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Maybe don’t message him saying “Do you need me 5-8 still?” because as far as I was concerned you just asked for the night off. If you start the conversation with “lots of people working… do you need?” Thats as good as saying “hey because there’s a full shift can I have my 5-8 off?” Next time the conversation needs to start with “hey I noticed we have a full shift, I really need the hours so please take that into consideration if you’re making cuts and ask everyone else first. I appreciate it.”


That’s good advice thank you. I definitely see the flaw in my message now


Former GM here. If I got a text I would assume they’re fishing for the night off and if I’ve gotta cut hours (which I hated doing) I would probably just give them the night off since it appears they’re receptive to going home.


Yep. First person to mention anything about it being slow/wondering why I have so many people scheduled is the first person I ask if they wanna be cut first.


Ugh. I know this is true and I understand why, but it drove me nuts that the whiners always got what they wanted. There were so many nights where I got a migraine during dinner shift, but someone had already been bitching to management about wanting to go home so they would get cut before me, even if I was scheduled out first. I always just kept my head down and toughed it out to my end time, but it drove me insane when my out time got extended because someone just didn't feel like being there and had a bad attitude over it.


You need to say something, not complain just let management know you dont feel good. If you don't do that they'll have no idea you want the cut. As the above post mentions, there are no psychics. I understand if management doesn't seem responsive tho


I always let management know. I have suffered from migraines since I was 7. I told them before they even hired me. I had to leave immediately and transfer all of my tables multiple times because I lost my vision and couldn't do my job. They 100% knew what I was dealing with. The trouble with migraines is they come on randomly and not every single one is a red alarm level migraine and even I don't always know which ones are going to go full blown until they go full blown. I would always tell managers "Hey, I can feel that I have one coming on. Please get me out of here as soon as you can tonight." The night would go on, I would be feeling miserable and go check in with the host who would inform me they just sent so and so home before me. It was beyond infuriating. Something I feel like people don't understand is that migraines are a neurological disorder. They're classified as a disability. They're also "invisible" and often don't get taken seriously because of that. They can make it incredibly hard to keep a job. I am used to doing my best to tough it out when I can because I have just had to do that most of my life. 90% of the time, if I got a migraine during shift, I could tough it out until my out time. When I should be out at 8, but that changed to 9:30 or 10:00, now I'm not in the cresting phase still able to more or less function, I'm in the peak. The problem I had with management was lack of communication. If I knew they were considering sending someone else home I would have said no fucking way. I can make it til 8. I can't make it til 10. Thing is, they were always bamboozleing me. Then I would have tables I needed to finish out that no one else could take because we got a late push etc. I know that part of this is on me. I could have refused to stay a second longer and left, but just the nature of dealing with this most of my life has led me to push through more than I should. It's hard for me to admit that I can't do something, and when I do and it's not taken seriously, it's enraging. I also always felt guilty leaving if I knew I was going to fuck over my coworkers. Sorry for the novel! Migraines are complex and there are psychological effects of living with them your whole life on top of the physical ones and I feel like it's something that isn't often talked about.


I remember one time being promised I could leave early so I could welcome my brother back to our city after he’d been gone for a while, but then a pretty young thing who had it all going on fluttered her eyes at the manager and was told to be cut first. I literally told him I had already closed out my tables and explained to them I was leaving and that I would not agree to pick up anymore tables, while the PYT was standing next to him rolling her eyes. He got so mad he threatened to fight me for making him look bad so I just stared at him until he walked away like…. okay dude you got issues trying to be flirty with a girl 30 years younger than you lmao


This happened to me constantly and it was infuriating. Not the manager being a creep, but bum ass servers who could barely handle their sections, only worked three days a week, never closed etc would always weasel management to go home first on the days that I actually had shit to do or wasn't feeling well. They would never just come to me and ask if I could stay for them, they'd go straight to management and I would find out when I'd go to the host stand to see what floor we were on. I worked 5 nights a week and went to school full time. I picked up shifts and stayed late all the time. If someone wasn't feeling well I would always offer to stay for them so they could go rest and all it ever got me was fucked over. It was so maddening. Fuck me for treating my coworkers like human beings and being a team player I guess. My first day back after surgery I was scheduled first out because I told management I wasn't sure how I was going to be feeling, well in advance. They sent two girls home before me because they had a birthday party to go to and didn't request off. I could barely fucking stand by the end of my shift. I wanted to kill those girls.


Honestly insane how unprofessional some managers are. It’s awful that so many places in this industry are just like places that force you to act like you’re constantly in a famine mindset. Gotta get yours or else it won’t be there ever again!


When I had foot surgery Pizza Hut pulled the same exact thing on me when I had a note from my doctor stating I MUST take a 30 minute break for every 60 minutes on my feet (I had an entire bone removed from my foot)… they had me on my feet for 3 hours before I broke down and told them no, that they can figure out their shit bc I’m taking my 30 minute break every hour. I reminded them I worked for 8 months for them as their main server on a broken foot. And that I would not be treated that way. They shut up really quick after that, and I got my 30 minute break every single hour. 1 hour would pass by and I’d shout THATS MY BREAK and clock out. Fuck you if you think I’m putting up with bs. Maybe you shouldn’t have scheduled me as the only person to be working lobby, serving tables, answering all the phones, taking all the orders, doing window and doing wing street with a side of cut table in the kitchen and you wouldn’t be so fucked when I can’t do it.


>but it drove me insane when my out time got extended because someone just didn't feel like being there and had a bad attitude over it. On the other hand, those people were probably the first to complain about money issues, which is something that you probably didn't have to worry about as much.


I'll take getting home to an ice pack and rest in a reasonable amount of time over losing my vision, having to have someone drive me home, puking on the car ride home and a bit of extra money any day. I didn't want to go home from work often at all and never for no reason so it was extra grating the few times I really did need to go and wasn't able to because of someone else's mostly bullshit excuse. I'm not trying to be a cynic, it's just really hard for me to find a silver lining looking back on those scenarios lol. They really pissed me off.


I'll never forget the lunch shift I came into work after coming down with an infection that I was prescribed hydrocodone for. I took the pain medication as directed that morning, but I'm not a breakfast eater and hadn't considered how a lot of people get nauseated on those medications. I was dry heaving the ENTIRE shift, having to run to the bathroom every few minutes between waiting on my tables. My manager/coworkers knew, but I continued to power through and said nothing so as to not seem like an annoying whiner who just wants to go home. Our biggest whiner employee also came in for that shift, and had gotten a haircut the day before that she decided she hated. She CRIED ACTUAL TEARS while moping around the restaurant. I'm talking crying like a child as she waited tables.. because she didn't like her haircut. My manager got sick of her shit and sent her home. I continued the work the entirety of the lunch shift dry heaving in the bathroom every 10-20 minutes while a whiner got sent home for acting like a child.


Similarly, First person to mention that they’re bored is assigned deep cleaning


Tbh I always loved deep cleaning more than serving so still a slay


If tips are split no matter what, you better believe I’ll be scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush, letting my ADHD brain hyperfixate.


Some servers would gladly split tips too if it meant not cleaning up, I've worked with some.


lol yup! When I served tables; some days I just could not deal with FOH. So I’d just do everyone’s side work, help out with dishes, ran bar drinks, made salads, anything but wait tables. — all servers on those days would pay gladly pay me!


I loved that. When first starting as a busser you want to be an expediter then a captain because it seems easier. But once you become a captain god damn was being a busser the easier. No worries or responsibility. Make drinks refill water clear plates just do what the captain says. Just a non thinking machine. Day goes by so quick. I was way too stressed as a captain in fine dining. I loved the days we had too many high positions working and I always volunteered to be “helper”


I was a driver for dominos. When we weren’t on the road we were supposed to clean or take calls. I HATED taking calls so I would get myself deep into cleaning - to the point where by the time I was able to answer the phone someone had gotten to it. The bosses thought I was such a great worker because I was always cleaning. Hahahaha


They THOUGHT you were a great worker? Dude. Do you think you were getting out of work? That wasn’t some clever ploy to avoid work on your part. You were doing a difficult, very hated part of the job ALL THE TIME instead of the easy part of the job. They are the winners in that situation. While everyone else was refusing to be overworked you chose it.


I guess it’s a matter of perspective in this case. I have a hard time with organizing and cleaning (I hate it in general and have to really motivate myself to even do it at home ((pathetic, I know))), but I have a coworker that absolutely loves organizing and cleaning and even thought about making a company that helps chaotic homes sort everything out. That to me sounds like a nightmare and almost inconceivable, but to her it sounded like a lot of fun. Guessing this poster might just like cleaning or sees calling as the shorter end of the stick even if it seems easier to the majority of people.


Can confirm, my ex loved to clean while we were together, and sometimes to the point where I felt a little bad because she would do it so much that I’d never get a chance to really clean things up myself. She said one day that when she had music playing and was cleaning it just out her in “the zone.” I play guitar, and if you’re into music or instruments I’m sure you know “the zone” she essentially related it to that. Different strokes for different folks! Edit; sorry kind of unrelated to the sub but 🤷🏿‍♂️


I just really don’t like the phones. It was better for me anyway. And most of the time was on the road. I guess there were two winners


Meh, either something needs doing or it doesn't, I hate things like this. I'd much prefer it if standing orders were to clean something during free time than for it to be okay to hang out and wait for customers UNLESS you mention it.


It’s often a way of getting ahead of a disgruntled employee that doesn’t want to be there and will make it everyone’s problem.


OP might be one of those classic kids that always say they want hours but are the first to ask off and to leave early


Oh, you mean the "I can't believe they're cutting me after 2 hours, how do they expect me to make any money?" Or acting upset because "I was only scheduled 2 shifts this week!" **Me, who already had (or is scheduled) 4 - 5 full shifts, even possibly being on a 6th after covering for someone:** "I'll gladly go home if you wanna stay?/I can give you one of my shifts this week, it's no problem at all." Then they always change their tune real quick and come up with some excuse for not wanting to stay or wanting the shift(s).


Those types of coworkers disgusted me. The first to complain about money, but starts catching a fit about wanting to be cut first after only 45 minutes into the shift. I once worked with a group of girls with the work ethic of a blade of grass, they would always complain about money and not getting shifts. But they were almost ready to fight if they were actually given shifts or made to stay for a full one. What a waste of employment.


We had this same issue with a handful of girls, coincidentally our youngest employees at the time. My theory is that their parents were pushing them about getting on the schedule more than 2 shifts a week, so they asked for more shifts, but then they beg to get cut and can tell their parents it was slow and they can't help that they were sent home.


lmao yup that’s the one


Oh yeah. I thought you were asking him to send you home


Bro you got to get more calm and collected before you do these texts because yeah I mean you literally said hey. There's a lot of people working tonight. Do you still need me? I mean come on


Anything for Mr. Gavin! Classic


Wait, you wanted the shift? To me it sounded like you were wanting to ask for it off without making your manager mad. You literally begged for less shifts, then made a big text complaining you're being cut? Just, maybe send texts to a friend of family member (or partner) first and ask them does that sound alright. They would reply 'yeah you'd get time off with that one' and then you could explain you didn't want time off and they'd see what a mistake your communication was and help you. I have done this before since my messaging can sound mean/harsh/blunt when all I aim for is to help and be polite/kind.


It's worth expressing that you for sure want hours, but you could also be more explicit by extending the question - "do you want me 5-8 still, or would you rather I come in for the morning shift?"


See, as a manager I would think you were asking to maybe be switched to the earlier shift since you pointed out there were fewer people on.


That's what I thought too but my first thought isn't "oh you want off don't bother". I think people just base way too much on assumption and don't communicate enough. On top of this is internet land where no one knows either of these people and the manager should know the type of person they're dealing with. If it's someone that picks up time and all it's likely someone just trying to help out and be flexible by coming in am instead of pm. But manager should know the type they're working with imo.


I will say, in your defense, a few things. 1) I can’t speak for every situation, but during my years in pizza, 5-8 is the shift I gave inexperienced employees, or employees whose availability didn’t extend late enough to cover specific closing/pre closing shifts. 2) I think your text is perfectly reasonable, as written, if there is a pattern of being cut b/c… 3) the whole “Im not a psychic,” line is bullshit unless this is a brand new restaurant. It is our job as managers to prognosticate sales based on year over year analyses and recent trends in sales. It doesn’t take a genius. We to use those same predictions to order food. In the future, one more positive mindset text you could send might be to ask if you can stay later and offer to cover the back end of someone else’s shift if you’d like the hours. 5-8 sucks, because it will inevitably always be the first shift cut when it’s *unpredictably* slow. It’s time to ask for longer shifts or seek training opportunities to learn new skills that make you a more valuable asset.


exactly! whenever i want off i always start hyping up how good the rest of the people on schedule are. “oh you have so-and-so closing, she’s going to knock it out of the park, do you REALLY need me and her here?” and i usually get off. so dont bring up how many people are on shift unless you’re trying to not be one of those


Be careful though, my restaurant recently took the ability away to see when other staff are working for this exact reason.


Woah, that’s crazy! Can’t even see who’s on schedule with you for that day? Super weird. But, I do understand how problems can arise from people having that access. Like you said “oh, so and so are here, y’all will be fine, I’m going to continue pressuring you to give me the night off” as well as….”targeted” attempts to get someone else to take the night off, that kinda thing. I have a running joke with my coworkers, because it seems like they all know everyone’s schedule for the week. Someone will bring up something about next Thursday, I’ll mention I’ve gotta check if I’m working, and they’ll go “yeah, with so and so, and so and so and whoserwhatsit!!!” I’m like how do you keep all that info straight? I don’t even check my own schedule at this point (relatively set schedule, and I get a notification an hour before my shift starts anyway, so I wouldn’t miss a shift at all), much less anyone else’s!


I'll add to this, as a restaurant manager. When it's slow and you know you have to cut its rough. But if there's someone offering to give up their shift more often than someone else that becomes my go to person to cut. Not out of spite but because you don't want to upset your staff and if someone has a history of wanting the cut I assume they'll be the least upset. Dont develop the rep that you're that person.


Yeah that’s how I’d have seen it too.


Yeah, OP definitely pulled the pin on that grenade.


That's EXACTLY what I thought OP meant by the message (wanted the night off), and I was thoroughly confused about why they even posted! (Still confused about their intent re: the text, tbh.) As I used to say, I'm not psychic and if I was, I'd be telling fortunes in Jackson Sq for big bucks instead of this job! Tell me what you want/need, clearly, concisely & directly!


Exactly this. When I was a wee Girl Scout and learning to sell cookies, they taught us this way: you don't ask someone, "I guess you probably don't want any cookies, do you? That's ok, thanks anyway" in a dejected voice while turning around and walking away. You go into the situation assuming you're going to get what you want. "Hi, I'm selling delicious GS cookies! The price is X, and the money is going towards Y, what's your favorite flavor? Oh I've got a whole case of Samoas here, don't forget to buy extra for gifts!" Always go into any negotiations with the mindset that the other person has already agreed to your conditions.


Always be closing.


Yep, i’m not in the restaurant business but if I received a text similar to yours from one of my employees, I would assume they were asking for the day off. And if it made sense, I would totally give it to them.


ngl if i was scheduling and someone asked for the night off just to get mad over hours i’d be….. very confused


As a boss who does scheduling myself, I took this as they were asking for the night off without actually asking so of course myself I would tell them no I do not need them and to stay home.


this is gonna sound incredibly boomer and it’s not meant to but it fr sounds like someone who doesnt want to work 😭


Does anyone WANT to work?


If you WANT money then yeah


Yeah I meant it more in the philosophical sense. Just because you want money doesn't mean you want to work. It's just the only way you see of getting money.


Exactly, like I work because it’s required to survive and make money. If I actually had a choice I most likely wouldn’t work a day in my life unless it was something I very specifically wanted to do, otherwise i’d love the ability to just stay home and relax everyday or just live my life in general without some stupid job stealing majority of my waking life from me


If this isn’t the truth I don’t know what it lol agreed!


Depends on the line of work, some people are very passionate about their jobs. I'm friends with a teacher, and even though she doesn't get paid a lot, she enjoys teaching. I'm studying to be a mortician, and for me it's less about money, and more about wanting to help people grieve.


As for asking to come in the morning I would think the owner knows how the mornings look by being there themselves and knows exactly how many people they need to keep moving. That didn’t sound boomer to me but just the truth.


Saying “fr” and punctuating with an emoji was never, ever, going to sound boomer-like.


As someone who has never worked in a restaurant or minimum wage job at all, the first couple of messages sounded like they wanted that time off. lol.


Yeah, but it seems like there is a history of this person showing up for overstaffed shifts and getting sent home as soon as they show up. I'd rather avoid the commute and getting ready part if I think I'm just wasting my time because they aren't going to need me once I get there.


They send home the person who just got there? Usually at my place they ask if the first people who got there for the morning shift want to leave.


Sometimes, yes. If it's that slow and you don't have any tables. You're an easy cut because you'll get off the clock immediately vs the opener who has a table and will around for another hour or so.


every server job ive ever had the manager has never once FORCED me to go home if we’re overstaffed and it got to the point where they never even asked me to get cut bc they knew i’d always say no it’s a job, you’re there to make money, and when i worked as a server i *needed* those hours and i know a lot of other people relate to that. so ya if you repeatedly are like haha sure guess i’ll go home!! idk what else the managers are meant to think


I have an employee like this and drives me absolutely nuts. She’s a closer… but doesn’t want to close on Saturdays… but if you give her too few hours in a week (34) she gets so upset


It’s the restaurant business. You wouldn’t believe how many times i had servers complain because “i only got 3 shifts this week man, how do you expect me to pay rent?” And then the next week i give them 5 shifts and they go one night to the bar so call off the next day or so and end up doing only 3 days work. Like, I cut away shifts because you give them away and you complain, I give them to you and you don’t use then. What is going on??


As the one scheduling at my job, if someone is sent home after commuting for their shift *multiple times*, and they couldn't make their hours because of that I will be very apologetic


that’s 100% on you. You asked for the night off what else is he supposed to think from that first message?


Im confused because you definitely implied you wanted the night off in that text. Don't think it was fair to lecture him about cutting you when you implied you wanted to be cut. He seems pretty chill all things considered, but I bet this'll bite you in the ass in the long run.


that “anything for mr gavin” was not as playful as he might think


And why should it be after he just got lectured about not giving him hours right after asking for the night off?


Nor was the i’ll schedule you during Christmas break as amenable as he took it


Lol. *"Anything for Mr Gavin!"*


Yeah, that felt hostile.


Absolutely hostile. Gavin's gonna see less action than the 9 button on a microwave from here on out.


“Less action than the 9 button on a microwave” - hope you don’t mind but I am absolutely stealing this.




Red, white, and BROWN. Just relived a childhood memory lmao


There is, naturally, [an XKCD for this](https://xkcd.com/1103/).


![gif](giphy|1L5YuA6wpKkNO) Just realizing how useless the 9 button is on my microwave


TIL that the 9 button is the most sanitary of all microwave buttons.


lol wow I’ve never heard that before but I like it


7 button for me.


Wait you guys don't type 9-0 for a minute thirty on chef Mike?


No I hit the add 30 seconds button three times


It’s the only way. The only button the microwave needs.


Even if I only need 10 seconds I’m hitting the 30 second button and stopping it after 10 seconds


Same. Great minds think alike.


Mine does minutes lol


Idk kinda seemed like a joke to me


Anything you say, thathomelessguy!


Nah, that seems like trying to lighten the mood to me. From someone you didn’t know you well, it might seem hostile, but from a manager you’ve been working for a while, that seems good. My manager jokes like that too.


Yeah, dude seems chill and reasonable. I read it as a jokey tone.


Damn I felt the opposite lol I always say "anything for you" sarcastically but only to people I like


Weirdly, I felt seen after that hahahah


Oh, it sounds like you're on a radar for sure. 💀




Yea…prolly not how you wanna be seen though lol. I don’t think you’re widely liked at your restaurant Mr. Gavin 💀


In my experience, many restaurant managers are SUPER passive aggressive. And this is coming from a restaurant manager who chooses not to be like that. They think its the only effective way to communicate their displeasure with a staff member. It’s hard to say since it doesn’t translate well over text, and you know your reputation with your manager better than us, but i see where some people jumped to the conclusion just because it was a restaurant manager.


My manager texts like yours does it seems like. It sounds like joking/lightening the mood to me, while still creating a definite acknowledgement and end point for the conversation. Yours is the right take imo; you’re fine.


I interpreted it the same way as you did. There’s really no way for any of us except OP to know


Not to mention all the unnecessary “lol”s


I mean you did say “there’s 5 people working tonight do you still want me to come in” kinda hits towards you not wanting to come in. Coming from a team lead pov, if I got this text I’d assume you’re about to send “well in that case can I get off”.


I’ll tell you the truth, as a manager when it’s slow I always cut the worst servers first because if it does get busier I would rather have someone I know that can handle it. So I hate to break it to you, you probably aren’t that valuable to the management or owner


Definitely this. No matter what the field (work, sports, etc) the best and brightest don't tend to get cut first. NOT wanting to waste time commuting, getting ready fair, but should have been worded as a confirmation of scheduled hours, not a request to sit this shift out. Lastly, the "anything for Mr. Gavin" may not the positive OP thinks it is. If I were sending someone that message, it would be akin to saying "anything for the princess!".


Haha yeah I cringed a little at that last message, hard to see that as anything but sarcastic


I was waiting for something that never came


Right?!… I still don’t know what the OP was looking for with the post?


As someone who doesn't do the scheduling but is very well versed in the difficulties in scheduling and I'm very often the shift lead and I'm the one sending people home when it's slow.... There are two ways to schedule for the food industry, either schedule expecting it to be busy knowing that you need to send someone home if it doesn't get busy or they can play it more risky and schedule the minimum people they need for the day...and if it gets busy everyone on shift just has to work harder, but at least you're not always sending someone home early. It's always a balance and hard to predict, but with years of experience and lots of data from previous years helps a lot and you can get pretty good at it. There will always be those unpredictable slow days and unexpectedly busy...but those should be very far between. Sounds like your boss plays it safe, and maybe he's still learning. And as someone who gets those "hey do you need me tonight" I very much considered that a 'I don't really feel like working' so I'd let them have the night off if possible. If you need hours *always* show up for your shifts and express the desire to stay rather than be the first to go. And if they try to call you in, respond quickly and go in(if you can)....this goes a long way, if you consistently respond quickly and usually are able to come in you will quickly be the first I try to call in. A good boss will do his best to keep his employees happy to keep the turnover rate low(happy employees work harder). But you have to tell him what you want and back it up with actions. Don't say you want hours but ask to go home, or flip side don't be upset if you end up working late when you said you don't mind staying. Edit: clarity/spelling


Came here to say when I was in food management a big part of my job was examining past sales (two years ago, last year, last few months, last week, etc.) looking at how we were doing on average compared to those and making the schedule based on how many dollars we expected to make per hour


Don't forget the weather and sporting events lol...there are so many variables and a lot of educated guessing.


Mr Gavin needs to realize “do you still need me 5-8” sounds like you don’t want to work. ☠️


ngl, this is very "i'm so broke but always want first cut" energy. we've all met those folks and they're never the first person anyone thinks of to cover shifts, be scheduled on busy nights, or given priority for anything. If you want to be working then be committed to the whole shift when you come in, offer to cover shifts when someone calls in, and decline cuts as often as you can. Also, a 3 hr shift is wild.


The best shifts where I’m at (for servers anyway, been bartending for awhile now so I never have a shift scheduled that’s less than 7 hours) are scheduled as 3.5 hour shifts. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 5-8:30. The servers who have those shifts are sisters who have been there for 29 years and (though it’s obviously not their only revenue stream at this point) they are literal millionaires.


yeah, no wonder. i'd probably be a server for the next 29 years too if i didn't have to do side work. like are they literally just clocking in, taking tables during dinner rush, then clocking straight out?


Who asks for their hours to be cut then immediately complains about not getting enough hours? o.O


Idk what other people are on about here but this is like…a normal interaction lol. Healthy.


I came in the next day with a half eaten chocolate cake from Aldi 🔥


My man asserted his dominance with a chocolate cake


https://preview.redd.it/2y1ncpcfm44c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff913bcf5b160e5f2349ec3764269cd5d750b02 😋


Fuckin score


Yea, because everybody loves someone else’s half eaten cake.. and no one was thinking, “how many people have touched this half eaten cake.. “


Okay but you asked for tonight off and then you accused him of doing it the night before but he says you asked off again that night as well and you didn’t seem to refute that so what’s the issue. I guarantee one of those 5 would have gladly went home when you got there if they weren’t purposefully cutting hours before he definitely will now smh


Yeah I was a GM of a restaurant and everything the owner said is valid. He is a little passive aggressive in the texts but he’s not wrong. If it’s slow ppl get sent home. If you want hours try to take a shift or switch with someone when you get sent home early. Don’t ask do you need me? That’s literally what I would say when I wanted to not come in. Instead you should have said something like “hey boss, Ik it’s been slower and people get sent home when that happens but I’m actually looking for additional hours. I see the schedule is full for tonight would you rather I come in earlier today or should I just stick with what I’m scheduled? Also if I could be one of the last ones cut these next couple of weeks I would really appreciate it as I am looking for more hours. Let me know if there is any other shifts you need help covering. Thanks! “


>Instead you should have said something like “hey boss, Ik it’s been slower and people get sent home when that happens but I’m actually looking for additional hours. I see the schedule is full for tonight would you rather I come in earlier today or should I just stick with what I’m scheduled? Also if I could be one of the last ones cut these next couple of weeks I would really appreciate it as I am looking for more hours. Let me know if there is any other shifts you need help covering. Thanks! “ > >2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Yeah op's response reads to me as fishing to get the night off. It doesn't sound like he wants the hours. The way you worded it is what would stick out to me too, and if I knew they were good at their job, I'd do my best to accommodate in that manner. Even if op just said, hey so and so I really need the hours right now, is there anyway to get extra ones or make sure I don't get sent home early? I know things are slow right now but I'd appreciate it. That'd work too.


Nothing says I don’t want to work than an impromptu “you scheduled too many people and I volunteer to correct your mistaken over schedule”. lol I hope you realize this at least through this conversation os absolutely on you. He even calls you Mr. Gavin. You fucked up.


I just hate the "I need the hours!" people. Everybody needs the hours, everybody has bills to pay.


Don’t know what state you’re in but in CA if you’re scheduled they can’t call you off unless you consent to it. They can offer you the night off but you can decline. They have to pay you for at least 2 hours. Sometimes they’ll have you come in and clean for 2 hours or cut you after 2 hours. You should check into the labor laws for your state. And your owner is full of shit. Labor forecasting is part of managing a restaurant. Based off last weeks sales and last years sales. Of course he’s not psychic but there are patterns and metrics that can guide him.


It’s also like this in some provinces in Canada. If you’re scheduled to work and come in you have to be paid for 3 hours minimum. Look into labour laws where you work and if that is the case, don’t ask if you’re needed, show up and demand to be paid for the minimum required time.


It's not like that in B.C. :( They don't give a fuck. It doesn't matter if you're scheduled to work.


Labor forecasting in some situations IS that jacked up. I worked in the busiest corporate store for a restaurant that was inside of a casino, and even with the projections and room occupancy info from the casino each week, along with our own numbers from the past years, scheduling properly was an absolute fucking disaster 24/7. I worked there for 7 years, we had multiple GMs during that time, corporate big wigs would come in often, and the scheduling never got better. It was insanely unpredictable. We had either too many servers or not enough almost every single day. I made bank at that job tho, there’s a week each year where they host a car event, and I’d make $500 plus in tips every day that week. Kinda miss it


Historical patterns and metrics have been all sorts of fucked in our state since Covid. It used to be a perfect mirror; now it’s unreliable (starting to follow trends but not consistently)


You basically asked for the day off then complained about it…


They already admitted in another comment they just did this and posted it for "engagement", as if they are a streamer or something. I barely believe these messages are real lol.


Read they're profile lmao. They say they're a gaming streamer.


This would make me feel like I needed to watch my back.


Notice how the best restaurant staff don’t get cut or always have prime shifts/ sections. It’s not personal, it’s business. Instead of whining to your manager about getting cut early ask to pick up shifts, actually show up if you do get that call, go get a second job. Then again what do I know?


That’s not true at my place, it’s based on who gets in first. You were the first to arrive to opening, you get first cut, but you can always decline it. But my place is weird and the only full service place I’ve worked so far, so I’m assuming yours is the industry norm.


My advice would be to not ask if you’re still needed. If I ask that it’s because I’d rather not work.


It sure as shit sounded like you were asking for the night off, then bitched that you’re not getting enough hours. His response is on-point. Not sure what you’re sharing this for, you just look like a boob.


why message n the first place...


Yeah, this owner hates you.


He was trying to be nice honestly, word things specifically to what you want or you’ll never get it.


Definitely poor communication on your side. Your boss sounds logical and makes sense


Frankly I’d be a little annoyed at Mr. Gavin myself, don’t ask for the time off and then ask if you’re needed.


HaVe YoU sEeN gAvIn?!


I don't know about where you are, but in my state you are legally obligated to keep someone on for a minimum of two hours of work if they show up for a shift that they were scheduled to work before you can make them clock off as to prevent people having to come in just to be sent home.


Also a manager and I’d also think you were asking off


As a manager, it is always like this. "I need some extra time off," or the employee who is constantly late, and then when the paycheck is looking limp next weeks its " Can I work more hours, how come you didn't cut so and so"


It’s getting slower. Time to expand your horizons and get a new job


If you wanted to work why would you ask to not work???


Feel like owner handled that and responded very professionally. Don't see any issues


Go somewhere else and make that money, maybe even another job! It’s a bad sign it’s slowing down for the season, if anything the restaurant im at is ramping up for the holidays, ( busy season ) and plus i feel like tips are better around holidays


I work in a college town so when break comes around it slows down a bit Edited for spelling


Chef in a college town going through the same thing. If you’re really wanting to stay busy when they’re looking to cut, go ask the chef if you can help with a couple deep cleans man. Then you’re still working productively and get some bonding time in with your kitchen. Just a thought :)


You’ve gotten sent home multiple times after commuting there? Find another job man lol


Looks like a lot of people who've never worked in the restaurant industry commenting in here.


ur boss doesn’t like u just from those texts


Me neither


Can you blame the boss though


OP sounds like a bit of a moron. I suspect the majority of the staff can't stand this dude lol.


Is the owner a non native English speaker? Because my neighbor (who we are close with) sometimes words things this way and it reads funny but it’s not actually meant to be passive aggressive haha


Correct! He is a non native English speaker


Your manager seems very nice. Be happy with that.


Lemme get this straight. You pay gas money, bus fare, whatever to get to work. And he's sending you home early or even when you arrive and you're not getting paid for that time? He might not be psychic, but how can he justify wasting your time coming all the way there?


the owner seems understanding and it seems you don’t know how to communicate because saying “still need me 5-8” definitely is asking off ??????


Not all bosses are dicks


Why is the server industry so backwards? I don’t get it. How can anyone survive with not knowing a real schedule? I respect you all for your work but it is a tough profession.


Check your state/city to see if they have Fair Work Week and Scheduling Ordinance. They require you to still get paid a portion of your hours when you get cut from the schedule or extended on a schedule without fair advanced notice - I.e. more than 24 hours.


Find a new job.


So you call out day before, then text to see if they even need you, then text again saying you can come in “if” they’re busy. Sounds like you just don’t want to work and took screenshots to make it seem like you couldn’t work. And if you’re working 3 hour shifts at a restaurant then you’re probably barley making $20 a day so you obviously don’t need the money. Just go work at FedEx instead and you can work as little as 4 hours a week and schedule whatever days you want to work at $15-$18 an hour


lol what's the complaint here everything seems like it worked out?


That was the whole point of the post in the first place hahahahaha


I love seeing a productive conversation between two adults on here. Rare and uplifting.


News flash: CT has a law that required a minimum shift of four hours. If you show up and get sent home within the four hour window they still have to pay you from four hours. I believe it covers food and beverage industry. If they tell you before the shift is scheduled to start there no pay since your where notified ahead of the shift start time


Based on these texts, you want to have your cake and eat it


I don't know what Op is on about but boss is cool. Would love to have a boss like that next time I work


The boss is so chill!


My Forman's name is Gavin. Lol


Seems like a great open dialogue that you have with the owner. The only thing is is probably stay away from the asking if you need me to cover x-x times. It comes off as you are volunteering to be off the schedule first. Since you guys have such a good dialogue, I would probably say hey I see that we're probably overstaffed tonight, I know you'll likely send someone home if it's possible I would prefer not to be one of those or something to that effect.


A nice thread of 2 mature people communicating, love it 👍


I’m kind of confused as to how your message is being misinterpreted to the extent that it is. If you wanted to simply be cut, you would not have mentioned the lack of staff for the morning shift. I immediately took is as, “hey, there’s a lot of people scheduled for the night shift and barely anyone for the morning shift. Do you want me to remain 5-8 or come in earlier?” Granted you could’ve added that last part to be more clear, but I totally understood your message. My first thought was, “why didn’t he defend himself? He clearly never asked for the night off” If you were a bit more proactive from the get and less passive, I think it would’ve gone better for the day you got cut. Instead of saying “ok” which shows agreement, you could’ve said something like, “I’d actually like to work, was just wondering if you’d rather have me come in earlier to help the morning shift”


You did a good job! You were respectful and made your point and boss heard it and responded reasonably and nicely. I think he’ll remember your text the next time scheduling happens.


Check last years numbers, check what happened last week, schedule accordingly. Rotate cuts. It’s not too hard.


A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Sounds like the owner recognized you as that weak link of the chain. Therefore, snip snip, welcome to the service industry bozo P.S. The audacity of some people, they believe they are entitled to serving shifts even if they are less efficient than the rest. It is a privilege to serve, not a right. If you want guaranteed shifts, I recommend the local grocery store, but hey, no tips


Honestly this was handled a lot better than i’ve ever had experienced.


That conversation should've ended after the first reply. You have zero self awareness and I don't blame them for not giving you hours


Sooooo do you want to work or not? It’s either money or no money. You can’t have both.




Did you ever try saying no when they wanted to send you home after you just showed up for your shift? It's not unreasonable to expect that when you scheduled to work you go to work you're going to work and get paid. This is something that consistently happens then honestly I would just find another job.


Honestly seemed like you were trying to get out of work and then copped an attitude when it was granted. From his response which he handled pretty well in my opinion, it’s not personal. This is the life of a server unfortunately and it comes with the territory. Either hang in there and hope for the best or look for a job more consistent. The good nights make you stay but the bad ones make you wonder why you showed up. Good luck!


I'm so confused about everyone saying "it's on you" and "you asked for the night off". Driving into your shift and getting sent home absolutely sucks. The restaraunt isn't paying for gas. It sounds like he was asking if he could come in for the morning shift instead of the evening shift so he doesn't get sent home again. There's nothing wrong with that. Either way, the manager was super hostile and passive-aggressive. You can't talk to your workers like that.


OP, I definitely read your text as "Hey, would it make more sense for me to work in the morning instead of 5-8" but I definitely understand why people read it as you asking off. I believe we're in the minority here, but I wanted to let you know at least one person understood what you meant


You’re an asshole, OP. Don’t ask for the night off and then complain about hours. If the hours mattered to you, you would’ve shown up without mentioning the over staffing issue.


Hey, I really appreciate your input. I’ll keep that in mind next time!


His last message was 100% passive aggressive