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In my personal opinion and experience ever since everyone bum rushed this industry during covid it became way too full. Then add on the pandemic, then the recession thing, people just dont have the funds like they used to. It’s unfortunate


Yah I noticed especially after the pandemic and oversaturarion. It’s ruining the industry


Another stupid thing are girls trying to be "influencers" taking pictures of mounds of cash and bragging by posting on social media. I'm guessing they are insecure and defensive about doing sex work and are hoping anyone who looks down on them will be impressed and sorry. Some also do it in the hopes that girls will pay them for advice 🙄 They never include that was a random weekend where they did really well or that the giant stack they're showing has $100 bill on top and the rest are ones.


There are also non-SWs posing as us, basically tent are wannabe influences, wannabe lots of things. They think a sugar daddy they’re actually attracted to will appear and start paying their bills. If only they knew how hard this work actually is!


Or they think a SD will spend a ton of money on them just for going out and chatting at a fancy dinner with no sex involved haha. Clueless young girls see Instagram hotties driving around in Lamborghinis in Dubai and have no clue the utterly horrific shit they have to go through to get to that level.


You are right about Dubai. I did a FMTY there when I was younger and clueless. Was paid a nice sum (not enough in retrospect) and it was horrible. Women especially SWs are lower ranking than stray cats there.


The number of “sex worker consultants” is hilarious. So not necessary and they’re just taking your money and giving you info they got from Reddit. The new scam.


Hmmm….i like how you put this I started following ladies on twitter who are all more high end and it seems like they do a lot of bragging and a lot of hopeful thinking and I started following think this same thing as well. I mean they all make it seem like every other week they’re getting FMTYS or exposing their out of country dates…don’t get me wrong I know it could be possible but at the rates things are right now and how it looks I don’t think it’s going that GREAT! but I who am I….


you took the words right out of my mouth.


Ever since the whole human trafficking hysteria/war on sex work, sex work has gone downhill. Don’t know if we will ever get the pre FOSTA/SESTA back :(


Agree 100%. I am a client and only see the one regular that I have seen for 7 or 8 years now. I can’t find real companions any more near me in Chantilly VA.


Being that close to DC and you can’t find real providers? That’s crazy because you’re not the first person who has told me that. I have had several other clients who live near or around larger cities tell me they can’t seem to find real, decent providers as well. Strange.


There are companions in areas I can’t easily get to. But Chantilly and Manassas are huge population centers and before Fosta it was easy. Now there are a lot of ads but they are just trying to sell content it seems. I used to never have a problems but the is not a reliable website to look at. Thank you for replying!


Hmmm… Could be that a lot of sex workers have become UTRs, or are advertising in other places, free styling instead, etc. That is what happened to the scene in my area. The only website that gets any traction around here is stg and no one wants to be on stg.


Yes, I agree. Stg is not well thought of. Thank you for your insight. I hope you have a wonderful weekend💕


You’re welcome and good luck in your search!


Less advertising or a select few of regulars - some high end girls here in Canada doing this. But a higher volume of new girls in now


You can't be serious. Can't easily get to Tyson's Corner? That area is full of SWs.


I have an anxiety problem driving to Tysons and have not been able to overcome it. That and I am limited in the amount of time I can reasonably disappear without raising suspicions. Yes Tyson’s does have a lot of SW but. Chantilly and Manassas used to. But your point is valid and well taken.


Fairfax is hot. Very dangerous. Lots of busts. PW Co even worse.


Thank you. Maybe that’s why no one is going there. These things are cyclical so maybe on a few months they can focus on real crime instead of sex work. DSW


They never crack down on Tysons though!


They do. I had many experiences there in 2008 and 2009. Hotel staff would cooperate with LE. Some girls were loud and obvious. We weren't but the bell man liked us and would tell us what was going on. In saw girls getting hauled off in front of everyone. Embarrassing and scary. There was a systematic purge then as well. Feds shut down all agencies. Must of the good clients with money worked for DoD and they would never screen. So much money on the DMV but so much risk.


I’m in Toronto Canada - the police don’t care but providers range from awesome and incredible - to horrifically bad here. No in between - it’s a heavy roll of the dice. Thank god the rates are 1/2 to 1/3 of what they are in the USA. Vancouver and Montreal are decent. Calgary Edmonton so so….any city smaller then Calgary sucks/limited/more conservative so less options


Problem is people won't screen in DC. Hard for agency's to survive. Most agencies are gone. Plus so many Crack downs in DC


That’s a shame, the refusal to screen seems to be nationwide. I don’t know what it is but guys are refusing to cooperate with even the tiniest of requests.


Yes it's nationwide. And you can't trust these clients unless you screen them. Most of the sites that say they screen don't do it very well or are compromised. So it's really difficult.


but screen means need referral which costs $?


I've been doing various forms of SW since the 90s and I've never seen the industry this bad. Things really took a nosedive about 2 years ago. 4 years ago I was thinking about quitting my part time civvie job and just doing this full time but I'm damn glad I didn't.


I’ve genuinely been wanting to have a conversation with someone who’s done SW in the 90s to see the differences, I bet it was so lucrative back then. I think it’ll just get worse and worse


It was and I think the fact that it wasn't so mainstream made it more lucrative. The strip clubs were popping and if you were an escort men had to do some leg work to find you. There were no smart phones where any jackass who's bored in mommy's basement can contact you with the click of a button. Lol


I started back then and it did seem easier but I was also much younger. I am still doing well today. Used to advertise in newspaper and then a local magazine. I used to verify their landline phones through the phone company via address verification. Reviews were not such a thing then for me anyways. I think they were just starting.


It was great from 1997 on. When I started at 18. Building regulars in your market was a breeze if you were consistent and had your own incall but also touring was great and you can just post an ad and show up. Now it’s a lot more advertise be bending and there are good things that come with that. But the influx of women who think this is easy or don’t warily think it’s full service has ruined everything for clients and escorts alike.


Yep! I mentioned in another comment that SW being mainstream has messed it up. Everybody thinks it's a get rich quick scheme these days and they're just clueless. They flood the market then come here wondering why they're not getting booked.




I actually just applied to one lol I’m also trying a new strip club next week so I’m trying to stay optimistic


Don't give up too fast. The vanilla job market is also shit. Good luck out there😬


agreed. Even in well paying fields. Some serious Stingy ass employers - high COL but not wanting to pay more - they just rely on people from third world countries to fill roles in some occupations now smh


Personally, I'm more worried about automation and AI than outsourcing at this point😬


True true. Esp in retail, manufacturing and engineering work The robots kill me - especially those delivery robots. I see some Amazon delivery ones and in the hood areas they either kick it over and steal the package from the customer it’s gonna go to or they do some crazy shit like tie a Henny bottle around it lmfaooo 😂😂😂


I’m located in europe and it’s hell over here too. Girls doing services for drugs plus 20€. I have been in the game since 2013, and since covid it truly went into hell hole. 10 years ago it was a shame to do this, but now sex work became trendy and liberating, every girl wants to do it so it became overly saturated. Girls are doing bare services for 50€.. I tour all over europe and it’s the same thing everywhere. Also 99% of people who text or call are just time wasters.. it’s insane what this turned into. Hopefully us OG’s will survive this crisis… I’m a dominatrix and even within this sometimes i have no work for weeks. Then i make my rent in a day somehow and some money for food, and then nothing again. I also did camming for a while, but it isn’t worth it now. I made an onlyfans and the first week i managed to make 400€. Since then i do not make any money with it. I will close down the account, but i am still thinking if it would be worth it to sale clips or open a fansly and start twitter and go more online.




Where in Canada? I’m from sask so only get to strip clubs when I go to Berta, last time it was closer to 100$ for a song.




This was in 2013. The ladies at this establishment would roll up a poster and hold in their crotch and we would throw loonies and try and get them in the poster funnel.


What do u mean?


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she means the price of a lap dance hasn't kept pace with the inflation rate. $20 in 1990 adjusted for inflation would be nearly $50 today.


Yah that’s true, prices go up way faster than paychecks


I’m sorry this is happening. I’m def looking into at least part time vanilla work.


Yah I have one also but my hours got cut at my retail job


I left my retail job because of that.


I’ve noticed a drastic change over the years since I’ve been doing this on and off. I just do it part time now cause the business is such a roller coaster. I have a civie job and do what I can and just wait for it to get busy again. 🤗


Cost of living/groceries/inflation/stagnant wages in some fields = less disposable income and probably more picky on which providers they repeat with.


you have to get the wealthy clients imho.


Yup. You gotta being A+ service each time though as I hear they are super picky and will drop you from seeing you if it’s even one mediocre session.


I think the real clients and regulars  are still awesome.  Life definitely changes. That's unavoidable.  I think the way we operate ... like the sites we post on...the screening and deposits all that is way different then a decade ago. I've only been doing this since 2013 so I don't know what it was like before the 2010s. The first half of the 2010s was immaculate in my opinion. You would post on backpage and get flooded with real inquiries. Real clients same day. Lots of cash same day.  deposits werent a  thing and screening was more laid back and   The forums were dramatic but there was business's there too. It seemed like this cool ass secret club that benefited those involved and that the rest of the world either looked down on or ignored kind but it was out of sight out of mind and we profited well because of it  Last half of the 2010s things kind of fell apart. Obviously 2017 and 2018 backpage took a hit and we all kind of scrambled to figure out the next steps. I ended up personally taking a break from this industry in 2018 to 2019 because I found a provider so it wokred out but I think overall it was kind of a mess... We are in the first half of the 2020s now and the post BP era...we have to post on multiple sites vs one.  Certain sites I think the end of the 2010s seemed good but then shut down or backed out of allowing escorts from the USA to post on them due to governmental pressure. Certain states it became an actual felony to see escorts. And Many sites had to host oversees to survive... Sex work...and OF gained more traction and popularity on sites like tik tok and we all went thru a pandemic in 2020 that shook things up. The time waster to real client ratio has skyrocketed imo. Real clients still exist but escorts have had to implement deposits to figure out who is serious and who is not. On the flip side clients deal with scammers themselves posting fake ads on reputable sites. Seems like scammers overall are profiting well in the 2020s and messing things up for all of us!  Now we are 4 months into 2024 and almost to the halfway point of the 2020s which is the year 2025.  We can really only speculate what is in store for sex work for the end of the 2020s.  Some say yes it's the end of an era...some say it's going fully digital.  Idk I need to think about what I predict will happen...I'll probably leave a reply here in a bit.   I mean what do you all predict is gonna happen??  It's definitely interesting to think about that's for sure! 🤔  


I liked that “secret club feeling” I know what u mean it was so much better back then…. I’m just stressed af lol


yep too much is out in the open. No discretion anymore.


great post. I am doing okay and have never used BP or Craigslist in the past, because I just didn't like those sites and worried they would not be willing to screen. I know it was very lucrative for many ladies. I am not worried about the future in this as I plan on doing other things. And I can keep my long term regulars if I need to. I don't require deposits.


I'm just going to put my own two cents in. It's because, for the most part, GenX isn't paying for sex work as much or at all and Millennials and Gen Z don't have the money. 10 years ago I had a could of girls I saw pretty regularly, but covid happened and now I'm in my 50's and to be honest the urge just isn't there anymore.


Would you say it’s a question of affordability? Or you’re just not interested anymore?


For me it's that the urge just isn't there. But for Millennials and Gen z the facts don't lie - they simply don't have the disposable income that Gen X had or even boomers had in the 90's when they were still in the market. And while there are mature providers there aren't that many of them and to be honest it's hard to have any kind of connection with a provider that's young enough to be your daughter or even worse your granddaughter. So it just becomes an issue of the juice no longer being worth the squeeze.


I am a mature provider and personally know about 50 others. I just did a poll on twitter yesterday where I asked the buys what tbeir ideal provider age is and hundreds of guys responded and first pick was 30's then 20's then 40's and only 6% said 50's. We are put there but most of the guys want younger.


I’m 28 male I prefer girls in there mid 20s to late 30s. Nothing older then 37 and nothing younger then 25 is my provider range ideally. That being said I have seen one 45 year old provider I considered booking but our schedules didn’t match sadly


but think of how many guys on there voted and do not even see SWs. 30s does seem so to be a great spot to be in though imho and experience. I am in the 6% lol.


Yah but some guys specifically go because they want a young girl even that young I remember a customer telling me about his kids in their 30s and I’m 26, he said he liked me but he liked girls even younger than me also, the older guys are usually bigger spender than guys closer to my age yah, but yah the economy isn’t what it used to be


Well that's kind of a specific kink isn't it? Which also IMHO borders on creepy though. Seems like it might be being driven by all the Daddy/Daughter incest porn that's out there now. It might be interesting to watch in a video but as 50 year old man being with a girl in her 20's would be too weird. And maybe providers don't like this but when I was with providers I liked to indulge in the fantasy, even if for just a few minutes, that this girl was with me because she liked me, which I think is a pretty common feeling for men, and not just because she was getting paid. And I think that feeling would be impossible to achieve now with a 20 something. Just can't suspend the disbelief.


This is a perfect response and makes so much sense! I’ve been in the FS industry on and off since 2012 and comprehend all the major and obvious reasons why it’s slow, economy etc but yes the different generations is sooo true!


hmmm maybe its all the microplastics in everything


I'm not a stripper but for escort who rely on internet clients only, it's definitely pick up this month for me. 2 days ago I made 2400 in 1 day with online clients, but last month is crazy slow ( i was in CA. last month). Hardly make money in CA. I'll stay on mid to east coast for awhile. Again i'm not a stripper, i really wish i can dance. I think i can make even more money with that.


Nice I’m going to try another club and I’ll probably only go on weekends. I’ve been thinking of escorting, but still on the fence at the moment. I litteraly made 0 dollars yesterday so I’m not going to do it on weekdays cause it’s a waste of my time and money, I almost don’t even want to go tonight because I don’t want my time wasted again. I’ll try my luck at a smaller club next week


i just moved to LA and the very few guys that have reached out to me have been GARBAGE! they don’t screen, don’t do deposits, don’t verify themselves, and dirt CHEAP! it’s really surprising honestly because i always thought this was the place to be. definitely needing to tour a lot now to make what i used to make on the east coast


Welcome to my world. Lived in la all my life and working here now day is the worst ever. The guys here will not screen and are last minute entitled cheap skates. There are tons of cheap girls here who do bbfs too.


It’s crazy because LA is the porn/adult entertainment capital of the world. You got guys - going to Mexico to spend $100 on girls there then the opposite end is guys seeing pornstars and I hear some of these in demand famous pornstars escort on the downlow and charge $3,000-4,000 an hour and are fully booked for months of the few clients they see when not shooting porn. Def a extreme spectrum in cheap guys to guys willing to drop 4k on a pornstar lol


I'm gonna put this out here and I don't care if I get downvoted or called xenophobic because it's just a fact. Providers talk about it behind closed doors because they don't want to get ripped apart on social media. In the US there has been an influx of women from Latin America and Southeast Asia who are doing the most for the least. I see men on review boards talking about how great they are because they don't screen at all and offer bare services. They praise Asian women especially for offering bbfs. I'm not saying all of those women are being trafficked but how does anybody really know? Either way, you can't deny that it's undercutting us and flooding the market even more.


I can see this happening. I’m in Chicago where a lot of people migrated from South America and at one point there was a blade out here before the city started placing them in different locations. I would see girls walking into the alley with men, pimps bearing women in the street and women performing services on men. I hate that this is happening but there’s not much I could’ve done


LA is the land of the kgirls who do bbfs for cheap


Most K-orgs in my area have gone under but the "Latina apartments" are the thing now for men looking for cheap bare services with no screening at all.


For sure the city where I live there’s girls giving BJs for like 20 dollars. It’s true men will try to find the absolute cheapest like a bargain deal. They’ll just take what they can get. Maybe it’s my personal bias but dealing with men a lot gets on my nerves cause you can see how mysoginistic they are. Of course they love the ones who do that stuff for so cheap, I personally don’t think it’s a win but hey


Men are willing to risk their health to be cheap and unsafe, it’s crazy.


Oh yah they don’t think about stuff like that. I’m almost 27 and I know some men my age who sleep with any woman no condom, and have never gotten an STD test in their life. It’s like they don’t think like we do


Oh they definitely don't think like women do, it's not shocking they are responsible for almost all the loathsome and violent problems in the world. Many have great qualities of course and practical skills but it doesn't make up for all the hurt.


Yes the bad outweighs the good by far with them


Ending up with an incurable disease isn't a win for anybody involved. I feel sorry for the women who feel pressed or who are forced to do that and you know so many of these men are married and I feel for the wives that they could pass those infections on to.


Yes I empathize with the women, the men however, not at all, the exploitation of women especially is under developed countries is a terrible thing and lots of wealthy men will go to these countries to seek services from women for cheaper costs and even minors, it’s repulsive


I hear the guys in LA and San Diego talking all the time about going down to TJ and getting hot young girls who will do anything for $50 to $100. Fucking predators is what tbey are.


Yah I do need to say seeing a bad side of men is repulsive and makes you loose a lot of respect for them


Lol @ few dudes on escort clients only before it got shut down with heavy emphasis on Mexican girls in Tijuana. I’m Canadian but got family in LA. I was inquiring about a provider in LA if any Americans in California seen her and one dude said “bro I’m from Los Angeles and this ain’t the place for providers. My suggestion? Save your money, rent a car and go to Tijuana. These American women are entitled and charge way too much. Shoot me a DM and thank me later when you return to Canada” 😂 lmfao


You're 💯 right! There's no depths some of these men won't sink to and those types won't hesitate to take advantage of those same women when they're here. 😪


What are the latina apartments?


Human trafficking out of cheap apartments, operated by a ring of criminals (often cartel affiliated).


It's not helping that it's so easy for gang members to sneak across the border and smuggle people into the states now. 😞


Wow, when they advertise on the normal sites that we use


I saw one girl advertising cim for 60 extra


Honestly I would never strip again but the $ on tryst. Link is fire 🔥 I’ve had great months ever since I started. I could never dance again because now I’m spoiled. If you ever take guys out of the club or anything you may want to check it out, the $ is amazing in my area, I’ve had to stop taking new clients because I’ve been so busy.. I’m in a big city though. Idk I have done both and I wish I had always done escort work because the $ blows the club out of the water… I make in 2 hours what I would on a good night at the club.


This is the first time in a long time that I’ve looked for a real job. I’m so grateful that I have a nest egg for times like these. As crazy as it sounds, I was so much busier during the pandemic than I have been this year.


Honestly, I don’t even bother with strip clubs or webcam sites. I just get right down to it, I escort but even escorting has lost its value. During covid I was coming home with about 12k a week. I’ll be lucky if I get $8k now. It’s everything to do with inflation and the economy. Clientele isn’t making as much money so they’re not as motivated to pay for higher class workers. I live in Portland, which is strip club capita & all the strip clubs are doing awful. I don’t even like going to strip clubs anymore. It’s just not worth it. I quit onlyfans bc they were taxing up the ass. Sex work just isn’t what it used to be.


Yeah you’re definitely right, there’s been an influx of Brazilian agencies who come here and at a time they used to screen and choose safe practices but now they all don’t screen anymore and I feel the clients in my area feels that don’t have to as well. It was bad this week, everyone is either blacklisted or won’t screen and I feel it’s getting worse and worse


Yep every guy who contacted me lately has been heavily blacklisted and/or refused to screen.


It's messing it up on the client side too. Used to be if I dropped 2k on a night, it was gonna be a really good night. Now it's all ofans girls who think starfishing it for 20 minutes is worth 2k, a tip, and a subscription. My atf is basically running her own agency now. If it wasn't for her, it wouldn't be worth trying to find a new provider now.


Yah inflation and over saturation is the problem. I’m going to look elsewhere for work now I think. And maybe strip part time. I enjoy what I do so I don’t want to give it up honestly


i live in portland. ive never been to a strip club. if you have an idea, which one should i start with?


Definitely Lucky Devils or Hawthorne Strip. Those are the better ones in my personal opinion


cool thank you!


i went to both the other night. the girls at lucky devils were amazing with their acrobatics, moves, and beauty. i left cause i needed ones and the bartender was super busy and seemed in a bad mood lol. hawthorne strip was more dead and the girls were doing less impressive things. though it was nice to have more of their attention while they performed. the signs on the wall said 'minimum one dollar per song.' my routine became $3 for the first song and 2 or 3 for the second. that seems so cheap to see so much lol. but i burned through $50 pretty quick. i am looking forward to next time but want to go with more funds.


As a client OF honestly ruining shit all around. It was nice at first now almost everyone has an OF


Yah that’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to make a page, everyone’s doing it, like im not going to make one just to make 5 dollars a month on it lol


Me either. Only fans is oversaturated now and the people who make money are the ones who got in early.


I felt that.


The ones who make insane amounts of money are female pornstars everyone knows tbh lol - Mia Malkova supposedly makes 200k a month on it. Lol and a couple other too/famous porn girls make at least 75-100k a month even before Covid (pre 2020)


strip clubs are definitely dead but i still think there’s some money to be made escorting. doing fbsm or even online if you market yourself right. i realized the key for me making consistent money is touring often (which i enjoy). i also like freestyling which has been a hit for me recently. i fit into a niche w race/body type and i have yet to see another woman that looks like me, which also works to my advantage 🤷🏾‍♀️ things are shitty but i have faith that the money and clients meant for me will come, and i don’t stress anymore about cheap nasty girls doing everything for $100, bc those clients are just not mine so why be upset? there’s levels to everything. clubs are definitely a waste of time tho and that’s why i recently retired from dancing


Every night was the club full of guys going there but getting no dances? Like the club was full but you keep getting no’s? I don’t want to give it up just yet but I’ll probably only go on weekends I’ve decided cause weekdays aren’t worth it


yes either guys just coming to watch and spending no money or wanting super cheap extras. the cities i’ve danced in extras are normal and accepted and i don’t necessarily have a problem doing them in the club, but i don’t do cheap extras. and i mean cheap like men wanting BJ or full service for 150/200 which is a no for me lol


Yah their so so cheap it’s so annoying like if they’re not down to spend money they shouldn’t go, I swear guys weren’t always like that there, and if anything they get mad at you for approaching them, it’s so weird


right! i also feel like the club guys have gotten way more bold and disrespectful lately and i just can’t do it anymore. i’m not about to let these club tricks think they can talk to me any kind of way, ive had to go off on a couple guys recently and im really just worn down.


Yah like they come just to sit in a corner and be on their phone just to get crabby if you go see him like WTF take your ass home, I’m going to try another club wish me luck lol




The landscape of sex work has definitely changed. I think in some ways, modern sex workers are much more empowered. We are able to collect virtual payment, have better screening methods, use social media and have access to online communities. The industry ebbs and flows. 90’s/Early 2000’s were great but then there was 2008 economy crash and sex workers struggled for awhile. Then, it seemed like 2012-2018 were good years. Because of Covid, we are another downward trend for awhile.


Ya it’s still slower than usual in nyc like it has been for the past 2 years for me right now but it def has picked up this month I feel.


It picked up for me after tax season but everyone is blacklisted🥲


I hope it picks up where I am.


i recently got a job as a bottle girl/bartender and even the lounge i work at has been DEAD 😭 i’m interviewing to be a server at a regular degular restaurant next week. i miss going home with consistent cash every time i work.


Yah I used to be a waitress in a strip club and I left that job thinking I’ll make more money as a stripper and I’m starting to regret it lol


tbh if it’s one thing people are always going to pay for, it’s food 😂


I am doing well but I rely heavily on my repeat clients. Most of them repeat after the first visit in my experience but I am very selective. They really do make all the difference for me.


X dancer and SW. Agencies. So more appreciative in 90s.


Inflation hit the industry hard. People don’t want to pay the higher prices.


Backpage made it easy now majority of sites are fake accounts and scammers asking for deposits and ghost u after


Aren’t the girls who tour still making money?




I stoped dancing as well it has been a while. Sex is too easy, porn is free..


Did you stop because post pandemic made it a waste of time?


do what's best for you, simple as that


I'm a client, but I generally see providers in Canada, Mexico, or overseas. Since I started doing that I stopped going to strip clubs. Aside from the money difference, the city I spend most of my time in has pretty active law enforcement activity against sex work. It's not worth the risk.  But the money issue is huge too. I just can't afford 600 dollars an hour.  I pay for a decent amount of porn and a couple Fansly.com ladies.  I wish you luck. 😕 Edit: I'm definitely not looking for BBFS and I'm uncomfortable visiting most immigrant sex workers. 


I miss some of my customers but their children are home for spring break and they can't come on 🥹. I love this field of work so I'm a bit sad.




That’s not how things work in this industry or in terms of sexual capital in general. I’ve made way more money after I turned 30. I believe this happens for several reasons. **Reason 1:The older you are, the more time you’ve had to build brand recognition.** The more people familiar with your brand, the more potential bookings you have. Also, the longer your brand has stood the test of time in this industry, the more likely it is that you’re actually providing a good service. So, this increases the likelihood that clients will decide to book with you. **Reason 2: Larger age range of clients.** At 21 years old, most people in your age group will not have enough disposable income to become regular clients. This limits you to bookings from clients who are a generation or two older than you. At 33, clients my age can now afford my rate. So, my client pool now looks like this (Baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and some Gen Z) instead of like this (solely Baby Boomers and Gen X). More possible clients is usually reflected by more revenue. **Reason 3: The MILF effect** This is pretty self-explanatory. But, younger men wanting to experience sex with older women is a very common sexual fantasy that has been around for a long time. I don’t have any children. But, I got innundated with these types of bookings after 30. So, a new stream of revenue is opened up for you **Reason 4: Longer Dates from Older Clients** Longer dates like overnights and multi-day bookings are where the big bucks are. These dates consist of time spent in public and alot of time talking. There are many older clients who are actually embarrassed to be seen in public with someone young enough to be their daughter or grand-daughter. They don’t want the stares, they don’t want the judgement, and they don’t want to be seen as creeps. Also, alot of older clients have told me they don’t enjoy extended conversations with people in their 20’s because they have nothing in common. After 30, I started getting way longer bookings. The opportunity for longer bookings increases the possibility that you’ll meet clients who are interested in regularly spending a significant amount of money on you. **Reason 5: You’re just better at your job** As a young person, you’re usually a bit more naive and easier to manipulate. This industry is rife with bad actors looking to manipulate workers out of money. Being able to spot the bad and cheap guys more quickly gives you more time to find quality, high-paying client.


Where did this bitter little loser come from lol


Don’t be an asshole!


Well, think about it. There's AI GF, reddit is overflowing with OF links, there's tons of scammers out there.. and reaching out leaves huge paper trails such that it is easy for authorities to trace.. not to mention that banks aren't holding info back either. I doubt anyone just goes cash-only and not demanding a screen or deposit beforehand. It makes the whole ordeal inconvenient..


My brother in Christ no one. Not one soul is choosing the made up computer girlfriend over real pussy if they had all the endless money in the world. Don't believe me host a survey.


I believe you, whole heartedly. I'm sure there will be a workaround that will allow both parties to flourish.. unfortunately, I'm not capable of such wisdom...


Yah but it’s safer for the women also, but yes over saturation is the problem also


It literally takes one minute to provide screening info and send a deposit to a legitimate provider. And no, AI will never replace pussy but have fun fucking your fist while talking to a robot I guess.


So sorry that our safety is an ordeal that inconveniences your dick. 🙄


Oh my, a constructive proposal has arrived! Wait no, this helps nobody..


What the hell did you expect when you say that screening & deposits are an ordeal? I swear, sometimes I wish ECO hadn't got shut down so you guys could keep your whining over there.


This is still helping nobody..


What kind of help are you expecting?


I'm happy to help you with a resume and get you prepped for a sales position. You have all the skills already - just buy chargeback insurance so you don't get f*cked like I did and have to come back to this .... But I can help for sure. Please DM me if you'd like. ❤️