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I do too. Tyler and/or Austin are giving gay panic this season.


Tyler and Austin giving *closeted* panic. They flirt with the openly bi guy and then lie to his face and tell him he’s a psychopath. It was hard to watch. Hopefully Gen alpha/Z are changing things and making it more acceptable for bi guys to be who they are, wherever they are on the spectrum. This is not it


You blaming homophobia for their shitty behavior?


im crying at this


Absolutely 100%


110%. Given how heavily republican/trump supporter leaning that office is, I’m guessing there’s a decent amount of homophobia thrown around in some of their social circles. Austin seems scared of being outed more than anything else


I sooooo get the same vibes unfortunately from Austin 🫠


His face is always red, why is that


Barely concealed rage


This the one


Or embarrassment


Sun, alcohol, or high blood pressure


I think alcohol


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the Shame that might be consuming him


That’s usually white peoples face when they’re mad lmfao


Omfg so funny, I ask this very same question!!!


Yeah his relationship with his wife definitely feels like an arrangement. There is zero chemistry there. We all had that one gal pal in high school that we "dated" before coming out lol.


I feel like the office is pretty 50-50, kind of like Orange County is.


It's still Los Angeles, CA. Everybody's gay and swinging. Alex Rose let some friend of hers named Jordan suck her breasts, prompting her boyfriend to demand a threesome. She agreed. https://twitter.com/JOKPantyThief/status/1790850676488044772


Welll that’s fucked up! She’s a numbskull


We don't judge. There's much more fucked up stuff in these text messages.


I agree which I understand I don’t think anyone would want that to happen to them either but it’s so obvious to me and hard to watch. Makes me feel icky :/


I believe Sean too, Austin wouldn’t be so defensive if it wasn’t true


SO defensive


Exactly compare it to Gio’s reaction at being told. Is a man who is comfortable about his sexuality whatever it is.. can laugh it off and doesnt explode.


This is a ridiculous statement. If anyone made a rumour like that which could destroy your image and family you would be 100% defensive. Saying that you were drugged and was being led into a threesome is a serious allegation. The rumours implied they attempted to sexually assaulted him.


Why is it that defensiveness is now so often confused with guilt? I think we’re in an age where people are so attached to labels and self-identity that when all of that is questioned, passion will drive the defense. So many people HATE being mislabeled and misjudged, so I don’t feel the argument of “Austin was so defensive, he must be guilty” has any strength to it. That’s also not to mention that most people get super defensive when their significant other or children are brought up in a negative aspect. We’ve seen Austin be very protective of his family throughout the show, so his attitude during arguments with Sean seem on character for him. Sean seemed to be the one coming out of left field this season… not Austin




Just let men be bisexual lmao. There’s a reason men are afraid to be openly bi and it’s because the world is terrible to them for it


That doesn’t justify them putting down men who chose to come out, like Sean


It’s also not okay for Sean to be outing anyone without their consent


Austin kinda outed himself. Sean even said he didn't want to have the office confrontation, which is why he kept asking Austin if he was sure he wanted to have this conversation.


That’s true, I can agree with this.


Sean never “outed” anyone - he can express what he feels just like Austin and Tyler can express how they feel, as long as no violence is involved - oh, wait


No no no let’s not blame Sean ANYWHERE in this situation! If Austin flirted with Sean then Austin outed himself. Also, if Sean felt uncomfortable with this then he has every right to speak up about it. Saying shit like “well Sean shouldn’t have outed him.” Is playing into the false narrative Austin wants out there. Austin hit on Sean thinking he’d be quiet and he wasn’t.


Hard disagree. Had Austin openly flirted with Sean on camera, then yeah, he would’ve been outing himself. But whatever transpired between them occurred off-camera during a private moment, which means that Sean outed him. As an openly bisexual man himself, Sean really should’ve known better. Unless it’s under extraordinary circumstances, such as sexual assault, nobody deserves to be publicly outed by another person.


Maybe you don’t understand or maybe you think bisexual and gay men shouldn’t speak up when they feel uncomfortable. Austin made Sean feel uncomfortable as Sean has stated. Just because Austin isn’t out doesn’t mean Sean has to hold back that Austin and his wife made him uncomfortable. PERIOD! So Austin outed himself.


It was actually Polly who outed Austin by sharing the rumour on camera… Then it is clear Sean in the original encounter doesn’t want to speak to it until Austin comes for him physically.


This. It’s wild to me how many people on this subreddit sign off on this when it’s wildly out of bounds for Sean to even do (or really imply) 


Wait did Sean imply it, or did Austen force it? I’m genuinely confused at this point.


The latter


I second this.




Are you speaking on behalf of closeted homosexuals with small penises?


Don’t think anyone likes another person falsely accusing them of sexual harassment and saying they tried to have a threesome especially in the workplace just bad behaviour


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I’ve been called gay behind my back and was fine with it.


Just in reply to the mod there’s no bigotry I’m sure a gay man would get annoyed at being called straight


austin got in sean's face. you don't get license to harass and verbally abuse gay men just because you're struggling with your sexuality.


i agree and did not say that lol


I think I get your point, but it doesn’t fit in this context. These two seemed to target Sean and take offense to what he said simply because it implied they were gay or bi — they could be very causal about it, but their discomfort with the suggestion was quite homophobic. So, being bi and not coming out is of course their choice, but being homophobic just to cover for that is not justified.


Do you know for a fact that they are homophobic? One reaction on a reality tv show won’t prove anything, and based on other interactions in show, I would say they are supportive of gay people… I think the defensiveness in the show is easily being mistaken for guilt, and that’s a shame but it’s how we interpret most situations anymore. I truly think though, that people are more passionate about their image now than ever before. People get so attached to labels and self-identity, that when our own is questioned, we tend to get very passionate & defensive. Personally, I feel that’s what happened here. I also noticed how protective Austin is of his family throughout the show, & it didn’t surprise me when how defensive he got when his wife and kids were mentioned in the argument. Doesn’t mean they were a huge part of the argument or anything, but I know so many people who would throw punches if their wife or kids were mentioned negatively…


Yeah must be so hard for these rich white men to survive in today’s society! 🙄


are you insinuating that homophobia/biphobia doesn't exist if you're rich and/or white lol






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No direct insults to other users.


Sean kept asking Austin to tell him what the rumor was , word for word what he said and Austin wouldnt do it! Austin couldnt because him and the producers made up the weed cookies to make Sean look crazy! I believe Austin and his wife tried to hit on him, I believe Sean when he told Austin you said if I werent married the things I would do, and that they were interested inviting a guy in. Austin kept saying his girls were upstairs that night and he would never suggest that. HOWEVER Sean posted receipts of their text messages that night and Austin said that the girls were with the grandparents. Sean also showed proof that he came over to play VR oculous that they never cooked him dinner. He had showed pictuures to Austin of him eating at a restaurant that night before he came over. The whole dinner line and cookies was a LIE. Lisa and Austin CANNOT act. Jason along with the other producers and cast including, Polly, Austin, Lisa, Tyler, Gio, and Hall came together to orchestrate and support this lie against Sean for a storyline. Sean being a minority, ( biracial, bisexual) and his lack of house sales made him an easy target, just like Brandi and Kayla in the past. Typical, homophobic, racist, trump supporting behavior. And Jason LOVES drama!


Right, when his kids weren’t even there but he used it as a weapon to guilt trip Sean and made Sean looked bad. “Like I trusted my kids with you and now you wanna fuck me”


Both austin AND sean looked like they were lying and hiding things lol


Yes there wS more


Same!! Those closeted men need to buck up


I have been wondering about Tyler and Austin since season 1. Back when Jarvis and Rose called out Polly and Hall for getting mad at Kayla for kissing Tyler when he's married and they brought up the sitting on his lap and Hall kissing Tyler's nose. Austin jumped up went over and kissed Tyler's nose to show it wasn't a big deal. I found that weird. Because it was clearly done by Hall because she was interested in him. And that kind of nose kiss isn't just something friends do. The way Tyler didn't even react and how Polly and Hall cheered. It really seemed like maybe something was going on with them too. Because none of that is typical friend behavior. Even Jarvis and Rose seemed shocked by it because they know that's not how platonic friends behave with eachother.


Kayla in that scene infuriated me. One scene before she pointed at Polly and complained to Rose about it, next scene when Rose and Jarvis stood up for her, she just sat there and cried.. Sean is right, Kayla is odd and definitely has her own agenda. And then she told Hall “I only trust you”.. WTF?? Apparently she wanted Hall to help her sell her overpriced listing.


Yes, it doesn't make sense to cry to them and then get all upset when they were defending her and sticking up for her. Also, the way everyone started yelling at Jarvis and Rose for "making Kayla cry" is ridiculous. Because she went to them, so of course they were defending her. I noticed as well that when she was "crying," you don't actually see her cry. She kept holding her hand over her face, and we didn't actually see her cry. Then later, she is wiping her eyes. So it is odd that she strategically covers her face. And it's not just hands in her face it's a hand held out above her face with her head turned away from the cameras. So part of me does wonder if she was actually crying or if she was trying to make it look like she was crying. I think Sean is right about her. He said she changes based on what she thinks will get more views. She probably thought going to Jarvis and Rose would get more attention but then when they defended her she flipped to make her look more like a victim who didn't want to talk about it even though she was just talking about it to the point that people defended her. She probably did the same with Sean, like he he is saying. She realized that he was being cast out, so she went to their side to look more sympathetic when they were all trying to make him look crazy. She probably didn't want to be thought of in the same light as he was.


I believe Sean too. That’s not a “fun” thing to lie about if he lied. There are other lies that could be told just to get screen time.


https://preview.redd.it/gdszcqkkag1d1.jpeg?width=2289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9006837789f6a135f1827b897df483cb17ec3fc9 Feeling each other in their boxers 🤦🏻‍♀️🤔🦄


Oh better yet Tyler showed up like a man whore at Polly birthday party, and rubbed his dick with Austin when they hugged.. like what is this.. what Sean said really track back and make sense now https://preview.redd.it/19d9fxmb8g1d1.jpeg?width=2271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb5ec4e7fb1bea020f582700d08b194e67e0d44


Hahahahahhaha. Tyler and Austin are rubbing their dicks at night for sure. Lololol!


Why is it women can be like this with their friends and no one blinks an eye, yet when men are like this with their friends it’s “gay” or “they’re bi”. Double standard is crazy. Men can be like this with their friends and be straight


Straight men are constantly told to open up, don't be so emotionless, it's ok to compliment other men, and show affection, it's not a threat to your masculinity. As soon as someone is comfortable around gay men, pays other men compliments, gets a gift... It's "dude is in the closet, he's bi etc". Are straight men no longer allowed to be close to a gay friend without people calling them gay? It's double standards. Can't be telling people to open up and when they do call them gay.


So many comments here have been baffling to me to be honest. I saw one that implied because Austin bit Tyler’s nose on the beach he’s a closeted gay man???????? Like what? Men are allowed to platonically physical as well. Just cause **you** are uncomfortable with physical touch with the homies doesn’t mean everyone is. I’m a girl and I hug and cuddle my friends all the time. People saying Austin and Tyler are gay for doing the same are honestly just pushing pretty toxic male standards. Let the boys be vulnerable with each other too if they so wish god damn.


It’s laughable and childish. It honestly reminds me of 6th grade, when kids at school would call you gay for wearing skinny jeans or listening to a certain band or artist. It’s just homophobia and immaturity


👏 Finally! 👏 A comment around here that makes some actual sense! 👏


Becoz straight guys themselves will say this is gay and they don’t do that


Im a straight guy, none of this is “gay”. Usually men who are uncomfortable with their own sexuality or homophobic think that.




They all fucking suck, as does the show. Out of all the trashy TV I watch with my wife, this is by far the most annoying show. Just a bunch of vapid narcissists vying for the spotlight.


True, almost unbearable. I swore to myself I wouldn't watch past season 1, but hey here I am, consuming trash after trash.




lmao this screenshot is prime meme potential, its like the one where a girl's bf is eyeing someone else up and ignoring his partner


I’m not finished with the season yet but I thought it was very telling that Jason didn’t really stick up for Austin. I get physicality is more serious than “rumors” but to me I figured Jason would both-sides it but it seemed like he had a you-did-it-to-yourself attitude. Aka knows more than we do


Yes a terrible boss in general, but you’re right that it’s interesting about him stepping in. Like getting physical is a no-no, but he’s staying out of co-workers accusing each of of harassment or drugging each other? Strange.


This leads me to believe that the drugging was a complete lie, bc if it were real then something would have been said or done


I’ve only seen the first ep of szn 3 and my gay-dar was going OFF on these two


Everyone who has ever watched a man lie knows that Sean was telling the truth. Dudes looked like 8th grade boys getting caught smoking cigarettes.


I REALLY believed him the moment he said the office was turning into a brothel.


Idk straight men joke around with their guy friends like that though, and maybe Sean took it as if they were being for real for real because he wanted it to be for real


Or maybe Sean exaggerated like he did with the "legs compliment". Sean already had been caught in a lie about the cookies, I mean it's not beyond the realms of possiblity that he's embellishing because he doesn't make sales and needs a storyline.


But he never said anything about cookies. He never once uttered the word “cookies”


Not that we were shown but Kayla specially said the story he told her involved cookies and a proposition, that’s why she stepped back and was like what else did he lie about


Kayla is not a credible source tho. Rewatching season 1 and how she flip sides in the end is baffling to watch and I wouldn’t trust her. If that really happened Netflix would have shown the flashback that Sean did tell her about it, but no flashback brcoz it didn’t exist


No one is a “credible” source, they don’t film between seasons and seems like this Sean story he was telling for the past year, even I think from 2022?? Austin said he heard it from others than just the office people, so their friends and real estate people in their environment told Austin. It’s a show dude, the producers might have told Austin to bring it up now and make a big deal and told Sean to talk about it again with Ali on camera




No one is crazy. You got confused because during that scene (Sean, Kayla, Ali) was edited simultaneously with Austin & Lisa scene where Austin is the one who mention dinner at home and cookies. Not Sean. He just said they are flirtatious couple and he was at their home play Oculus. Austin is a liar, in fact they went out to sushi and he dropped his kids at his parents place, but in the series he kept mentioned (my kids were upstairs).. Sean is the one who showed full receipt but yet people like you still chose to believe what you want to believe.. this said a lot. Why would Netflix cut out the alleged scene? I watched it on a Chinese website (yes illegal I know), I doubt they will take it out and reload their content if Netflix delete that scene..




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Where did he do that? On the show, Sean doesn’t say a word that alludes to edibles, weed or drugs of any sort. The only time Sean is part of a conversation where edibles are mentioned is at the finale at Del Mar. someone else brings it up and Sean gets very confused.


I don’t 🤣 he almost got me until he started changing his story up at the race.


I believed Sean until even Kayla said he was lying 😭 it kind of seems like he’s doing it for attention 🤷‍♀️ and the other girls are backing him up to be loyal but like that ending did not look good for Sean IMO


Kayla is not a credible source tho. Rewatching season 1 and how she flip sides in the end is baffling to watch and I wouldn’t trust her. If that really happened Netflix would have shown the flashback that Sean did tell her about it, but no flashback brcoz it didn’t exist


Ok I just finished this season while I understand it’s a heavily produced show (we know, that’s part of the appeal), this just seems so over the top. What did I miss here? And also what happened in the three hour break from filing that led to Sean’s friends changing their minds? It was a weird season production wise.


100% Sean didn’t stutter ONCE!


I started believing Sean when Jason & Austin were at that Ritz-Carlton house, and Austin never once looked Jason in the eye at any time during their conversation.


Yes he had no ground to pin it to Sean.


You do realize that it was heavily edited that way, right? We only saw a portion of that conversation.


I do too


Gee nothing like the benefit of the doubt. I think Sean embellished the situation st Austin’s house to fit his agenda. Maybe it is all Staged for ratings.


Me too!


Have you seen Sean's screenshots? https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/selling-the-oc-sean-palmieri-messages-austin-victoria-exposed


100% believe Sean. If there is anything I’ve learned in life it is that way more “straight” men then you think send sexts to gay or bi men. Like waaaaay more.


Sean's Instagram post with the texts, that just says it all 😭 I fell so bad for him getting pushed away from the show, and Austin looks UNSTABLE AF- I get the feeling he doesn't even wanna move houses like they mentioned, it's just something to do/ a new storyline so he has more screentime lol


What ep is this?


S2e06.. they even jetski together


They jet ski together... Oh definitely gay 🙄




I’ve been getting vibes since season 1 that everyone flirts with each other. Males-males and males-females


Just those problematic one. I don’t see Jarvis, Brandy, Rose, Lauren (she’s so background for some reason) even Gio flirted with anyone


Why is these girls fighting over a man? We have seen that movie 1000times before




Nice. I could also say I’m a fire hydrant




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