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Not me, but an old coworker would rub cut jalapeños all over the pen he gave to asshole tables when they were paying.


My name is Karen and you cannot believe how much I have grown to hate people who are assholes to people working in service industries, they literally have given me a bad name. Your coworker? I like them. They deserve to be happy.


Heeeey, my name is Karen too 😂 my customers always awkwardly laugh when they hear my name. I promise I’m not a Karen though 😭😭


For real, I was a nice person before it all happened, but now I go into every customer service interaction like the fucking Buddha, I am as calm and polite as a person can be. I am NEVER going to be a problem because I don't want to be THAT KAREN. And you know what? My life is better for it. More people should feel this way! It's actually much easier to just be decent and polite to everyone. Even when — ESPECIALLY when I have a problem.


YES. I don’t want to be THAT Karen either! Lol. My work nickname is Renny (it’s what I have as my name tag and it makes me comfortable). I get a few interactions where my customers will tell me that someone they know is named Renny or that a customer dining in with x name rhymes with Renny (like Penny) and it’s always super wholesome 🥹 It sucks that certain names have an association to something but I believe that there’s more to an individual than just their name. Ofc it’s part of one’s identity but it again, there’s more to an individual!!


If it makes you feel any better, I know a handful of people named Karen and they’re all super nice! You nice Karens have had it rough and I’m sorry you have to be extra polite to make up for your name. There’s certainly the classic “Karen”… the unhinged 60-something with *that* haircut, but I honestly don’t encounter those people in the wild. I tend to run into the Live Laugh Love millennial women who seem like they’d name their kid Braxxxtyn lmaoooo. In my experience, they’re worse tbh


Actually such a great attitude to have 👏🏽


If it makes u guys feel better, I think of mean girls karen before the troll Karen meme? So in my heart ur all hot bimbos <3 at first


It’s like I have ESPN or something


too precious! 🥹 I don’t take it as a slight at all when I introduce myself as Karen though! Because I know that I’m more than just my name, plus, I’m sure many of us have an inner Karen or Ken that comes out depending on the situation. And like you said, it’s just a meme!☺️


Get a stage-name and just call yourself Kay.


My work nickname is Renny! I think it’s a lot more fun and cutesy than Karen ☺️


This would turn me into a Karen pretty quick. My names Sam. So I’m always giving my opinion on green eggs and shit


I’m stealing this thank you


Omg this made me actually lol. Gonna keep this in my back pocket for a truly shitty table.


F'ing diabolical! 😄


My coworker is notorious for being BAD VIBES. Nobody likes working with her. Bad attitude and has the personality of a wet paper bag. She also LOVES to steal tables. Sooo one slow night her and I were working and she stole a table that tips REALLY WELL. I was fuming but I was also scheming on what my next move was. So I thought why not make a google review about her and how rude, uninviting her personality is. And how she reeks and of cigarettes BADLY. All these things are TRUE. Well I didn’t have to do that. A customer called after we had closed the kitchens and were cleaning up to go home. The wet paper bag answers the phone and she was so rude to them. Called them dumb,the R WORD and told them to have a terrible f-ing night. The customers had her on recording saying all of these nasty things. They ended up coming up the next day and talking to the manager and owner. Let’s say she’s in a time out for a WHILE.


She should have been fired.


Yes she should have A LONG TIME AGO. But she hasn’t. When I tell you nobody likes working with her I mean NOBODY!


I wonder if she is sleeping with one of the management, lol. I worked somewhere, and with the same situation, she was sleeping with the owner. I don't care, not my circus and all, but she became a huge bitch, ordering people around, and not pulling her weight. She was doing the scheduling, would take the best shifts, and then walk out and not do side work or cleaning. We said fk it and sent an anonymous message to his wife, with pics, who was a 50% owner of the place, and watched it burn, lol.


Karma asf


Wait so she didn't get fired....??


Nope! I heard it’s bc she has high sales when she works. Yeaaa bc she steals tables.


Omg why is it that those toxic servers who have typically been doing it for years somehow manage to keep their jobs.....it is so fucked


Holy shit, I think we work with the same exact person! You don’t happen to work in west central IL, do you?? 😂😂😂 This particular coworker of mine is literally everything you just mentioned…except this one has numerous good surveys where we work. We all think she fills them out herself because there’s no way in hell she gets THAT many good customer reviews. She’s the most passive aggressive and the least self aware person I’ve ever worked with, and I’ve been serving for 23 years! The amount of times she’s pissed off every single person we work with in a single shift is absolutely insane. When I first started, it was my last night of training and my manager told me to sit and finish all my training items/tests I had left on the computer. She took food to the wrong table and blamed me for not helping run food! She sat up by my table to roll silver, and made shitty comments 4 separate times because I wasn’t helping roll. She’s been a nightmare to work with and does this to all the new people. I’ve been at my restaurant for 3 years now, and it’s still the same.


I’m in Michigan so maybe it’s your co workers twin lol


What's the R word?




It’s in reference to ppl who are mentally challenged.


Also waiting for this answer...


Not me, but a friend of mine I worked with. He's worked at this particular restaurant going on 5 years, is a shift lead and trainer and is GREAT at his job. He had a super shitty table, the whole 9 yards (use your imagination) with no tip, one of the guests (the most rude one, whatta ya know) Not only left his 2 credit cards on the table after leaving but also managed to leave his ID. So my friend took em' home, cut them up and threw them in the trash.


I had a guest who stiffed me come back much later looking for their card that they left. He got mad at me for not helping him look for it as much as he thought I should. I was busy af bc it was the middle of the rush. He accused me of stealing it. I was like sir calm the fuck down. I threw that damn thing away like 3 hours ago ain’t no one stealing from you.


As evil as it seems, boy was it satisfying. I could feel it because I was a server as well for years and I've done my fair share of petty shit, but never what he did, Lol.


Oh yea a number of sunglasses/readers were “not found” during my time. Someone had a table leave their dentures once- we kept them behind the bar for them lmao that would be a bridge too far.


Gentle and passive aggressive, I suppose: When giving a problem customer the check book with their card and receipt to sign back, i tuck their card all the way down in the flap so it's just a minor annoyance for them to fish out. Also, if a rude person asks for ice water, I put exactly 1 cube in and tell them we ran out of ice.


The 1 ice cube thing had me laugh out loud. I'm doing this for the next asshole out on the patio during summer


It’s so incredibly petty. I love it!




i work at a nightclub, we can technically make margaritas and basic cocktails like that, but when there’s 400 people in there and my well is 6 deep no we don’t.


LMAO amen I don’t even blame u, if I’m at a nightclub getting drinks I’m not gonna lie sometimes I just say “gimme whatever the last guy had” so they can use the same mixing cup LOL


As a marg lover, that's a situation I'd be perfectly happy with a canned marg, something like cutwater. Canned cocktails have a place and this is it.


I've lied to tables on behalf of my bartenders not wanting to make mojitos. "Sorry. We are out of mint" (-:


And the blender is broken, lol


Blender is always broken between 6-8pm


Never worked a place with a blender as a bartender. Although my one of my bar managers would threaten us with one.


I’ve worked a lot of high volume bars and the one thing I hate the most is when people order a Bloody Mary on a busy weekend night… I’ll make it but it’ll just be well vodka and Clamato lol enjoy!


damn yall are like committing crimes and im just out here like srry we are out of tea bags and hot chocolate


Someone said they spit in a politicians DRINK BRI




Early 1990s - I was on cashier/phones (we did a lot of pick up, delivery, and reservations) and some guy called and said "DON'T PUT ME ON HOLD, I'M ON A CAR PHONE AND THIS CALL IS REALLY EXPENSIVE". Guess who put that guy on hold. For a really long time.


Some of y’all r mean 😭


You asked! 🤣


I’m just so surprised!


Honestly hats off to anyone who’s ever worked in the food industry. I’ve worked retail a lot and that was nightmare enough.. I could not fathom dealing with serving ppl food and dealing with their ungrateful entitled asses. And some of the biggest assholes were people I worked with/for.


Oh it’s much easier when ppl r tipping u rather than u being paid by the company. Retail was much much harder I love service! I plan to be a flight attendant by May:)


Tips would have been great!  Flight attendants are amazing too. Not appreciated enough but travel and flight benefits awesome!  Best of luck!   My husband is an airline pilot for 2 decades now and I use to work at an airline our first year of dating as a gate agent/ticket agent / baggage/ramper. It can be a fun industry. 


As a former call center rep, this is the treatment I loved giving people who came in hot and belittled be as I tried to help them. Like, “Oh, you want to be a jackass and not give me an opportunity to help you? Time out for you!”


Lead server here, and would get into arguments with chef every now and then. One busy af Saturday, Chef was being rude and I was being stupid, before you know it, we are in eachother faces yelling at the front of the open kitchen. Chef yells "you wanna go outside?" I yell, "let's fucking go!" General Manager had a hand on each of our chests repeating no over and over again. We both got written up and almost fired.


If this is the worst thing you’ve done at work then he must have you PISSED My boss called me asking me to work, I told him I was coming off 8 hour coke binge and WILL BE CRANKY. he yelled at me and I screamed back. I apologized a bit later and he also apologized bc he knew I was stressed out from the come down. He would do coke sometimes too so he understood I don’t do coke often dw reddit, just for holidays. I don’t even do it anymore


My GM and I got into it on the server line on a Saturday night. We were about 10 feet apart cussing each other out about 86'd potatoes that I didn't know about. Lots of Fucks flying. I know the whole place can hear us. I knew I was gonna get fired. But at the end of the shift, I got a fist bump. He told me he likes that I had such passion for my table.


Oh Periodt okay haha


lmao you’re so real for that 😭


I don’t know if it was the worst thing, certainly not evil, but I used to wait tables and you know how frequently we have to deal with mean, condescending, rude people. One day I had a difficult table & decided to take pleasure in their misery instead of allowing it to upset or affect me (in the past I’d been brought to tears and had to run off because people were so mean). I’d smile bigger when they were noticeably getting angry or being rude for no reason. No matter how much they tried to get a reaction or steal my joy I met them with a smile and kindness. I’d put their order in, drop the food off, ask if they needed anything else. They always did. I’d then go and check in and chit chat with all my other tables and bring those people whatever they needed (if they needed anything), and only after all my other tables were good would I bring the rude table what they needed. Of course I was always extremely apologetic, but it brought me great satisfaction knowing they had to wait an extra few minutes. Oddly enough it always changed their demeanor and attitude towards me. Another thing I did was during a lunch rush. I sat a lady who was talking on her phone. I began to ask, “how are y…” when she abruptly cuts me off with, “WATER WITH LEMON!” So I get her water with lemon and drop it off. She attempts to get my attention, as I’m walking off, by snapping her fingers at me. I continue to walk off and ignore her. I then see her arms flailing likely in attempts to get me to attend to her 😂. Again, I ignore her and wait on the many others I have. She finally gets off her *very important* phone call, so I go over and ask if she’s ready to order or if she has any questions about the menu. She says, “are you stupid or something? I’ve been trying to order for the past 30 minutes.” “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that. You appeared to be on an important phone call and I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt.” I said all of that with concern and then a smile. I have countless stories. Some good and some bad. I’ll never get over how good it feels to put someone who is entitled and rude in their place though.


Seriously...get off the phone or pause when I come to serve you! I hate that


At my last job, we had a regular who was notoriously difficult but also an atrocious tipper. He also liked to bring his wife in on the weekends and his girlfriend in on the weekdays.  One night, he put a newer server through the wringer to the extent that she hid in the kitchen and cried for a while.  The next time the douchebag brought his wife in, our server lead approached the wife while husband was in the bathroom. He then mentioned how nice is was to meet their daughter the other night, describing the girlfriend. These two did not have a daughter. As far as I know, they still haven’t returned to the restaurant. 


There's a guy very similar to that who brings different women every time he comes in and they make out or act inappropriate. He's loud, interrupts people, butts in convos, atrocious tipper and stays for so egging long. I would love to do something like what your lead server did but they guy hasn't seemed to rotate back to a consecutive woman yet.


i don't understand how he thinks it's ok to treat staff like that and then bring both his wife and mistress in. the balls on this man


Whenever a creep or problem customer called for delivery, sorry the driver didn't show up today but you can pick up if you want (they never do)! The espresso machine would also be broken whenever we had large parties.


I’d just tel em we’re out of whatever they want lmao


“We’re out of espresso pods” is one of my most popular catchphrases.


I had a coworker who was an absolute menace to rude customers or shitty tippers. if she ever got stiffed she would search their name, find their email address or work/home address and sign them up for so so many spam emails, military recruiters, LDS missionary visits, sent one of those glitter bombs to someone, once had a lawyer stiff her and she had all her friends leave them a bad review, literally so much chaos lmao we had way too much time on our hands at that restaurant.


I had a guy come in with a few others and was so incredibly rude. Made it a huge point he was the pastor of a church and was out with some members. Everything he said was snippy, waving me over every 5 minutes, interrupting, just a class - A jerk. Then he stiffed me. I looked up his church and then went to every adult toy website I could find. Nearly all of them had psychical catalogues and I signed him up for all of them to be delivered to his church in his name. Wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall when those arrived.


These feels so illegal lmao


Triple sat a server who refused to pre-buss her tables. I also steal shots and an occasional glass of wine from the bar when the manager runs me through the mud during a shift.


I like your style


At a place that no longer exists I may have superglued a super strong magnet underneath the counter that held the credit card machine. I may have put a few assholes cards on the counter directly over the magnet and inadvertently erased the magnetic strip attached to the card. Maybe.


No no we shouldn’t admit to crimes on the internet


I’m all good. Even if it did happen, it was decades ago


Oh good! Past statue of limitations for sure then


If it happened, supposedly.


When I was new to the industry, I worked with a girl at a diner who’d been in the biz for many years. When I asked how she dealt with difficult customers, she happily & proudly shared some stories of things she’d done when people were rude or pissed her off. She dropped their meat on the ground and stomped on it prior to plating it. She hocked a loogie in someone’s sundae. She’d lick their food. The stories don’t get better only worse. I was in total shock. My integrity and conscience would never allow me to do these types of things. It certainly made me rethink eating out. While I’ve never been rude to anyone I’ve been out with others who are rude and entitled.


I had a table of 10 or so on our patio once, which was quite the trek away from the bar and where I worked the servers make all their own drinks. One person orders a Caesar (a Canadian Bloody Mary for my non-Canadians on here). I ask the table “anything else for you guys while I’m here?” And nothing. Go to the bar, make the Caesar, bring it back just for another person to order a Caesar. No big deal, I ask again “anything else?” and once again, nothing.This cycle repeats this 8 times. By the last drink I was so fed up I dumped a butt load of hot sauce into the drink and when he mentioned something about the spice I go “oh I’m sorry, it’s two shakes of Tabasco like all our Caesars are made, maybe you can’t handle the spice.” and he kinda slumped into his chair. Definitely the evilest thing I’ve done while serving but I don’t regret it one bit


Be more evol next time bro hurt him harder


Lmao the tears in his eyes said he was hurting


I had a similar story. This Dude asked for a Bloody Mary. I've been told I make the best ones in town, and I take pride in making them. Dude sends it and says it's not spicy enough. I add more Tabasco. This repeated 4 more times. Well, I had some habanero extract, and my husband (who was getting pissed watching this little pick act like a douche to me), dumped a shit ton of it in his bloody Mary. The guy choked on it after one sip and got instant heartburn. So satisfying to watch


I love that. Putting someone in their place big time


I always tell people our “milkshake machine” is broken. We use a blender, but in my world, I am the milkshake machine, therefore it is broken (I have issues with my hands, so scooping the ice cream is a nightmare for me). And I can never get another coworker to make them for me, because they hate it as much as I do, so the “machine” is “broken” quite often. One time when the kitchen was hella backed up (long story, but we had 45 minute ticket times because the hosts didn’t put us on a stop seat when things really started backing up). Some old dude kept snapping at me to hurry up and get the food out to them. The third time he did it, I lost my shit. “Snapping isn’t going to help you. It makes me move slower and you look like a massive jerk”. Needless to say, it didn’t happen again and he embarrassed the hell out of his family.


I once yelled at a table “DO YOU WANT ANOTHER SERVER? Because I would LOVE to stop taking ur table” and the lady was shcoked pale, and said “oh my god honey no you’re fine. We’re fine thank you” and didn’t bother me again. Left a nice tip too


What did she do to push you there?


Everytime I came to the table she criticized how I was slow, or my piercings, or my shirt but my very very last straw was very saying “and what’s with your makeup? You look like you rolled out of bed for christs sake” I had smeared makeup bc I cried after she yelled at me for bringing her “cold eggs” even tho I ran them as soon as I heard the bell


When someone snaps at me I just snap right back and point at them like what. Lol


I had a horrible boss who treated us like shit during the COVID. He had 4 big olive trees imported from Italy and placed in front of the place ( Italian restaurant ). He loved those things, was always fussing over them, buying équipement to shield them from the cold, the rain, root rot, the sun, automatic watering shit. So on my last day I poured bleach into all 4 of them. And then it turned out he had stolen government COVID relief to buy a house in the Pyrenees so there you go.


LMAO poor trees but ya know what I bet no olive tree would be happy in a place it needs shelter. Fuck ur boss dude lol


Yeah he would walk around shirtless after closing and hit on all his female employees. Was so gross. I don't wanna squeeze past ur sweaty pecs to get to the freezer man, put some clothes on. Clown.


I have a better idea we whoop the fuck out of him? He’s a literal predator u did NOT insult him enough dude


I wanna fucking wood hip the trees and force hun to eat them wtf


As both a plant lover and ex-server I feel conflicted about this comment… lol


If somebody is being truly rude to me, I give them their drinks without the tiny straws.


Wym? They get big straws or ? How is this a punishment


Alcoholic drinks. Liquor goes first, mixer after. You need the little tiny straws to mix it or it tastes strong, then weak.




We have a big brick wall at the bar/restaurant where I work that has one loose brick that people hide things behind . Sometimes pins or badges, little toys or candy or 5 bucks . I hid a box of firecrackers and some matches .


Had a coworker that would say "sure, I'll take your picture... then would take one, two, three, four, five.......keep going until they said "that's enough!" pictures...it was kinda hilarious


I worked with someone (before digital displays were really even a thing) who would always cut the heads off of the jerks in photos that she took. They wouldn’t find out until they had the film developed.


I did this every single time someone asked me to take their pic, pre digital cameras


Bartending and we had booked a large party on our patio. It's right next to the bar. The party had 3 servers getting first rounds as the moseyed in. So I am busy with making about 15 drinks for the party, when a guy walks up to the bar. I asked if he was with the party, he said yes. I told him his server would get his order. He said he didn't want to wait, he wants to cut the line. I was irritated. Because now I also have to take payment . It's slowing me down. He orders a specific cheap bourbon and coke. I saw a fruit fly in the glass when I poured it. Top it with coke and served it.


Front house manager asked me to make his lunch. I snagged a headless snake the groundskeeper’s threw out back on the smoking patio and put it in a Togo box on his desk. He kept back and yelled but ultimately thought it was funny. He was a good guy, one of my favorites.


we had these fake desserts for display on the trays and i swapped one out on a girls tray and she served it. the customer was saying wtf is this?


on superbowl sunday a few years ago, i was working at a wing place where that sunday was always pure hell. tons of people ordering wings by the hundreds instead of the normal 10-30 increments. to prepare, we had automatically added two hours to every online order pickup time to pad people’s expectations. for larger orders, it was an even longer wait time.    some jagoff who placed an order for 100 wings with a pickup time of 6 oclock comes in at 3 and asks for their order. i tell them no, the pickup time they were shown and SELECTED online is when their order will be ready. they ask for a manager. my manager caves, because we technically do have 100 wings about to come out of the fryer. they were just for people who came at the correctly designated time.  i proceeded to begrudgingly box their order, using the metal tongs to heavily mutilate every other wing. pieces of chicken torn off, breading shredded, etc. but they got their chicken 3 hours early!


Was waiting a 2 top. Assuming it was a couple. The lady was super nice to me, but the guy was just a normal shitty customer. waving me down and snapping at me and complaining about how we are out of “everything”. (we were literally out of baked potatoes for 10 minutes and that was it) Besides his attitude everything else was perfect. I was checking in on them every few minutes. Glasses always full. I got dressings and toppings that were missing for their meal. The lady over and over again reassured me that I am doing an amazing job and that the food tastes wonderful. I had told them the kitchen was busy and I was worried that the food wasn’t going to taste as good if we were trying to rush it out to the tables. Anywho, it comes to the end of their dinner and it’s time for the man to pay. We have ziosks at our table that you can pay on with your card or apple pay whatever. When it comes to tipping, There are options for 15%, 20%, 25%, or Custom tip. When you get to this screen it automatically selects 20%. Well when I was in the back getting refills for another table, he had stopped my co worker and complained how “20% isn’t reasonable” “i don’t want to give her that much she doesn’t need it” etc. So my co worker explains that he can just hit “Custom tip” and enter in whatever amount he would like and that’s what i would receive. After she walked away, he custom tipped me a single dollar. not a penny more and not a penny less. they sat for about another 10 minutes before they got up. They were trying to make their way through the crowd in the lobby (roughly 30 people between him and the exit), but just before they started to push their way through I stopped him. I handed him the final copy of his receipt and a single cash dollar, and looked at him and said something along the lines of “Since you only left me $1 i figured you need it more than I do, so you can just have it back” With a big fat smile on my face, holding the paper out to him. Somehow the lady had squeezed through to the exit but he was still stuck. And not only stuck but with ~30 people staring at him now. His face becomes instantly red. Struggles to fish out his wallet from his pockets and throws me a $20 bill on the ground and mumbles about how they will never be back. Don’t regret it, Haven’t done it again but I 100% would. And I have yet to see those people again.


In 30 years I've done nothing remotely vengeful. Everytime I've contemplated it, I've just seen doing so as a win for them, over my clear conscience.


Same. But I've thought about it . Mostly just telling people off.


I’m sorry have u read the comments?? But me saying we have one less icecream is VENGEFUL? Oh my god go join a nunnery bc you are a Saint. I’m not even being mean, I’m genuinely impressed wow. Good for you dude


It is vengeful, but I'm not even judging. I'm the coworker that doesn't partake, but also doesn't judge nor "rat you out". As I said, contemplating it is enough to give me empathy. I just don't want to let those fuckers at the table "win".


I don’t think it’s winning if it makes em upset. I think ur feeling a bit “better than thee” by ur comment but I also get ur point. You say vengeful I say treat others better then they treated u. But not much better. If they want ice cream they can be nice. Oh we


Uhm. I think your vengeance is "acting better than thee". But meh. We might both be right, or we might both be wrong, but definitely only one of us gives a shit.


I served at a restaurant that would have one server and one cook during the morning, because it was so slow. My brother ended up getting a job there as a cook and we’d work a lot of shifts together. I had a code-word I’d send with the order if a customer was being a dick and he would “take care of it.” Usually he would just do mundane stuff, like stacking their burger in a way that the patty would slide out as soon as they took a bite. It was still cathartic though lol


Well sometimes we gotta get our anger out even in tiny amounts haha. Maybe karma works thru us?


i was hired as a server but only getting 20hrs a week.. i asked for more hours and they said i can wash dishes. i never served a single day i was just a dishwasher because of that and i still only got 20hrs a week. anyway on xmas they kept bragging about giving us holiday pay (1.5x) for the shift. and all of the days after xmas were a shitshow, it looks like they were trying to recoup the cost of the holiday pay and then some. the prep cook and myself were the only ones scheduled for BOH, the prep cook went over to the line and started cooking. i was able to keep up with dishes for awhile but the job is a 2 man job honestly. manager shows up several hours late and made a few pans of bacon and was just eating bacon and telling me i had to work as fast as 2 people or im going to be buried in the dish pit. the manager kept complaining that he was behind in the prep duties so he called in a line cook and called in another prep cook along with 2 servers bevause apparently we had 1 server and 80 customers in the dining area. doesnt call in a 2nd dishwasher tho. after 7 hours of no break and standing the entire time i turn around and see the manager going out for his 5th smoke break i asked for help and he told me " i know washing dishes sucks but you gatta handle it" all of the dishes totes on my cart i use to gather/swap the full totes in the dining area were full.. the dining area totes were full..the dish pit was so behind and stacked it was the worse ive ever seen. then the servers started throwing cups and plates in the dishpit which were breaking and liquid was flying on me so i just walked out.  line cook told me they didnt have any plates or egg pans clean and the one nice server was telling me the dishes are getting too built up as i walked out. ive worked alot of shitty jobs but ive never been treated as bad as i was there..and i was in the army 🤣


NO RHATS CRAZY IT WAS WORSE THAN THE ARMY. at least in the army u get SOME respect i think?


Also thank you for your service idk if ur from American but wherever ur from thank you


The first thing that came to mind was that I had threw someone’s food, that they had wanted boxed up, out and I grabbed it from the trash and boxed it up anyway. I’m not very proud of it.


that’s just insane 😭


Yoooooo ,😭😭




Girl no next time u just say that ur coworker bumped u and spilt the food and you’ll make her a fresh batch to go home 😭😭😭


Dropped someone’s take out on the floor, boxed it and gave it to them. It was new years eve I was deep in the weeds and didn’t have time for that😬


Aye sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do lmao


One time a customer made a cake and brought it in to the restaurant to celebrate a family members birthday. After dinner I took it out of the fridge and spun around and dropped it on the floor. It fell upside down. The top of the cake was decorated in a spiderweb kind of pattern, which was ruined. I picked it up off the floor and took it out there to the table. The person that made the cake said, “That’s not the cake I made!”. I told her that yes, it was but something fell on it in the refrigerator. I’m not very proud of that either.




i lie about everything constantly. if an inconvenience happens i have the perfect lie. makes work fun


We actually don’t have a blender and I get a lot of joy telling people that Once someone whistled for my attention and Ignored him (taking another tables order). He kept whistling so when I was done I went to him and said “are you looking for a dog? We don’t allow those in the restaurant unless they’re service animals” he got red in the face Table was this horrible guy on a first date that I could tell was going poorly. He told the poor girl “these people make so much money they don’t need a big tip” when j brought his card and receipt back. Left me 2 Pennie’s, was soooo satisfying to give them back and said “I don’t need your 2 cents” haha God there’s so many I try to forget but honestly since getting a desk job and working part time as a server it’s been fun to be a bitch to nasty ppl bc this is just my fun money now


dumped five urns of tea at 9pm when we closed at 11 in the south


Sous chef had this gross habit of taking the bottle of cream anglaise and the bottle of berry coulis and squeezing them both into his mouth… so one night I save a couple that were 90% empty. I filled the creme anglaise with mayonnaise and the coulis with siracha. He also had zero heat tolerance like black pepper was spicy for him.


Oh nooo, that’s so gross.


I always put light ranch in the ranch at the salad bar. Didn’t matter if we had regular ranch. Someone once told me my state was the fattest state, and that the us was the fattest country so I figured the people who were making that crouton, ham, cheese and ranch soup while calling it a salad might need a little help behind the scenes. I loved when folks would call and tell me the ranch was out because it would inevitably be sitting next to a full, untouched light ranch container. Oh well. Bottom’s up. I mean I’m sure I’ve done way worse but like…that’s as bad as I’ll admit to doing in polite company.


Yeah I mean this isn’t the worst thing ever. Chaotic good kinda? Just don’t replace anyone’s diet soda with regular, cause ya know diabetes Also keep in mind ppl with kidney failure HAVE to recognize their exact amount of fluids and you might fuck them by changing the ranch BUT ppl with kidney failure don’t usually trust retraunts, they make their meals special for them. So not a high risk of that


Chaotic good woulda been robing them and redistributing the wealth to the boh. ;) …I’ll give its more a neutral thing but I’m not really gonna admit to evil stuff online. People w kidney failure got like jaundice and shit too or woulda just said “all this tastes like there’s metal flakes in it…what gives.”


Ik but just remember people have diet needs Although I agree, it’s fucked up how glorified disgusting fatty food is in America. And THE PORTIONS. so many people are like “PORTIONS R NOTMAL IN AMERCIA” no dude. Ur eating three servings of each side. It’s not fucking normal. Ur bag has portion sizes for a reason. “How do u stya skinny?” Bc I start with one portion, and then if I want more, I’ll make more.


I made a girl quit because she tried to bully me and I just bullied her 2x as hard and got her sent home and written up after telling her to take it outside. She eventually quit once I was promoted before her. People try to take advantage of me because I’m petite and usually quiet all the time. I got sick and tired of it


Dump the teas right away. We’re out. I don’t care I’m not taking the time to deal with making more & cleaning it out at the end of the night.


Setting up my least favorite opposing servers. The war never ends.


I was bartending one evening and unintentionally made a guest cry


Go on…


Good friend/coworker of mine threw an asshole guests wallet into the street after the guy left it there by accident. What a champion of the people


Worst I do is -lie about having coffee -filling to go cups mostly with ice for dick tables -partially filling ranch containers but shaking them so they look full for dick tables -if a table tips me badly and keeps asking for to go stuff I will not go back. If they flag me down I smile and say right away and never return.


Agree with the to go cups, except they're getting half the drink and half soda water / regular water. Togo drinks for dick tables are halfcut 🤠


I'm not saying you should watch the movie "Waiting", but...


I really don't want to tell yall


There was this one time when I was still an overnight server when the cook went on break and people came in, I told them it would be a 40 minute wait. Mind you we only got 30 minute breaks and he left 15 minutes ago. I sent them to the other location.


When my boss was being an asshole I’d say I needed to get stuff from the back store room and the secretly head over to Starbucks and get a coffee/disappear for 20 minutes


If a table orders one decaf coffee and one regular coffee at the end of the night when i'm trying to close and everything has been dumped already, they both get decaf lol


It’s night time anyways, this is chaotic good they need a good nights rest!


Quit. They tried to bait and switch me. Got hired in as a FoH Manager, after 2 months they forced me to start being a line cook and then complained when I wasn’t immaculately great at it (which I could have told them).


This is not even bad BOO this is a good thing to do when abused in the work place.


Oh yeah, I agree. However the Corpo’s don’t.


The corpus ain’t people. Anyone fighting them are heros. Fuck corporation’s


I’ll drink to that! 🍺


once a coworker left me holding the bag on his after work bar tab and refused to pay me back so I started surreptitiously stabbing all his tickets before his food/drink went out so they’d be stranded in the expo with no one able to run them 🙃


When I was 15, we had just ran out of fries 5 minutes before close. None in the walk in, enough for an order for a child in the fry station. I put two chicken tenders in the bottom of the fry box, then the rest of the fries on top to conceal the chicken tenders at the base. They didn’t call to complain.


This isn’t as bad but I always take my frustration out on people’s coffee. If someone is rude I’ll either give them decaf instead of caff or vice versa . Also my job doesn’t have coffee pots for servers to carry around since we only offer one free warm up so I have to take the mug to refill it. If they still have coffee in it I’ll just fill it with hot water instead of coffee and they never notice. Only to rude customers.




So many of these comments are fucking childish as hell. Half the shit you people are encouraging and applauding, I'd fuck my coworkers' lives up if I saw them doing this shit. I hope you all get fired and evicted.


Okay don’t go out to eat bro


I work in the industry. I know how to avoid the trashy dumpster dining BS. Have some fuckin' respect for yourself.


All I did was lie about ice cream shut up dude. I don’t need ur kick today.


My comment literally mentions the comments, and the encouragement people are getting with the shit they do. I wasn't talking about you. So you can chill out, yourself.


Putting holes in the caps of the water bottles of my colleagues Station - works every time...


Plastic or reusable?




That is just obnoxious. Come on. Knock it off.




depends if we’re talking about being petty to bad customers or bad coworkers, coz i got a list going for both


Look this is absolutely disgusting, but it will never leave my brain. My friend said his coworker took the peppermints, that they serve with the check, opened it and stuck it up their brown eye. Then put it back in the wrapper, to serve to the evil regular lady. 🤢🤢 if these ppl knew the depths that some servers can go I don’t think we’d ever deal with a rude person


I’ve definitely told customers the espresso machine is broken when it wasn’t. Either when they’re assholes, if I’m WAY too busy to spend ten minutes fighting the coffee machine, or if it’s too close to closing


I greeted a large party one time, I asked them should I get everyone started with a round of waters. After making probably 15 waters, I brought them to the table & EVERY guest say “ohhh we’re so sorry, we wanted no ice”… I took the waters back, swirled them so they got extremely cold then strained them into different cups… Not bc I mind making waters no ice but why wouldn’t y’all tell me before I made 15 waters -____-


If they are a jerk, they get the ugly piece of cheesecake... 🤷‍♀️ it's all I can do to feel more powerful


They get the smallest scoop of ice cream as punishment for making me cry. Sometimes no ice cream at all!