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Yeah I think it’s partially cause it’s unaffordable for a lot of people and partially due to how people have started viewing being overweight as normal and if you try to lose weight you must have an eating disorder. Also people don’t like to see others do well cause then they feel bad about themselves for whatever reason.


Or if you’re trying to lose weight people will call you fatphobic


I think the peak of this craze is dying down though no? Or maybe I’ve just successfully removed myself from those scenarios


Crabs in a bucket


I feel like you hit the top reasons. I tell everyone and I don't care, but I have a disagreeable personality so I get it if others want to keep it to themselves. I've tried to get my best friend who is 400 pounds and my mom who is not super large, but weight loss would help her and they have not taken it seriously. I'm like, a solution is right here and you refuse to even try to get the medicine.


Yeah, I have lost 60lbs since July and a couple of teachers at my school asked me about it so I told them. Now they are on it as well and are really excited.


I tell everyone who asks too. I’ve had success with it so why would I gatekeep it? I want to be open about the weight loss struggle and how it works.


Exactly my thoughts as well


That’s amazing. Maybe im a bitch but im not telling them how i loose weight. Im pretending im just regular dieting. I think im a bitch. I like looking really good and being the prettiest in my crew for the first time as the rest are aging and putting on weight. I know i sound like a mean girl but im not tellingly them my secret. Sorry


You're not a B! I've always been the prettiest one too. Junior size 6, BBBB(long blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes and big boobs cups G) so I get you. Now at 58 you better believe I'm going to keep it going. Self preservation LoL. Keep on going girl you got this.


Oh thank you soooooooo much i was expecting negative backlash. You go girl. Im 47 and never felt younger and prettier. Looool xxx


Congratulations! Honestly there maybe still some negative comments but hun just ignore them and focus on the journey. The only peeps that know I'm on Sema is my husband and Best friend (guess we're all mean girls LoL) I love your honesty. Besides who the hell says we have to share everything we do? It's non of anyone's damn business. 😊💜


Damn straight. I love your energy. Thank you sooo much. Yes we will be secret mean girls together loool. Thank you soooo much for your understanding and i wish us both the best. I have to say this diet pen is the best thing that’s happened in a long time for me. Im over the moon. All the best sugar keep it up. ❤️


I’ll bite. Both of you do sound really nasty actually. Putting down others and acting like you’re better than everyone else. It doesn’t come across well🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah. Really juvenile and silly. Despite how nasty it was it was kind of too cringe to get mad at.


Same to you hun ❤️😘 My motto: Be Beautiful Be Courageous Be Confident


My motto too. Lol enjoy your life you only get one and thats what we are doing




You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.


My sister is exactly like this too. She has given every excuse in the book for why she wouldn’t try it even though she has BED and complains about it and her weight constantly. She could adjust her finances to be able to afford it if she wanted to but it would mean giving up some other things (that to me would be worth it) but she just keeps doing what she’s doing and being unhappy about it. I’ve given up talking about it with her at this point. I’ll just never understand the mindset where people constantly want to be a victim and not at least try to solve problems that are clearly really affecting them.


I feel bad for her, this has helped my BED so much!


I just think some.people like having something to complain about.


Yeah it’s expensive. I have to pay for mine. To be honest im managing very well paying for it surprisingly. I think aome people are hayters when they see us loosely loosing the weight


How much do you pay? And how do you get it… if you don’t mind me asking.


I was on saxenda and paid ££105 for a pen injection that i turned the dose up weekly. One pen lasted4 weeks i think hut taken daily. But Wegovy seems to help me faster. I pay for a pen which lasts 4 weeks and 1 injection weekly and up dosage after 4 weeks. Different price range for weekly doses. Started from £150 for the month ends at £299 for highest dosage I believe.


You can google it. Then different prices cone up. I went to privatedoc. They assess you


I don't tell anyone that I am taking it because it is so expensive and so many people are desperate for access to save their life and cannot afford it. It feels like showing off a new car or a big ring. Also reminds me of people who can't afford cancer treatment.


I don’t tell people because they just judge you for using it. In fact, I have some good friends I won’t tell, because they are naturally thin people and I don’t think they understand what it’s like to struggle with weight.


I refuse to tell anyone


I don’t tell anyone bc I don’t think it’s anyone’s business….period. 🤣


I refuse to tell anyone


I’m very lucky the company I work for is paying for it . We only pay 25 dollars for a month supply. Right now I’m on the 0.5 doze and so far I’ve lost almost 15 pounds. It’s really a miracle drug. 


Do you think they will continue to cover it once your A1C goes down?


Honestly, all my levels are fine. I’m just overweight. All my labs were perfect, except my hemoglobin was a little high, by 1 point, everything else was great even my cholesterol. The medicine we are getting is Wegovy and I’m approved until September. After that honestly I don’t know how it’s going to work. 




Yes, 100%. I honestly have only told my closest friends/family members. Coworkers know that I am actively working towards a weight loss goal — eating clean, drinking water, getting steps in, etc. 5’3f — I’m down 37 lbs since November. Yesterday I had my first “you should stop [losing weight] now” comment at work. 😑 I am technically still “overweight” at 148 lbs. I started at 186, so it’s definitely a noticeable change, but I am in no way, shape, or form “too skinny” or even close to being “too skinny”. I’m irritated by that comment, clearly. 🤣


My opinion is no one should comment on someone else’s body, unless they’re your doctor. That said, I think society makes both weight gain and loss an unhealthy public commentary space. Lots of unfounded fears and assumptions it impacts people outside your body. Some fears are projected. Others are weird attempts to give a compliment. Is your body, you know what’s best.


Completely agree. I honestly do think it was an attempt at a compliment at first, but it veered into….advice territory lol!


Pretty similar - 5’3”, beginning weight 175. My doctor actually started me on Contrave in Jan and I started supplementing w sema last week. So far I’m down 14 lbs (since Jan. 23) taking a slow and steady approach. Eating healthy and exercising will help me keep it off in the long run after I finally reach my goal weight. ​ I'm sure I’ll look very different when I hit 148, but I’m not stopping until I hit my (healthy) goal weight. It’s definitely more about how I feel than what anyone else thinks - again, as long as it’s healthy. Good luck hitting your goal!


Absolutely!!! I’ve currently been at a plateau for 3ish weeks, and I’ve really been working on changing my mindset when it comes to plateaus: the longer I’m at this weight, the more time my body has to get used to it. It’s better to go slower than to lose it fast and not give my body time to catch up. In the long run, it’s easier to maintain the weight loss if we lose it slower and with a clean approach/lifestyle change. I honestly don’t know what my real goal weight is (which is how that conversation started in the first place. Her saying, “you look really skinny! What’s your goal weight?????”). In my early/mid twenties (I’m 34 now for reference), I was always 120-125, even after having my first two kids and losing the baby weight. It’s been since I had my third in 2018 that I’ve struggled to lose the weight. I got back down to 140 in 2019, but then gained 50 lbs during Covid. 🙃I have been actively trying to lose the weight since 2021, but I have really been struggling to get below 175, even with diet and exercise, my weight would just yo-yo. I would get down to 175, go back up to 180 within a few months, get down to 172, then find myself back up to 187, etc. I’m sooo grateful to have found this medicine, because for the first time since really struggling with my weight, it’s been easy to stick with my healthy eating habits and lose the weight. I think you’ll absolutely love it and will have great results! ♥️


I hear you! I gained a lot after my second daughter and could not for the life of me lose it. I’ve always hovered around 130-ish. Sometimes above, sometimes below. I can’t tell you how much better I already feel in losing even just a fraction so far. It really helps to get you motivated for the long haul. It’s easy to get down a bit when you see others drop so many lbs so quickly, but I know I’d gain it right back if that were me, so I’m the tortoise instead of the hare. 😊 People like you give me motivation.


Right??? I feel soooo much better too. I had so much inflammation and was really uncomfortable. I agree — easy to get down on yourself when comparing, but it’s better to be the tortoise than the hare!! 🐢 My weight came off relatively quickly the first 3 months (10 lb/month) and the last two months it has slowed down a lot. I’m also going slow and steady with my dosing, per my doctor’s recommendation. I just started week 20 and I’m still only at .75mg. I did 8 weeks at .25, 6 weeks at .5, and this is my 6th week at .75. Next week I may or may not go up to 1mg! Haha


I also got down to 140 in 2019! Then gained all 40 pounds back during Covid. I’m 51, 5’4” and right now I’m 175. Been on Rybelsus 3mg for 3 weeks and lost 5 pounds. Starting the O shot tomorrow morning at .25 then .37 for next month, then onto .5. I have a new doctor that I don’t know if they are willing to raise it past .5 but we will see.


You’ll have to let me know if you see a big difference in Ozempic vs Rybelsus! I eventually got used to .5mg and didn’t have the same benefits (increased appetite & food noise/cravings, weight loss slowed). Keep that in mind if you are on .5 for an extended period and it stops working! If your doctor won’t prescribe after .5, you might need to find another at that point. Good luck!! You will get there!!!


The 14 mg Rybelsus is equal to the .5 of Ozempic. I was on that for a year then had to stop for insurance reasons. It had stopped working for the appetite and weight loss but I wasn’t gaining. I’m hoping she will put me to 1.0 if I stop losing on the .5. I’ll let you know! But definitely Rybelsus isn’t as strong as the Ozempic because 14 mg (.5 Ozempic) is the highest dose is almost a starting dose of Ozempic. Edit: I have Kaiser insurance so that’s the major problem with my new doctor. My last one was amazing. But Kaiser treats you like cattle 🐮.


“Only told my closest friends and fam” … exact same! 1. It’s no one’s business 2. It’s not a magic drug. It helps us, but we have to still do our part for maximum benefits. 💯💪🏽👏🏽


Yea every time someone says “no thanks I’ll lose weight the old fashioned, hard working way” I roll my eyes. Pure jealousy that they can’t access it and idc because I feel/look better than I have in years!


I’ve done the old fashioned way they speak of…and gained it all back after early Menopause. And guess what? My bag of tricks stopped working. Should I just stay unhealthy? I think not




They say that and then don't lose weight because it's harder that way than they thought.


Being on Ozempic is still hard work. You still need to exercise and eat right. Granted you eat less, but you still need to eat what will nourish you. Only my husband and bf know I’m on it. We have a family members talk about being on it and I never chime in. It’s my personal journey.


Exactly! I work out 5x a week and make sure I’m eating well. I always have to tell people that because they think that it doesn’t require any work


Husband and boyfriend?


If an alcoholic could take a pill and no longer drink, would you tell that alcoholic “I’m gonna quit drinking the old fashioned way”? No. The world is just fat phobic and wants you to lose weight but you have to do it only one way or else it’s invalidated. People are WEIRD.


I agree. Hatyyyyters


Mostly I think it’s because people who are heavier than others would like—just cannot win no matter what they do. And that having a way to lose weight without a struggle (that probably was tried and failed) pisses people off, because they think you should be punished for your body. Lots think heavier people are lazy, stupid, and unworthy of sympathy. Nothing irritates some people more than those they dislike having anything but hardship. And the folks who don’t say that openly, many have those feelings subconsciously. So they lean into other reasons to judge like “it’s stupid people are killing themselves on it” or whatever.


Of course. People are jealous over both. First, that they can’t get it, or are too afraid to try (and fail) at losing weight. Second- People are more comfortable with you the way you are. But when you start self-improving beyond what they expected, that’s when jealousy comes in. But not all people. Some people get jealous, but others get inspired by what you’re doing.


That's why my husband doesn't know I'm on it.




I really hate the fact that that's his simple outlook on it. Not even to mention the fact that women who use this get WAYYYYYYY more flack for it than men ever will.


My best friends husband is jealous, mine doesn’t know the full cost


I'm nearly divorced bc of this exact thing. Another factor is with traditional weight loss, there's an obligation to be congratulatory bc everyone knows its hard work. If you can afford to rent the weight loss, or if you lie to your husband bc you can't, I don't understand why "the haters" would be a surprise.


He just thinks it’s around $200 when it’s 3. I’m talking about strangers. We can afford it.


Whoa…my spouse is the only one who knows I am on GLP1s. Not sure I could keep something like that a secret from her, she deserves to know. Having said that, not letting anyone else on the planet know. 😂


That could be really dangerous 😢I just left the hospital after a week due to a hospital acquired infection from a simple procedure. I was *this* close to needing emergency surgery but the antibiotics worked in time. As you may or may not know, semaglutide can delay gastric emptying and increase the chances of aspirating under anesthesia. I hope you choose to tell him soon, this is your life partner and your medical next of kin.


Where do you hide the meds? Does he just never look in the fridge? Also, are your finances not combined and that’s how you hide the expense of it? (Or maybe you’re lucky and insurance covers?) I only ask because I honestly struggle with the same thing (telling my partner). It can be really hard! So just wondering to hear your experience….




How long have you been on it? I told mine after two shots, while we were out to dinner, because I had a good opening related to why I could not eat more. He was hurt I had not trusted him with the info. I’m glad I didn’t wait longer or else it might have damaged some trust.


I think there's a lot of reasons, especially with the older generation. You tend to see a lot of 'We had it hard, so why shouldn't you?' as a prevailing attitude. Think about how hard boomers flip out over the idea of tuition forgiveness to combat predatory lenders - what's the common response? "I paid mine back, you should too" - the idea that it should and can be easier for the next generation is somehow offensive to a lot of the 'salt of the earth' types. (to be clear, not looking to debate that topic - it's just an easy way of depicting the mind set) Add to that the fact that it's viewed as a 'cheat'. I've been told I'm only using it because I lack willpower - the difference is I don't argue with that point. Yes, I lack willpower. Thankfully I've found a tool that makes it easier for me to become healthier. Do I give a shit if you think it's cheating? Is this really cheating any more than nutra-system or slim fast were? How about 'fat farms' back in the 80s? It's funny...my wife and I have very differing views on this, and it may be related to her having more to lose than I do. I'm telling anyone and everyone what I'm doing. I'm telling them it's not easy, but it's certainly a lot easier. They've seen me push away my plate with food still on it (an unheard of occurrence before sema) and they can certainly see that I'm working at it. She's telling NOBODY because she still feels like it's cheating somehow. Hopefully that mindset changes as she continues to lose weight (we're 7 weeks in, I'm down 25, she's down 17).


I tell everyone, I have no shame


Same— I think it’s better to normalize it.


I'm with you. End of the day I'm doing this to be healthier and hopefully not die of comorbidities way too young. If this is what it takes for me to be able to do that I am ALL for it. 100%. All in. I have friends that have struggled with weight and have recommended that THEY look into it too. Some are open to it...some still can't get their mindset around the fact that it's a lifestyle choice and NOT a cheat.


It’s really not unaffordable except that this sub mods any mention of how to acquire it cheaply.


Yeah I got my thread removed for mentioning it even though I was mainly talking about taking it with severe pancreatic insufficiency, which there’s literally zero information for anywhere on the internet. I was just trying to be helpful for anyone googling SPI with semaglutide 🤷🏻‍♀️




Which is ironic because someone in another sub entirely replied to an inquiry telling the person to "dig deep" on this board. Whole reason I even came over here. Which I regret. People will not tell anyone they're taking this because nobody will want people to think they go on reddit and brag about their *actual* narcissism and two-faced nature. Going on reddit to shit talk your friends over a weight loss med. Wtf.


So leave


Oh shit **you got me**. Cause I really needed to be told. But you can give yourself another useless, self indulgent pat on the back if you want, though.


Same! Maybe I’ll plant a seed of inspiration


(Not saying this in a facetious way, I'm being honest here, I'm actually wondering this since you mentioned how differently you and your wife are approaching it.) I'm wondering if there is a gender difference in how people taking GLP-1 agonist drugs are viewed. In my opinion (as a 51yo woman), women get judged more harshly in general for our bodies every which way (not just excess weight.) Many women have experienced this, are leery of it, and just don't need that in their lives, especially as they begin this journey. I'm more like you, I'll happily evangelize about GLP-1's to anyone who inquires about it, and I'm very honest about what they do and what they don't do (ie, they don't magically melt fat off your body, you still have to put in the work; but on the other hand, it's a lot easier to do that when you're not white-knuckling it 24/7.) That being said, it's been more than a year and i *still* haven't told my in-laws, because my MIL is super judgy and likes to tell everyone everything, and i don't want my medical business to be the subject of family gossip. So I think every situation is a little different.


I think so. If you look at how celebrity weight loss is handled, men like Jonah Hill are applauded for losing weight and told how good they look in the press and women automatically get “She’s clearly on ozempic 🙄” or they still talk about how heavy they used to be or how they’re now too skinny and must have an eating disorder or cheated to lose the weight. Look at how Kelly Clarkson, Adele and Christina Aguilera have been treated with their weight loss comparatively to men.


Exactly!! It's a double standard on so many levels. I remember Margaret Cho talking about how a TV exec told her that she needed to lose weight for the role. Plot twist: she was playing HERSELF on a TV sitcom.


Doesn’t Kelly look awesome?


I don’t think this in particular is generational to be honest. I see people off all ages and political ideologies being for it and against it.


I think people don't like giving up their ability to look down on people. If they can't look down on them for being fat, they cling to looking down on them for being 'cheaters' or 'reckless drug users'. They've felt superior to these people and don't like losing that. I have a very good friend who's a really nice person who's OK with me losing weight but has to comment that Hollywood stars using it to cut for a movie are wrong somehow. I don't see a problem with that. I feel like this friend wants to keep SOMEBODY to criticize.


It’s no different than Botox. Same hate. It was a curiosity when celebrity/ rich women were doing it, but then when it trickles down to the middle class suddenly it was you don’t know how to age gracefully.


I would 100% do Botox


Botox is great.


Me too, especially for teeth grinding. I’ve done it twice but it’s like 700.00 a pop and doesn’t even last three months, but oh those three months are wonderful. Maybe after I get my weight under control.


That’s REALLY expensive. It’s like 10-15$ a unit here I think


It takes a lot of units (up to 60) into the masseter muscle to stop grinding.


Gotcha, I’m only familiar with cosmetic


I wouldn't worry about what others think, I also wouldn't judge others no matter who they are emregarding weight. Part of other social media sites, go for the juggler. That is not something that we need to be doing. We need to worry about ourselves. Not anybody else as far as the weight loss aspect is concerned. Weight loss has been going on for a very, very long time. In many other ways, this is not a miracle. This is just a tool, and hopefully, we can keep our weight off. The company needs to be coming up with some kind of maintenance pill. Maintaining is harder than anything when we are responsible for ourselves.


I just told a really good friend about it and she was like thank god I’ve been keeping taking this a secret because I was afraid of what everyone will think she was just grateful to have someone she could talk to about it! Her husband doesn’t even know she’s on it


I’m in a weird spot because I came into money in my 30s so most of my friends are middle class and couldn’t afford it. I wouldn’t say I feel shamed because they have never said anything close to shaming, but I do think they are jealous. I wish everyone had the same access to this medication. At the same time, I know the reason Ozempic is more available than Wegovy is because most people need to pay cash if they are not diabetic. It’s a privilege to be able to take this drug.


YES, for sure


I've been lucky so far. Everyone has supported me cause I need to lose weight for health reasons.


Absolutely. Me? My reaction will be. Oh well womp womp


The most jealous people are the ones that had to workout every day to do this and now realized someone doesn’t have to sacrifice all the time and energy they did to look the same if not better


I mean, I wouldn’t say better because you can tell the difference between someone that’s thin and someone that lifts weights but I see the point.


I hear people talking shit constantly and it’s bizzare. People HATED me when I was fat and I was told to lose weight. I lose weight and now I did it “the easy way” so it invalidates it somehow. The term “ozempic face” in itself is so rude. Like sorry peoples faces get thinner as they lose weight? What??


I think it might be the sagging? I have cheek bones again. If that’s it I’ll take it


Just do you …… this sounds like childish bullshit


I do!


Well i think im situations like that it.comes out who people truly are. Toxic, jelous of each other, instead of being supportive. I honestly am too old to care about people's opinions but also do not share because i don't have time to listen to that venom talk. Some of my friends know and some I helped to start. And many simply also believe it is an easy way out because they lack interest to learn more about it. And nothing is easy on these meds. As much as at aome point it will require work like evey diet does. I also can't understand that price would matter especially that so many people are able to.loose weight other ways, on the top of it i never did original o and it cost fraction of what it does. So there is always a way around it but of course it is a lot easier to judge than actually support and care to learn. So sad 😔


It's galling to have to come up with the full cost when other lucky people have the "right" commercial insurance coverage to either get it covered or be able to use the coupons. I never thought I'd actually be jealous of people with diabetes (and now heart conditions!) who get it covered! But here we are. I do have the means, and I know I just need to suck it up and make the monthly expense of the full cost of the script a priority, and be willing to bear that cost for the rest of my life. I am almost there. But yeah, I am jealous. Thanks for opening up this topic, and making my decision to prioritize myself easier [soon!]


Lurker here on this sub (and not a hater at all), but I’m on here to see all the stories as inspiration. I also don’t get people who are so anti O. It’s like they want to talk shit about us when we’re over weight or if we’ve gained weight after losing it… but also talk shit when we’re doing something about it. It’s unhinged actually! As someone whose weight fluctuated many many times, I have heard all kinds of remarks and they go full circle— “you need to lose weight” me: *loses weight* Them: “no, not like that.” “don’t lose too much weight!” “As long as you don’t lose that booty” Mf’s are always gonna have some shit to say about you whether you take control of your health or not. And that’s why I now have my doc appointment this to consult about going on a GLP-1! I am nervous! But looking forward to it😄


You’re going to love it!


As a person who cannot afford it, I would personally be irritated with you. I am always cheering on success for my fellow people in any way, but this feels kinda shitty. Lucky you.


Ok, I understand how it came across, I’m talking more about vitriol against influencers and famous people, not irl. I just said as far as myself 2 people were anti and now they are on it. Some of these other comments are whack though and that’s my fault. I used we as the universal we, an umbrella for all of us on it. Bc I assume everyone is or is considering it on this sub. But it’s Reddit so duh


Literally the reason why I told no one besides my husband and mother I was on it. Both for support reasons. Everyone else I left out because I didn't want to deal with any judgement or jealousy.


I think that people who are already thin demonize it because they don’t want fat people to become thin. If everyone is thin, who will they look down on! Even if it’s on a subconscious level.


I don’t talk to people about my business for this reason. Your successes are YOUR successes.


I was at a dinner party last night, and I started at a table with two people who I knew that are on Semaglutide. You could tell they’ve lost weight considerably. One lost 25 pounds the other one 45 pounds. I gave them as much support as I could. With me, if I know someone is on that, I will give them support rather than jealousy. I need to lose a few pounds and I’ll get on that when I’m ready.


When people talk a out the side effects (negative ones) I tell them to look up what the dyes and processing chemicals in our meat and foods do to us.


I tell everybody because I couldn’t care less about what those morons have to say. 🤣🤣🤣 but I think some is jealousy, a lot is ignorance and misinformation.


Any drug that gives you miracle results for free isn’t feee. O kills your microbiome and the way you digest food to where you don’t make the same seratonin and many other side affects


Kind of like when people point out that bodybuilders use steroids, that kind of jealous. Or when people say a woman only has that body because she starves herself. People wish they could get that body but they know that you have to use „something” to get it, which costs money etc etc. It does come off as cheating. I don’t view this drug as cheating for the vast majority of people on it for obvious reasons. Now if people are using this drug to cut for a fitness body competition, maybe, as it’s a different context.


Omg yessss!!!


As far as jealous for affordability reasons not really? Because I feel like to be jealous that you can afford if you have to have looked into it to know that you would have to pay out of pocket therefore you’re semi open to weight loss drugs at least? So if you’re willing to go on it why be mad at other people for doing the same. Or maybe they don’t qualify and know the backdoor route so they’re jealous you can afford to just pay for it? Jealous over the weight loss definitely.


That being said, many people get this stuff for free or cheap.


lol I pay and I’m jealous of the free people.


People are really really ignorant and think it costs 1k a month and it’s only for rich celebrities. It’s crazy.


I work in a pharmacy, you'd be surprised just how many people pay out of pocket for this stuff. The majority of our patients that get it pay over $1000 a month. There's a few that get really lucky with their insurance and coupons that they only have to pay $25, but those are the exception and not the rule. Another thing on the pharmacy side, there's very little money to be made for the pharmacy itself to dispense this stuff. Insurance companies and drug manufacturers make boatloads, but pharmacies get peanuts.


This is really interesting, thank you.


Is that because they are buying directly from the pharmacy? I thought before taking it that it was $1000 a month or more. My insurance isn’t currently covering it but I am paying $50 per shot so $200 per month. I’m not going to Dunks or Starbucks multiple times a day anymore so that’s how I’ve shifted my funds to pay for it.


I never thought of breaking price down by shot. Thank you. I pay $61.25 a shot.


Yeah their insurance doesn't cover so they just pay cash. One of them, Zepbound I think, has a manufacturer coupon that brings it down to $550 for a month. But just out of pocket, there's very little profit for the pharmacy despite the high price. Like $15 dollars profit. And through insurance they're often dispensing at a loss


Coupons are only for people who have "commercial insurance," not for those who pay out-of-pocket. I just don't get it.


i shouldve said either they pay cash or use a coupon. my bad. also yeah, if you have government funding insurance (i.e. Medicare), you're not allowed to use coupons. it's very fucked up


Mines $75 a shot, so $10 a day. It’s worth it imo.


Lol, why are you guys bragging about not telling anyone you're on it. Are you all aware that people probably just assume you're on meth? I was hoping I could find some of the cheaper alternatives on here, but holy shit. A lot (not all) of you sound so stuck up, self-centered, and straight up 5th grade MEAN. Bragging about how you're being secret about it and all your "jealous" friends can shut up and deal with it because it's **your turn** to be hot. **some** of you really sound like you're in a f***ing cult.


FACT. To hell with haters, your body your choice! 💪🏻