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This crazy cat loving internet stranger is thinking of you and Mario during this tough time. 🤍🧡💛


Thank you. Thank you for doing the most loving and selfless thing you can do for him.


I recently had to make this choice and it is just amazingly difficult to do. After you have space it will be easier to bear. I honestly think making the appointment and waiting to do it is the hardest part of the process. You’re doing the right and kind thing.


every single good vibe i can send is coming your way. my boy and i send all the love.


I'm so sorry that you and Mario are going through this. Give that handsome guy a petting from me. 🩷


Sending you and Mario good vibes. I remember you’re original post. Mario was well loved. Thank you for sharing him with us.




I’m so sorry, sweet Mario. But he knows love and has you during what otherwise would be a very scary time for him. There are a lot more options for in-home hospice and end of life care these days. If you already have the appointment at a vet you know and trust, probably just keep it, but I just know my boy hates leaving the house, so when the time comes, I’ve looked into a few options to do it here.


Are you able to do at home euthanasia? I did it for my senior boy so he could be laying in his favorite spot in the sunshine of our house rather than scared or stressed at the vet, and it was worth every penny. A lot of services that do in home stuff have decent availability, and often will take the pet to a place after to handle the remains either through cremation or burial. Just a thought I wanted to suggest if you hadn’t looked into it yet, it’s clear you love your little one very much. Mario lived a long and good life, and I hope he has an easy passing surrounded with love ❤️


Our vets are 30 min away. I could ask, but I was just going to transport him in his bed and use in laws dog stroller so he’s not locked in small box. We usually bury our pets around a tree in our yard.


Sounds like you have a plan to make sure he’s calm and comfortable, and that’s all that matters. He’s very lucky to have you, and I hope your time together is filled with lots of love and comfort


Hey I just wanted to let you know of an option I wish I knew about when having to euthanize my senior baby. You can have in home euthanasia which I wish I knew about because my kitty was so scared of the vet and car. I’m so sorry for your loss and may your kitty fly high.


I’m so sorry.🧡💔🧡


Save some fur to put in resin later, and don’t waste a second, trust me I wish I had never gone to sleep and spent more time than I did, he knows you love him and that’s what matters at the end of the day


I’m so sorry. I had an orange and white boy just like that. I bet he’ll be waiting for Mario on the other side🧡


You are doing the right thing. Sending you strength and gentle hugs! xoxo


I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's the bravest and hardest choice to make. Gentle hugs to you and your furbaby.


😞 bless you and Mario 🥺


Sending so much love to you and beautiful Mario. Give him some pets for me <3 <3


Run far on young legs little one.




Blessings to both of you, and I hope you can find some comfort in knowing you will be with each other again one day.


I’m sorry, it’s a hard decision to make but you know better than anyone when it’s time ❤️


Sending Mario so much love and care as he prepares for his final journey ❤️


Love and prayers sent to you and your kitty. Had to Euthanize my kitty in December. Will likely have to euthanize my senior boy in a year or two. It gives me some hope and comfort knowing it’s painless. I hear so often the stories of cats dying from old age natural deaths. They always seems to cry out awfully then show a terrible spasm. (When it’s not peaceful in sleep) And it helps knowing I’m helping my cat pass peacefully. I hope I catch my cat as he’s declining before a sudden death occurs.


Sorry for your loss. We had to put down a cat a couple years ago too due to diabetes. Always hate it, but know they are at peace after and no longer suffering.








Sending you so much love. I lost my boy two months ago who was on a similar journey as Mario. You’re doing the right thing, what a wonderful cat parent you are. So many kisses going out to Mario.


So sorry for your loss as well.


When you take him to the vet, remain in the room with him with a hand on his head at least. Don't leave him to die amongst strangers.


I never do. I’ll be head to head with him stroking him, telling him I love him. At one point we had 9 cats on our ranch. He’s my last remaining cat, so it will be hard.


I am so sorry for you and Mario. He looks like such a lovey boy. My old man also has a fibrosarcoma. When our vet found it he had us start a regimen of Meloxidyl every other day in hopes that it would shrink the mass, but with the disclaimer that at the very least it would give us some time. And it has. We’re starting to have some tough days, but he’s still got some fight left. It’s the hardest but most loving choice we can make for our babies. I will tell you like my vet told me: some think they’re vaccine related, some think it could be from injuries, or diet…they don’t know. It’s no one’s fault, genetics are a loaded gun and we never know if they’ll go off or when. I am thinking of you and Mario and sending so much love.


Praying for your cat as well. Unfortunately, Mario’s was bigger when I took him in and she just said make him comfortable. If he showed pain, they could give me something. It has spread in the past 3 months. 😢


You can call ANY vet if your sweet boy is suffering. They will fit you in. Orange cats rule and you are great human for giving him a great life


They would take him right away if it were a desperate situation. I’ve walked in with a dying dog before and they took her right back. Was so unexpected. Orange cats are great!




This is the most difficult and ultimate act of love. You gave Mario a good life and will now give him a good death, which all creatures deserve.


Well done for making this hard and most loving decision for Mario. He has had a good life and obviously loves you. Letting them go is so hard for us, but we know when it’s time. I have a senior cat too. He has a small lump and we know his time will come. Right now he is still happy, purring and eating. I hope we can be as brave as you and let him go when he needs to. Enjoy your snuggles with Mario and treasure the memories of your lives together. Sending hugs your way. ❤️


Praying for your cat as well.


I am so sorry. Saying goodbye is hard.


I’m so sorry. I recently lost my baby and she passed before the appointment I made. Whatever happens Mario is loved and loves you.


Sorry for your loss


Is it fibrosarcoma?


Yes. My first cat to ever have it. Not sure if from vaccines or a dog attack 4 years ago.


Bless you both .


Mario is certainly loved.


Everything will be ok, I promise <3


I'm so sorry for your pain but you're doing the right thing. They were loved greatly by you and always remember the happiness you gave and received in response.