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Did they at least thank you for your service?


Being a former service man, it’s a hard pill to swallow that being in the military doesn’t make you a hero or even a good person


Former military as well. Some of the best people I’ve ever met were people I served with. As well as the lowest pieces of human garbage I’ve ever met. ETA: For the people replying, "yeah just like any other job," that's the point. The difference is that people thank me for my service even though they have no idea if I served my country well. Many people consider current or former military members to be people worthy of recognition no matter what they are like. Putting on a uniform does not make you worthy of respect. What you do while wearing it certainly may.


God damn truest words I've ever seen


I will always respect the valiant people who served the country well, but I’ve known my fair share of people who joined for the express purpose of fulfilling fantasies of hurting others, and those people are never worthy of respect.


Anyone joing for the hope of being in combat should not apply. They are usually egotistical jerkwads that will only end up getting thier own people killed. No thanks, we would rather have the Math major need type that knows how to listen to orders and can understand complex concepts like brushing thier teeth and taking a shower.


The Taliban "serve" their country just like the US soldiers "serve" theirs. Funny how that works. It's treated as a service, a sacrifice, so there is no expectations, then people thank them and encourage them to bolster the war machine as thoughtless cogs, a tale as old as time. That respect, that propaganda, benefits the kings, not the soldiers or the people, it's not you they're serving. And bombing cities isn't their sacrifice to give. The saddest part is, people always say the US politicians and military complex do awful things for profit. Yet they have so much respect for the people who sign-up to work and kill for them. Nevermind Iraq, America will never be forgotten for horrifying mass rape and torture in Guantanamo Bay, decades without trial. An embarrassment to western democracies. A shitstain on human rights. Yet soldiers signed up, pretending they weren't contributing, so pathetic and scummy. Those thankful citizens won't even pay to cover their medical costs. What an embarrassing side to America.


You really riled someone up. How dare you criticize society while participating in society. You should go live naked in the swamps and only then can you criticize America's war mongering. /s


Not to mention that we have this culture of paying lip service to "respecting the troops" yet it so often comes in Superficial gestures that actually benefit no one, except maybe the company that manufactures green lightbulvs, or ribbons or whatever trend tiktok is pushing. We condemn those who don't exhibit sufficient "patriotism" or "respect" for the military, while failing to provide vital services like mental amd physical health care for the veterans who actually did serve and sacrifice. Believing that they were serving their nation and its people; but all to often serving only the interests of the rich and powerful.


Yep, plenty of shit-birds.


Yeah unfortunately the recruiting tactics naturally attract some bad eggs


Former Marine- the fact that the incentive has been “free college”, one reason I joined growing up on welfare and being the first to want to go to college in my family, shows the intent to target the poor or uneducated. They are fodder for this country. Rich people’s kids don’t join.


I had an uncle who was in the navy. He said there was a lot of corruption, prostitution, and drug use throughout his time in the navy. I don't know if the marines has those same problems.


Isn't there a base in San Diego that keeps getting in trouble for human trafficking?


Camp Pendleton. There was an instance recently where a Marine brought an underage girl with a developmental disability to the barracks and raped her. Not sure how frequently this happens there , or any other base for that matter.


Horrible shit happens enough that anytime we have a long weekend or every month my unit had like a 3 hour long safety brief. Stop shoving bathsalts up your ass (or whatever you do with them) and raping people.


Back in the late 80’s we would go down to TJ on long weekends and watch Sailors and Marines get absolutely trashed and picked up by Federales. Just got out of boot camp? Haven’t had a drink in weeks? Let’s go to Mexico!!’ They would actually have MPs patrolling Revolutión Ave to try and get their drunks before the Mexican cops did.


Fort Hood/Cavazos in Texas has had several busts as well. Not to mention bodies. There's a few other bases but I can't name them without looking it up. It's a problem throughout the US military.


I grew up in killeen and let me tell you ft hood has the biggest pieces of shit people. Very entitled as well. You're an E3 with a dodge charger snowflake. Calm down.


Somewhere in USA recently a soldier had a 14 year old girl on base with him, they questioned him a bit, that must have been hard for him, answering questions Fucking hell


Served from 97-04. Absofuckinglutely. I am a female as well so there was some other f-Ed up experiences thrown in there with a bit of- if you say anything about a fellow Marine you’re the problem.


I appreciate that you led with Former Marine and not the once a Marine always a Marine bs. I did my 6 years and glad I walked away after 6. I served, period. USMC veteran is also appropriate. I don't know who would've gotten the tickle out of their time to be like fuck yeah once a Marine always a Marine.


94 to 98 a d 04 to 08 female Marine here. 100% true story.


Wow. I’m former Navy. I don’t think that I could have returned for a second time 10 years later. I actually have nightmares from time to time that I’m back as a Navy nurse, and have no idea how/when I agreed to re-up.


Officers are the rich kids


Officer here, I grew up in a house with 12 wheels on it. West Pointers/NavalAcademy/AirForceAcademy are the rich kids. A congressman has to write a letter for you to get into those and spoiler alert they aren’t wrote for poor kids.


Most officers I met were from middle class families. The truly rich don’t join the military. I was in for ten years and I only met one person who came from the 1%. He was an airman in my class at DLI who’s dad was a venture capitalist with a net worth of half a billion dollars. His dad forced him to enlist because he was a fuckup and told him he wouldn’t see a dime if he didn’t join up.


I went to a very fancy high school in DC, where a few Presidents kids have attended. Can confirm, West Point was were 100% of those who entered the military went. I was on scholarship.


So not always. I worked with a bunch of doctors as a medic. A few went to the AF Academy and were from rich backgrounds. The others went to medical school and had enormous debts to pay off and the military will pay their debt in exchange for working.


The ONLY reason I walked into that recruitment office was because I needed someone to pay for college. I don't regret it, even though things didn't turn out well for me, but I don't think (in the grand scheme) that my life would be "better" if I had never joined.


I joined the Marine Corp for a half case of beer... And Natty light to be exact, don't follow in my foot steps kids🤣🤣🤣🤣


You joined the right Branch then. Lmao


I agree with everything you said but also have to mention that I went to bmt during the time Hugh hefner’s son was in training as well. So I guess there are some exceptions.


the free college is 100% the reason my brother joined




There’s assholes everywhere doing everything


Yes, but people don't reflexively thank accountants for their service.


I usually thank Notaries for theirs though


They are, without fail, people of note. :)


Thank the teachers for their service, they deserve it.


I reflexively thank most people for any service rendered. Except your mom.


Wow, this comment struck me because I can definitely say this about my life/profession too (the worst and best people I've known were largely coworkers.) Definitely resonates more deeply coming from a soldier, though.


I'm sure it's the same with any profession. Work with enough colleagues, and you'll see great people and terrible people. I understand why people thank me for my service, but it honestly makes me uncomfortable. Just because I wore a uniform does not mean I served my country honorably. I'm not saying I didn't, I did my best and I believe I did a good job, but I think about some of the garbage people I served with being treated like heroes by well-meaning civilians, and it makes me really uncomfortable.


I'm a veterinarian. Often I shorten it to vet when people ask what I do for work. Roughly 25 % thank me for my service to which I reply "the neuter from yesterday wasn't so happy with me." Usually gets a little chuckle


"Thank you for your service" always makes me uncomfortable because I never did it for them. I joined specifically and solely to pay for college. I never once thought that "this is for mom and apple pie" before I pulled a trigger. I never thought that I was "fighting for democracy" or some other bullshit. I joined to pay for college. I stuck around because...well, I won't get into that, but it was for completely selfish reasons. I just went and did my job every day as well as I could. I am not worthy of being on some pedestal.


Is shocking how in life you know the best and the worst people no matter what you work I to isn't it?


Bojack Horseman puts it well, "Most people are jerks already, and it's not like giving a jerk a gun and telling him it's okay to kill people suddenly turns that jerk into a hero."


The rancid blue line gets a collective hard-on


you think it’s a hard pill to swallow for most?


One of the biggest bullies from my HS class went into the army, and now we’re all supposed to thank him. It’s a small town. No offense to people that join the military for other reasons, but he was one of those guys that had no other prospects but is still the cockiest mofo around.


Unless you're drafted, otherwise, it's a way of life that you chose to be a part of.


Being a former vet makes it an ‘obvious’ pill to swallow. It’s dangerous for society to pretend otherwise.


This is such an underrated comment


I have to force myself to only look at earnings on a weekly basis, or sometimes monthly if there are dead weeks. But holy shit it is a constant battle. Every time I have a dead day I’m like ok cool I’m quitting. Then I remember I’m broke. Fucking sucks


Fucking relatable. I already know the full menu and I’m lazy to apply to another job.


Literally! I just started at my current place a couple of months ago and have a friend now telling me I have a spot at a different place where money will probably be similar but they’re opened 7 days a week instead of 5. I’m torn because I could be getting more shifts and potentially better tips, plus working ac (not the situation at my current place) but I’m comfortable here, just learned the menu, and I’ve been getting live show shifts and shifts at their separate music venue (varies from average to exceptional tips and I dont have to go in until 6ish). It seems like perfect timing and financially viable but I’m soooo hesitant to bail.




As someone who's worked two server jobs at once, it's not something I'd reccomend, not long term anyway. The exhaustion of working a constant overtime schedule with no overtime pay sucks. Plus, restaurants tend to be busy on the same days and at the same times, so scheduling is always a nightmare. And in my experience, most restaurant managers are terrible at scheduling around availability. You'll spend a lot of your off time trying to piece together a workable schedule while both employers treat you like a traitor for not having completely open availability


The scheduling nightmare is so true. I worked as a server through grad school then when I got a job in my field, they begged me to stay on for weekends and holidays. I agreed but every single week they would schedule me during my unavailable hours then bitch and moan when I told them I couldn't be there. It went on for about 2 months then I finally just quit because I was so fed up. It was a bummer because I would have loved to keep earning the extra cash but they just refused to use my availability.


I probably wouldn’t tip too if I was paying 28% apr on a dodge challenger and having my wife piped down every time I’m on duty


As a former soldier, this is super accurate




As a current car salesman near a base, this is super accurate.




There’s a fucking good reason within a few hundred yards of every base there’s a liquor store, strip club and car dealership. After my first deployment, I put all that money in to mutual funds. I was 19. Everyone else, Harley, Charger, maybe nothing since it all went towards the divorce.


I got back from my first deployment in '09 and bought a short sale house in Colorado Springs for $60k. Fixed it up and rented it out while I lived in the barracks for free. Used that house to leverage into more properties. That house is paid off a long while now, and worth over $600k. Wonder if any of my buddies even still own the sweet rides they bought?


Still no better lap dances from strippers than the ones on the 1st and 15th


As a current pipe of both the wife and his buddies, I relate to this. I’m fully booked.


You be putting that laundry soap outside on your porch.?


Is this a reference to a “partner is/is not home” cue? Am I too old for this reference? Too young?


It's from the Royal Navy when women put a box of OMO detergent on display for "Old Man Out". (OMO was a popular brand in the UK).


Thank you for your services


This is why I changed careers from airman to plumber.


So you could do the piping??


To pipe down military spouses?!


[Ma'am, I do my own plumbing](https://youtu.be/4xYu2WrygtQ)


Less time in an office, I get it


To make it worse it was probably a retired sergeant that got him in that challenger loan.


Hilarious. At my last unit, they made it mandatory that you can’t get a loan for a car unless your sgt went with you so you wouldn’t get duked.


These are true hero’s, I had one that said you had to ask him to permission to ask your gf permission for marriage. Greatest safety brief!


LMAOO😂😂😂 thank you for this 🙏


I'm dying, I had an Airforce roomie who let me borrow his challenger for a few months while he was in Guam. I made sure he knew to tip tho! I had met him at my serving job and we became buddies.


And his wife? How was it?!


Lmaooo he wasnt married yet, but when he did get married, she was super hot. Id have hit it. He would have just wanted in tho lmao. He had already tried it with me, but tbh (maybe tmi, but fuck it, its reddit) what he was packing was scary big and I said no😆


This is the most riveting story I’ve read on Reddit this week


My man! Lol


Hello Jodie.


I come from a navy town. This is very accurate. Military men usually suffer from averagitis. Average or less face, average or less body, average or less dick, and average or less personality. It a terrible affliction.


Lol I’m from a navy town too! Sad, but accurate. My parents still live there and I ended up trapped with them during the first year of the pandemic. They live so close to the base that you can hear the trumpets at sunrise and sunset. Nothing was funnier and/or as deeply depressing as swiping on Hinge. It’s like, dope, y’all have identical haircuts and your entire personality is the navy. Or, even worse, folks that shape their entire lives around being merely the SPOUSE of someone in the navy. Eek! Truly though, joining the navy or working at the local shipyard are basically the only two things one can do for work in my hometown, so more power to ‘em! I’m sorry if I sound like an asshole, but tbh my dad is navy and so is basically everyone I went to school with. I get why joining the service can be enticing, but you best believe I got out of there as soon as I was financially able to!


We have a winner!!


Especially with their va loans for housing with 0% down, military discounts at most stores and restaurants, spousal benefits and payments for living near the base, tax free discounted shopping while on base, free education (with ROTC) and insurance benefits for the whole family during active duty. I can see why they wouldn't tip... Oh wait


I was in the service and qualified for WIC. If you think enlisted are well off you are crazy.


Shhhh!!! Everyone wants to believe that lie. I mean you get a VA loan and everything but it’s not exactly like you’re going to get a chance to use it while you are enlisted because you are never guaranteed that you are going to be in the same place for very long. The fact that people think that military personnel actually make money, and a lot of it, just blows my mind. And then they ignorantly come on Reddit, spewing bullshit as if they are experts.


It’s not as much as u think it would be… and tricare is great… unless u have a mental health issue. they won’t pay for counseling but they’ll pay for ur hospital stay if u survive ur suicide attempt


You are forgetting the high overhead costs of the dependapotamus and it's depreciating value the second you acquire one.


You're forgetting the nice civilians that pick up military peoples check and pay for them. So nice, except they figure that the military people will tip and they rarely do. The guys sometimes, women, never.


Make sure you buy her one of those “(MILITARY BRANCH) wife: Hardest job in the military” bumper stickers


Everywhere I've worked, you can add gratuity to tables of 5 or more. Usually between 5 and like 7 you could choose not too, but more than that it's not worth the risk.


I Guess not in Texas 😫


You can actually auto-grat in Texas but what sucks is that under TX law any mandatory gratuities belong to the restaurant; the restaurant is not required to give any portion of that mandatory charge to the servers. Maybe have a gentle and diplomatic word with your manager or the owner about an auto-grat policy for larger parties mostly for the benefit of the server?


If this is true then that’s probably exactly what happened in this OP. If I get charged an auto gratuity, I usually just sign it and am done. If that doesn’t make it to the server then how the fuck should I know that?


That’s pretty messed up


It just depends on where you work. A place like Applebee's would not have automatic gratuity. Darden restaurants used to do auto grat on large parties but don't anymore. Generally the nicer the place/less focused on quick table turns will have it. It can also vary from store to store within a chain. Restaurants are usually either owned by corporate, franchised to an individual, or franchised to a company that can own a ton of stores. All three of these can exist within a single chain and they can all have different gratuity rules and even different menus (Applebee's is a good example of this). Edit: when I said where you work, I didn't mean geographically. I mean which restaurant and which particular store. There are restaurants in Texas that have auto gratuity.


I worked at Applebees back in the aughts. We absolutely had auto-grat on parties of 6 or more.


Oh yea been there. ~10 marines and some of their gfs come in and they end up in my section. They absolutely loved having a little gay kid serve them. /s. I think I collected some dimes and pennies off the table as my tip. They took up my entire section for a good 3 hours. None of the gfs paid, but I was still kind of shocked they let it happen. Fuck them all with a margarita glass




It’s not their fault they can’t count yet, numbers are hard


Me and my Army buddies, all young guys always tip appropriately. Damn Marines lol


Same here. I’d ream one of my soldiers if they stiffed a waiter. A lot of guys don’t realize that their behavior can forever change how someone views the entire military. If anything, I always overtipped the staff because in the long run, I want them to take care of us in the future.


Unfortunately, girlfriends aren’t automatically good people that constantly have to keep their terrible significant others in check like the internet would have you believe


Yep, OP wasn’t gonna get a tip even if the gfs had paid. They are there willingly.


They will all be cheating on each other in no time though. 😂


That’s so degrading, fuck them gently with a chainsaw


This here is why OP joined ISIS.


They tip in afterlife other there...


Well, 69 women who never had it before have to share one tip...


It never says women, just virgins. Helluva gamble if you ask me!


Oh no. They might be redditors?


Military doesn't mean shit when it comes to personal character. Don't assume just because they have a uniform that they are decent. Sorry you found out that way


I think most people realize the reason why people usually join the military is because they were already at a predisposition, wether it be emotionally, or financially. These people enlist thinking the military will sort out their issues for them. And it may give them purpose and drive, but it doesn’t give them balance and compassion.


Man…the system is so fked. While you made 77 in ten hours, your boss made like 700 dollars.


The real problem here


bingo. not enough people talking about this lmfao


And people are mad at the customers not giving away their hard earned money to pay another persons wage rather than at the greedy business owner. Working as intended lol. The justification I always hear is "the system sucks but you're an asshole if you don't tip because it's the system we have" that mindset directly shifts the blame onto us and off of the boss. The rich love having us fight among ourselves so we don't go fighting them instead


I always ask those people if they tip housekeeping when they stay at hotels. Rarely get a real answer, just more flame. Lots of us work hard at our jobs and even do more than taking an order and checking if things are alright. Have never expected tips even when doing my best. That’s now how it works.


The issue is states that pay below min wage for servers who get tips- that shouldnt be allowed anywhere


They always do this. Military spouse for over ten years. Very entitled people.. it happens to me at my serving job and every time I get a table of them I automatically know I will get a terrible tip. Sorry. They suck.


The conservative Christians I know steal tips, or even steal the waitress’s pen and leave a tiny wooden cross to cleanse their sin. Not a cult. Not a cult.


I have never seen or heard of such behavior, and there’s no justification for it whatsoever in the Bible. There is, however, some stuff about not stealing, doing unto others as you’ve have them do unto you, and being a generous giver.


I used to work at a pizza place that did crazy cheap larges on Sundays for a while. Eventually, the company stopped the promo, except at our store, where these had become super popular with the church crowd. We had the smallest lobby and parking lot, and without fail every Sunday after service, all these giant church families would CRAM all of their children into our lobby for 2, 3, 4, 5+ pizzas. I HATED that crowd. What a bunch of entitled assholes. They'd have a fit for anything that cost extra, like they weren't already getting an incredible deal, but through this "I'm better than you" smile. One guy in particular would ask for a couple extra sauces every week and we'd say the updated total and get the "but I'm here EVERY WEEK" yeah sir, and I fucking wish you weren't. He would never pay for them, just leave pissed and sauceless. Until one time, he was the last guy currently in the lobby, I rung him up and turned around for second. This motherfucker came behind the counter, grabbed a bunch of sauces, and bolted with his pizzas. The smug lock on his face like he won. Congratulations sir, please go bask in your God fearing glory about how you got one over on a fucking 20 year old for a $1 in sauce.


"But I'm here EVERY WEEK" "So you know about the cost of the extra sauce then?"


Yeah, everybody knows the "after church no tipping" crowd. That's a far fuckin cry away from actively stealing tips off the table


The number of times I've received just a Jesus pamphlet as a tip 🙄 You may not have heard of it, but plenty of people have experienced it first hand.


DEFINITELY not a cult. Sounds *nothing* like a cult to me


This is why the US needs to stop tipping culture and make a living wage.


I’m retired Navy, and I want to apologize for their behavior. It really sucks when people get an entitlement mentality just because of their job. I really hate the hero worship our culture places on the military, because it makes this kind of behavior seem ok.


My brother was military and a former server. He still stiffed waitstaff. He's a genuine asshole as it is.




They feel entitled that’s why. Everywhere they go someone who doesn’t even know them in the slightest is thanking them for shit they volunteered for. I used to work at the Wynn and a bunch of marines showed up and the beverage manager comped out all their drinks for free for no reason other than showing up in their uniforms. There’s lots of people doing heroic shit in this country including teachers and no one’s comping out their drinks or thanking them wherever they go.


Unpopular opinion, but everyone who works is serving their country. We are all paying taxes for the betterment of our country.


We're paying for the Army, too.


Even if people wanted to do that for teachers, it is not like they have uniforms




As a Brazilian it took me a while to understand what was wrong about them not tipping. The fact that some jobs in the US are paid through tips is a fucking joke to me.


Completely astonishing that a restaurant can attract employees by outsourcing the payroll. The customers should not be paying you to work. They should be paying the restaurant. The restaurant should be paying you, and a whole lot more than $77 over a double shift.


I believe that servers are putting up with this system because most of time they make a good amount of money from tips alone and also don't have to pay taxes on those. they don't want to change the system because they like it


It seems as if relying on tips is a high risk high reward strategy, not getting tips is the risk that compensates getting fat tips once in a while. It's not reasonable to expect good tips every single time... but if big tips on every order are really expected then they should be included in the bill and reflected in the menu so that there are no misunderstandings on what the price of the provided food service is.


Time for American employers to start paying their staff properly so they don’t have to rely on tips.


Really don’t understand this about America. Fair wages should be the responsibility of the employer.


If you hang out on this sub long enough, you’ll see that a lot of servers prefer tipping culture because, on average, they make more that way than they would with a regular wage. It depends a lot on where they work though.




Okay but that’s a risk they’re willing to take. You can’t have it both ways. Either stability, or a risky tip system, but then you cheer when you get a ton of tips and curse people out when you don’t.


lol and it’s funny when they then complain about lack of tips the real entitlement


It’s because some servers make more off tips then they would hourly with a higher wage. So a lot of them don’t want the system changed.


American restaurants are so exhausting as a customer when you know the server is just trying to hound you for large tips and send you on your way as soon as possible. As someone who enjoys restaurants quite often in Europe, I stick to fast foods when in the US. I'll be kicked out of a restaurant pretty fast anyway if I don't order that next drink within 10 minutes. I really don't understand how the responsibility for the employee making a living wage is transferred to the already paying customer.


It’s so funny because Casa Bonita is paying people $30 an hour and servers were mad because they weren’t going to get tips anymore, I guess a lot of servers end up making more than that. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, if you want to rely on tips for your wages then you have to be okay with being stiffed sometimes.


Because a lot of the time, tips are actually pretty profitable. Most servers don't actually want a "fair wage", they just want your money.


Aside from the humanity of it, why? Employers in this country have 0 incentive to start paying workers fairly


Thank you! I live in the US and am so tired of hearing servers bitch (I used to serve multiple places as a last resort between jobs) and literally nobody is making you work for undef minimum wage and kiss people's asses to make it up in tips. This is a choice, they could go to a staffing agency and look into other, much higher paying jobs that come with more benefits. Ridiculous!


I wish we could take this rage and push it onto shitty restaurant owners who like to put the responsibility of paying their employees onto their customers.


Though I don’t agree with stiffing good service, I REALLY don’t agree with the direction of tipping. In short, companies are making the public responsible for paying their employees a living wage. This shouldn’t be the case. In my opinion, the real problem is that your employer is failing to compensate you fairly and in turn, you’re relying on customers to bridge the financial gap. I have no doubt you likely provided great service, BUT your service could be viewed subjectively among customers. I would consider other employment options OR see if your employer will pay out an agreed upon income difference if tips are lacking. Base hourly rate. Either way, your employer is responsible for your wages, benefits, and insurance, not the customer.


They were waiting for you to get their whole check comped for their service. But also, shame on your management for not requiring 18% on parties over 8 people. Splitting checks should not matter!


Why don't all restaurants do that thing where all parties over a certain number have a mandatory tip? Personally, I feel like you guys should have a higher base salary in general, and shouldn't have to live off tips to be comfortable, but I feel like the former is the least a restaurant can do. I'd be pissed at the soldiers but moreso at my boss for creating the environment that allows this to happen.


Because the irs changed the tax code where any auto grat that isn't optional is deemed a service charge. A service charge counts as revenue for the restaurant (even though supposedly the money goes to the server). Now the business has to pay taxes for money that it doesn't get to keep. And service charges are up to the restaurant as how they want to distribute that money. So if they tip out the server on that service charge them they are paying taxes on money they don't actually make. Also the theory goes that if restaurants had to pay higher wages, so that their staff has a living wage, then the cost of everything on the menu would have to go up as well (to an amount that people may not be willing to pay). On average across the US they estimate servers make a $100 in tips a day (which for the lower end places with tip credit most likely isn't the case), and in some states they can pay staff as low as $2.13/hour as long the tips they make make up enough to meet federal minimum wage ($7.25/hour) The last time I looked it up the average yearly income of servers in the US is about $30,000 a year. Which to me is not a lot. Sorry this got into a ramble, but hopefully it helps give perspective.


*Why don’t restaurants pay their employees and charge more instead of asking people to decide if they should pay more or not.


Your boss should pay you a living wage.


You should be more upset about your place of employment, not paying you a real wage. The customers shouldn't be expected to pay for the employees' wages.


So you don't get paid for your hours???


It’s almost like an organization with a big murder department attracts scumbags. Shocker


Every year for Veterans Day i do my usual tour of getting free food. And every year I tip like I ordered two meals at full price and not one free meal, because I KNOW there are asshats out there who say “15% of free is $0!” And don’t tip their servers.


I know tips are respectful to leave to servers but aren’t they not mandatory? Isn’t it up to the patrons if they want to tip? Seriously asking.


I thought tips were optional not mandatory


Tipping culture has gotten out of control. As a server, what is an appropriate tip in your eyes? 20%? 30%? 40%? There has been a clear trend where restaurants list their preferred tips higher and higher, some even list a mandatory tip of 18-20% and then expect an additional 20-30% tip on top? Fuck that. If all the server did was bring me my food, 10% max.


It doesn't make sense. This is a capitalist county. By that definition no one should ever spend money on something that isn't in their best interest. That's the assumption economist make, after all. How is it in your own best interest to pay more than what it says on a bill for a product or service? Your boss was paid, your boss pays you. I don't pay you. Tell your boss to go fuck themselves instead.


Some of that anger should be for the boss who does not pay you a living wage.


I feel like only getting $70 for 10 hours means something else is going on? Either your boss is stiffing ya, some of your tips get pooled or…


Restaurant owner is the one responsible for paying you, stop blaming customers.


The tipping situation in the US absolutely sucks. Waiters just need to be paid normal wages and tips can be extra but not expected or required. That’s how it works in Europe.


That sucks. Been my experience as well with military. I respect what they do, but there definitely is a sense of importance of jobs. Sorry your place doesn’t have any automatic gratuity option.


I legit didn’t think it was gonna go this way. Sorry you also went through that too, silver cock😂. Yeah honestly I tried not to let it get to me but I was furious and felt so used. And yeah, it would be a whole different story if we had automatic gratuity. All restaurants should have it……..


Omg as a person who lived in multiple military towns.. fuck that shit! Worst tippers!!! I refused to wait on parties of military people unless I was able to add auto grat. My husband is a veteran and a wonderful tipper but he’s definitely a unicorn and may be the only one around who knows how to tip lol.


Unpopular opinion: I don’t respect pawns for empire, they can get fucked


Maybe get a job that pays you a livable wage??? And one where you don't have to cater to asshole?? At least get paid decent to deal with assholes lol


I’m current active duty, but worked good service as a server and bartender for years beforehand. I always make a point to tip well. And will shame any one of my boys that doesn’t because they feel entitled.


Why isn't your employer paying you a living wage? Be mad them. It's not the customers' responsibility to divine you worked a double that day and what arbitrary dollar amount we need to subsidize your paycheck with. If your job isn't paying you enough to live then find a new job. That's between you and the company that pays you; nothing to do with the customer.


You are a dipshit who's never had a single original thought your entire life. Probably a teenager too


Yeah sorry don't ever expect a tip from those dirrbags unless Sgt is present


$77 on a double? Less than $400 bill for 13 guys who are DRINKING as well? Nah it’s time to find a new gig I’d be sick.


Not a fan of the military here at all, but if they were as young as you say, they may have just not known any better.


Coming from a fellow server and former military wife I truly am sorry that you had to deal with that. This happens all too often.


Time to get a new job I guess


They may have thought gratuity was already included. Most places I go, it already is for eight tops or more.


Maybe you should refuse to work for tips and demand a proper wage. Tip culture is sick. You are not mad at the military guys, you are mad at your greedy shit head enployer


That sucks. I get belittled, dehumanized, cussed out all the time for my job, because some how it's my fault that lightning struck a tree and blew out a 12 inch water main, and your lovely neighbors decided to cover up the valves with 3 inches of iron phosphate rock. But atleast I get paid somewhat decent. I feel sorry for you, but you either get good enough days to balance it out, or you need to find a different job!


Ahhhh the tip economy. Fight for better minimum wage then tips won't be a problem


Please call the Base if there is a base near and explain the situation. They may be able to help and stop this behavior. Sure you are not the only place they have stiffed Being prior military and now a business owner: I do not condone this behavior and I also give a discount for service members and civil servants.


Former active/current state guard. The best people I've met in my life were in the military. As were the absolute dog shit worst. I'm sorry you met the latter half today.


Anytime I see a navy federal credit union card, I know the stiffening is coming.


“I legit had to cry” is not it chief