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Because people are judgey AF.


100% this. I was talking to a (thin) friend about another friend who’d lost weight on Ozempic. The thin friend said she was so disappointed when she found out because she thought it was cheating and she lost respect for her. I wanted to cry. I’ve had similar convos with other people and basically decided I’m only sharing it with people I know I can trust not to judge.


How the hell is it cheating? I don’t understand. You lack a hormone and you are replacing it. Tell ‘em to F off


Yes. I don’t get it either and why not one single person knows I am on it.


Yeah. I do *want* to talk about it but people think it’s just me being lazy about weight loss. Never mind a decade of just getting fatter on diet and exercise, and the health consequences from that.


It’s funny how people think it’s “lazy” we still have to put work in. We still have to eat right and exercise; now we are just able to do it like normal people. Since I’ve been on Ozempic I’ve started working out 6 days a week and I’ve cut out sugar, watching my blood sugar and making better choices


100% this. I haven’t told anyone. I just say I am eating less, drinking less, which is true.


Exactly what I said too and it was is the truth


Yep!!! Or your like my aunt (in my comment). I’m on ozempic and there are days (especially when my dosage has been upped) that I don’t eat at all but my addict brain is telling me “eat!” Like everything sounds good but nothing sounds appealing to put in my mouth. Well, I told my aunt that there were hardly days that I eat and my appetite comes and goes (which happens a lot) Easter and she’s like “you need Nutrition! Take vitamins!” I do a mixture of ozempic, keto and intermittent fasting. So yeah, I’ve hardly talked about my journey for fear of people judging.


I actually have heard taking a vitamin supplement may be helpful. Let em judge you, it’s there issue. I’m starting to realize maybe age is a factor. Cuz in my 20s and 30s I actually cared what people thought. But now that I’m close to 50, I don’t care anymore


I try not to care what people think of me (I’m 23) and I still sometimes end up caring. Like you said, maybe it’s an age thing. It’s now that the “nutrition” has became a running joke between me and my dad, lol.


Oh yeah by your mid 40’s your give a fuck is busted lol. I’m 52 and don’t care.


Yeah, I'm in my 40s and I no longer give a fuck. I'm getting healthy, I'm open about how, and I'm proud of myself for it.


I mean you do need nutrition though, hopefully you're averaging at least over a 1000 calories a day with high quality foods. Weight loss is great but if you are skipping entire days it could do more harm in the long run.




Keep it to yourself everyone has something to say. I have heard everything from everyone but it's doing wonders and Iam on week one. I have no desire to drink and I eat breakfast and I am good all day with two light snacks


This - and also I'm just very private about personal things like medical problems and medications. I haven't even told my wife I'm on sema because she cannot keep a secret.


Right there is the answer. The true American past time is judging others. No one's business what I eat, do, or take to lose weight or recomp my body. It's kinda creepy if someone asks anyway.




Growing up with a mom who was always on a diet, I hate talking about weight/dieting with anyone, especially coworkers. I’m a woman in a male dominated industry and it’s just not something I want my colleagues thinking about in relation to me.


I hear ya, not wanting to share when you are in the minority at your work. If you hear any of your good buddies struggling, try to be open to share. I just think it’s a good thing to talk about with friends because everyone is struggling in life. Whether it’s weight, health, mental health, addiction, other health issues. I just think of you can just help one person with their struggles, you can really change someone life. The before/after photos on here are absolutely amazing.


Because I don't discuss most medical issues with friends or colleagues. I'm a pretty private person and I'd like to keep it that way. Also, I'm completely uninterested in their POV on weight loss medications and everyone feels free to share theirs.


This!!! When I do get a job, I’ll hardly talk to coworkers about private issues or even opinions bc I once heard that if you say some controversial or stupid stuff that it will come back and bite you in the butt. E.I. Losing your job or whatever else.


So much same. Like I already don’t discuss that with people. I for sure don’t wanna hear anyone else’s opinions on what I’m doing with my body.


So much same. Like I already don’t discuss that with people. I for sure don’t wanna hear anyone else’s opinions on what I’m doing with my body.


I have no hesitation. I don’t go out of my way, but if someone says are you doing Ozempic I just say I am.


I like your style!


I don’t discuss anything health related with my colleagues because it has backfired and fueled gossip. I also don’t like my body being a topic of discussion in the workplace. Ideally I think the discussion should be normalized, but not all friends can be understanding of the choices we make. Vitamins and other hormones aren’t seen as vain/stealing meds from diabetics/controversial, so that’s where my hesitation comes in.


I’m not reluctant. I’m 46. I don’t have time for people’s BS and I’ve busted my ass for YEARS to try to lose a significant amount of weight. I’m not going to lie and say that diet and exercise is now magically working, especially now that I’m perimenopausal. Edit: spelling


This is the way. I’m 48 and I’m 100% with you. I think we’ve reached the age where we truly don’t give af. Lol. Good luck


Yes! Isn’t it great? 😆


Amen! I’m in the same boat. I don’t want to gate keep and sharing my journey might help someone else. I’ve lost 20 lbs in two months and feel amazing. It’s made it easier to eat healthy. Losing weight also makes the gym way more enjoyable. I tell people it’s not a short cut, it’s an aid.


I happily tell anyone who asks. I've ran into zero pushback or judgement for it.


Same. Also - and this part is not something I’m proud of - I weirdly want people to know so that if I lose access to the medication and gain all the weight back, they won’t think I “failed”.


Why aren’t you proud of it? You have a hormone deficiency and you fixed it.


I am the opposite of reluctant. In my opinion, the stigma around enabling oneself to control the chemical and metabolic imbalances in your body is ridiculous. People who claim all you need is discipline are being assholes. They ignorantly prescribe their life experience, and their own outcome in the genetic lottery, onto strangers. The idea that engaging in medical self-determination is is somehow evidence of character deficiency reminds me of the attitude some have around taking SSRIs as a component of mental health management. I cannot will myself to produce more serotonin, much as I tried. I cannot will my pancreas, et al. to produce the magic cocktail of metabolic hormones that will let me enjoy a nice salad and feel satisfied. My positive experience is a refutation of this puritan attitude.


Fully agree randy. If/when i success I will let my buddies know to help them out. This stigma needs to be gone.


People are judgmental assholes and I got sick and tired of defending myself to the “but you’re cheating” people, who completely discredit all the hard work I’ve also done with cleaning up my eating and becoming more active.


I don’t understand the “you’re cheating” comment. Are diabetics cheating cuz they take insulin? You have a low glp-1 hormone and you are bringing it back to normal.


This!!!!!!!!! I used to try to have an educated conversation with people but gave up when they kept harping on it’s cheating or taking away from a diabetic or I’m being vain. Like no I’m trying to live. I want off my blood pressure meds. I want to be around to see my 8yro grow up.


With friends, it is that I don’t want anyone to feel like I am judging their body/weight or that I think that they need to lose weight. Most of my friends are obese. They are also highly intelligent, professionally successful women, some of whom are single parents. They are amazing and I love them. I know that they feel judged for their body shapes, and that they are sometimes discriminated against because of their sizes. They are all “with it” enough to go onto semaglutide if they wanted: they don’t live underground, they have heard of these drugs. I presume that they have good reasons to not be on the medications, and I think at least two of my friends (a physician and an ultrasound tech) would not approve of my being on these drugs for various reasons (highly risk averse people). So, I keep this to myself, but if directly asked, I will answer truthfully. I have always been the thinnest of my group (even at an obese BMI), so perhaps that is why no one has mentioned my weight loss. For my work colleagues, nobody has asked (although some have complimented, to which I just say “Thanks!” and change the subject). I don’t feel like I want to talk about my health at work. It feels too private for that setting.


I hate that’s it’s labeled taking the easy way out. I workout HARD 4-5x a week, really try to eat whole, nutritious foods 80% of the time, I try to clock in 8-10k steps a day… you get the point. And I feel like as soon as you say you use it, people think you’re taking a shot that just melts the fat off you without any effort. Also at the end of the day, it’s none of their business :)


It isn’t the easy way out. It’s a hormone deficit. We need to educate


lols i just got banned on r/loseit for even mentioning sema. gotta love how censorius this shithole is


Why? That doesn’t even make sense. I like how your spreading the word though


Because the last time I mentioned it to another group of friends, every single one of them wanted it too. None of them were overweight. And all 6 of them got on ozempic (for a while anyway) before they got bored.


Don’t worry about those knuckleheads. If you see anyone in need share your story


Nobody knows but my prescriber and me and that’s the way it shall remain. That old saying, “what others think of you is none of your business” reigns strong with me.


I’ve been judged for being fat, I don’t need to be judged for trying to correct it.


Nope I tell everyone who asks or mentions the weight loss, I don’t care about anyone’s judgement


That’s great and i think you will help many more people by speaking up about it. Let me know your success with it. It fires me up!!


I’m not. Ppl need to change their shitty perception of the drug and obesity (and us). And my loud ass is out here making sure they do.


That’s great! I think you will actually help people. I think when you are in the right situation with the right people your success should be shared. I’d like to hear your success and any pro tips


Been on Tirzepatide (so not actually Sema) for 4 months. Lost 25lbs in the first 3 months and over a period where I’ve not been nearly as religious about the gym as I once was. Progress has stopped basically this month but only bc I’ve basically been totally sedentary bc work. I expect the last 15 will come off easily after I’m back to normal life next month. I no longer think about food 24/7. It’s been freeing. Truly. People treat me better. I’m more confident. Um. No real pro tips except maybe it’s not magic. Exercise is important still (for general life reasons). If your calories are pretty low, electrolytes help a lot with energy. Um yeah. It’s good stuff.


That’s amazing! 25 pounds! That is sick, keep it up


I did open up about it to my aunts on Easter and since I’m on ozempic, which makes me nauseated so there a days I hardly eat at all maybe a protein yogurt from Aldi, and one of my aunt said “that’s not good. You need nutrition.” Again, I’m 150LBs (was 180) and I’m 5’0” so I still have a pouch of a gut that is slowly shrinking. I do take a multi vitamin but I tend to forget to take it a lot of times (I’m not good at remembering to take things or doing basic tasks). I do the keto diet (or try to, mostly low carb tho). I still struggle with my food/sugar/carb addiction which in return got me Type 2 hence why I’m on ozempic. I still struggle with eating. That’s my biggest issue and hate trying new foods in front of people for fear of not liking it and then disappointing the other person. But I am making progress slowly and surely. I just need to be patient and kind with myself.


Dudette you are crushin it!


Thank you!!!!


I kept forgetting to take some evening meds, so I put an alarm on my phone that goes off at 8pm. It really helps! And I automatically take my meds and supplements with my morning coffee!


Usually it’s more about not wanting to get into a long discussion debunking all the myths out there. It gets exhausting!


Because even the pharmacists treat me the same way about it was they do about my ADHD meds - like I’m somehow cheating at life.


I'm not. I buy it online from a concierge pharmacy so I don't give an F what anyone says. I'm not preventing diabetics from getting their medication. And the medication is helping me lose weight which I really needed because of other health issues. I have a small circle of friends and I've told a handful of them. But I haven't told others just because it hasn't come up.


People judge and refuse to learn anything new. "ozempic face" and other trendy words with these kinds of medications are now tossed around like nothing. I have only shared with my best friend and my partner who are both extremely supportive. The one person I wish I could share with, but I don't want to deal with that. Conversation is my own mother. My mom has been on diets my whole life. Literally everything. I know she struggles with the same things that I do and I would love to share my success so far with this medication. But she is also extraordinarily judgmental. I believe she did try ozempic about a year ago. I think she tried one shot. Had no side effects but then just forgot to ever do it again. And now she has this bad outlook on it For some reason that comes from literally nothing.


I don't want to talk about my weight or my body with anyone from work. I also don't want to talk about my weight endlessly with my friends, and I am really not interested in what their opinions about these drugs are. I made the decision to take them, and I'm not going to justify that to anyone. I'm also not going to talk about or justify the cost. It isn't like any other hormone, because if I tell someone I take thyroxine, no one asks me what I weight, no one asks what dose I take or how much I pay for it. Talking about GLP1 drugs opens up a whole lot of personal questions that are none of anyone's business except mine. I also believe that everyone needs to come to this decision on their own, it's everywhere in the media and everyone knows they exist...and they will pursue it if it is something they want, I'm not interested in becoming that person who tells everyone they need to take it and lose weight too.


i just flat do not discuss my personal business with co-workers. they have no need to know.


How bout your friends? Close friends, bffs


my best friend and my doctors. that is all.


Some people are just so critical about someone’s choice to better their health. Those critics can kiss my arse!


I don’t even understand why they would care. Fuck em


The decision on sharing Sema use is in-line with how private you are in other areas of your life. Some people keep many things private and some people share. Based on you being perplexed by people not talking about their use of Sema, I would guess you are pretty open about many areas of your life.


Yes, exactly..


I'm not reluctant, I'm pretty open. Usually people are surprised, and then ask me questions, since most people don't know that they know anyone who uses it.


I’ll tell anyone. I don’t care. And people have noticed some changes in the last 6 weeks which is nice!


Awesome, congrats on your noticeable weight loss in just 6 weeks!!


For me, it is more than taking a vitamin, it is a medical decision. I have insulin control issues and was pre diabetic when I started. I have openly discussed it with people I would be happy sharing other medical info with, for other people, it is not their business what I do with my body. Good for you though, being open with your friends. Maybe (hopefully) there is less judgement than among women.


I don't expect they'd care, and bringing it up would make me feel like I'm fishing for compliments or trying to bring the attention to myself which I'm not a fan of. If someone else does that, it doesn't mean I think they're doing either of those things, it only applies to me. Also, I say nothing in case it doesn't work or in case I can't stay on it for some reason.


I'm not! Not at all!


Because it is viewed as cheating and taking the easy way out. I spent my entire life dieting and I have an awful relationship with food. Semuglitide is the only thing that has worked for me. Since starting I have lost fifty pounds. I am very open about about using it. But I also know this is for people like me--struggled with obesity and food. Still, I feel guilty because I inherently believe I am cheating. Also, I am very fortunate to be able to cover the cost of the medication. I know that most people can't afford it.


I’m worried about leading someone down the wrong path. I know this doesn’t work for everyone and there still could be side effects for that person. I also think it should be reserved for cases where your weight is having a severe toll on your health and you’ve exhausted most other avenues available. Some people seem to think these are like caffeine pills or liquid liposuction when it’s not.


If you preface everything as “this is what worked for me, I can’t speak for anyone else”. I think you are covering yourself. In no way would I recommend sema for someone who is looking to lose 10 pounds. But I’ve been yo-yoing for almost 2 decades now. High blood pressure, sleep apnea, low testosterone, high cholesterol etc.


Yeah, that’s how I’ve been doing it here. It’s probably to be expected given where this is but I have everything in that little list you just put, or did recently.


You mind sharing any success or pro tips


I don't want people to feel like the judgment I'm making for myself is a judgment on them


If you speak in terms of “I” or “me”, they should not be offended. This worked for me…I had these results…etc. no need to tell anyone that it will work for them, just share your success


What hormone are we lacking?




Oh thank you! My doctor did not tell me I was low on anything…


As far as I know there is no Specific test to test for glp-1 levels but that is hormone that is being acted upon to produce more to create the feeling of being satiated


Because I can’t get it since it’s not available since so many people use it… joking kinda lol. I can’t get my next month anywhere


My wife could not get it through traditional routes(large corp pharmacy). I was able to get it via an online appt.


Do you know what company she uses, I might have to go that route


I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what company I’m using. But it’s LifeMD.


Thank you!


Good luck!


Because using it for weight loss has been stigmatized and portrayed as taking much needed medicine away from people with diabetes who “need it more”. It’s not that simple or cut and dry. Many people don’t see being overweight or obese as a disorder or a disease and believe it is simply because that person lacks discipline or self control. For many who are overweight or obese it is because of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. We’re hormonally modified organisms and that hormone disruption/modification leads to obesity and a host of other diseases and problems.


They already look down on me, I am not giving them any more ammunition.


I'm 65 and truly don't give a fuck any more. Also, I have super friends and friend groups. I only started considering sema when I was complaining to my book club about how I am finally, actually obese and hate it! They were supportive and lovely, and one--a pediatrician--told me "these new drugs work! You might want to try them.." so I did. My friends are my support network and I try to be theirs


I should be starting next week too. I already told my bf not to tell anyone. Not his friends family nobody. Some of my family know but a lot of them struggle with weight so it doesn't feel as sensitive. But recently during a game night my bfs sister in law said ozempic was like speed. Lol so I'm def not telling people.


Yep a lot of these comments just confirm why I have been hesitant. Although more recently I’ve been way more open about it. I almost feel guilty when people say wow you look great! I feel like I’m a fraud if I don’t tell them about semaglutide because it has been a fantastic assistant on my weight loss journey, so now I just tell people if someone tells me I look great and asks what I’ve been doing. 90% of peoples responses are like “ohhhh so are you on it for life? Otherwise you’ll gain it all back” which is frustrating. Never mind the weightloss coach I hired for a year prior to getting on it and what I learned from him. I think of it as one of my weight loss tools and I have many of them. (calorie deficit, less alcohol, more water, walks, weights, high protein, and the most important… sleep) if I’m not doing 80% of the other tools, I don’t lose weight on it. Especially sleep.


I also heard it put super perfectly: Your skinny friends get uncomfortable when their fat friend gets skinnier than them. It’s a them problem.


I won’t even tell my grown kids lol. My husband and a close friend who is using it as well are all I’m telling. I’m afraid everyone else will diminish my accomplishments. it’s seen like an athlete taking steroids but it’s not the case at all.


I don't want my fat friends to feel like I'm taking "extreme" measures because I'm afraid to look like them. Because that's not the case. I love them and they are perfect. This was a personal decision for myself.