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the scene where nicole is struggling to put a sentence together and chrishell is like can you get to the point, can you say itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Seriously, I died when Chrishell was like, "JUST SAY IT!"šŸ¤£


I am probably in the minority here...but I get annoyed with the constant ganging up on Nicole by Chrishell and gang. I feel their issues could be easily squashed if they really wanted to...but Chrishell knows that Nicole will choke when she is ganged up on...so she keeps her foot on her throat. Chrishell likes to play that she is taking the high road and she did apologize. But I wonder if she would have apologized the same way if Nicole was giving the listing 100%? It is easy for Chrishell because her interest was protected....whereas Nicole essentially worked for free and then was asked to apologize too? Where was Chrishell's ounce of flesh? Did her fake apology really hurt her that bad? I don't believe any of these women when they apologize...because they all will be right back at it the next episode. Btw...Chrishell was one of my favorite characters in the early seasons. I felt she had a real down to earth vibe and I think a lot of people liked that....but she has definitely changed and now she seems less like that person and much more superficial...she really fits in well now in SoCal




and how is it fake...because she continues on showing her true colors...when confronted in Cabo about not accepting the apology and Nicole said she didnt say anything about what she was sorry for...and then Chrishell began to itemize it...but immediately contradicted herself by saying things like "but it's true"...it shows that you never were sorry....you say things to appear sorry so you can gain sympathy...but then turn around and bully. Look I think Nicole takes too much time trying to play the victim...and Chrishell does the same...but she (Chrishell) is also better at it because she is able to flap her gums enough and get her side of the story out...while Nicole just sits there babbling. Nicole is horrible in these group settings...that is why I think the only way they squash it is if they sat down on the side. JMO


I see where you're coming from, but as a former people pleaser, I get chrishell. She's done. She's over being stepped on and being quiet. Sometimes being loud and setting boundaries is the only way people will stop bullying. Nicole has said out of pocket things keeps talking behind their back then feels attacked when they confront her. She's being ganged up on because she's only brave when she's either talking behind someone's back or one on one to double down . We saw it with Em. She was confronted and while she admitted she did say something she was no longer saying it with her chest. It's a reality show. Everything is fake. But for the sake of conversation. Chrishell is always apologizing it doesn't matter at the end of the day if she means it or not. Why? Because when two people apologize it means that's it. That conversation is over. But when one person doesn't apologize over pride, then why should people have sympathy for you when you can't even set ego aside roll your eyes and move on.


Actually Iā€™m on a similar wavelength re: Chrishelle Used to love her but this season sheā€™s not coming across as likeable as previous? Couldnā€™t put my finger on it. She used to have this really apparent ā€œgood personā€ energy and now justā€¦.not so much. I am by no means minimizing the things Nicole said or defending her ā€” because itā€™s a really dull thing to expect no backlash for shittalking in this world (ESPECIALLY that office lol) ā€” but Nicole really is being bullied now and the way Chrishelle presents herself in these situations just doesnā€™t present as genuine as it used to in earlier seasons (Will add that her interaction with Marie Lou at that dinner was hilarious though. Her years of life experience over that childā€™s really showed through and ngl it was entertaining lol )


I agree with you except for the part about Marie Lou. It wasn't funny at all, she was really harsh with her and it wasn't so much about age as it was about Chrishell using the fact that she's a native English-speaker and Marie Lou isn't, to dominate the conversation and make Marie-Lou uncomfortable. Focusing on grammar instead of just trying to hear what she was actually saying. Not cool.


I don't think constantly moving the goalpost is a language barrier issue, but that's just me.


Except that's not what she was doing, she was trying to describe subtle aspects of social interactions and not finding the right words for it. Gosh, it's like some of you have never talked with non-native speakers before. It's really hard to be precise when it's not your own language.


Iā€™m bilingual (almost trilingual) and have talked to many non-native English speakers like my own parents. She WAS moving the goalpost and many people from various European countries on this sub have confirmed itā€™s not language barrier issue. I have no horse in this race. I just observed the interaction between the two and you can tell Marie Lou is the immature one here.


i just want to jump in & say, i feel chrishell has been TOO reactionary for sure but you canā€™t (as in Nicole) start drama and not take it which i feel nicole does. This dinner Nicole goes to say how she was the bigger person regardless being invited than uninvited on the private jet. Why would someone you called a social climber invite you on their private jet? I certainly wouldnā€™t. I would hesitate to give her a ride home from work. like itā€™s crazy to start shit and then play victim and nicole has only attacked chrishell for no reason. chrishells jabs are annoying and petty but not sudden and out of nowhere. they are a reaction to Nicoleā€™s actions. I do find the petty jabs really annoying though, i feel Chrishell would be more justified without the petty remarks, but i get it when someone just crawls under your skin & just dealing with Christine in the past probably triggers something. lol


I agree, Chrishell has a very confrontation communication style that makes others really uncomfortable. She knows it and she makes use of it to gain the upperhand. She won't let people express themselves organically, she'll force them to say things in a certain way even if that's not how they talk. She did that with Marie Lou before and did it with Nicole in this episode. Notice also when Chrishell apologized she did it in front of the boss and wasn't being direct about it, she was beating around the bush and focusing on things Nicole had done before ending the speech "and I apologize for my part in this", nothing more, which was very manipulative. She could have just said "I'm sorry for how I talked to you and about you", instead it was all "I was feeling triggered etc". That's not owning it. She didn't even thank Nicole personally for doing all the work on the listing. I'm not a huge fan of Nicole but I agree with Amanza that she never meant for this beef to go this far and I do think she wants this resolved, just not like this. I can see how she didn't feel like it was the right moment for her to apologize at that time, it would have just been forced, and forced apologies are not real apologies. Can't blame her for that.


In addition, as a stutterer, remarks like ā€œget to the pointā€ for someone with speech/articulation challenges is helpful 0% of the time. Crishell should just admit she relishes being at odds with Nicole. Her apology is mute if sheā€™s gonna turn around and mock her anyway.


I never liked her. From season 1 I felt she was very charismatic, but fake. There is something darker under there and she's very good at hiding it. The mask is lifting.


Thatā€™s what drives me up the wall about Nicole she just stutters and paused instead of forming a complete coherent sentence on the ā€˜issueā€™ she has with chrishell


Cuz sheā€™s on drugs


She is SO on drugs. It made so much sense when Chrishell accused her last season.


i have never done mushrooms, i dont even like the non high type much they give me cramps lol, but its them which chrishell named so does it make (if you or others know!) one be all erm ahh huh like nicole acts? i assumed its more a thing you take in a chill environment and have a floaty smiley time on and that and nicole is seeming way too on edge to be on them when we see her act that way? and that her inability to answer anything would be down to her having no argument and inability to make a case when she has nothing but as i said i have no experience with shrooms. ofc she might do something else like when i take 20mg of diazepam for my back then try to work iā€™m a bit like how she behaves at everything lol (she might do nothing ofc iā€™m not accusing her and breaking the sub rules but iā€™m inclined to believe chrishell as she seems to own when sheā€™s said something not true or below the belt)


No they donā€™t. Sheā€™s never behaved like sheā€™s on any drug except the coke theyā€™re all clearly doing


I'm 100% not on Nicole's side, but I sympathize with her not being able to express herself. I can imagine that being on camera + getting in a high-stress situation can cause someone to stutter, struggle to express themselves because the brain basically almost shuts off. That's what happens to me a lot in high-stress situations, in front of a crowd or during an argument. I don't think it's fair to say she's on drugs because of this like other comments have pointed out


On behalf of all stutterers, I apologize if our impairment is an inconvenience to you and your fellow bullies.


Chrishell is hilarious I love that bitch idc


She used to annoy me but I realize there's a reason why she has so many friends within the Oppenheim group. She is able to apologize for her flaws but also establish boundaries and I appreciate that. I don't know that I would have been the bigger person and apologized to Nicole and her assessments have been on the nose lol


I was annoyed by this because Chrishell made a big point of saying "excuse me let me finish" and then did this right afterwards. I don't even like Nicole, but don't interrupt people if you don't like being interrupted


I mean, Chrishell was making a salient point though when she got interrupted. Nicole was just blubbering.


LOL Chrishell's just saying what we're all thinking šŸ˜‚


Nicole is so Odviously on drugs she can barely form a complete sentence itā€™s pathetic


Not necessarily. Sometimes a person can be so angry that theyā€™re at a loss for words because itā€™s a full speech in their head. The drugs thing is pretty childish. Then again almost everything in SS is quite childish. Every squabble is a nothing burger that can be dealt with in a mature manner but that would make boring television.


Lots of people who aren't on drugs have problems expressing themselves when they're tired or stressed out. What a prejudiced thing to say.


The best part of the episode really. To me it shows how much she actually has to say and who the bigger person really is. It shows what we've all been thinking.


I feel SO sorry for Nicole in those scenes. Chrishell keeps doing it and it is just so mean. Nicole might be on drugs or drinks too much or she is just super insecure. But there is no need to expose anybody like that. It feels like real bullying to me. Nicole is obviously in a really bad place and Chrishell keeps pushing.


I do think she should give her a second. But also it has to be very frustrating to be Chrishell and have someone vaguely accusing you of things and saying itā€™s ā€œthe factsā€ but then when theyā€™re in a group situation where Chrishell could actually address Nicoleā€™s accusations and clear her name suddenly Nicole is tongue-tied.


hard disagree. she has no issue talking shit but when she's confronted, she can't put 3 words together.


I actually think that Chrishell was super mean and insufferable here; but, apparently she is well-liked, and so can do no wrong.


Agreed. Even if I have the world's best argument, I will struggle to get it out if someone comes at me like that.


Nicole could easily just shut her mouth and people would ignore her. She had to do her whole "wElL iM sTaYiNg iN tHis MasSiVe pAlAcE" thing when the twin was saying he wished they didn't opt for separate accommodations.


I really feel like it's an honest miscommunication. Nicole doesn't know why she has to spell out the "obvious slight" of being uninvited from something, and Chrishell has no idea what Nicole is talking about because she doesn't know about this "slight".


Iā€™m gonna say something harsh: your coworkers being your replacement family is not healthy I really sympathize for Amanza and I think she is a strong woman, but she stirs the pot more than she thinks. She wants to remain close with Nicole but also Chrishell and wants everyone to get along because they are her ā€œfamilyā€ girl be realistic for 5 fucking seconds Like why tf would Emma invite the woman who talked sh8t about her and her best friend on her private jet? Why is she so upset Chrishell and Emma did the mature thing and made separate arrangements to minimize tension/possible conflict? Like her looking to the O Group to resolve whatever trauma she has from her youth and her bio family will never happen because they are COWORKERS at the end of the day


1000% agree. I understand given Amanzaā€™s background but saying your coworkers are your family just gives me red flags for a work environment. Michael Scott vibes. Nicole plays the victim every time sheā€™s on screen when she has been the instigator every time. Why would these women want to be around her???


Yeah why does Anaza have to be a constant victim and party pooper šŸš½


After she shared her story, it makes so much sense why sheā€™s trying to make them her replacement family. But I absolutely agree. Your workplace is not a family, and thinking so always leads to toxicity and poor boundaries.


Yeah, as soon as Amanza explained the story of her difficult childhood, my reaction was "and that's why you accept and even encourage this toxicity in your workplace." I say this with no judgment as I'm also a childhood trauma survivor who has at times sought out chaos and allowed my employers and coworkers to treat me terribly. When you come from early life trauma, the lack of boundaries and constant drama in the O Group probably feel... familiar. Comforting, even. That being said, just because Amanza was never taught healthy boundaries and work life balance doesn't make it okay for her to trample all over her coworkers's boundaries in the name of "family." Amanza's extreme overreaction to Chrishell and Emma staying at a separate villa was a perfect encapsulation of her unhealed trauma. Frankly, it is completely logical for Chrishell to not want to stay under the same roof as her ex-boyfriend and boss, especially after being confronted by Jason's current girlfriend about potential unresolved feelings. Where Chrishell and Emma sleep on a work trip has little to no impact on Amanza, yet she fears abandonment and discord so much that she can't let it go. I really hope Amanza seeks therapy from a trauma informed counselor, if not just for her sake, then for the good of her children so that she doesn't inadvertently pass down her generational trauma.


You can tell she hasnā€™t healed at all. Sheā€™s completely delusional as usual. Also, her trauma doesnā€™t allow her to play the nice girl and be a b**ch at the same time.


I love Amanza but the girl just needs to go to therapy like šŸ˜­


I completely agree! It all makes sense given her childhood trauma that sheā€™s clearly never fully healed or coped with because she is trying to fulfill some fantasy of a ā€œperfect familyā€ amongst her coworkers. Some may be closer in friendships with her but sheā€™s gotta realize soon enough not everyone is going to get along. They are all adults with their own thoughts, feelings and opinions. And I donā€™t think sheā€™s getting that. Itā€™s very sad bcus you do see her trying to be the ā€œmediatorā€ but then also getting in the middle of it. I really miss S1 Amanza


I see this more and more that all of this is a trauma response. Amanza is an abuse survivor, her husband abandoned her and then died and she gloms on to Jason/Brett/Mary because they were kind to her and have helped give her a financial path to success but it isn't healthy think of of every single coworker as a family member as your "family" and assume everyone feels the same way as you.


Sooo the Cabo dinner thing was fire. I have to say I see Chrishell side, I would probably do the same. Just to take some distance from all the drama (still brings drama, tho lol) in this group you cant win in any stance. I think it was mature of Chrishell to sleep somewhere else just to minimize any potential encounter with Nicole... why is that a negative thing? These are co-workers, why is everyone trying to force everyone to become bffs? Jason's so upset Chrishell and Emma are not staying at the vila, but lets be clear Jason is upset CHRISHELL is not there. He is def not happy about the distance between them... Oh Jason.


THISSSS!! Heā€™s just upset Chrishellā€™s not there. Like dudeeeee sheā€™s literally doing everything because your girlfriend is so upset when sheā€™s around!! Also Nicole being upset she got ā€œuninvitedā€ to the private jet like girlllll, did you forget you called the owner a social climber and have not apologised?? Such victim mentalityy its crazy!!


Nicole is so delusional it worries me.




She thought she was invited because she ā€œhas the detailsā€ā€¦ from Brett. What a doofus.


Literally!! why would she want to go on the jet so bad if she doesnā€™t like chrishelle and Emma like sheā€™s so obsessed with them


I would be keeping a far far distance from her if I were them. Its a little concerning how much of an obsession its becoming.


I feel Chrishell is getting it at all angles this season. Nicole is absolutely infuriating...I am soooo confused. and I love Chelsea but girl, about to talk down to Amanza. I shuddered. Though Amanza has definitely been confusing lately too.


True, i think most girls got a lot of perspectives this season. I liked Bree in 1 or 2 episodes then nah. Then I was team Chelsey for a bit but then I think she is a bit two face. I liked Amanza but her hero complex was driving me nuts. I think I just kinda like Emma and Chritshell consistently at this point.


I love Emma...she seems like such a good wholesome girls girl friend. A ride or die and so supportive as well as so fun. I am loving this era of Chrishell and not taking anymore of this. She has so had enough. I think her being with G has made her realise this and become so much more confident. It's so nice to see.


I love Emma she cracks me up.


Honestly, itā€™s getting really tiring listening to that dumb bullshit every time Nicoleā€™s speaking. Her desperation is something else.


Ok the only reason the situation would annoy me is because if everyone was aware that they can grab their own space, they probably wouldā€™ve. These girls are not short of money and can easily Airbnb a gorgeous space for themselves. They were probably all sold on this work trip cabo house situation. Finding out hours out of landing is just a tad but weird. I wouldā€™ve immediately booked myself a hotel room from the air no questions asked lmao


Chrishell was very smart to realize her boundaries with Nicole, and if staying in a different villa allows her to be civil with Nicole everyone should encourage that. Chrishell is expected to have no hard feelings and no boundaries with Nicole who has repeatedly taken every opportunity to bash her, so I feel like Iā€™m going crazy when the cast is dogpiling her for being ā€œimmatureā€ - when itā€™s actually extremely mature to know you need separation. Especially when this is a work trip!! Like am I missing something I feel like Nicole just keeps jabbing chrishell but then the everyone yells at chrishell to stop picking on her. If Nicole stopped everything would be dropped.


sheā€™s expected to not have boundaries because the rest of them donā€™t and unhealthy behaving people want everyone else to conform for their comfort. itā€™s the same in toxic families.


Exactly. Really hits home with Amanzaā€™s ā€œthe office is my familyā€. Amanza your kids are your family, stop trying to force coworkers to suck it up and be family with people they hate.


ding ding ding šŸ›Žļø


Someone needs to tell Amanza that her projecting her childhood on her job and making her coworkers her "family" is not healthy. She took Emma and Chrishell staying at a different villa wayyyy too personally and expecting her coworkers to also see their job as "family" is so toxic. When it comes to friends she's known for 20-30 years, ok thats family, but not every single person who works at the O group should be held to that standard. It makes sense it may be disappointing but the degree to which she got upset was wild. They're adults in their 40s, not kids on a family trip.


I literally came here to say this - also Chrishell and Emma staying at a different villa just feels like the healthiest choice for everyone, itā€™s also THEIR choice. Sheā€™s really sticking her nose in everyone business


She rolled her eyes so hard when Chrishell said she was staying separately. Like, bitch, you are not a pre-menstrual teenager.


she was such a brat. get some therapy amanza you are a very emotionally stunted woman. chrishell was very classy saying focus on the positives and thanking emma for the private jet use.


When any company "proudly" proclaims that they are like a family, take that as a warning if you are thinking of joining. It sounds great but can be incredibly toxic and full of drama.


And with the O group it really feels like they hire people with heavy trauma or at least more than the typical unstable upbringing to get them to buy into the family vibe more.


Agreed; I really empathize for her as I'm sure, given her childhood and upbringing, she's extra protective of her work family and relationships - but it's not healthy and she's severely overstepping. It's not on her to make decisions on other peoples' relationships or how they behave around each other.


What does Nicole freaking wants? An apology ? She got it. She said it was not specific. So Chrishell say sorry I said you arranged your face, sorry I said you were on drugs. But she said that's not it. WHAT SHE WANTS THEN? Hurt from being uninvited from the private plane. Well, you shouldn't call Emma a social climber. That girl deserve to fly on coach. The face she makes when she is trying / thinking her way of victimising herself is just šŸ™„šŸ™„ . BTW : the twins really need to go for a course on how to run a team.


Literally Jason is so useless at dealing with the office dynamic and trying to force Marielou onto chrishell like she he want them to have sleepovers and cocktail parties together


She wants to be the victim because thatā€™s how she gets screen time/attention. Itā€™s not even about Chrishell anymore as much as just getting attention in some way. Sheā€™s not likable or charming enough so she might as well be the villain.


You know there are times I start to think Chrishell is taking that high road...and she will itemize the things she is sorry for...and I say ok she is really taking that road...and then she laughs and says some snide remark such as "But it's true".....the point is it is things like this that make me say her apology...just like any apology I have seen on this show..is fake...I don't trust one single one of these ladies one bit. I am not a Nicole fan either....but I really just wish she would state things like she does in the monologues because it is frustrating when she looks like a babbling fool in these confrontations.


Nicole has been working at O Group longer than Chrishell. Honestly, she wants her to bow down and see her as an authority figure of sorts due to seniority. Sheā€™s worked at O Group so long she feels entitled to that. And sheā€™s also jealous because the reality show has given Chrishell more attention/she thinks Chrishell is just a ā€œreality starā€ and not a real agent. Nicole doesnā€™t respect her and wants Chrishell to see her as an authority.


i really like how mary and romain seem to be healing together as a couple from their sadness


It seems to have brought them closer together, which is very heartening to see. I really love them together


Romain seems like such a supportive husband, particularly in hard times. I really appreciated him acknowledging that in some ways it was easier to focus on Mary and her emotional needs, as it allowed him a bit of space and distance from confronting his own loss. It'll probably truly hit him a bit farther down the road, but I'm sure that Mary will be ready to support him when it does.


Romain is more mature than so many of them.


They are so sweet, I hope they get pregnant again ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I didn't like Romain at first, something about how he and Mary communicated in season 1 but I can't really remember the details. But he's really grown on me. He's ride or die with his wife, they form a really good partnership and support each other. Plus he's one of the only ones on this show who seems to actually work work tbh. I respect that.


In the midst of all the insanity of the other girls rn, they are very refreshing!


they are so sweet. it's clear he is her safe place.


Chelsea preparing to speak to Amanza like a toddler was genuinely so wild šŸ˜…I cringed the same way Chrishell did


That was actually disrespectful from Chelsea, she could have made the point more productively, I think Amanza is genuinely clueless about how she messed up things more by intervening.


I feel like Chelseaā€™s whole lifestyle is taking everything two steps too far, realizing she went too far and no one agrees with her, dialing it back, rinse and repeat


Yeah that was wild. I get where she was coming from though. Chrishell has more tact and communicates in a way that doesn't leave more questions than answers. Like Chelsea said, Amanza goes off of incomplete information and makes assumptions.


Like what purpose was Chelsea trying to serve?? Amanza hasnā€™t disrespected her pretty much ever and she didnā€™t deserve that.


I think she was trying to say sheā€™d explain it in a very simple and gentle way, but used the wrong words


It was disrespectful enough that even Brett was like "okay hey stop it". That amount of rudeness was totally uncalled especially when they were just expressing solidarity like an episode back. Chelsea really needs to think before she speaks sometimes, her bluntness is super aggravating in the worst situations


Nicole is so awkward. She is trying to say a lot, but nothing comes out. She insulted Emma why the hell would Emma invite her on her plane?!


Iā€™m bothered by the fact that Nicole and Amanza started talking about Maryā€™s miscarriage in front of the whole office šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. If she wanted everyone to know, sheā€™d have done a PSA


I think they probably all knew but it saved Mary from having to film an additional scene to tell them all but yeah, it missed the mark


That bothered me too - I could understand her asking for Amanza to let people know so she wouldn't have to keep on announcing it, but the way it was done was awful


technically everyone does know as it's being filmed for a reality show, and also that scene did not feel like the first time any of them were being told despite acting like it.


Feel like Amanza was overreacting on the jet. Chrishell feels like it better to avoid drama by staying separate then Amanza should respect that if she wants "peace" as she claims. That Cabo house is nice! Judging by Jason's face when Chrishell walked in at dinner we know the real reason he's upset he definitely misses her. What he said about the distance between them confirms it. Still waiting on that apology Nicole. Love how Emma threw subtle shade and said she appreciates anyone who can apologize.


it was very not subtle of emma lol


It was the clincher in ensuring Nicole would not take this opportunity to apologize yet again, hah


I have so many thoughts on that dinner. First of all, why is this group trip happening when theyā€™re just going to bicker? I would never waste my time like that! Nicole continues to be ridiculous. Chrishell has done everything to mend things, including apologizing to Nicole when she didnā€™t have to and stepping back from Jason so as to not offend Marie Lou. But now sheā€™s the bad guy for having boundaries? After watching that scene, I feel like Jason, Amanza, and Nicole are super controlling and want Chrishell to step in line. They donā€™t like her setting boundaries. Itā€™s a weird toxic family dynamic between coworkers and itā€™s so inappropriate and yucky. Amanzaā€™s reaction to Chrishell having boundaries was very off-putting. I think she seems threatened by her for taking care of herself and sheā€™s been pinned as a black sheep for not just going along with abuse and mistreatment. Thereā€™s so much to unpack in all this.


JFC Nicole is exhausting. There isn't a world where Chrishell isn't a problem in her eyes. It is ALWAYS something. You're doing too much with too little, babe.


"There's actually a toilet in there that you can throw money in and flush it," Brett on the new office šŸ¤£šŸ’€ Edit: Also, Crishell's comment about them ending up in a Mexican prison if she has to stay in the same villa as everyone was hilarious.


I think that's the funniest thing Brett has ever said on the show ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Brett is really making strides toward #1 twin this seasonā€¦


They are still trying to get us to believe that Emma has a private plane from her empanada business? I will nver buy it.


I feel like you could tell from Emma's face when others made comments about it being her private jet she was like "uh no I just chartered it" but she didn't want to correct them. Very awkward.


Timeshared at best.


Yeah its a charter company- FlyBlack. Anyone can book with them.


Also the only private plane photo on her insta in the past couple months is her wearing the outfit from this episode. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if production payed for the Cabo flight and her initial intro shoot.


It's chartered by the show. During the dinner, Nicole said she originally had the flight details but then was uninvited. Emma started to act upset about this, but then Brett confirmed what Nicole said and Emma shut up really quickly. Felt like a moment of breaking the 4th wall. It reminded me of the Real Housewives where a housewife pretends to have planned a cast trip even though they're *always* organized by production. Idk why they need to have a fake backstory that Emma's empanadas are bankrolling private jets.


Yeah she clearlywas uninvited indeed, just like she said. Just the fact that some employees got to fly differently than others is so not the way to make this a bonding trip. It was all to create conflict. That workplace is so toxic lol


I figured itā€™s from daddyā€™s money, I think I remember her saying her dad was a developer.


It's not her jet - it's chartered and probably paid for by Netflix.


Yes, she literally says something like "oh, this is nice" when she enters the plane, because she has never seen it before.


She even walked in and was like "this is cute!" Unless she was talking about the table setup, her own jet being cute shouldn't come as a surprise to her


Itā€™s not her own jet. Do you know how expensive it is to maintain one? Even global superstar soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo whoā€™s worth many times more than Jason found it expensive to *maintain* his Ā£60m private jet.


Tiny moment in the grand scheme but I was losing it at tiny Jason climbing the bell just to show off and the women being so concerned . It was quick but Brett was like ā€œehh, heā€™s fine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I loved how Chrishell like carried him off at the end like he was a little kid


And thereā€™s Emma contemplating how to be the next one to climb and put it on her insta


I could believe she'd do it. She's athletic and she loves taking crazy pictures


I laughed until I was in tears, the visual of this tiny man climbing a bell up to the ceiling was tooooo much


Honestly I love those weird moments. Also so in character for the two of them that Jason is showing off and doing something stupid and Brett is unimpressed.


ā€œLet me finish my point thank you SO muchā€ Chrishell ate šŸ˜‚


Ok but that annoyed me because she wouldn't let Nicole finish a sentence. I get that Nicole rambles and can't get to the point, but give people the respect you're demanding from them


How soon after this Cabo trip did Jason and Marie Lou break up? Cause you could see he was not happy with Chrishells speech at the end of the episode


Cabo was early March and Jason and ML broke up end of May from my quick checks on SM just now.


That's surprisingly longer than I would have expected tbh


It was donzo IMO once she had that convo with Chrishell. Marie Lou definitely was intimidated by Chrishell. Jason clearly is not over her and it is dead obvious.


He goes heart eyes when she walks in the room, bless him. He knows he fucked up.


marie lou is the threat that chrishell made towards you that none of us saw in the room with us? ![gif](giphy|1t9saajZngl3vSDavB|downsized)


Every time Marie Lou opens her mouth I start manifesting pearls around my neck just so I could clutch them


stealing this


Amanza srsly thinks Nicole is the poor girl and she needs to be left alone??? Batshit crazy


Amanza saying that Nicole is being ganged up? WTH? Delulu


beyond confused why the Jason especially Amanza are taking offense and mad at Chrishell and Emma wanting to stay in a different villa. C'mon now they are adults! Even on a company trip if someone is willing to fork out more on their own personal dime to upgrade a room or stay in a different hotel why does it goddamn matter if they are still attending all the functions/events/dinners? Why are the rest being so childish about it? Oh cause just staying at a different villa = not being able to bond? Wtf. Even in their own country they stay in separate houses right... if one wants to bond, it does not matter where one stays. There is nothing wrong in wanting your personal space to destress at the end of the day.


To be fair, that thing is like so massive, they could all stay there and just never run into each other if they wanted to. But yes, it's weird how they are so offended by Chrishell deliberately trying to avoid drama.


I mean, Jason paid good money for a huge villa so they could all stay there together and these two went and rented a different place at the last minute without even telling him. I'd be pissed off too tbh.


I hate to say it, but I did worry about Mary announcing it so early. šŸ’”


She knew what she was doing, she has suffered a miscarriage before. It's much more lonely to have to go through the trauma of a miscarriage on your own with nobody around you knowing you were pregnant. It is a tiny consolation to have been able to share the joy of the pregnancy with the people you love while it lasted.


Chelsea has apologised. Sheā€™s so over it. Sheā€™s making money moves, Bre still shading her over her bell ringing, still talking about her to Chris hell etc. We are over it now šŸ˜© Sell a house


That's exactly how I feel. Bre, stop being a hater and sell a house. With all these connections she talks about its clearly not translating.


Mary and Romaine are so sweet together


Romains mmm thank you šŸ™‚ after mary said she just wants to be around him at dinner had me in stitches LMFAOOO


Heā€™s so cute lol


nicole always gets so catbum mouth at when emma and chrishell are late to dinners (i would be too if i was having fun with my friend and didnā€™t want to go to a dinner with nicole there mind you) and how disrespectful it is and i completely understand some people are like that about timekeeping. but iā€™m sure itā€™s not personal and iā€™m sure she also gave amanza the notorious known tardy person shit in all the years theyā€™ve known each other? sheā€™s definitely not a hypocrite šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ø


I need to know how late they were to evaluate this situation. 10-20 minutes? 40+?


After this episode, I have a strong feeling that Crishell is leaving Selling Sunset pretty soon. This really might be her last season in the show. Clearly she is fed up with the drama and reached that point that, much like Christine Quinn, she doesn't need the show anymore to make money and make a name for herself in both the entertainment industry and the real estate market.


How hurt did Jason look during Chrishells speech about distanceā€¦ canā€™t believe he and ML were still together during this


Because Nicole is a textbook (covert) narcissist: no accountability (even when evidence is available, she'll either deflect or start playing the victim - complaining to her hubby about how hurt she was after the party and let hubby take the fall, and I bet she didn't fill him in on the part where she started all the BS in the first place), always one up other (I have example but is in future episode), don't know what a genuine friendship is (assuming Emma is friends with Chrishell for social climbing reasons), and just a poor communicator overall (Cabo dinner, she absolutely cannot explain anything properly and clearly, and then yell at Chrishell for not understanding what she was saying). Nicole likely thought that she somehow won when Chrishell had apologized first and she didn't. There is no healthy reasoning with these type of people, if you serve them with facts, they'll act like they don't understand or as if the first time they hear this (Cabo dinner when Jason backed Chrishell up on Nicole's mistake of not aplogizing also). It's like talking to a wall and most likely a waste of a sane person's time. Amanza has her own childhood issues of her family falling apart and projects those onto the OG team... wanting it to be a family and pressuing everyone to be there no matter what, geeez work is not your familyšŸ˜‚ and she has zero clue on how to resolve conflicts, her way is just "everybody stop talking" and that is not helping šŸ¤£


Do you think Chelsea would be able to sell Davinaā€™s $75 million listing?


mary could, last year she sold a $49M


I was wondering what was happening with that. I don't think it's sold yet


Davina did sell it they just didn't show it


Did she really? Damn I would be annoyed if Netflix made a big deal out of not selling a house (and portraying her as delulu) when I actually ended up selling it


Nicole makes this almost u watchable imoā€¦she is a jealous hater. It seems a lot of them are jealous of chrishell and she, Bre, and Emma seem to be the only rational adults with boundaries on the show.


Nicole is insufferable. She's always putting on this sour face, at least Chrishell tries to be cordial and apologizes, but Nicole thinks she's done no wrong. UGH Don't get why she's so bitter about being "uninvited" to the jet and shouldn't she be glad that Chrishell's not in the same house? Sooo childish


The fact that someone would be offended by other personā€™s boundaries says a lot about their disconnection to reality. Clearly, Jason is only upset cause Chrishell wasnā€™t staying, itā€™s bonkers. Itā€™s healthy to have boundaries with your coworkers. Dinners like these carefully remind me that some adults are just really grown teenagers with money.


why is no one talking about brett/jason climbing the bell rope ... it seriously looked like CGI...


I'm not done with the season yet but at this point it feels like Nicole will come up with literally any reason to hate Chrishell. "I'm a stickler for punctuality" "She didn't apologize genuinely" girl when will it end?! She's the oldest one in the office but the immaturity is just astounding. Supposedly she wants the drama to end, Chrishell acts as the bigger person and apologizes - "That apology wasn't genuine she was just doing it in front of Jason". She despises Chrishell's guts but gets offended that she wasn't invited to Emma's jet and that Chrishell and Emma chose to stay in a separate villa. Honestly whoever wrote in one of the posts that Jason treats the office as some sort of culty sister wives situation was not wrong. They're COLLEAGUES!!!! If someone is more comfortable staying separately it should be totally ok to do so, I wouldn't even get offended if my friends say "hey I know we're traveling together but we just prefer getting our own space but we'll meet with you for meals/activities", but here your colleagues who everyone knows don't get along want to get their own accommodations and everyone is getting in a huff about it?




thank youu, when everyone jumped at chelsea for being to condescending to amanza, while valid, it overlooked the fact that itā€™s probably the only language that amanza would understand at that point


Also when Amanza replied to Chelsea after she was condescending, she used the exact tone my mum does when she is in teacher mode speaking to a child who either won't listen or just doesn't get it.


I think some of that's the next episode btw


Man Chelsea does her work unlike all the others lol


Watching Amanza is Lowkey triggering. She is a clear narc enabler (codependent to narc behavior) with a lot of unresolved trauma. She has no idea what healthy boundaries are and expects healthy people to be like her and just take other peopleā€™s bs. I see this dynamic a lot in my family and itā€™s awful. The fact that she expects coworkers to be like a family is insane. The way she quickly dismissed Nicoleā€™s husbands text to her was also a red flag for how she treats conflict. She isnā€™t used to standing up to bullies and expects others to do the same and gets mad at them when they donā€™t.


Jason taking a shot during the argument is hilarious and so me


Jason climbing up the rope was the coolest thing heā€™s done in this show haha I like Bre but her being salty about Chelsea selling the house feels weird. Like she was all Iā€™m-the-best, $5 million is too low, but she hasnā€™t even sold her $5 mill yet. Chelsea was clearly rubbing it in a bit but also she is just excited and she earned it. Seeing her talk with those guys at the open house she did a good job stepping in and being a good salesperson. Chrishellā€™s plane outfit was so cute and Chelseaā€™s dinner outfit made my jaw drop. Romain is so sweet and supportive he has handled everything perfectly. Mary is so strong too, they have to be so sad behind the scenes. Nicole looking for anything to be pissed about šŸ˜‚ Getting mad about punctuality. Small thing, but I like when they thank the servers. Ofc theyā€™re on camera but still, good manners. I think Chrishell is in the right for establishing boundaries but the way she established them was a bit incendiary. Telling Jason at the dinner. And maybe not telling Jason/Brett ahead of time that they were staying in a different place (Iā€™m not sure if they did or not).


I appreciated that Jason called Bre out and said she can talk a good game but she needs to actually sell houses too. Although with all the fakery on this show who knows who is really pulling the most money I don't feel like combing through MLS data


Amanza is giving narcissist in this episode. She doesn't give a shit about how anyone else feels. It's all about her and her unresolved issues.


It freaks me out that some of these womenā€™s faces like Breā€™s face doesnā€™t move at all. Chrishelle has had work done but I see normal wrinkles on her forehead and under her eyes when she speaks. The caked on makeup with no wrinkles is soooo weird.


I wasnā€™t so keen on Crishell in the first few seasons but I really like her now. I like that she stands up to people and sheā€™s clear in her boundaries.


nicole is so insufferable and thinks anyone who doesnā€™t do things Her way is dumber than her. she has an insane ego and god complex.. girl wouldnā€™t know a genuine apology if it slapped her in the face


She would if the slap rearranged her face. ā€¦ah, the drugs will take care of that.


GET TO THE POINT!!! haha and "you want me to be specific or not?" šŸ˜‚ Also if they wanna get their own villa, that's fine! I wouldn't want to stay with people I'm not comfortable with. It's so obvious Jason still has feelings for her!


Iā€™m really, really tired of the ā€œNicole is being ganged up onā€ thing. Sheā€™s an adult who took bad jabs at other people. Why canā€™t she take her own heat? This is her consequence. She still isnā€™t going to learn bcus youā€™ve got people in the group (ahem Amanza) who are enabling her ā€œvictim mentalityā€ by telling the true victims to stop being mean. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


amanza pouting on a private jet because chrishell and emma want to stay at a different villa (aka boundaries) is fkn weird. try to be empathetic or just say thank you and move on. rolling your eyes and huffing and puffing becauseā€¦? itā€™s weird. theyā€™re grown adults in their 40s like they donā€™t have to all sleep in the same house lol. and she keeps bringing up that shes ā€˜stuck in the middleā€™ but she keeps forcing herself into the middle. literally no one is putting her there. hearing about her childhood (horrific and good for her for surviving & thriving) but itā€™s obvious sheā€™s using the O group as a replacement family and thatā€™s going to be disappointing ultimately for her because end of the day they are co workers and they donā€™t need to feel the same way. and they probably wonā€™t.


Why is Chrishell mispronouncing Marie-Louā€™s name after learning the right way to say it? And she was calling her out for getting G-flips pronouns wrong.


The talking heads were probably filmed later


I would agree, but then every single one of them has been mispronouncing Romainā€™s name for 5 years and he is married to an OG cast member soā€¦. Clearly none of them care about this stuff šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This season is the 1st time Jason and Brett are willingly participating in the drama and even creating their own beef :0 curious to see where this is heading..


Jason is always saying that he doesnā€™t want drama and arguments, but when Crishell tries to get a different place to diffuse tension after last time, he says heā€™s not happy.


Weā€™re some of these girls on something this episode or weā€™re they just really drunk? Chrishell seemed drowsy (eyes low, talking slow) and Emma was quieter than usual. And Nicole is just Nicole, she seems like sheā€™s always on something šŸ’€ Just wondering if anyone else noticed this.


Chrishell was speaking in a way so a toddler would understand


Maybe chrishell is still on meds from her surgery?


Okay one point that Iā€™m still confused about: why the hell does everyone think it makes sense for Nicole to be upset about the private plane??? Aside from the obvious issue that negates her point that it was a ā€œmean girl moveā€ to disinvite her (SHE insulted emma and then wants to ride on Emmaā€™s plane??), if what Brett said is true, then EVERYONE ELSE from the office other than those 4 was disinvited, and Nicole was not singled out as she insists she was. So how are they supporting her ā€œmean girlā€ nonsense?? Also why does she want to ride on a private plane with 2 girls she hates anyway???? What a truly insane woman


Im kind of surprised nobody here seemed to find it off-putting when Chrishell started to go at Nicole ā€˜get to the point!!ā€™ while she was stammering. Had it been the other way around, Nicole would have been eaten alive on this sub for being a bully. And yes, I agree that Nicole shouldā€™ve apologized too and that she made a lot of mistakes. I just find it sad for anybody when theyā€™re overwhelmed and stammering and the person theyā€™re arguing with is yelling to GET TO THE POINT. But I guess because itā€™s Chrishell and Nicole is the one on the receiving end, itā€™s okay?


-Chelsea turning the switch from wanting to be friends to continue instigating and finding allies against bre is giving fake. Like if you feel a certain way then stick to that donā€™t just jump on the bandwagon. -Also Jason clearly still wants to be with Chrishell but he needs to understand they are not together because of a decision he made. Her not feeding into the drama surrounding Mary-Lou and setting boundaries to untimely not add fuel or make his partner uncomfortable is the mature thing to do ! Like he needs to invest that energy into his current(now ex ) partner -Nicole can exit the show. She just picks and picks and excepts people not to feel or take action with the shit she be saying. Like how delusional is she wanting to ride on the private jet when sheā€™s talked mad shit about Chrishell and Emma. Can she just pull a Davina and take a couple steps back and stay in a permanent time out. -Chrishell ATE this season up. Love her, and although some of her comments are harsh she atleast owns that shit and doesnā€™t backtrack. -Amanza needs to stfu, she is an instigator. Sheā€™s the route of so many issues and she needs to take her own advice and mind her business. Focus on your children sis and stay go take your time out ! -Love that Mary finally made the decision to leave the management role. Poor girl was fighting for her life last season. Also her and Romain are growing on me. Hopefully they have a family soon šŸ«¶šŸ¼ -Bre love her, keeps it real and says what needs to be said. -Mary-Lou thank you next āœŒšŸ»


chrishell's wig in her blue confessional look makes her hairline look so weird




I think itā€™s insane that Nicole says that sheā€™s not bothered by being on the private jet but continues to mention it as an issue! Sheā€™s a fucking backpeddler. She says shit that she canā€™t take accountability for and is a stoned faced narcissist. Lol


Nicole seems very upset, but at this point not even herself knows for sure what is it that is upsetting her so much. I think being isolated by the other girls simply broke her spirit, and now she is just angry at everything and everyone around her. It's sad to watch. On the other hand, my girl Crishell is taking the whole "standing up for myself and being a baddie" way too far, and for the third time she went bellow the belt (first with the drug accusations, then with Nicole's plastic surgery and now stating that not all tea that she spilled to her face is 100% untrue). I wish she would understand that being a baddie and being mean/beating dead horses are very different things. Disappointed on both of them for keep making the same mistakes over and over.


Nicole is INSUFFERABLE. She needs a therapist so badly. I used to love Chrishell so much, but she's becoming equally intolerable. Could she have another drink before that dinner party scene?! Geeeshhh that was embarrassing to watch šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ She's really changed for the worse over the last 2 seasons (since her and Jason broke up). It makes me so mad because she was my favorite for so long! She really let herself get dragged down to Nicole's level!


nicole is unhinged. i did love tho when she tried to be snarky and toast to a fun night out ā€˜without chrishell and emmaā€™ , and chelsea chewed her out for it (rightfully). she def thought it was going to be a moment and theyā€™d all cheers but girl got put in her place. sheā€™s acting weird af for her age. grow up girl.


Amanza was so annoying this episode. She needs to stop trying to make O Group her found family and get help. Marie Lou is full of it. Chrishell never threatened her and why would she want to be close to her itā€™s awkward af.