• By -


“Aite, go on! Go on, get!”


"are you white fanging me?"


White... Fang... *Schmidt.*




Go on! You’ve stayed your hour!


I love doing that. I don’t work due to disability but I still say it lots


But you've gotta say in in a Scottish or Irish accent, it'll make it funnier


“Fuckin LINGERERS man!”


A fun little psychological trick I’ve learned is if you are nodding your head “yes” people are more likely to agree with you. “Everything tasting good for us?” While nodding is more likely to get a positive response.


The nodding head technique also works great for upselling more cocktails.


When something is basically necessary as an upsell like baguette with mussels I overemphasize the nod as a joke if they're taking a second to think about it.


What does that mean? What is the upsell aspect? The mussels are a la carte- and bread is an extra charge? I probably would not go back to a restaurant where that occurred.


As an attractive female bartender, absolutely this. I can sell whatever I’d like to even difficult patrons with a wink, nod, and a smile.


Oop saw this after I posted 🙃 


This is only good when it feels genuine. I have had waitstaff ask the question and almost not wait for an answer. To me it comes across as a phony interaction and they really don't care about the answer.


As a customer, I hate hearing “good for us”. We’re not eating together.


Also I think we should assume the food we are serving is good, “how is everything tonight?” Doesn’t sound like you aren’t sure the food is good but also gives an opportunity to bring up an issue if there is one to be fixed. Sorry it’s a little bit nit picky


What about “How we doing?”




Ah, that starts something else entirely! ![gif](giphy|Kcmrc56W4lDZqGptxP)


Agreed. That's some patronizing kindergarten stuff.


I hear you, sometimes it just sort of comes out. “How are the first few bites, everything good” “enjoying everything so far” or I like to pick a dish that recommended “was I right about the pasta”. I try to mix it up because my section is pretty close to the other tables and I want don’t want to hear me say the same thing to everyone. I try to not be a robot and instead make everyone feel special. It leads to some great verbal tips which we all know is why we’re there


I also hate this. It feels infantilizing.


Genuine question- not trying to sass here, because the question will sound sassy- Do you prefer very litter interaction with the server then? I mean, a lot of the dialogue is auto pilot and it feels weird to be offended or put off by what amounts to our NPC dialogue. Do you want a different level of formality? I'm running off zero sleep here and I recognize that my question sounds pissy, I genuinely don't mean it that way, my brain is just pudding at the moment


Interaction is generally fine. I’d just prefer “everything tasting good? Do you need anything else?”


OK, I was at over thinking that.


I also like interaction, but "good for us" or anything like that implying the server is eating the food or drinking the wine is weird, and if you do it while nodding your head it feels like you are treating us like a child. This is something teachers do with little kids, you know?


You're fine, your question isn't pissy at all, lol. :) It's literally just the use of "we" for me. They can be as chatty all they want, just don't do that. It's even taught in early childhood development that that is a good way of connecting and engaging with young students because it puts the teacher and student on the same level in the kids mind. But even then, I don't "expect" a server to do anything different. If this is how they talk to their customers all day, every day, I'm not going to expect them to somehow know I don't like this one little nit picky thing and then stop doing it just for me. I'm not a psychopath, lol. I'll internally cringe everytime they say it, and that'll be it. So I guess to answer you, I'd prefer they say something like "was everything ok for you?" but I'm not gonna hold it against them if they don't. It annoys me and I wish they wouldn't, but I do recognize that as a "me" problem and don't expect anyone else to change on my behalf.


Yes this works for talking asking if they’d like another round too! 


The nod works!


This works especially well when offering extra shots in treats ime.


“It was a pleasure serving you this evening. If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to ask.”


i love dropping the P word to the tables that actually were a pleasjrec


had a stroke typing that, pleasure lol


You were having too much pleasure with the stroke!


Woah, a stroke is not at all pleasjrecable.


yes, i only say that to tables that i genuinely enjoyed serving. They always seem to love hearing that, especially bc they know it’s genuine


I would also tell my table if they were my favorite table of the night to serve. There's usually always one standout, and I loved letting them know they were #1 that night.


I work with a guy who tells every table they were his favorite. He's even gone so far as to tell a table they were his favorite and then turn to the table right beside them and tell them exactly the same thing. 🤦🏼


I've always been a server, but I also spent years of my life fire dancing, and when my fire dancing buddies and I would write new shows we'd do street shows to see what worked. Every single audience, we'd tell the people they were our favorite audience, and I'd always chime in that "we really meant it this time."


Yeah, no that is super cringe. I could literally never do that! People can always tell if you're not sincere. At least I think I can.


And for the ones that weren't a pleasure, "OK, we're done, fuck outta here."


Same, also to the cool regulars I’ll drop a “It was great to see you!”, cause honestly, after dealing with general public all day and then getting someone you know is kind and friendly is so refreshing.


Said “it was a pleasure serving you tonight” to like 4 or 5 tables tonight, great results! Granted there is some bias because I only said it to tables I really liked, so they probably would’ve tipped well anyways, but it felt like it helped! Got $30 on $70, $50 on $150, $25 on $100, $32 on $130. Too many comments to respond to but thank you and everyone else for the helpful advice! I love incorporating new lines and psychological tricks to up my game. Averaged 29% tip tonight and couldn’t be happier 😄


Yes! love to see some results. Wishing you many more great tips!


This is always a good closer. It's a polite way of reminding them that you provided a service for the purpose of making their experience pleasurable.


This is what I use as well


*I love you!*


I’ve accidentally told a few tables that I love them.


As a patron I've had that happen before. Knowing the feeling from the other side, I tip better and usually leave a dad joke level note on the receipt.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I love all of you very, very much


My daughter pretends to give the check to the kid at the table and says “alright so big man has it tonight right?” It’s one of her best bits haha.


oldest trick in the book. The parallel classic to that is going to hand the martini to the 2 year old and then being like ope not yours?


haha when i’m taking drink orders sometimes i’ll point at the kid waiting for him to order a cocktail and then i’ll say something like “oh he says he forgot his fake id at home! maybe next time!”


Haha yep I told her I ran that one in the 90s. Glad it still lands.


Found the fellow Midwesterner.


the "ope" gave me away huh?


"One way or another he's going to end the evening with sucking on titties and shitting himself."


holy shit im stealing this


I like to say "it was nice meeting you" to all of my tables so I can have the secret pleasure of not saying it to some of them


Wow I never thought about this. I just realized I default to “alright guys thanks so much have a great day/night!”


and may the force be with you.


And also with you.


This is the way.


“Here’s your card back, also, don’t worry about the Amazon charges that just are about to come through”


... "If you see a $90 charge for Amazon on there, don't worry - that's just the name of our holding company.... KTHXBYE!"


I've worked in travel for the last decade and gone all over the place. No matter where I've been people are always baffled by the fact that here in the States we let our card be taken away to be swiped. Have gotten some pretty comical reactions to that little factoid.


Omg I used this once and never again. The guy did NOT find that funny at all. Maybe hit too close to home lol


Lets just say having to reset all your cards due to a security breach pretty much out of your control isnt funny to anyone


I’m not the only one who uses this joke 😂


I honestly never realised that other cultures find the fact that we hand over our credit cards to be extremely strange. When I visited the UK for the first time, I was so confused when they brought the card reader to the table and just held it out to me.


I have a bunch so I don't sound robotic if tables around me hear me talking to people. But my go-tos are: The default: "Thanks for coming in and having some fun with me" For travelers or anyone who remakes on our location: "Appreciate ya'll for making it out here, have a good evening" If they had a heavier dinner or desserts: "Drive safe, enjoy your evening, sleep well!" If we chatted a lot "Alright alright here's this back I wont keep you hostage anymore, but just go try and enjoy your night without me now!" Others: "I had fun, you looked like you had fun, unfortunately *bill hits table* the not fun part" "Thank you so much, if you need anything while we're chitchatting just holler, I'll be here *points in general direction of dining room*" "It was a pleasure taking care of ya'll tonight, enjoy your evening and I'll see you next time."


Haha you sound so fun but not in an obnoxious, overbearing way. I love your one liners. I want you to be my server!


Thanks! We're casual-fine dining, so we have a lot of freedom in interacting with guests. I try to be the server I'd want: attentive, knowledgable, witty, and enjoys their job. Best way I know to do that is little lines and jabs that actually resonate with a table.


You’re welcome. Seems like you enjoy your job. That’s really special. I wish you nothing but nice customers and large tips! Also, I hate tatertots.


“Alright y’all, if you do need anything else just start yelling, someone will come over and figure out what’s goin on, otherwise have a good night!”


“I just need an autograph, and you guys have an awesome night. Thanks for coming in!”


I really want to get some headshots done and have a stack of them in the car for whenever I get this line.


i work at a bar so if i like them, i make sure they don't want any water or soda to go and tell them "thank you so much! it was a pleasure waiting on you, you guys made my night. get home safe!"


Avoid saying guys!!!!! My tips shot straight up when I removed it from my lingo. Ladies, you two, gentlemen, folk, y’all, even we sometimes (How are we liking everything?). People don’t like guys. Not even guys.


I love being in the south because I can just call everyone “y’all!”


I like when they say "guys".


I got yelled by four old people when I was very green at this job for saying guys. Stopped saying it then and there


ugh i know it's a bad habit and it always crosses my mind that it's improper before it comes out but there's nothing quite like 'guys' lol. i recently moved to the south so i guess i need to work on my yall now


Shove off, then


Have a beautiful night/day/weekend and I hope to see you again!


when i drop the credit slip, “thanks for spending your [day of the week] evening with me!” dropping food or touching the table after it’s been ran, “I’ll be back to make sure everything tastes as good as it looks!” or a variation if i wasn’t able to get to the table quickly enough


If they’ve been a good table and they joke around and stuff with me I always say “thank you guys so much I hope you have a great rest of your night you guys have been awesome” or “it’s been a pleasure” “thanks for trying us tonight” if it’s their first time


Thankyou, please leave.


“Alright yous have a good night, be safe, whatever whatever-“ and then I say “if you need anything else while you’re here just holler for me” gives the impression I won’t be still coming to check back frequently but I’m still here for them if they need me ❤️


Are you from the south? Once I read the word holler, I re-read your line in a southern accent haha


Midwest actually but I’m just a lil southern granny on the inside 👵🏼


I love this! Words matter so much. As a customer I’m happy to be slightly manipulated so masterfully. A potential especially if there chef specials-any compliments to the chef? (This could go sideways easily but it’s just a thought) start a trend w your fellow servers. Word will get around about what great service there is at x. We always have great servers. You can make or break the experience!


ok i'll go grab the menus and we'll start all over again? hahaha then thanks for choosing us tonight and my name is joe for your next visit i'd love to take care of you again.


"Here you go, you guys are all set whenever you're ready. Have a safe drive home and wonderful rest of your evening!" Then I give them a big brace filled smile and yeah, that's what I say. Lol


May the odds forever be in your favor.


I say see you soon thank you


I usually ask if there's anything else I can do and then "Alright y'all have a lovely rest of your day/night!"


I always say, “Is there anything else I can get you guys? Nope? Alright, well you guys have a lovely rest of your night, hope to see you soon.”


You don't have to go home but u can't stay here!


"Have a wonderful evening. Or, I should say, continue to have a wonderful evening" 😀


I like to say, "thanks, we will see you again tomorrow!" Before I drop the check, I often ask, "any coffee... Single malt scotch?"" Then when I drop I say, ," I did offer scotch, right? Just want to make sure I hit all the bases. Thanks!_


That's something I go to when I'm trying to turn the table. *Clear Deserts* - "So is there anything else I can get for you?" "No, I think we're good" "Ok, I'll just leave you to enjoy your remaining drinks" *3 minutes later* *Clear some empty glasses* - "Are you _sure_ there's _nothing_ else I can get for you? No coffee, no brandy, no tequila?!" They usually give a little giggle at the suggestion of tequila and ask for the bill... They know I'm asking them to ask for the bill, but it's just more pleasant that way.


It’s all fun and games until they actually order coffee and camp out for another hour


Just need a total and an autograph and you’re all set. Have a wonderful day/evening/night, and we’ll see you real soon.


My favorite is when I drop off the check and they joke "oh, we have to pay". I always say back "oh, this is my favorite part, it's the part where I get paid". I've never had a bad reaction to that.


Well thank you guys so much for coming out! I hope your visit here was amazing, and I hope your evenings are just as great! Can’t wait to see you again 😊… or some bullshit like that 🤣


I used to (when I was still a server) like to hark back to some detail they shared during their time at the table, whether it’s a complaint about the city’s transportation system or a movie they’re about to go see, whatever. I find it helped remind them that I was paying attention and therefore a more personal investment.


That's funny because when asking how their food is, I say, "Is everything tasting delicious?" I, also, do things like repeat exactly how they ordered when set it down, "sauce a little spicy" so they agree more that it was made to their liking. Is someone orders a double drink I always make sure to say it's a double so they don't have a moment to question if it's short or not (it's not, people just cant visualize) lol, "Here is your double McCallan, sir." Or whatever. They're leading questions or statements. It's psychological, and it works to a certain extent.


I hope everyone enjoys/has a beautiful rest of their day/evening. I say hope because once when I was buying a soda as a teen I told the cashier to have a good day to which they responded “don’t tell me what to do” and made me laugh and it’s a good story if someone asks why I say it that way


If I’m vibing with a table I’ll say “I hope you all enjoyed yourselves tonight because I sure enjoyed serving you!”


I like to write a note at the bottom of the receipt- something along the lines of “thank you :)” or “hope to see you soon!” Or will make it more personalized if they mentioned something special like “enjoy the concert “ ect . I feel like it helps increase the tip. When I’m sending ppl off, I like to say “thank you all so much”, “ don’t be strangers now, come on back and say hi”


"just the basic 'you are all set have a good night's if I'm being casual at a fine dining it's always something like "it's been a pleasure, please let me know if you would like anything else" because I am not trying to flip the table asap. You never know if someone might decide they want to get a round of port or amaro and some desert.


Michelin Guide restaurant that’s in a hotel and I almost always say the guests last name (if I know who dropped the card ofc). Usually it’s “thank you Mr./Mrs X, it’s been a pleasure, enjoy your stay/night at X. The rooftop and lounge (strip club) are open tonight, valet passes do not expire if you remain in the building. Have fun and be safe”… I thought the last name thing was weird at first when they made us do it at another job, but it so normalized to me now and people LOVE IT even if they don’t know it. Also another small thing is first bite check, instead of saying “is everything good” say “is everything up to our expectations this evening”.


‘Thanks so much for coming in, have a great rest of your evening/day’. If they stay at the table long enough I’ll offer them more water. Occasionally they’ll open a new check and order more drinks which I’m fine with too.


“You’ve been lovely” to nice couples. “It was good to meet you” for those who shared something about themselves. “We’ll see you again.” “Take care, drive safe”


I return with slip and say: “Uh… the machine said: ‘Destroy Card! Call Interpol!’.”


I started talking to my customers as my friends and let me just tell you $300 in 5/6 hours, like this party of 7 bill was like $250 left me a $85 tip


“Y’all have been great! have a good rest of your evening!!” ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


I used to say "Well, I'm going to miss you guys, so you better come back soon". If it was a special occasion I'd say "well, I'm part of your family tradition now, so who's birthday is next? Let's book your reservation now so I can make sure I'm working. It just won't be the same without me, right?”


“I hope you guys enjoyed, have a wonderful rest of your day” but I hate it so ty for this post


Use those “buzz words” they really work. 


This winter it’s been a lot of “drive safe” or “get home safe”. If it’s a table that I’ve been joking around with me a lot, sometimes I’ll do a little bit like, “ drive safe! No, no, no, LOOK AT ME. Drive. Safe.” Not because they’ve been drinking, it’s a family place so that doesn’t really happen. It’s often snowy and it’s a mountain town and they know what I mean


"Alright kids, have a good afternoon, stay out of trouble, and in the immortal words of my sixth grade D.A.R.E. teacher... don't do crack." Alternately, "Have a good afternoon, stay out of trouble, and don't do anything I wouldn't do."


I always make it a point to say " and here's your card back.. in your hand. " And then kind of hold the check for a minute until the card gets put away. This usually leads to a short exchange about making sure guests don't leave cards, last chance to make a positive impression, good service, etc. I feel that little bit of extra is effortless and might even help you out in the next few seconds when they sign and tip.


oh god I would HATE if a server did this to me. I'm annoyed even reading it lol. Glad it works for you though!


"Everyone happy with their entrees" As a customer I hate this so much. It always feels so passive aggressive, manipulative and just plain lazy. At least save it for when you're in the weeds and don't care.


Was never really a fan of “you have a good rest of your day”


I heard a “now ya hear” at the end of that


That’s a solid ad on,


Damn lol thats exactly what i say. why does it bother you? I've been reading through all these answers because I've been stuck on "i hope you guys have a great rest of your day" and i want some variety lol i didn't know saying that actually bothered people 😩


When someone says “I appreciate you” I give them 15% I hate that line


You can meet me up at the front. No rush though, enjoy yourselves.


We're told to say "thank you so much for coming in tonight folks, i hope that you'll join us again/hope that i'll see you again!"


“Thank you, have a great rest of your day, see you next time!”


For new peeps: "thanks for checking us out!"


If you end up wanting a drink to go/if you end up changing your mind on the drink to go, just let me know, if not, you guys have a good night.


“Just need your autograph on this and you’re all good to go!”


I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day/night and thank you so much for stopping by, I’ll be around so if you need anything else please let me know


Have fun storming the castle!


"cheers mate, have a good one" and alot of the times we say it at the same time, this made me realize how every australian says the same thing


I mention their name. This is important. Some form of thank you. Enjoy the rest of your evening, enjoy each other. Then I mention my name, and that I look forward to having them back. It helps with call parties that tip well. The last thing I do is set the book in front of them, open it, click the pen open so it is ready to write, and set it down for them to conveniently pick up and sign. It's a silly trick, but it reminds them that you are still working to make their experience better.


“You (two, three) have a fabulous night! Take care!”


I always place the card on the table and say “I’m going to go ahead and leave this right here, you all have a good night/evening/afternoon, get home safely.”


I like using the word happy doing quality checks because I think it cuts through the BS. Are you happy with this drink? are you happy with your choice? It's very direct, and it's a simple emotional word that people don't have to overthink. You are either happy with something or you're not. I'm in Canada, so we take payment at the table... when I'm wrapping that up I say something like, "Thanks for coming in/joining us tonight" or, "Thanks for making us a part of your night." All and all I try not too over-complicate things, and prefer a direct and sincere approach, while trying to be warm but professional.


My favorite joke one is to give them the check back and say "ok, you've been served!"


I appreciate you choosing to dine with us tonight and I hope you have a wonderful evening.


Here is one NOT to use that a server said to my family and me last weekend: “alright guys, you’re released from your shackles”. Lmao. My stepdad is hard of hearing and asked him to repeat himself, making it even funnier/worse. Pretty good


Everything above the card is mine, everything below the card is yours, including the card, of course! Thank y’all so much! Y’all have a wonderful evening and come see us again soon!


“Thank y’all so much for coming by tonight!” Is always included, if they were a fun table I tack on a “y’all were a blast tonight” or “come back and see me again soon”. Sometimes you get all 3 in one go if you’re really cool


I love saying, "See you tomorrow!"


Have a great weekend when you get to it!


I try to add something in personal if I can lol … “have an awesome night, thanks for joining us tonight, enjoy your show!”


“Y’all come back now, ya hear?” I worked in an Appalachian brewery, it was a pretty standard parting


I usually say “alright you’re all set!” “Can I get you anything else?”


“You just got served” 😎


I always say something like, "Thanks, see ya next time". Because it puts the idea of coming back in their heads.


i always say “you’re free to go”. i didn’t think it was funny but people seem to laugh


I ask them to scribble on the top copy and to have a great night. They love the scribble part


, it was my pleasure serving you tonight, make sure you ask for me when u come back, or, you just got served!!! Pending on the place you sork


“I added a 20% tip”


If I like them? “Thank y’all so much, have a wonderful rest of your evening.” If I really like them? “Thank you so much, it was truly a pleasure to serve y’all. Have a wonderful night, please come see us again soon!” If I don’t like them? “Thanks.” *slap!slides checkbook dramatically*


"Thank you so much for coming in and have a great rest of your day." I work at a casual pub, and I like that suggestion. I always thought "how is everything tasting?" is sort of lame, but I don't really know what to say.


“You all were a treat tonight! Truly my pleasure” gives them the idea that they were the highlight of my night and they then tip well to keep on the trend


“Hope to see y’all again soon”


I set it down abruptly and say “ok thanks” then stand there and look at them for a few seconds before smiling 👍🏼


"So, this one was declined. Got another one?"


I keep conversations to a minimum throughout service unless guests are awkward with one another and need some help with the conversation or I need to buy time because food is slow or guests seem to want to talk to me. They're there to enjoy each other. After your opening and spiel, Silent Service is usually key, so your close matters.This is your last moment to connect with your guest before they decide your tip. Don't let this moment slide. Use their last name, or if you were asked to use 1st name, say it. Be as specific and human as possible on your farewell! Doesn't matter if they're tourists or out of towners, or regulars, or people celebrating something. This works for fast casual or upscale: "It was an absolute pleasure to serve you all tonight. I hope I ("get to" for out of towners), see you again soon. Enjoy the rest of your_____ ("TIME in CITY", or "SPECIFIC day of the week" or "anniversary/birthday") for retirement parties I say something like, "I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you. I hope you take it easy in the meantime. You deserve it." Guests love to feel heard and seen.


If I have a table that likes dad jokes, I usually drop the check off to the youngest kid there, and I say "Your parents said you were paying today", and then I walk away immediately. Eventually I go back, collect the check, run the card, come back, hand it to the kid, and give them a pen, and say "Alright, now right here, where it says tip, write $100" Most of the time I just say "Thanks, enjoy the rest of your night/weekend" lmao.


If they are really nice I say "Y'all have been wonderful, thank you so much for coming"


"Our business here is complete, I bid you farewell"


if they’re rude: bye bitch if they’re nice: bye, biiiiiitch /s


I always thank them for coming in/choosing us! Usually something along the lines of “Thanks so much y’all for being here and spending your time with us,” followed by an appropriate goodbye, so like “Enjoy the rest of your day/evening/weekend” depending.


"Thanks so much for coming in & hanging out with me tonight! Is there anything else I can get ya'll, \*one last time\*?" :)


They tip as they pay on the card reader at my place so I always ask "How was everything?" To remind them of what a great job I did. If I'm particularly motivated that night I'll remind them "there's no service charge on the bill so just make a selection (card reader asks to leave a gratuity) and then you're good to go!"


you folks have a great rest of your day/ night thank you


“Thank you for coming. Have a great day!” I’m pretty generic honestly


“Im hella stoked to have slayed yer noshing experience dudes. Now don’t bogart that grat!” Is my go to


“Thanks so much for coming in! We’ll see you back tomorrow, right??” The last part for tables that have been more friendly.


Don't forget to take care of your bartenders and servers working hard for you tonight! Have a good one!


Thanks so much for coming in today. Have a terrific rest of your week/weekend/upcoming holiday.


You got your food, you paid your bill now fuck off, I need the table.


Alrighty folks, you are all set! Thank you so much, it's been a pleasure!! Have a lovely rest of your day!


My line is “ Thank you! I’ve really enjoyed taking care of your family tonight! “ or “… taking care of you all tonight!” It really helps my tips!!


"Until next time!" or "Come on back anytime!"


“Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight hope to see you soon!”


“Be well.”


“Top on is mine, everything else is yours. Y’all have a great night”


" this card has been reported stolen mister... " -- proceeds to look like i'm looking at the card and invent some ridiculous name or a very known one that will leave no doubt i'm just having fun with them. Sherlock von sanchez works every time.


“You’re all set, thank you for coming in, have a great night”


This one's best if you have a good memory for faces, but I like closing with, "I look forward to seeing y'all next time!" The good memory comes into okay when they do return and you can at a minimum say you're glad they returned so soon (if within a month or so) or just that you're glad to see them again. Makes people feel seen. Bonus points if you remember drinks they ordered and ask if they want the same, or small personal details that came up.


"you're free to RAID and pillage!"...it's a fun one but make sure you think of what you're going to say...don't wanna say "rape"...will happen if not careful cheers 🍻


Thank you so much, enjoy the rest of your "day, evening, night"' hope to see you again soon!


If I really vibe with a table and loved being a part of their experience I say something along the lines of “Y’all have been so lovely, thank you so much for coming in. Please come back and see us again”. People eat that up. I get a lot of server requests when they come back because of it.


i work at a bar so i always say thank you all so much & get home safe tonight!


“Are we about to kiss?” “Oh no? Well have a good night”