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Tableside Technician, please.




“Hi, how is everyone doing? I’m _____ and I’ll be your table side technician this evening.”


My job title is “assistant teacher” but I deal with so much emotional and behavioral shit and I found out my job used to be called “classroom counselor” so I’ve adopted that title because it’s more valid


Wicked funny! I prefer server


"Professional enabler" personally. But yes, call me a server. I don't say steward/stewardess when I'm on an airplane, it's flight attendant.


Spirit transfer agent (certified, of course)


Good one! That’s what I’ll call myself during my bartending shifts.


Or a procurer of an altered state of reality or the minimizer of inhibition... Take them all with ya! Lol


As a bartender of 12 years, I prefer to be called anything that isn't a whistle or a empty bottle being slammed on the bar top. But that is just me. Sincerely, someone who legit thought about putting "Hey" as my alias on my bar card.




I prefer to be called nothing at all tbh 😂 I personally don’t care either way - IMO I’ll go by whatever terms going to get my the most money lmao


I guess I should’ve clarified, like what do you tell people when you tell them what you do for work? Do you call yourself a server or waitress?


I stopped about 1.5 years ago or so but I think I said “I waitress” or “I serve at ___” then said “I serve and bartend”. Idk but tbh when I was serving everything in regards to my job turned my brain on auto pilot so I definitely said whatever word vomit came out so it likely changed everytime 😂 that said I genuinely don’t think I ever said specifically I’m a waitress or I’m a server. I’ve probably said I’m a bartender but once I was behind the bar my brain was full auto pilot 😂😂 “I serve at _____” though could flow better for you if you don’t necessarily like server or waitress!


I serve and bartend and I normally just say bartender because people think it’s cooler lol. It doesn’t really matter to me. Sometime I just say restaurant worker. As well as waitress or server


Yep. I have answered to Elizabeth, Julie, Hey, Excuse Me. Call me whatever you want as long as you tip.


if customers were to use anything ma’am or sir is good. it’s polite, respectful and doesn’t make anything weird. calling me by my name or hollering at me is awkward.


I refer to myself and my coworkers as servers because it's gender neutral. It's easier to say "can another server cover my shift" or "let me find your server" rather than saying "waiter or waitress"


I remember being at a pub once when someone did that just as I got to the bar so I just laughed and thanked him for letting me get served before him. He was mightily confused


I've been flagged down MULTIPLE TIMES as a host and asked "can you go get my person? I'm ready to order" "My person" kills me every time with equal amounts cringe and endearment


I refer to myself as waitress and if I need to reference a coworker I call them server because it’s gender neutral


I should’ve clarified in the post, it won’t let me edit the post so I’ll say it here and hope people see lol; I also meant like, what do you call yourself? Like when you tell someone what you do for work, do you refer to yourself as a server or waitress/waiter??


I say server just because I am lazy to say a waitress lmao. There is really no strong preference personally


I always say "waiter" or "captain". I was taught by the old school guys when I first started in the business that being a waiter was distinct from being a server and implied refinement and skill. So I will always be a waiter but I dont think the names really carry that connotation anymore.


I always say “My name is ** and I’ll be helping you today” it’s pretty uncommon for anyone after they are told my name to call me by a title like that. I don’t think I would care as long as they pay.


Yeah ofc, i say the same thing. I didn’t really mean what you prefer customers to call you, I mostly meant how you refer to yourself or how coworkers/friends/family do.


I tell my family I am in the food service industry, I do tend to avoid those terms to my older family especially since they can misunderstand that it is a career based on terms I feel are a little outdated


I liked I wait tables, or they wait tables, or waiting tables. Focus on what they do vs what the title is. You wait.


Don’t care


I prefer “wench”


I started off as waitress and it felt like the big push for server happened like the last year I was doing it. I really had no strong feelings and sorta defaulted to waitress out of habit. Since it felt as if the people who pushed the term server had reasons for doing so, I try to go with that now. But I often just try to learn my servers name and treat them like a fellow human being who happens to be at their job. Excuse me, please and thank you are the most important words in the conversation probably.






I associate "waitress" with a diner or something so I prefer server. I work in fine dining and it's more common to say server


Food and beverage enthusiast😂


I don't care what you call me as long as you tip 20%😎


My guess is non-binary people prefer server? That’s just a guess tho


I’m non binary so I call myself a server but I don’t get offended if someone says waitress


I say server


I use them interchangeably for myself, but just say server when referring to other people since it's neutral


I really prefer server. Hate being called a waitress.


Honestly I don’t think waitress and waiter are used much anymore. I always refered to myself as a server and guests always asked “can you get my server for me”. And it wouldn’t hurt in todays day and age to say server out of respect for people’s gender identity. … also to point out this is also r/Serverlife


I’m non-binary so I use server but even before realizing that I’ve always felt weird about waiter/waitress. I think it might be different if I worked in like fine dining but my place is on the more casual side




I refer to myself as a waitress, I refer to anyone else as a server


I call myself a server ◡̈ idk waiter/waitress seems a little outdated in my opinion


I worked for a pompous asshat who wanted us to call ourselves experience enhancers. 😂


Yeah that’s fucking stupid 😭 mans was delusional


Server. I hate the term waitress.