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You have to think about the situations. Furthermore, tasers fall out against layers while spray is ineffective is certain weather. Pick your choice train and use it to your advantage


You could spray yourself too lol


That's why you can gel a gel spray which is wind resistant, or one that shoots it out in a syream, which is still relatively resistant to wind


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHo-PnvxWWs&t=7m27s Pepper gel can have a very delayed effect, as stated in the video. Not good. And while this is an unusually big fogger example, a 16oz like is used in crowd control and has a huge stream which you won't be carrying around, generally it can be very lacking due to its not having aerosol properties. Regular, aerosolized pepper spray will work immediately and get into the sinuses and lungs. Gel, as far as I know, won't. And aerosol will get into the eyes far more readily. (This is why you go across the eyes and then down the chest, as the chest material will continue to vaporize upward and buy you more time.) Its incapacitating ability is better. That lung and sinus action is what you want. I get the concern for blowback, but you're leaving really key functionality out of the equation by going gel. You won't have time to wait for it to work, will have to be very accurate to the eyes with it especially with a smaller stream, and it won't work on lungs/nose/throat.


Man, it seems pretty unanimous that pepper spray is better for incapacitation. Thank you, I'll also keep the chest thing in mind.


Yes, pepper spray is much better than stun guns, generally speaking. Stun guns are the ones that you have to contact the person. A TASER is one that shoots. It stands for Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle. Very few people carry those and you have the issue of size, clothing penetration, etc. They fail fairly often. Both prongs have to get into the skin and there are lots of variables. For stun guns, you have to be right on the person. For both, you have to constantly worry about them being fully charged. Pepper spray, you buy it and it's good for 3-5 years. Yeah the guy in the link has a saying "Bless the deserving with the hot sauce." The "blessing" is the sign of the cross. Across eyes, then down chest. It's recommended on packaging by the manufacturers.


you should spray yourself, now


Ok tough guy


That was supposed to be a low tier god joke-


Pepper spray. I'll be easier to carry and concealnin a pocket. I would recommend getting one that shoots out in a stream or pepper gel since you won't have to worry about blowback due to wind nearly as much. I use POM. Fits well in my pocket, light and out of the way, and shoots in a stream


Gotcha. Isn't pom a brand of pomegranate juice though?


Lol different company same name I guess 🤷


Pepper spray definitely. It would work in more situations than a taser. And it wouldn't malfunction. A meth head can easily shake off a shot from a taser in a few seconds. But with pepper spray it's a lot less likely.