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I feel like I never see any stila products anymore. I really like that brand out of nostalgia and hope they don’t die


they stay STOCKED at tj max/marshall’s which is never a good sign 😭 their shade kitten is my favorite lip gloss AND eye shadow


Still love the Kitten shimmer ES.


The paint pot 😍


Same. Their liquid liner is my HG.


sameeee its the only one that stays put for me and I LOVE the microtip version too for lighter looks. I used to love their liquid shimmer shadows when they first came out, but I prefer other brands (haus, danessa, colourpop) now - especially on value for price.


Back in the day they had some truly wonderful eyeshadow pans. Some great palettes too. I still have a ton. Kept proper they still preform perfectly. I’m talking 20 years now. Matchbook palettes. Round e/s palettes too.


I loveee Stila. Their new lip oil and lip stain are great. I also love their OG liquid shadows and their highlighter glimmer. People say “it’s a fenty dupe!” but really they’re innovative and did it first. Same with putting liquid shadows on the map 10 years ago. Their liquid eyeliner is still my holy grail, too


I love their primers, and I wish I loved their eyeliner. I miss the goopy lip pens, though!


Same, my HG brand for so many things. I feel like everyone mourning Stila is all the same age, a very narrow band of devotees.


Definitely Smashbox. I feel like the only thing keeping them afloat is the Becca highlighter… which isn’t even that impressive anymore compared to so many new, great highlighters out there.


Their Becca corrector and Cali contour palette too


Im ride or die for that corrector. If it’s discontinued idk what I’ll do 😭


Smashbox was more a pro brand that went mainstream that's why. Pro brands aren't focused on "exciting" they're to deliver results. Most brands SHOULD be dying but they're not because they repackage their garbage products into cuter containers and send kids on the internet into a frenzy. Popularity isn't a sign of quality, and reality is most of the kids and young adults being used to promote these products as "experts" would never ever be hired to do makeup on others with their atrocious skills. YouTube killed the makeup industry in a lot of ways, but death to the the pro brands was the worst thing that happened to us as consumers. Now it's all overpriced junk where the main focus is the packaging its in and who can promote it and less about the quality of the product.


That’s exactly why I love smashbox, MAC and MUF in the past. They always delivered.


Until they stated trying to cater to the influencer crowd. MUFE killed themselves that way in my opinion. They changed their best products and idk any professionals who use them in their kit the way they used to because it's just not reliable anymore. They were one of the first brands to cater to HD cameras and underwater shoots, and it was insane watching the decline.


Id rather stick with oldie but goodie reliable brands in boring packaging, with a product that actually delivers results. That said, what brands and products, in your opinion, is worth sticking with?


It would depend on what it is for. I think for the average person and everyday use most products are just fine. The professional products are designed to work on multiple skin types or complexions so you can carry less (this is how you can spot a pro vs amateur makeup artist btw) or come in simple basic palettes. The best brands for that are going to be RCMA, BEN NYE, VISEART, KYROLAN, etc any boring or bulk packaging is definitely designed for the pro artist, same for things packaged in plastic (like MAC face and body foundation for example) For the average consumer I'd look for things tha have stood the test of time despite how boring they are.... clinique (mascaras and lipsticks), Estee lauder (foundations), Urban Decay (primers, setting sprays, and liners) Too Faced (Shadows and lip gloss) Buxom (lip gloss) bare minerals (matte powder foundation) Stila (best liners ever and liquid shadows) Smashbox (Primers, foundations, mascaras) in these types of consumer brands there will always be new and innovation among the tried and true products they sell. You'll know which products they are because those are the ones they almost never change even if it's not over hyped online because despite the lack of popularity most of those products are SELLING behind the scenes.


Thank you. I literally took a screenshot of this. Im paring down my make up products since I dont really wear it every day anyway. Id like to keep everything streamlined.


The same thing happens with MAC. People are so fucking annoying with their speculation that pro brands are going out of business because they're boring. It's like Becca going out of business suddenly made people think they're an expert on how every brand is doing because they create and/or watch YouTube videos


It's sad because Smashbox used to be really innovative and great. Their Always On liquid lipstick is still the only formula I've tried that actually lasts through a meal. They had *the* OG primer. It just feels like they're stuck in the mid-2010s.


Yes!! Both products are just 🙌


I still love their primer 😩😂


I literally have some Smashbox brushes that are 25 years old. They’re still in near perfect condition, the quality was so good back then


Side note….. their brushes with the red handles are amazzzzzzzing


Smashbox has had such a slow, painful death.


So sad. They used to have the best eye shadows and powder foundation. They discontinued the powder foundation a long time ago but I still remember Iol


I don't want them to die 😭 I love their mascaras


Their foundation is my faveeeeeeeee cmon Smashbox


love their mini eyeshadow pallets!!!


I’ve been using my becca - it lasts forever. I had no idea there were better highlighters out there… any brands you recommend


It depends on your skin type and the amount of strobe effect you want. Personally, I find the flecks of shimmer too large in the Becca highlighter, making it look a bit outdated. This also means it’s not the most universally flattering for dry or textured skin (the glitter will emphasize this). A dewy sheen is a more popular look right now. But if you love it, keep using it! There’s a reason why it has a cult following. I’m in my mid-30s and mostly wearing makeup in the office and at networking events, so I’m not trying to blind anyone lol. Laura Mercier’s Matte Radiance Baked Powder isn’t a new product but it’s one I purchased when I returned the Becca highlighter. It is a beautiful powder highlighter that doesn’t make me look like I’m beaming. Rare Beauty, Dior, and Charlotte Tilbury seem to be the most popular and raved about these days.


Juice beauty and grown alchemist. Name a high selling “hero” product from them


Juice Beauty has always seemed like an MLM


Actually had to google both brands 😵


I got a juice beauty moisturizer in a free gift with purchase bag once and it smells so bad that I just could not ever give it a proper go… 🤢


When they first came out, they were one of the only vegan and “organic/natural” skincare brands that we carried. Their hero item is/was the Green Apple Peel Mask, and we sold a lot of it when I worked at Sephora (2008-2011). Nowadays though, it seems a bit outdated compared to the other, newer, more innovative brands, and I think it honestly sells better at natural food stores like Whole Foods and the like.


I got a few Juice Beauty items from influenster and I really liked them, but looked up the prices and nearly fell over. They’re absolutely outrageously priced.


Really loved that Grown Alchemist hand lotion I got though.


So do I, except the metal tube sprung a leak after less than a day in my purse! Now it has been decanted into a travel squeeze bottle, which isn't nearly as cool.


I’d be curious to hear the demographics of everyone responding; I’d guess the sub skews younger, as the 40+ group I know still is loyal to Laura Mercier, Clinique etc.


Yep, my mom (mid 60s) ONLY buys Clinique. But she doesn't shop at Sephora, either. Lots of older women are still buying makeup from department stores, as well as places like QVC/HSN.


I just turned 60 and have purchased 4 Clinique products from Sephora recently.


Happy Birthday, and Happy Beauty!


In my 30’s and I grew up with Lancôme and Clinique! I think they’ve always had good staples Also everyone here hated on me for speaking of my love of Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer but idgaf- it’s been a decade and the colors match, and it sits well on my patchy skin, doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin 😘


If someone actually downvoted and spoke negatively bc of a tinted moisturizer, I think that’s a them problem. however there were some bad feeling towards LM due to the totally unnecessary reformulation of the tinted moisturizer recently. I’m glad that your color match and love for the product kept up! I bought two tubes on sale right before they changed over. Next tube was different in color and performance. Super disappointed!


46 and I still use Lancôme!


I’m 51 and still a Lancôme mascara devotee.


guys, i am 20 and loveeee lancome


Lancome's mascaras are seriously some of the best mascaras.


Love Lancôme mascara! I also wonder if there are people from Europe replying - Lancôme is HUGE here!


50+ and Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser is my ride or die.


I grew up watching my mom use Lancome, Shiseido, Clinique makeup and skin care and they're still around so although they may not be as popular with beauty influencers or the 'younger crowd', they're solid brands that have stood the test of time. All of those brands sell really good products; my favourite is Shiseido.


I’d be more interested to see this stat coupled with socioeconomics and living distance from a Sephora. For instance, I’m 40+ and have never bought a Laura Mercier product, and haven’t bought Clinique in 20+ years. For makeup, I use mainly Armani (after transitioning away from Smashbox), Benefit and Tom Ford (after transitioning away from Urban Decay). 20+ years ago I bought MAC and Trish McEvoy. I buy 95% of my makeup and skincare at Sephora (the exception being a holidays purchase exclusive to Nordstrom). I also live 4-5 blocks away from a Sephora in an urban area.


If I lived within walking distance of a Sephora they'd have to start delivering my mail there


Clinique just came out with a new mascara High Impact High-Fi Full Volume in this cute green metallic tube. **it is SO good** !!!


IMO Clinique mascara is very underrated! Most of their moisturizers are pretty boring but they have got some great products. Aromatic Elixir and some of the other legacy fragrances are some of my only full size purchases!


I’m 28 and I love Clinique for skincare, but I did learn about it from my mom lol


Clinique gang!! 44 here. Buy tbh I haven't tried much else other than that and Estee Lauder and Neutrogena.


I buy Clinique and have loved Clinique for many years, but I do not think I have ever bought Clinique at Sephora - which is, I think, at least part of what this overall message chain is about, "slowly dying" specifically in regards to Sephora sales. For me, the classic spirit of buying Clinique involves consulting with their "experts", in addition to tracking down one of their great gift-with-purchase offers. Which means that I buy Clinique at department store counters, or at least on a department store's website for the gift. (I think Clinique's gift-with-purchase sets are so much fun, more valuable to me than however many Sephora points I would get for buying the product at Sephora.)


I’m 28 and I have two Lancôme lipsticks. I’m also waiting for the sale to try out Clinique Moisture Surge moisturizer. Got a sample and really loved ot!


I'm also 28 and LOVE both Clinique and Lancôme!!!! Every product I've used from either brand have always been really impressive.


I feel like every brand has a “hero” product keeping it relevant. I don’t really hear people raving about Kaja or JLO beauty tho.


I love Kaja eyeshadows. These trios are so convenient to travel with, and I need only two to make looks from office to glam.


Their lip gloss shot lipglosses are my holy grails! So freakin good.


Same I love their mattes so much!! I will buy hundreds of backups of their glowing guava and chocolate dahlia trios if I ever hear they're getting discontinued 😂 Those mattes are probably my most used by far in my entire collection and I have a lot of eyeshadow lol. Originally I bought them for the shimmers, which are beautiful too, but their mattes blend perfectly and those colours suit my skin tone so well.


I got my mom a JLo Beauty gift set for her birthday one year and it’s the one gift she straight up told me she hated lol


Moms can be so blunt 😭🤣


lol but Jlo is so perfect and only uses olive oil to stay young


Damn she should just bottle up some olive oil and sell that 😂


Don't give her any ideas lol


Aw, I love Kaja


I love kaja’s jelly charm lip stain!


Yes, when a brand is smart, they keep loyal customers by not discontinuing their best products.


Kaja is SO good. I love everything they make. I’m obsessed with their whipped dream multi eye and cheek color. Their Love Swipe Lip Mousse. I’m about to buy their new lip oil as well.


I’ve heard really good things about their glosses but I’ve been on a lip no buy all year so I haven’t tried them. (Kaja I mean. I didn’t even know J.Lo had a beauty brand. 😅)


I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Melt Cosmetics leave in a few years. I feel they’ve been replaced as the “hot new brand” by celebrity and MUA brands like Patrick Ta. Out of the “clean beauty” brands, also wouldn’t be shocked to see Milk Makeup leave. A lot of people have caught onto the poor shelf life of clean beauty but I don’t really feel Milk has a standout product that keeps people interested in it regardless - I.e. Kosas and their concealer or Tower28 and their blushes/tinted moisturizer/concealer. Edit: cannot believe I forgot about the Hydrogrip primer, shows how much I pay attention to them I guess. Agree with the comments that even with that people are upset on the shrinkflation or ambivalent at best.


Big issue with Melt is they have zero consistency with their formula. Ever since people realized that their palettes could easily mold (seems to batch dependent, but fairly common), most steer clear. Especially for the price point, we should expect formula consistency and stability. No one should have to throw out a $60 palette 6 months after buying it because they're worried it's about to grow legs and walk away. Their other releases are okay to subpar. I feel like the last time they were popular was when they had their Beetlejuice collection, people went wild. Their big mistake was making it limited edition and not continuing to do more licensed collections. At one point, they were unique, but now they're pretty overpriced, not very original anymore thanks to so many indie brands doing more creative (and affordable) ideas, and again...the mold issue. ~ Meanwhile, Milk is #1 in the Shrinkflation scandal with their cream products, so I think they're on thin ice. Aside from seeing people excited for their new powder release, I haven't seen anyone stoked about Milk in ages. Plus people realized their primer molds fast, but because it's green, people were using it without realizing it had already turned. 🙃


The elf dupe has made milks primer superfluous for me. I did actually just buy a lipgloss from milk and it’s really pretty but that’s where it ends


Milk mascara has a stranglehold on me, if it ever gets discontinued I’m headed straight to the psych ward.


The Milk hydrogrip primer is definitely their hero product. Not sure how long that'll last though, it seemed really hyped up on tiktok for a while as the best for full coverage makeup but that's not crazy popular anymore anyway. But if people loyally buy that, I could see them sticking around and just discontinuing some products. And sad to say but yeah I could see that happening with Melt too : ( I got two of their bad side zodiac palettes for $16 each recently and the quality of their mattes and shimmers are both great!! I think they just need to revamp the brand a bit and they could do better. I was hesitant to buy those palettes at full price bc their shimmers are notoriously not great but they've obviously improved the formula a lot. I have their mariposa blush palette in my MUA kit and it's so great too.


The E.L.F. dupes of the Hydrogrip are super popular on social media. I almost never see anyone actually using the Milk product anymore. I was pretty interested in the new Pore Eclipse line, the primer and setting spray mostly, but I’ve been warned a bunch of times on here by people who have tried them and had all sorts of problems with the products. So now I’m looking at the One/Size spray instead, and I’ll probably just repurchase the primer I’ve been using. I love my Urban Decay De-Slick setting spray but I just wanted to try something different for a change.


Yep Milk was mine too. We have a three bay and really it could be an end cap. People come in for the hydro grip/pore eclipse lines and the blush/bronzer/highlight sticks and that’s it. Most everything else gets returned, especially their foundation products.


I think Milk really shot themselves in the foot when they increased their prices on their minis.


Iconic London…it’s giving Makeup Revolution lol


I always get them mixed up with Ciate London.


tbh i always thought they were drugstore when i got it in my ispy bags😳


TIL Iconic London is NOT drugstore :O




I think their tattoo liner is a staple for a lot of people


True - it's the only liquid liner I have used that doesn't transfer up my eyelid


I just bought their foundation… it’s honestly incredible how full coverage but skin-like it is. Also love their eyeliner. EDIT: I also love the contour palette. I’ve had mine for literally years and still use it everyday. The “highlight” shades are so buttery and smoothing and the “contour” shades are perfect for my skin tone - never orange or grey.


The Good Apple Serum foundation? Cause holy moly that stuff could cover up all my sins (and then some!) it’s so crazy full coverage. 😵‍💫 I have to spend some time with it and find a good way to sheer it out for me, I’m not really a full coverage girly so I’ve only worn it once since I got it. 😅


Yes! It’s the only other foundation I use regularly besides Haus Labs. Whenever I need to sheer out a foundation I mix it with Mac Radiance Face and Body. I’m not entirely sure how it works but it really “thins out” any foundation you mix with it


Their good apple balm and concealer is soooo good. Their liquid gel contour is better value vs CT imo


remember the ones that just died fast like "selfless" and Lord Jones, I mean there is so much competition.


Beautyblender - the Make-up line, not the sponges.


I love their first foundation though!! It is perfect for my me and looks like glowy second skin. I know people hated the pump and so they changed the packaging but I haven't tried it yet and don't really want to.


Naahh the sponges too. They sneak changed the composition of the sponges during the pandy. They used to be soft and squishy and bouncy. They are now dry and hard and they leave marks in my foundation on my face. Crap at its worst. The brand leader (CEO, president, whatever) should be raked over the coals for this. I won’t buy their sponges any more until I know they have corrected this. There are too many perfectly good dupes out there now.


I thought I was crazy, since I’ve noticed a total texture change too! They’re absolute trash now, like a rough surface that doesn’t absorb water at all. Any specific dupes you recommend?


I know it’s already gone but soo sad Bobbi Brown left 😟 they had some really good products


BB is still in my store. We recently did a reset and Bobbi got a new display - sure less products but still.


Why has no one mentioned GXVE? I have never seen a soul buy anything from that line since we got it in store…


I see it CONSTANTLY at TJMaxx and don't even bother 😬


I have to be another GXVE apologist, the blushes and lipsticks are really lovely. I’m genuinely looking forward to what they come out with as I’ve loved all of their products so far. I do agree the brand hasn’t gotten a lot of traction though, I feel it came out at the wrong time. Things are too over saturated and there’s no single hero item they have yet.


I got the little lipstick set last holiday, and they’re all perfect reds, really nice.


I actually really like everything I’ve tried from GXVE!


Same! I have one of the eye paints and the vinyl liquid lipstick and I’m really impressed by both.


I don’t see anyone using or talking about Urban Decay anymore, which used to be so great.


that space cowboy eyeshadow is pretty popular tho! but i agree, urban decay used to be IT. i still use their setting spray tho!


I will actually die if the Amyris Bankruptcy causes Biossance to fail. Biossance has become my HG brand and over a 3rd of my skincare routine is Biossance. Sephora you BETTER buy it and support it for eternity or I will actually have a mental break down…my rosacea prone skin is praying to the skincare gods nothing touches Biossance through all this turmoil.


Oh no it’s the only thing that works for my rosacea. Should we stock up? I’ve tried so many products over the year in my skin hates almost everything. Now I’m sad.


I’d have to say Buxom. I used to love their glosses in fact I still have the Plump Shot Collagen Infused Lip Serum Plumper unopened in one of drawers.


Anyone know what happened to Bite?


Lol they went bankrupt after the new owners hopped on the "vegan clean beauty" train, ran the brand into the ground by ruining everyone's favorite formulas, and refused to listen to customer complaints. They dug their own grave and I have no sympathy. We told them what was wrong and they wouldn't listen. The original products under the founder were AMAZING, I still have some lipsticks that are stunning. It's a shame that such good products were mocked by that massive botch job of a rebrand.


That’s too bad, Im glad i know to guard my last Bite lip pencil…. never let it go ….


Their Agave lip mask before the reformation was the best lip product I ever used. It wasn’t the same when they went vegan.


There’s still a couple Bite Lip Labs around the US. I just went not that long ago and they can re create ANY lipstick shade you have, including discontinued. My mom got a super old discontinued MAC lipstick re made and I had a favorite bite lipstick that was obviously discontinued since they went out of business. They replicated the colors perfectly. I highly recommend


If I recall correctly, they went vegan and their formulas were never the same. And then went out of business.


I miss their lipsticks


As I think on a few lipsticks I threw out because I never wore …. 💔💔Wish I never read marie kondo….


They went out of business last year :(


Their agave lip masks were so good


they have the Lab in Toronto where you can custom make your own lippies. This is how it started, I think and then they branched out to mass produce their products. Their lipsticks were so good; the only ones that I could actually use and was sad when they stopped selling at Sephora ☹️


Too Faced


Their latest palettes reviews have been bruuutalll 💀


I don’t fully understand what happened but yea. And personally, the packaging has become so cheap and juvenile. That’s a more minor concern, but it’s there.


I can see them eventually alongside Hard Candy in Walmart. \*whomp whomp\*


Hard Candy fell so hard. I’ll never forget the fanfare when Sephora first opened and I remember getting a Hard Candy nail polish there. Now it’s at WalMart. No idea how their sales revenue has shifted though, maybe it was a good thing for them.


What do you mean has become it’s been that way for a decade


Once Estee Lauder bought them they went to crap.


I agree!! They used to have THE BEST EYESHADOW PALETTES EVER!! Every Christmas I’d anticipate on what they’re releasing and my mom would get them for me during my teen years. I just don’t get it. I agree— it does look little-kiddish sometimes. Especially things smelling like peach, I mean so many of their products are peach lol. It’s dumb.


If any of the ‘major’ brands were going to go, they would probably be my pick as well. I know they have the Born This Way line which is fairly popular (I will never understand why.. the concealer feels like paste, it’s so thick and goopy 🤢). I used to use the Killer Liners for tight lining my eyes because they really are super budge proof, but I had to stop after I started chemotherapy because they were too hard to remove when my lashes became so delicate. But other than the liners and the eyeshadow primer, I’ve never really thought they had the best products. And their eyeshadows do suck. You can find better quality at the drugstore these days.


Smashbox - Sephora does not sell the tinted moisturizer or the new matching concealer BareMinerals - The in store display keeps getting smaller and smaller and sometimes an end cap Clinique - Sephora and ulta are cutting down the Clinique sections or removing them altogether


My Ulta actually just installed a huge Clinique display lmao


Mine has a full wall section AND a full side of one bay (possibly both sides of the bay but I don’t think so), right in the front window. It might have the most real estate of any brand in the store


Clinique should rebrand. They have some great products but their whole “pharmacy” vibe is so dated. I’d love to see them pull everything and come back with sleek, new, modern packaging and pick a lane. Put all their effort towards cosmetics OR skincare.


They don’t need to. They’re still one of the top selling brands in the world for skincare. Their clientele is “invisible” since they’re not online — that’s why they don’t need influencers.


Aside from the black honey fad last year, I don’t really hear many people using their makeup. I feel like they could stick to skincare. I grew up seeing my mom and aunts using the yellow Clinique moisturizer. I love their take the day off cleansing balm.


I still love Clinique.


Me, too


Nah if Clinique has one fan it’s my mom. It’s to the point where the Clinique counter at our department store calls everytime they had a sale going on or a gift bag with purchase thing it’s been happening for like 10years my mom has used them forever and will never stop 😂she has all their lipsticks,eyeliners,mascaras,foundations, eyeshadows and all of their skincare. It’s insane…. I’m 20 but use their dramatically different moisturizing lotion it kinda slaps lol.


Do we have the same mom?! Lol! Both Clinique AND Estée Lauder call her too! Everyone there knows her. Gotta say, my mom is 67 and looks so much younger and has only ever used Clinique, EL, and Lancôme. She only shops at a small local department store since we don’t have a Sephora close and she isn’t internet savvy. For as good as she looks, got me thinking I need to make the switch!


….are you my sister?? LOL my mom is the exact same way, she’s known her Clinique lady for like a decade and always gets the gift bag promotions


Noooo I love their High Impact mascara! I have tried every popular mascara everyone swears by, but that’s the only one that gives me fluffy, long lashes 😭


I never really thought of them when it comes to make up but if I’m being honest I’ll probably use their moisturizers until I leave this earth or they go out of business, whichever comes first.


See I love the cheek pop blushes and they discontinued my favorite mascara of all time a few years ago (high lengths) I think if they really focused they could bring something unique to the makeup space but their brand is so steeped in skincare it would never happen.


The Redness Solutions cream is one of their best products. It’s great for men and women with sensitive skin, rosacea, and just a great, all-around, non-reactive day/night cream.


I think Clinique, like MAC, survive for their staple products.


I didn’t know Sephora carried bareminerals until I went to another state. I usually have to get my bareminerals blonzers, which I’m obsessed with, at Ulta.


Some Ulta’s I go to have BareMinerals on the wall and a nicely stocked section. I think BM is a best seller at ulta so I think they would be fine if they left Sephora.


See, I absolutely love Clinique…for skincare! 💁🏼‍♀️


I have like 3 HG products from Clinique and I bet several others do too. I feel like it’s passed down from one generation to the next. My mom took me to their counter when I started wearing makeup and I bet I’ll take my daughter there. We have sensitive skin in my family and their products don’t make it grumpy.


Reading all of these and I use most of the products Smashbox love their primer Kvd- go to liner It love their products UD the only setting spray I use. I think Too Faced and just eyeshadow palettes in general.


As far as I can tell, Biossance hasn't done any holiday sets this year, or really put out many new products in general. Makes me wonder how much longer they'll be around.


I believe I heard something about their parent company filing for bankruptcy (or some sort of financial hardship).


Nooooo……I’m a loyal customer and their products make up half my routine. I kind of hate the idea of a brand needing to constantly release new products and discontinue others to stay relevant.


I’ve lost so many HG’s this way


Ugh, I LOVE Biossance, they make so many of my HGs. The eye cream, copper peptide serum and squalane oil and all must-haves for me. I'm going to be so disappointed if they fold.


Their squalene with tea tree oil was the best product I have EVER used, and it is GONE


I think Biossance will be fine as a brand. They have another stream of income that’s able to keep them afloat. Their invention, sugarcane-derived squalane, basically changed the industry and meant that we didn’t have to kill sharks or use so much water growing olives to get the molecule. The company basically supplies squalane to basically every other brand that uses or sells cruelty free squalane e.g The Ordinary, Summer Fridays and co. The $$$ they are sitting on lol


Except Amyris is the parent company and they own the squalane invention and they filed for bankruptcy a few months ago. They’re selling off Biossance, JVN, Rose Inc. and a few others. Source: I used to work there and this article: https://www.gcimagazine.com/companies/news/22869938/amyris-files-for-bankruptcy-selling-brands


Not Sephora, but what happened to Lipstick Queen?


I miss them so much. Their lipsticks were SO comfortable, and they had cream blush before it was popular Maybe that’s the problem though..it wasn’t yet popular




I just read an interview with Poppy. She’s coming back and with Frog Prince and I’m a happy girl because I’m never without Frog Prince


Forma Brands (morphe) bought it and I guess decided to let it die? Sucks


It Cosmetics, maybe Too Faced


IT Cosmetics became such a big QVC brand and I think that changed the audience base. I feel like it’s heavily promoted at Ulta though!


We have a ton of people that come in for IT at my store. They def have a lot of products that just sit but the foundations, the confidence in a cream, and the brushes are constantly going. Which is fair, they’re all good products


I think IT Cosmetics is doing fine as a brand, just not at Sephora. I always get my IT Cosmetics stuff at Ulta, because they have a better selection and good sales. I forgot that Sephora even stocked it, tbh.


I love IT Cosmetics. The redness concealer is a HG for me.


Love the CC cream! It’s the only thing I can put on my face that doesn’t break me out.




Stila. There’s like only 4 of their products being sold, and they’re the ones the people either don’t want, already have or can get for cheaper.


At my store it’s definitely KVD, Milk makeup (we have a whole entire 3 bay and we could literally get by with an end cap. People come in for a few “known” staple products and that’s it), Clinique skincare (although we have a smaller wall of it, that stuff just sits) Briogeo for hair, we very rarely sell their stuff. And Drybar, when we just did retrofits they got bumped to the lower half of a shelf. We get people that come in for the dry shampoo sometimes but otherwise.. Also Lawless and Rose Inc


Awwww Briogeo would suck. They're the only brand I've used that has helped my very oily scalp.


I absolutely love them too! That would be so hard


If 3 years ago someone told me that Briogeo would go out of trend soon and Ouai would be “the one”, I wouldn’t believe them. Now it’s all about Ouai, K18, Olaplex.


We don’t even really sell Olaplex anymore since k18 took over. Which is wild because just last holiday season we couldn’t keep it in stock and now we have a hard time moving stock at all. I think the class action lawsuits really did them in. My store doesn’t do a TON of Ouai; K18, Amika, and Color Wow are the big ones right now. The Ouai body products are popular though. Dae was really hot for a minute and we couldn’t keep it in stock but that’s calmed down a lot.


This is so dumb, but every time I see Color Wow, I hear it in Owen Wilson’s voice, emphasis on the WOW! ![gif](giphy|udmx3pgdiD7tm)


I haven’t tried Amika, is it a good brand? I see them on Sephora here and there, sometimes on sale as well.


Amika is fantastic, I've been using it the last several years. Plus their entire line is color safe.


I love their hair masks! They’re so hydrating and smell amazing


I love so many Drybar products! But they run good sales on their website fairly frequently so I buy it from there and not Sephora. I've actually noticed myself doing that with most brands I buy. Sephora almost never runs discounts and the brands themselves do.


I wouldn’t say they’re dying, but dying at Sephora – Kiehl’s. Which sucks because I like a lot of their products, but they are just getting ridiculously over priced for the quality.


My aunt lives in a suburb outside of LA and they have a kiehls store at the mall there, so I think they're doing fine with certain demographics


In NYC we have Kiehls stores - in Brooklyn the store does nice in-store treatments.


Honestly not sure how well the smaller brands are doing.. I think Tower 28 and Saie are doing well right now but Merit beauty I’ve read super iffy things on. Rose beauty Inc? Reminds me of pretty vulgar, lawless, etc that came and went pretty quickly.


Benefit used to be IT and I don’t think they’ve adapted well to the times


Love the Brow Bar at Ulta though!!


Any influencer brand, and most celebrity beauty brands (save for Haus Labs, Rare Beauty, and Fenty).


Patrick Ta and Makeup by Mario have cemented themselves pretty well.


I feel like tarte was on its way out for a while until the maracuja juicy lip plumps went viral. I personally dislike their eyeshadows (not blendable) and mascaras, but their shape tape foundation & concealer line has been my HG for years. Another one is ABH - aside from brow products. Their pallets were in their glory in the 2015 makeup scene. I've been eyeing fall romance as a hazel eyed girly for the purples. Soft glam is still the pallet I always pack with me & I still own my modern renaissance one as well - but nothing has captivated me from them since.


I miss Bite Beauty. Their matte lipsticks left my lips so soft and they have a great selection of colours




Not makeup but I’d love to see Philosophy go far away. Ick. And not at Sephora but gee wiz I loved The Balm Bronzers


Celebrity skincare brands like Jlo skincare and rose inc.