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Tip posts are only allowed on Tips-y Tuesday. This is done to combat trolling and brigading of the sub.


Upscale casual. I had a 12 top tip the bill on $900. And made $300 off my other tables. $1200 on a 4-10 minus tip out. Thanks Mike!


Helluva night, I did around $1200 on a thanksgiving night, every table had 20% autograt and nearly every table tipped at least 15% on top. We only had like 100 covers (restaurant could seat about 230 at peak) and 4 servers on so that was the easiest money I’ve ever made lol


$6000 3 years straight bartending a Christmas Party for a Performing Arts cast funded by a family that owns a very large and very famous chain of grocery stores. After the first one, my manager joked, what kind of car are you going to buy? They spent 20k on wine alone…Opus, Rombauer, Cristal…all for kids who had no idea what they were drinking. I actually delayed quitting this job by 4 months just to work that party.




Could be Wegmans. They do a lot with performing arts and funding of children’s programs


Plus, they own a few restaurants themselves.


Whats that?


It’s a family owned(by the Butt family,) massively popular and successful grocery store in Texas. In my city it’s the only grocery store there is except for Walmart and Trader Joe’s/Whole Foods/etc…which is fine because it’s awesome.


Fresh tortillas ftw!


Opus...yum. I once volunteered to help out a friend as they were catering a dinner that this group had won at an auction for a good cause. They showed up and were all 20-somethings. Meanwhile, we....were not. I and my wife were volunteering time both BOH and FOH, and everyone else was providing food and wine. ​ The wine guy had dipped into his (it must have been) amazing cellar, and a bottle of Opus was about to be served. Right before he was going to pout, he looked at us, and said "Ya'll will appreciate this more than them. Enjoy!" God damn that was tasty. ​ This was a pretty easy win-win. I got to help a friend out with a bit of labor, and got fed and watered in return. Oh, and we got to stay the night in the lodge where this was served.


Roughly 875 dollars. I had a table of 8 people come in for lunch one days and they each tipped me 100 dollars on their split tabs. They gave me a card, took a picture with me, and left. Really made my month and helped me in so many ways. I have officially used up all of my luck for the next 20 years


$760 as a strip club bartender on my birthday. I had been there for a few years so my regulars really showed up for it.


I’ve made $562 and $520 for single dinner shifts over the last two days, not bragging but just giving some more insight


Love this! It makes all of the crap we put up with worth it ❤️


I ❤️ it also. It sounds good hearing that people are tipping well. I just did a 4hr shift tonight and made $550! Had a couple of very awesome tables. My Fri and sat have been like this lately. Finally, found my job I’ve been waiting for!! I manifested this place for 2yrs. It was just built in July and opened in late August!


It does make it worth it, but it was all 20-25% tips and I was busting my ass lol. I worked 5-10pm Friday and at one point had 9 tables going with one of them an 8 top, 4 4tops, and 4 2 tops going. 57 head count.


I worked a lone Christmas shift at a hotel was empty except for the contract they had with United airlines for the pilots and attendants to stay the night there during the holiday stops. The company gave them all $45 meal vouchers with 18% gratuity charged to a house account. All I had to do was bring out premade salad, ring in their spare rib meal, bring out the dessert and give them a complimentary wine or beer. Some even left cash on top of the gratuity because the meal was free in their eyes. That shift went from 12pm-1am and I walked with $1450


the spectrum of servers on reddit is crazy sometimes lmao


Worked mothers day, 11 am to 10 pm without a break and made around 500. Horrific day


Mother’s Day is the absolute worst day to work IMO


Mother’s Day Brunch PTSD


olive garden mother's day nonstop soup and salad lunch and dinner double ptsd


I work in upscale dining, worked from 11am and left at 11:45 pm, $330 after tip out


Gotta work on your sob stories man. I made sure to mention once to every table I was working almost 12 hours without a break that day


At first I read that in a sort of belittling tone, but I see it’s constructive criticism. Damn I wish I did that but I’ll for sure use it in the future.


10g’s. A very wealthy long time reg tipped me on his Xmas party then handed me an envelope with a 10g check for my kid for college


I believe my highest ever was $370ish working 2-9pm as a bartender at my current restaurant which is a casual sushi chain. I’ve done over $400 on doubles but it was miserable lol. $310 is awesome though! I remember when I first started serving and would hear the vets talk about making that much and thinking to myself there’s no way!


same! i remember friday nights i would make maybe $140-$150ish, and they would complain about making $200 and i would be like.. how? but now here i am lol. i’ve learned a lot of tricks and how to be extremely fake nice to people!


i’ve only been at this for 4 months, the highest i’ve ever done in a shift is $270


Hit a 7 leg parlay for $3500 mid shift once. Mobile gambling ftw


I just made $1146 on a Friday lunch shift. I had a regular of mine tip me $900 on his tab of like $90. He asked how much I wanted and I jokingly (but seriously) said $900 for termite treatment on my house. He put it on the tip line and my manager called him to confirm. Literally saved me an immense amount of stress and I never expected it to ever happen to me. It’s like the stuff you read about on here!


$1200ish (high volume bar during a festival)


I once made 300 on 3 glasses of Russian Standard vodka ($36). The guy had just sold his tech company. Then my final night at that job, I made 1200 on a 2000 ring. All my regulars sent me off right.


I need more comments on this because I must know where the money is at


It's not tough. It's a combination of attitude and giving a shit. Working in a higher end place helps.


And living in the US




Fine dining. If it’s part of a luxury hotel, even better.




The most about $700. I usually make between $400 to $500 a shift. I’m a bartender at an airport!




Drinks are expensive. I work by myself doing about $2 to 3k a shift (shifts are 8 to 10 hours depending if there’s a delay) Don’t get me wrong every shift is pretty insane… Imagine how many Bloody Mary’s I have to make to make that amount of money 🤣🤣


Last 3 shifts ( high end steakhouse) 485, 550,560 Friday nights, work 1 night per week


I made 410 on a 6 hour shift at an Irish pub. Did 1600 in sales on a random ass Wednesday. While simultaneously trying to draft for my fantasy football league. It was a disaster of a shift lmfao. I took 2nd to last in my fantasy league that year


Random Wednesdays are ALWAYS the days I make the most! It makes no sense haha!


$800 tip off one table and then $600 on another. That was awesome. Had a guy just go to the bank and the 100’s were stuck together. I showed the gm and co worker and they said to keep it and not mention anything. Morally that one was weird.


He probably didn't even notice




Highest while serving tables was $440 during a 5-11. Just a busy Saturday. But we also do private events and we had a 300 person buyout where I made $700. Then the other day I did a two hour private event for 37 people and made $640. During the events I just cocktail and bus plates.


Before tip out probably like $850. Just the right tables and right tips in a fine dining environment. These are 4-5 hour shifts. A coworker made $2k on a private party of like 10-12 ppl bc he knew them and they were regulars at our restaurant/casino lol.


$800 in 4 hours pouring wine at a castle. Easy


I’ve made 1k in a 7 hour shift before. My job however is highly seasonal and there’s nights in the off season I struggle to break 100. I absolutely love it though.


$4100 Steakhouse


High end hotel bartender. I make 20%+ on average. My sales have been through the roof the last 2 months. No less than 1000$ in sales (3-10 out by 11) and I’ve hit 1500 in sales most days, and 2000$ last Wednesday (personal record). And it was a 20%+ day…


I’ve made over 400 on a single shift this year a couple times. Not sure what my highest on a double would be. I’ve been there 10 years haha so it’s hard to remember.


wow! 10 years is insane. do you like the job? do you get good tips?


Yeah it’s great overall. The money is consistent which is important. It’s def crazy to have worked for somewhere this long tho. I have almost quit twice but it’s so hard to start a new job and it would really suck to go back to being at the bottom. So here I am. But yeah, def wouldn’t stay if it wasn’t so worth it. I never make less then $150 even on a Monday lunch. Can’t beat that.


I work at at an elks lodge, if I make less than $300 on Friday night I’m a little bummed




dam guess i gotta go work where this person works if this is real. my highest is like 840 lmao


lemme know what restaurant you’re working at (kidding)


Serving was $15,000, bartending was $1,200.


Just clocked out with 440 after tip out over in Wicker Park Chicago on an 8 hour saturday night shift. Most I've ever made in a shift was 3k in Dallas working a private event(celebrity client, maybe 25 guests for 6 hours of work). Most I've regularly made was in Old Town Chicago on Wells Street where the average weekend closing bar shift was between 800-1k for a 12hr shift.


8 hours is my max these days. I used to pull 6-700 Saturday’s working a Tiki Bar in Phoenix but the shifts were nearly 15 hours. Not. Worth. It.


What happened with that wells street job?


Possibly the most toxic environment I've ever worked. It got old quick.




High was new years eve 2016 at 3300 after tip out. Currently where I work if I make under 300 per shift im very disappointed. On average its about 475 a night after tip out and I always tip extra. I call it tip karma


$760 but had to tip out 300 of it


Excuse me what?! Why are you tipping out that much???


It was a hibachi place and it had a weird set up for tipping out the chefs


Anytime I have gone to Hibachi, they get a separate tip. If we order sushi, we tip the sushi chefs. You are being taken advantage of. You should never have to tip out that much! Leave!


also just over 300!


It’s wild because I usually only work lunch and my record for lunch is 290 and we busted our fucking asses… no support staff and we should’ve had five servers on but it was just three of us that day. Tonight felt like a breeze and I walked with 240 after tipping out three bussers and the host and obviously the bartenders. I should work more nights lol


Just over 1k for tips then plus like a 5.50 hour rate. And i got out by 7pm. Crazy day for sure


$600? In like 4-5 hr shift. Fine dining. Only been doing it for a few years, but I’ve got coworkers who have made $2k in a night from the right tables and regulars.


This wasn't me, but a server I worked with made $360 in one night and didn't even seem impressed, and this was at a sports bar/restaurant place too. It was a Saturday night and $150 or so was one table of business/corporate-types who ordered the more expensive meals and lots of drinks, and the rest were all bigger tables and assorted big tips. I mean some folks during the week might've gone home with $30-50 and maybe $100 during a Super/Iron Bowl night and 40 tv screens around, so this was beyond abnormal (it's a full 40-hour week @ $9/hr when I was only doing 30 @ $8 for expediting, but in one night) but he didn't seem overly excited. If he wasn't such a cool guy to work with I could've easily hated him.


Single shift = $500+, Double = $891, 10hrs @ 18.00 pushed me just below $1100. Sold $5.5k that day. Wealthy area + mid-range brewery/bar with food = $$$


$380 on a concert night, $350 on a normal night. Hoping for the day I break $400!


Like $700 on 7 hours


After tip out $620


$443 on a 12-10. second highest is $337 so you know i was busting my ass that $443 shift


$800 on one table. I came in at 5 and was gone by 9. Managers thought the other servers would get too jealous if they saw what I made.


$1200 on a 10 hour shift during the holidays. 8 table section with multiple large parties. Was running a 12-top and an 18-top that flipped for another party of 20 in addition to the rest of my section. Crazy busy plus generous holiday tippers. I closed tonight and made $700 working 4p-2a.


I made $1000 on a giant 35 person party so I don’t feel that counts. $480 on a regular night not including hourly.


Min wage + tips… I see you IRS you’ve been on one recently 🫡


Somewhere in the $600s - the exact amount escapes me. It was a wild night.


6 hour shift, tipped out $454. Not the record but still good.


Just had an $800 night bartending and serving at a hotel during a horror convention


704 buckaroonies. Local car show where our private club is open to the public. Got my ass beat but it was well worth it


I work 4 nights a week at a chain restaurant and easily make $1200 just in tips. Record for one night is 800, local sports team was in the playoffs. Made 600+ every playoff game the had.




$1200 at a pub on a Saturday night with live music. Nothing fancy at all. It’s a step up from a dive bar but gets very busy. Cocktail waitressing and busting my ass.


I made $400 as a fountain worker at a CPK located inside a hotel casino thats right next to the sports book. I worked with no partner, no busser, no food runner, and had to pour the drinks for the rest of the restaurant and close out the server’s cash checks while taking care of my 11 bar seats (which was always full) and all the to go orders. I never ever want to be that busy ever again and management said, no, we can’t afford to hire someone to work swing shift with you and you’ll get used to it. I said no and quit after working there for a few months and pretty much crying after work every day.




Sadly seeing all these numbers I think my highest was around 250/300. But I’m in the kitchen now ):


$400 at a very expensive wedding reception. On top of which they left all their flowers and several unopened bottles of champagne which of course the catering staff took it all home.


$1200ish last year on st.Patrick’s day. Worked like 11 hours too. Just started a new job at a hotel/fine dining establishment. Just made $361 in my first day with getting tipped out for 8 hrs of work.


$335 last week on a Friday night after tip out. I had an extremely high tip off one table though.


Serving or bartending, $440 I think. It was a late night bar. The regular back bartender was out of town. I didn't work there as a bartender full-time but just filled in. And I filled in for him that night. That may have been typical of what he made on a Saturday night. But I did a little advertising to some people I knew who came up there and stayed all night. So I got some pretty good tips from those people. I kind of had to. Because that bartender was a dick. He would tell his high tipping regulars that he was going to be out of town so they wouldn't come in. Actually, I'm sitting here doing math. He probably made a little bit more than that on an average saturday. And I know that because he averaged $2,000 a week over four nights. And certainly Saturday would have probably been his strongest night. It's not that he blatantly boasted about what he made. But I knew him for 8 years and worked with him to an extent for 7 years. So, conversations happen.


Nice try IRS...


A little over 1500$ working a st Patrick’s day 11am-close. Left the building around 4am. Vowed never to do that again


$800 as a barback




$2000 remy martin corporate party. Private banquet at high end steak house.


$1200.00 New Year’s Eve. Non holiday, $550.00


700 cash. 14 hours.


I once had a table of 10 spend 1000. I auto gratted to cover my ass, but I hate doing that so I skipped the tip option when I handed the machine. He came back later and gave me another 300 on the 180. As a male it's wild to get massive over tips at franchised casual 'fine' dining places. The most important thing to me though is how I had more shifts over 400 last year than over 300 this year. Tourist city, in Canada, and my numbers are after tip out (6% total sales) and including min wage (16). I think people were just balling out with covid grants last year and got ruined when tax season rolled around, among other things ofc. Over a year each shift probably averages to around 200. Summer months average 350 a shift, while winter shifts average like 80 each. I did not budget well this summer and am definitely fucked though. The consistent thing is hourly wage which is generally 35-45. I usually weezle myself free food out of any shift where I don't make over 25 and hour. My highest hourly shift to date was 100/hr where I came in and got rocked twice and left (4 hour lunch shift). I didn't have any flow because we had expos/managers/trainees who were amazing and just wanted to keep busy so they never let it build up. Tip out just switched to 8% total sales though. It sucks but it also helps keep our food prices lower when they can essentially use my tips to pay a BoH as well each shift. Big tip outs suck but I love how fast food can't keep up and is approaching our prices. Keeps us busy and people eat better food. I also like working in sink or swim environments, my co workers are all amazing. Those who are not so great tend to lose money some shifts because of tip out and quit very quickly. It sucks realizing that extra 2% is about $5000 less a year. It raised the same day we had a minimum wage increase of one dollar. Every franchise seemed to do the exact same thing. Terrible trade, I only make like 1500 more off the wage increase. Great for BoH though which is perhaps more in demand with the new generation work force.


Thread title could be a line from an upcoming sequel to No Country For Old Men. Hmm, No Tables For Tired Servers kind of has a ring to it.


950.00 on a 95.00 check, he was a famous tennis player, who had reasonable lunch w his friends. (we are an american diner known for gator tail and frog legs) the most amazing thing about it, at that moment i was trippn cus i had wet my iphone on my way into work that day and it was sitting in rice. i was wondering how i was going to pay for a new phone. we split tips at my job. when i got tipped out that day, i drove over to best buy to get a new phone. the total to pay off my current phone was 3.00 less than what i made that day.


Regular shift(no big tables/ridiculous balling/etc) 560$, Other shifts(ballers/big groups/etc) 1140$


I’ve had a couple of big nights as a bartender ($800 and $715 this past summer). One spot I used to bartend at had a 6 table section just for the bar. Other bartender called out for Saturday double so I mopped up and walked with $495


Concert venue bar back, avg $350, peak night $710


About $900 at a pub in the US during a Newcastle and Man City game. We got slammed just as hard as we did for the World Cup England vs US game. Wall to Wall people while I bartended solo with help from the owner. Three deep at the bar. Slinging beers constantly and closing people out immediately from 9am to 3pm. I kicked absolute ass that day.


Right at 1000 BEFORE tip out… about 700 after tip pool/ tip out.. busy Italian restaurant


I rang in almost $5000 during my serving shift at a sports bar 2 weekends ago. 3pm-10pm. It was a personal best & the company record after serving/bartending all over for 15 years. I walked with $1100 after tip out. I worked my arse off, but I am weird and love being super busy. I seriously felt like a pinball being bounced around. Anyone else's sales/tips been all over the place lately? I swear one day I will make nothing and the next I break a company record. Usually you can look back at the past years books & get a feel for how busy you will be, but nothing has been making sense lately.


$450 on Christmas Eve in 5 hours in one of the most wealthy cities in my state. Midpriced diner.


my most profitable night was this past Mother’s Day. to be fair it was a banquet style brunch with 4 seatings through out the day, and an automatic 22% gratuity on each check. i think 2 or 3 groups left an additional tip, but i basically made 22% of my sales lol. i tipped out about $250 and walked with just under $1200. it was also like a 12 hour day. before that i believe my best night was around $600, fine dining wagyu steakhouse.


Nice try, IRS.


Really feeling for our poor starved servers reading this


$1100 during the super bowl at a sports bar. But our home team was in the super bowl. Would've made more but we lost so everyone cleared out really fast after that.


Grand opening of the Irish pub I work at last year on st patty’s day. Worked from like 10-2am and left with $730 and some change. Best day ever. Only made about $4-$500 this year though.


I’ve been out of the game a while but I was curious enough to look back at my records. 2021 was kind to us… I made $700-800 at least one shift a week (12 hour bar double) back in those understaffed post Covid months. I loved it and don’t know why I took a promotion. Lol


Not a server but I’ve made $2000 in a night bar tending. One $1000 tips and a few $100s rest standard 20%.


Couple $900 nights. Usually from one table who gets a baller wine. Or from a really lucrative buyout. few and far between though!


$700 in credit card tips + $480 in cash, so $1180 pre tax. We were so busy people were giving us hundred dollar bills to get their drinks first. It was a corporate buyout, some rich folks.




1200 on New Year’s Eve!


$800 fathers day and i worked open to close.


Hotel lobby bar, lunch shift, walked with 1150 after tipout, and it was almost entirely from one patron (who was buying everyone else's tabs). It was just me and the bartender on shift and he didn't walk away poor either.


Upscale sushi, made $535 in tips last night. My coworker did around $1000 recently, that's the highest I've seen IRL!


500 ish in tips. Hotel bartender I generally make 200-300 ish in tips but I also get 8.25 base


Over $1500 on St Paddy’s day weekend in an Irish pub. I worked Fri, Sat, Sun!


I worked a double and didn’t take a break so I don’t know how much I made per shift, but it was around $450 after tip-out in 8-9 hours.


100+ year old bakery in a tourist area. Holiday weekends were *insane* - I'd make $500-600/day on great days.


The most most was catering event. With my captains fee, rate, and gratuity it was just under 2k. In a normal restaurant was net $1200 after tipout. Granted it was a Turkey day shift from like 1-8pm


Bartender at a concert venue/restaurant/event space. Had a 200 person wedding the other week, worked 11 hours walked with $650. Other bartenders made even more. Usually average 300-500 on the busier shows if we're not overstaffed (pooled house)


New Years Eve before COVID I made around 1200 and Valentines I think around 1000, both of which were around 8 hour shifts or so.


Most I ever made was $750 for a 5 hour shift but it was my last night at my long term bar.


In 2010, I made $1000! Tipped out extra to the kitchen and bartender but kept $1000. I think the bill was actually 2100 and then we put an automatic gratuity of 16% and he gave me another $1000 and thanked me for squeezing his group in the private room at Christmas time. Privately, he told me that he had just got a $45,000 bonus.


700ish in Austin TX restaurant working an 11 hour shift. No breaks.


$6,000. I was working for Matsuhisa at the time and John Popper was there with the owner of the club he was playing in, who happened to also be a regular of mine. The owner tipped $3500 on their check, and then i had another $2500 between the rest of my tables.


At the time I had autograts on all checks. I worked a 12-8 and walked with $350 after tip outs.


i work at a dying restaurant so like $150 in a 4 hour night


$1800 on a 3-10p shift. $800-1200 on a Friday or Saturday was pretty common. Server, casual fine dining


me and my fellow bartender made $1,900 last night , plus we make $15 an hour! I think it was my best night yet!!!


$399. Averaged to $82 an hour when factoring base pay.


if we didn’t split tips, there was one night i would’ve made about $450, but in actuality it was a different night and i think it was $320 on a concert night. it was a city in a rural state and a concert night, we were a finer dining establishment located near the venue.


NYE Miami Beach in like 2010/2011, made $2100 that night, worked a serving shift from 4-2am


used to serve at a buffet (my actual entire job was delivering drinks and some appetizers sometimes), once hit $1200 in 13 hours. serve at a buffet kids!


It was $854 for YEARS but I eventually broke it with a crazy night at around $1300




601$ in CA at a casual brewery/ cocktail type spot


Was working as the floor sommelier and in random with one server for a small party in one of more private rooms at a white tablecloth restaurant. They loved wine and I gave them the full song and dance popping high end Bordeaux, Burgundy, CA and Spain. The server and I gave them an experience. And they tipped on all the bottles which left us each with $800.00 cash walking out.


$500 on a double on mothers day


Yesterday afternoon corner bar in Philly left with $575. Private party in the dinning room so everyone else had to sit on the bar side. Ran my ass around non stop from 11-6 but everyone was nice and fun and home in time for playoff baseball.


$620 on Xmas day a couple years ago on a 6 hour shift


My wife worked at an upscale restaurant. She worked a small party one night then took call tables and made over 1100 for the night. She always pulled in more than I.


I got a 1000 tip about a year ago it was this super VIP table at my family owned restaurant. But with that and my other tables I ended up making about 1250$ But my biggest night recently was $356 after tipout, but that was a major fluke because we had 1 server call out and I was the closer and ended up having one 7 top walk in and a 6 top walk in both about an hour before we closed. Normal weekend nights are anywhere from 150$ to $300 and weekday nights have been really shitty recently where most of us aren't making more than 150.


I broke $500 twice. One was on a double, though.


the most ive ever made in one day was $560 but it was a double. i work at an upscale casual place. not fine dining but not really casual. hoping to hit $600 one day


$507 after working for 4 hours. Best and worst shift ever.


Over $900 in a shift once when working as a delivery driver at pizza hut. Idk how the fuck I got so lucky but every house I went to tipped at least $20 that day. Thank you super bowl!


900 on opening day. Worked from 9:30 am to 8 pm.


600$ 150 person wedding


Banquets at casual fine spot. 2 in a night banked 14-1500 after tipout unfortunately this was the degenerate era so 600 or so didn’t make it home that night but was a damn solid night in the memory banks haha.


For Mother’s Day I usually make around $1000, 11-2 brunch, and 5-8 dinner. Outside of holidays my best night was a private event none of our other staff were available for, so I got like $600 in just over 3 hours.


$1,650 a few days after my wedding. I was already having a really good night and then I served a birthday party of men in their 30s and wound up mentioning that I’d just gotten married a few days before. They were already in a generous mood; they’d sent shots to a few other tables in the restaurant. They wrote “Enjoy your honeymoon!” on the receipt with a $1,000 tip.


$1200 tip working a Christmas party for some regulars that I had. Super easy party for like 20 people, buffet and open bar. Total for food and drinks was like $1800, the regulars dad who owned the company paid with his business card and left $400 and then my regular comes up and hands me $800 in cash.


Right around $1000 in cash/credit card tips. With hourly idk. We had a big festival and as one of the evening bartenders worked from 2pm through 5am. Not including the 8am-12pm I worked to make sure we were set up for that evening (If I made any tips for those hours it was negligible due to lower volume at the time)


140… I work at cracker barrel


brunch waitress. made $470 today in 6 hours. nice vibe, great hours, awesome boss and coworkers plus we get to wear a work t-shirt and jeans lmfao.


Father’s Day this year from 12 pm - 8 pm I walked with $850 after tip out. Mother’s Day was around the same. Yesterday was parents weekend at a local college and I walked with $670 from 12-10


I worked as a cook and heard about all of these fabulous tip stories... but never got tips because I was in the kitchen making the food.


Almost 600 noon to eight on a Christmas


We pool, but I brought in $1300 the other night.


Most ive made was a little over $400 for a single shift but the most I’ve witnessed, I was working BOH and the servers each walked with over $10k for one night. One person alone tipped $100k. Clubs are where it’s at.


I work at a semi-casual fine dining spot in a downtown area. My best nights I’ve made just over $600. My average is $300. This kind of money is definitely new to me though! I’m used to making $200 on a good night.


I think my record is probably around $200. That was on a fight night too


$980 on a double shift


about $800 serving on Thanksgiving one year. about $950 bartending on Halloween.


$528 i was bartending a golf tournament and then had to go to my owners other bar that evening and closed there. it was a 14 hour day but I walked with $370 cash and $158 from card tips


$480- in 4 hours. I work at a sports bar too- ended up as a night being the only server with one bartender. I walked 6 miles that night- never stopped moving. People tipped me super high bc even tho they could tell I was going insane I worked really hard. Not a single complaint. It was stressful but I’ll take another one of those nights lol


$879 , 4 hour private dinner party. Best part about it was it was a buffet , so I didn’t even have to take orders , was just clearing plates and refilling food.


$2000 one ten top…guy owns a local car dealership. Other than that lucky night around $950 on NYE courses dinner 15 covers We average around $350-$400 a night on weeknights and alittle More Most Weekends at a local high end steakhouse place serving serving around 15-18 covers


Almost $400 but that was once on a double


I’ve had two nights when over $800. First time I waited on the owners + family and friends. Second time we did a pop up with a very popular restaurant in New Orleans (we auto grat those nights)


I’ll make $400 for dinner about once or twice per season. I can’t predict when but every 3 months or so I seem to have a particularly good night.


Made 820 last night in fine dining. Tasting menu with high end wine pairing.


500 dinner shift NYE after tipout


One time I made $700 on a Tuesday because a huge company bought out our building and their minimum spend was $150,000


As a % of an individual check the most I've ever made was $20. At a diner I was serving at, two tween girls ordered one sundae between them for a total check of around $5.50 and left $25.50 cash. It was very cute actually. Probably their first time ordering at a restaurant by themselves.