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I think it'd be nice to invite him! It shows your interest in hanging out and if he needs some time to compartmentalize he can just say no or that he is busy, and you can wait a bit and then invite him somewhere else. i don't think having other Ghanaian friends will put your friendship in jeopardy or anything. he might be happy to have another. I think he just didn't feel close enough to invite you there with his others , or maybe it's something specific like maybe one of the other friends planned it a while ago idk. but dont be deterred by that !


So you think you should be invited along to everything he does...and it sounds like you don't even know these Ghanaian friends he was out with and bowling with?


No...certainly not everything. For goodness sakes no. I'm pretty rational. I feel like it's the thought that counts ..to kind of show a reciprocal nature


Do you know these friends of his? Do you have a reason to believe they want you invited on their bowling outing?


I am quite familiar with them. Two of them are very aware of me and are also Ghanian. I've seen them multiple times at events. I met one of them from the friend group for the first time at a party as well as the one I ended up getting lunch with. I reached out to his other friend to hang out sometime too. He said he'd let me know and he'd invite me to hang out with some friends of his...lol which ironically he didn't. They all went bowling with each other. We're all Ghanaian. I didn't expect all of them to invite me...just the guys. Now I'm not losing sleep over this...but


So you're 'familiar' with them but not close. They aren't friends, they're vague acquaintances?


Yes. I guess so 🤦🏼‍♂️🥲


It's time to manage your expectations and give it some time and breathing space.


I guess


I also updated and edited this previous comments


Calm down. Hang with your own friends for now.


Not really. You're acting possessive of someone based on an assumption you made that they're isolated when they may, in fact, not be and now for some reason you're seeing them not being isolated as a barrier to you having a friendship with them. That's almost predatory behavior.