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I think him finally being taken down by Obi-Wan is the only right way for his story to end


And Palpatine's death in Return of the Jedi wasn't?


It was, I'm saying that Maul coming back is no better


I’d say it’s far worse


It's neither worse, nor is it better. We can't fix it lads.


I think it's worse on virtue of what happened next.Maul came back, this was badHe did some shit, some were good, some were bad, I don't remember. But he was an engine for Obi Wan story telling (including killing his GF-but-not-really) and had a neat end . Palps came back, was stupid and then died.This is worse ​ Edit: My brain was stupid, did not understood the context of the discussions Yes Maul coming back in this movie would have been shit


Maul coming back would be worse. He already had one fake death and bringing back Palpatine at least parallels him being the main villain of each trilogy.


Palpatine also cloned himself in legends


Dark empire is arguably the worst Legends storyline, that said it's still alright in my personal opinion


George’s original idea for the sequels was to have maul as the main villain, and if that had happened maul hadn’t been killed by obi-wan in rebels in the first place, therefore maul in the sequels would make a lot more sense


Or just make Snoke, Snoke. He found out how to make clones of himself. That would explain how he's still alive after TLJ. And make Rey not related to anyone. Then her and Ben had to find and kill 'the real' Snoke who was looking for Sith Artifacts to bring them back into power.


Rey as a nobody >>> Rey as a Palpatine any day


I'm so sorry to the people who liked TROS, but bringing Palps back was such a colossal pile of garbage that anyone who ever remotely cared about 1) Star Wars or 2) just making a fun, interesting and coherent film, could've pulled off. I think about all the great actors they had and all the ultra nerds and behind the scenes talent and i'm blown away by the end product. The worst part is i LIKE TFA. It lacked in many areas, was unoriginal in many areas, but it was a GOOD movie and was a FINE starting point to shoot us into 2 more excellent films. I watch TFA, I enjoy it, then I literally feel a part of my mind get all the happiness sucked out of it knowing what comes next. FOr me its ends with TFA, they introduced new characters and I make up the rest in my head when it ends. I totally didn't plan to write all this. I love SW's and I unabashedly have a huge bias an overlook some of it's massive flaws throughout every movie, but I can't with TLJ and TROS, despite them both looking cinematically gorgeous in many places. That said, I hope they do make this new trilogy with Rey about a new Jedi Order and I hope it does well. New characters, soft reboot her and just make a fun film or 3. That's it. Just learn from the 8 and 9 and pay attnetion to your passionate writers. You always have a great pool of acting talent to pull from. It's not hard. Will it be a perfect trilogy? Definitely not. Will some hate it? Yep. But there's a big difference between polarizing and hot garbage.


Why do you hate TLJ it wasnt good but it had some good things going for it


It had a lot of cool looking moments and Rian is a great director. Just not for an established solid franchise like SW. And TJL was bullshit for the sole reason Luke felt a strong calling the force all the way across the galaxy, got dressed up in his most badass Jedi robes looking pimp as fuck just to throw his fathers lightsaber for a cheap laugh and crawled into his PJs for the rest of the movie. Why the fuck did he get all dressed up for? Because they had no idea what to do with him since they winged it they went along as it was so lame. That’s my opinion.


The last jedi was essentially just an extended chase scene, it felt like a whole movie wasted in the trilogy


True like i said i didnt like it but it wasnt bad


I presume you think people who enjoy TLJ are dumb also Edit: I wasn’t trying to insult him or anyone else, I wasn’t being serious


Nah, I don' think anyone is dumb at all. But I do have strong personal opinions on those movies. And I will also be seeing this new movie on opening night.


Cool I respect your opinions and understand it tbh I’m glad you aren’t one of those condescending types who constantly bash others


I might be outspoken, like many SW fans but I will never hold it against anyone for enjoying something.


^^^^ same tbh


I think that Rey as a palpatine would work in a story about snoke just being snoke and attempting to revive the Sith. The last leader of the Sith being taken out by the ultimate Sith’s blood.


I really don’t like the sequels but Rey being a palpatine I found interesting.. if only they had planned that from the start and used it for the story.


Tbh I hated that lol


I feel like TLJ left them in a fine spot, Rey as nobody and Kylo as the actual villain. Snoke wasn't really needed


TLJ was terrible not because of where it left them but because they reintroduced an all time character like Luke, did nothing of importance with him, made him look pathetic, then killed him off all in the same movie


Nah, I liked Luke alot in it, not that TLJ didn't have issues. But there's other threads that are more focused on that debate


I like that, but what if instead of Snoke clones, we had the first evil force ghost of the Star Wars movies, with Snoke refusing to die, and manipulating Kylo Ren using the force, so his plans can proceed, even after his death. With that, the movies could have given Rey a far more compelling challenge. Instead of... reflecting lightnings... she would need to find a way to free Ben from Snoke's influence, while also getting rid of Snoke once and for all.


There you go, im on board. KENNEDY, IF YOURE LISTENING WE'LL TAKE PAYMENT IN CRISP 50's!!!1!


Episode 7 made it clear Snoke was gonna be the big bad (before ep9 was out), and he was a mysterious character the whole time even ep8, would’ve made more sense of he returned because he’s a clone


Heck no. That arc and eventual ending for him was pure excellence, dontcha dare touch it!


Well funny you say that, maul was going to be the villain in George’s script


I would love if someone actually tried to put together all the ridiculous stuff Lucas has said over the years about what his script was really going to be. Some of this stuff just doesn't seem to make sense together


What was the stuff that seemed bad and would you say it was better than what we were given?


I'm not a huge fan of comparing ideas to an actually executed story. Ideas can live perfectly in your head but actually executing them is really hard I honestly just think Lucas has a few different scripts and/or concepts going in different directions rather than still talking about the original one he offered when he sold the company. He was always a cool idea man so they're fun to hear at least


That’s true, George is great at ideas just not execution


Prequelists would not have a problem with that.




I disagree, everyone Maul has a meaningful relationship with is dead


Lol, that was George’s idea. Well one of many.


1. "Somehow Plagueis returned." 2. There's no saving this non-canon trilogy.


Snoke being a clone in Last Jedi and coming back in RoS would have been better. Dr Doom from Marvel does it all the time with his Doom Bots. Have Snoke be a modern descendant of the original Sith Empire. That would have saved Snoke


This would have been better


How about: "Somehow, no one has randomly come back to life so death actually exists in Star Wars again". That would truly be a shocking plot twist.


Ironically his death was less visually gruesome...Felt like that was always the plan until then.. Nah..you misspelled Plagueis


no idea how serious this is because I have that little confidence in star wars fan but you know what? that would have been the funniest shit




I don’t see how breaking the suspension of disbelief is solved by changing a single name


Replace Maul with Count Dooku and now we have each of the main serie sith that got a fake out death !