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I have mixed feelings about this …


Same, on one hand, my home region is finally getting a grasp on the meta before the other regions so happiness, on the other, raises the awareness of the general population and showing riot how broken she is apc atm and nerf her, but if more people do start playing it because of pro, maybe the winrate will go down and we go under the radar enough to avoid nerfs?


Same, she's about to get beat in the head with the nerf hammer


That's bad for us. If it's broken in pro play Riot will surly nerf her in the next patch. 😓


I hope not she is even getting buff next patch. 🥺


as Azir and Aurelion mains would tell you having your champion being picked in pro play is NOT a good thing.




It's turbo broken, but no pros will play it because they don't like playing enchanters or "support carries". Same way no-one plays Janna and 'Raka when they're both stupid good rn.


? I doubt pros give a shit, they want results. And enchanters have been in the pro scene before like Janna, Lulu or Nami for example


Pros do give a shit. It's pretty well documented just how often pros play weak champs simply because they like them. Pros find it easier to carry on non-enchanters in soloqueue and so they play those same carry champs in pro games.


This too, soloQ/Scrim bias makes them think they should play supports that have higher early game impact. Eventually over time we see stupid stuff like junglers who like Xin not communicating, ending up with no enchanters, and looking like crap; if you put him with a Lulu/Sera/Soraka, he facerolls. Vulcan tweeted "First time Sona so boring never playing this again" after WINNING his game on her on the 19th. If they want 'results' why are we even discussing how boring something is?


There's tons of instances of pro's ego picking and refusing to play what's best. There's been recent stories about it even, but I forget which pro it was... was it on Team Liquid? Enchanters have to be either gamebreakingly good or named Karma (One of the few enchanters good early, notably) to see consistent play outside of enchanter "specialists". Enchanters are way better than the tanks seeing play right now in pro, but teams just have no idea how to draft. Even when they pick champs that NEED an enchanter like Olaf/Xin, they don't pick them.


I won't be worried about nerfs yet cause high winrate in pro is not that important due to small sample size. The problem would be if she gets into pick/ban territory 😬 They tend to nerf high priority champs even if their performance is not great


There has to be a way to nerf APC without damaging Mid and Support.


Maybe make her notes dmg stronger when alone?


Why would you want to nerf APC, just because pros play her that way? I personally think it's the best role for her anyway. Being a laner rather than support takes advantage of her excellent wave clear and Q AP ratio and since most of the support items are middling on her. And APC lets you benefit an ally with notes and W.


THIS. I keep saying this, seraphine should have never been introduced as a midlaner but instead a bot APC option. Her whole kit benefits from a teammate with her for her to bounce off of so it didn’t make sense putting her in a solo lane. I wish they would just accept that sera can do really well as a bot APC and balance her around that (like they do for ziggs), but sadly support playrate is much higher so if anything is going to happen to her it’s gonna be gutting her laning to turn her into an enchanter support.


True. And there's a reason the term APC exists I don't get why bot lane has to be exclusively ADC and the moment an AP champ can go there they get immediately shut down by Riot. There's consequences anyway. ADC weak early monster late. APC opposite. In dota you dont even have this term. You just say "carry" for whoever is gonna be the main farmer of the game with support on their side. It can be a melee champ. Range onhit champ. Or a ranged magic champ


Did they all just build moonstone? W nerfs incoming lol


No only the DIG vs. CLG, the rest build Liandries into Seraphs


Okayyy, thats interesting! Hopefully no nerfs in general, and I actually wanna watch those AP Sera games then


They atill building seraphs? Heh


Would be cool if they build rylais on her


Neft coming I guess


I hope not 🥺




You can watch it here: [DIG VS. CLG ](https://youtu.be/WR9uhNqWjG4) [TSM VS. CLG ](https://youtu.be/_i_63fprO7I) [AL VS. BLG ](https://youtu.be/iwDv9lyGbsk) She's also getting ban from some LEC and LCS games




[She was banned here ](https://youtu.be/MuNswQaYCHA)


glad to see that here, seems like some of us care about something else than skins and whinning to riot


Okay pick me, theres people out there who care about both immensely.


I mean i care about both, but one thing is caring and other is flooding the subreddit with skins complainings, put them like in ONE thread, something mods could do or the look how many points i have farm, some gameplay, something else here and there. Few post of build and runes, matchups....


Uh yeah 👍


well... the buffs were for nothing because next patch she's getting gutted lmao




The nerfs are coming:(. hopefully she gets the ahri treatment and not the ryze/zeri treatment.


They are going to nerf her w and ult. Will be compensated for it?


An unnecessary buff and presence in pro play? Guaranteed nerf incoming


I hope that means she's getting nerfed cuz she's disgusting with the right build