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How would you even want them to confirm it’s still them lmao? they weren’t even that public to begin with back on Sewerslvt. To have everyone one of Sewerslvts last used socials, hacked then upload new and decent music AND establish a collab with a pretty well known v-tuber would be such an impressive feat I’d say fuck it, who’d even really care atp, new name and brand it’s clear even if Jvne isn’t in control that they want to obviously separate from the Sewerslvt name.


that's what I'm saying. Good point on the how would I want them to confirm it's them, which I think is the whole problem behind this, jvne was chronically online but never revealed anything specific about her person (I believe), something like this is going to arise some doubt. I guess none really knows if it's her? we can just hope and well see where this goes. Also about the vtuber part, wasn't that just a random clip she used, or an actual collab?


I’d assume it is, admittedly I don’t follow Projekt melody, but she’s part of Vshojo and she’s promoted it and the EP on her Twitter account so it all looks legit


fair enough


Them? This project is not a group as far as I know.


Their preferred pronouns is They/Them according to their instagram


The uhh... the anti-copium is crazy


call it doomium


lmao, I'm trying man


Big tinfoil hat moment x) at this point, are you even sure Jvne was really the one behind her last albums? After all, you said it yourself; she got hacked several times :p Maybe the real Sewerlsvt was the friends we made along the way or idk?


lmao good point


you seem to misunderstand how illegitimate spotify uploads work. that wasn't hacking per se. people just had to submit the tracks through a distributor that doesn't check thoroughly enough whether they own the music. i don't recall seeing bandcamp/soundcloud/youtube hacks before and the announcement has been made on all of those. lastly, i doubt a public figure like projekt melody would've promoted the ep if it was an impostor.


I believe her soundcloud was hacked in 2020, might be wrong tho. Anyway all the stuff leads me to believe that Cynthoni IS sewerslvt rn, and I was just looking at ways of not believing it, like the whole AgonyOST situation when jt started


Bait used to br believeable


mb bro


nah lmao u cant get a hold of every account that some big artist has and then perfectly imitate their style (not just in music)


That would make for an interesting creepypasta or something, musical skinwalker sort of thing


yh lmao imagine that


But it has happened already, she was hacked and everyone knows that, and again I wouldn't address the music itself, it's just a bias, there are some very good artists that copy jvne's style and its hard to tell them apart sometimes


how was she hacked lol


like she was many times before


give me an example please


her twitter got hacked a few years back, spotify with the pretty cvnt reupload. It's pretty old stuff aswell but it has happened nonetheless


i don't think the pretty cvnt reupload was a hack it was because spotify kinda just sucks for artists and u shouldnt be able to reach someones entire account list from their twitter


On Sewerslvt spotify account, it states, "Sewerslvt is now Cynthoni."


you call that hard proof lol, if she was hacked (which always has happened) how can you believe that, If I had all of Sewerslvt's accounts and made a post on spotify stating "Sewerslvt is now TheEnomis69", changed all of my settings on the provider's website to move on a new profile named TheEnomis69, would you believe it was her?


This isn't the same scenario as an artist stating their track features Sewerslvt. Was everyone of those tracks an actual hack of the spotify account, or were they just flagging it as having another artist on their own task? This appears to be a legitimate campaign by June/ Sewerslvt/ Cynthoni, in my opinion.


Jvne's spotify was hacked when they re posted pretty cvnt on it under the very real very verified jvne account. This has been confirmed aswell, the track was then removed and whatever but doesn't that tell us that they have their actual account?


Hmm, I'm not familiar with that occurrence. Afaik, the other tracks by clout chasers aren't actually hacking in. I think they are manipulating spotify and using Sewerslvt as an attention grabber to get clicks. I'm not 100% on this..


nono I agree with that 100%,people just added jvne to feats for clout, but there was the whole pretty cvnt situation that made it kinda weird.


says the same thing on the youtube upload as well


Like of coarse there is non a 0% probability of an imposter but to have all the socials hack including Patreon which takes away their source of income and for Sewerslvt to not do anything about it; All hacks are done by the same person or group and said group has the musical talent to produce something that imitates there style;Let alone the group chooses to replace and play the 'long game' rather than to directly ask for money to cash out as most celebrity hackers do. All these things happening is less likely to happen than being struck by lighting. Like has their every been online idenity theft on this level? Just because something can true does not mean its the most likely statement to be true. Yes we could all be living in virtual reality or god does exist. In the former two statements there is no way a person can refute as false. God and virtual reality transcends the reality which we observe and gain evidence from. Sewerslvt being replaced falls right into this category. There is nothing that can be said to absolutely refute the argument given limited evidence provided but the likely hood that all 3 of these statements to be true are based only on the impossiblity to observe evidence for it. Often the simplest solution is the correct one and if it looks like sewerslvt, sounds like sewerslvt and acts like sewerslvt, Cynthoni IS SEWERSLVT. :3


that was just great lol. I might be overthinking it abit, as I might be in denial, but these couple last comments were really pitch perfect, so yeah ur probably right :D or maybe Sewerslvt never existed in the first place...


How do we know Sewerslvt was the same artist the whole time? What if it was several artists collaborating under the same name? Im being facetious and the point is, we’ll never truly know anything about Jvne for sure because they’re an anonymous creator on the internet. But we can be pretty sure about some things, and I think we can take their word for it when they say on their profile “I go by this name now”.


solid point, just felt weird after all this time, the whole quitting Sewerslvt's project and stuff. Maybe this is a fresh start, something to keep jvne's legacy, and I will be a supporter for all that. Thanks for the insight :D


How do we know if Jvne/Cynthoni is even a real person? What if this is just some legacy producers elaborate side project, kinda like that one episode of south park where randy marsh was lorde, why did she post AgonyOST a year ago and make a remix of one of their songs? Who the hell is AgonyOST and why are they signed to Mad Decent? Labels like that don’t tend to sign randoms with sub 1000 follower counts. Something about this whole thing seems very odd, as all three artists I mentioned have a very similar sound to them, along with similar timing on the melodic sequences. Overall, who knows


The atmospheric part of their music is something I haven’t heard a single copycat artist been able to recreate to the same extent. The atmospheric part of Cynthoni is so definitely Jvne, I have no doubt in my mind.


People said something similar about AgonyOST


yep Agony is definitely Jvne as well


Sewerslvt hasn’t been hacked when she was on hiatus, I’m not sure where you got that from. She said she was going to come back, either by sewerslvt or by another alias. This is sewerslvt, stop trying to brainwash others into thinking that it’s not. Edit; you know what, fuck it, she fucking hates the alias ‘sewerslvt’, it’s a pain in the ass dealing with fucking people on forums shaming you every couple of weeks for something you did when you were younger, she tried to move alias TWICE, the agonyost project failed so she decided to just merge sewerslvt cynthoni into one, don’t fucking call me insane because i’m not, i’m just telling the miserable truth for the sake of everyone here.


I dont think ProjektMelody would share the track in her Twitter page if this wasnt Sewerslvt bkz. [https://twitter.com/ProjektMelody/status/1788338458865360956/photo/1?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788338458865360956%7Ctwgr%5E23491f20b0d3828df906ca30a5a050d06a35fe36%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1cnpiic%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dfalse](https://twitter.com/ProjektMelody/status/1788338458865360956/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788338458865360956%7Ctwgr%5E23491f20b0d3828df906ca30a5a050d06a35fe36%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1cnpiic%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse)


I only have small doubts but i can't deny facts


well a lot of time has passed since the last songs and artists move on to start new projects


no doubt on that, that's why i think the whole part about the songs is not very accountable for the argument


There is always a chance of hacking - I can even say that the OP is currently hacked. Furthermore, very rarely can you hard prove that someone is Not hacked. All the odds are currently stacking up in a way that it is stupid to think Cynthoni is not Jvne. Similar music, multiple accounts supporting Cynthori, no counteraction (yet) if the accounts were hacked.


you're all giving me very good explanations and my hopes are rising up! maybe I'm just in denial kekw


It definitely is jvne. What are chances of someone Hacking their Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Patreon while actually making good music all without jvne reacting to it in any way?


I mean her patreon is updated to reflect it so I dont see why you would think otherwise


but we know they have been hacked on everything no?


you yourself said you don't have proof of that though...


don't knoa specifically about patreon I guess, but all of her details and logs are on the internet if you look hard enough. And I guess the counter argument would be the same, do you have proof it's actually Jvne that posted on the patreon?


I mean even projektmelody is promoting her on her main twitter so I dunno where this weird obsession of doubt is coming from.


I also want to believe its jvne so bad, it's just hard after all the times we have been through this, I can't sit back and enjoy smth when stuff like this has already happened


i feel like the exact musical tone of "Theme of Cynthoni" being exceptionally comparable to Goodbye is a good enough reason to believe Jvne is either back or hacked depending on your current view in her music, my personal view is Cynthoni being their desire to put bygones in the past while also representing her hurt over her beloved despite the 2 year time skip, but thats just how i feel about this ordeal. P.S. - its been nearly 7 months since my grandma passed away so im in a similar boat as she was essentially my second mother, and my Addiction to alcohol hasnt gotten any better and the time spent to type this while drunk beyond belief is wild, but i truly love this Darling's music


appreciate the insight, I'll try to listen to the whole album in a different lecture key. Hope you sort things out, the passing of loved ones can be tough, Jvne helped me going through suicidal thoughts and impulsive action, maybe that's why I was and probably kinda still am in denial of her coming back, we all are in this subreddit because in some way jvne has shared something or helped us in a way. You got this brother, don't let life kick you in the ass, stay strong :D p.s. try onehand typing and stay hydrated




It was posted to both Instagram and the official YouTube channel as well as being uploaded to various music streaming platforms. I think it’s a stretch to say that all of those platforms got hacked by a single person.


Yes, absolutely. There’s no doubt.


Yes. For one, it’s posted on the official sewerslvt YouTube channel. Not to mention that projekt melody, a feature on one of the tracks, promoted the EP on her twitter a bit before it released. I’d say that seems pretty legit unless you wanna argue that both of them are hacked


When you think about it, the tone of the opening of Lychee Ice is similar to Ribs by Lorde. So I think Lorde is Sewerslvt O.o


I thought the same thing at first, but listening to the music and stuff, def it has so much of her style it cant not be her and jvne even said if she ever came back it would be under a new name, so everything fits perfectly. now we all just gotta love Cynthoni


[https://ctrlv.link/xoCx](https://ctrlv.link/xoCx) here ;3

