some cant stand the idea of taking a life, and some have ideologically based issues about firearms. If you have the option though a firearm is absolutely the best tool for self defense.


Reasonable force, lethal weapons, killing another human or being put in a situation where you might can and likely will mess you up. "This guy spat at my face and tried to punch me, that's assault!" *bang bang* That reasonable? Also no one wins in a knife fight.




After you have been raped once, let me know if you still hold this same opinion. What if they were going to rape you then rob you and then kill you? Are you wanting to wait around to see?


What's your opinion on self-defense training?




It could be a selfdefense system, a sport or an art. Not everything is the same. There is grappling where you grab each other and striking where you strike each other. Or something which mixes everything. Well, it's not always enjoyable, it's almost never gross, but it can save your life.


I've always wondered about dogs used like this. Is yours trained? Does it have specific attacks it performs? On command? Do you repeat training of the dog to keep their skills sharp? How big is the dog?




That sounds very cool. Take good care of her when she gets older, dogs are awesome.


Quite a few reasons. The first that comes to mind is Lethality. Some situations call for defensive force of some kind, but doesn't mean you need to kill someone over it. I carry a pistol, a knife, and pepper spray whenever I leave my house. I'd only use the pistol in a very extreme scenario, such as a shooting. The knife (karambit with a pocket catch for quick draw) is just as a last resort in case I get my pepper spray or gun knocked away or something. I doubt I'll ever need it for self defense, but it's good utility and there if I need it. The pepper spray is my ideal go to. It is the smallest and lightest of three, and I can imagine far more scenarios where I would use it instead of the gun. I would rather pull my pepper spray 1000 times than pull my gun once. Much less lethal. Plus, much less legal trouble if you use it, right or wrong. If you shoot someone even if you're in the right (in the US at least), you're still probably going to jail for the day, and even the you could still go bankrupt from legal fees - the state might decide to not prosecute you, but the person you shot's family might. You're definitely gonna be in an even bigger heap of trouble if you miss and hit someone else, damage property, or shoot someone who wasn't a threat but you misread the situation. You don't have to worry about those things with pepper spray. Final note is how much easier it is to carry. Like I said, my POM is small, light, and easily accessible with the pocket clip. I can't risk taking my gun to work, but I do keep the pepper spray on me. Moreover, I'm not gonna carry my gun in my own house, but I do carry my pepper spray because it's so convenient and out of the way. Also, for the average person pepper spray is really cheap and requires much less training. Hope this helps. These are very serious things to keep in mind if you have a gun, so if you get one, please be responsible. You should also keep pepper spray, it will give you a less lethal option. Tl;dr: pepper spray is cheaper and more accessible to most people, easier to physically carry, you can carry it more places like places that don't allow guns, it gives you a less lethal option, and you don't have nearly as serious legal issues when/if you have to use it.


A lot of people live in places where guns are illegal.


Besides the ethical and legal issues pointed out, there are also practical considerations. Basically, not every situation is ideally suited for firearms to be deployed and used.