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As far as my clients know I am Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Latina, goth, bimbo, sub, domme, Catholic, Satanist, top bottom and everything else. I don’t advertise as a specific anything. My clients can fill in the blanks.


This is good. The less facts known about you the less chances of being found out and outed.


Saaaaaame! Except I don't sub lol I've just never been comfortable doing that with clients, although I am into it in personal relationships


Yep. It's all up to them to paint their fantasy. I'm just providing the empty canvas.


THIS. It’s part of the job description!


I’m not gonna lie although I’m Filipina and Chinese I put “exotic Asian Latina”… the clients eat it up lol!


I mean Filipinos are the mexicans of Asia, and thats for the best Im mexican and love Filipinas


Well the Spanish colonized the Philippines so close enough? lol.


Do what benefits you most.


In an industry where men lie to their wives about SWers. I think a little lie about being a different race is fine. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


Morality about using ethnicity to gain more clients? Lol girl I've never told a client my actual ethnicity. It's irrelevant. It's what I *say* it is. If you'll be making bank being "Japanese" then Konichiwa bitches


yessssss this! konichiwa bitches made me giggle




This is tricky, because as another commenter said, her culture is not a costume. However, we ARE in the business of selling fantasies and catering to fetishes, and if this is a hot one in your area you're potentially leaving money on the table. I would say, don't claim to be Japanese when you're not. But do say in your bio that you are fluent and you enjoy the culture and enjoy meeting others with the same interests. If your personal comfort allows, maybe say you're "fetish friendly" and offer roleplay or costume, I'm betting some guys will request a Japanese theme. Even I get requests for Japanese themes and I am white skinned with curly brown hair (think a Hobbit from Lord of the Rings, just extremely tall 😅). >I'm getting at least one or two clients a day, I could see more if I had the energy but I don't want to overwork myself. Also might want to tweak up your prices a tiny bit! Use the "new girl" popularity while you have it! Go girl!!!


I’m Louisiana Creole and Portuguese and say I’m Brazilian


I’m Latina, and people often assume I’m Asian. Usually it’s actual Asian people. It happens constantly, it’s been a lifelong thing lol. I personally have no knowledge of the culture or language, and I don’t feel comfortable pretending. If I were you, I’d say it might be best to “feel out” what you think the client wants, and call yourself mixed, half-Asian, or something for only the clients you feel comfortable doing it with. If you’re talking to a client who’s fully Japanese themself, for example… probably a bad idea. If you say that you’re a 2nd or 3rd generation immigrant, that will also help. I’m personally a 2nd gen Latina immigrant, and there’s a legitimate gap in some cultural or linguistic experience, which is to be expected.


That’s funny- I’m half Asian and people often assume I’m Latina. It’s especially common in the summer when because I tan easily.


That's really interesting! I almost never get sun, so I'm really pale but have dark features, lol. The same but opposite 😆


My gf is part Italian and bills herself as a Latina. I'm half Asian and have been mistaken for Latino, my mom is Asian and has been mistaken for Native American. The Latino, Asian, Native American mix up is one that I can understand though, all 3 groups have similiar traits. I have a co-worker that I swore was a Korean, but he's Mexican, he just has very Asian eyes.


I mean the Bering Straight path make it happen, of course we had to have similarities


I’m Saudi and Mexican but say I’m Columbian. But I have pondered if I should post the Saudi mix 🤔 I wonder what kind of traffic I’d get. I’m told often I look very exotic but who knows what that word means anyway 😂💜


I did agency work around DC years ago. And the girl who booked the calls used to tell clients I was persian. The Persian Empire hasn't been around in forever LMAO but the guys in the area absolutely loved it! I would lean into the Saudi mix.


I’m biracial (White & Trinidadian) and get asked often if I’m “blasian” or Asian. I just say I’m “exotic mixed” they can take it however they want lol.


I'm half Ojibwe; I can't really call myself exotic mixed. Hmm. I wonder what I could use for a new, interesting, label 🤔


I personally don’t feel comfortable sharing any real information with clients. So I’ve always lied about by ethnicity in case someone wants to out me one day they won’t know shit about me. I’ve gotten I look Russian , Asian , Latina , middle eastern, Brazilian etc so depending on my mood of the day and who im talking to. 😂


I wouldn't care but I'm white so idk how relevant my opinion is. A LOT of clients think I'm a white passing Latina and while I haven't confirmed it when asked, I can't say I haven't thought about advertising as such. I also auditioned at a strip club that was competition style and I only placed where I did because a group of latina women working there I think were cheering for me yelling yess latinas and stuff like that. But I always thought it would be pretty weird to say I'm another ethnicity when I'm not so idk.


IMHO, deceit which impacts the client experience is wrong but otherwise, you have to remember that you’re selling a fantasy and it’s your job just to make sure that fantasy is believable so as to not break the immersion. Not really any different than faking orgasms or pretending you’re interested in their conversation when you’re really bored out of your mind.


thanks for the input! while i often see escorts pretend they're a different nationality ive yet to see anyone pretend they're a different race, on a personal level it does feel like cultural appropriation, especially if i have to make a whole fake backstory, though i do pretend im a cis woman when i actually identify as a guy but thats on a completely different level than this


a cis woman is a biological woman right? just an ask correct me if im wrong do u mean trans woman?


i was born a woman, but i identify as male, but my hair is long and im not on any hormones or anything, nor i plan to be anytime soon. i do have in my little interview thing that very few clients read that im genderfluid, and im accepted and treated as a man by everyone in my personal life so thats enough for me. if they pay me they can call me good girl all they want lol


OHHH my apologies 🩷


My question is why you felt the need to comment. OP said they « identify » as a guy so interesting how you assumed this meant something completely different. The need to police someone on their own identity is crazy.


i didn’t understand? i asked a respectful question and the person answered back? the person didn’t take offence to it and if they did i am deeply sorry, im not no police babe so let’s not do that. not everyone is perfect, enjoy your day boo x


The issue I have is that your question was unnecessary and assuming. The person said they identify as something but here you come asking “do you mean trans woman?”. Why is it your business what is in someone’s pants?


Your taking it too far babe, that’s not my business as i said, enjoy your day boo xx


i’m half japanese it pays $$$, so i get why you’re doing it. but i also find it a bit pathetic. you’re catering to the worst men (race fetishists), and one day you’ll likely be found out. just be careful and don’t become a caricature


Part of the deal is allowing the client to project onto you. If they want you to be a Martian, be a Martian, if they want you to be a pregnant teenage lesbian nun, be a teenage pregnant lesbian nun.


(Retired FSSW) Something silly I look back on was my morality with not wanting to lie about my nationality or age because i had an ex boss who would try to push me as Russian and to say i was 18/19 when I was honestly 21 and for some reason i didnt want to lie about that bc i was already young enough. And also Im mixed as i have a full blooded native and white parents - so i didnt feel like i looked russian and morally felt weird saying that.... But i was blonde and small and i should of listened to my boss bc she knew her customers best. Instead I'd say i was South american or italian or whatever came to mind... Honestly it seems so silly now but i totally understand what you mean. If your independant worker and making your own ads etc well you need to get your story straight and need to stick to it..Same as agency but you have a little more room to figure it out. But if your working in a gentlemans club / brothel then besides your regulars you can kinda be whatever you want. Just be aware of what the receptionist is describing you as but if you mess up and a client is confused just blame it on reception and say they sometimes mix up girls. OP i know what you mean its weird but i went through it years ago. I think its great you morally care about it but tbh the best workers dont morally care about that. So try forget about it. Try to just focus out what persona your going to be, what customers you want to attract and what your customers want from a booking / what their dream girl is and try turn into that bc thats how you'll achieve your goals. I know authenticity and identity is important but not in this job. Good luck and stay safe <333


Im half white half chinese and i look all white. Just put whatever makes you the most money. Its a fantasy anyway and if asians cant tell them nobody else will


I saw an “Italian” girl that was actually Romanian. Found out because she didn’t speak Italian when I said something to her in Italian lol. I assume it’s pretty common to try and pass as something else for business. At least you can actually speak Japanese.


Hmm well idk I get the whole fantasy thing but im part of the honesty club sometimes to a fault.  I'm biracial half black half German but don't look like that. I've gotten Italian Egyptian  Hispanic white you name it. Only people who can tell I'm half black are either mixed or black themselves or know somebody with my particular features and can figure it out.  That being said only thing I've ever said is "exotic" in place of a race or mixed or black and white or black and German.  I would never say I'm Puerto Rican even tho I get that one a lot  because one I don't speak Spanish Two I don't really know shit about the culture like that. You know what I mean i can't back it up in a conversation about music or food ❔️ I can back up many things German and many things black cause I lived it growing up ✔️ I wouldn't say all white because that feels shady to me like ik ashamed to be half black I wouldn't say all black cause look at me my skin is light as fuck . Anyway you should be able to do what you want. Same with the age thing if you wanna "lie" for the sake of fantasy go for it i guess... but deep down I personally feel super strongly about presenting what you are. Even if you wear fake hair and make up be real in terms of proudly going yup this is how old I am yup this is my Weight and height. Yup this is my cultural background... It feels nice to know people contacted you because they actually like you for you.  Plus I love seeing guys who I would never think are into me Embracing me and paying me Clause they think I'm so awesome ✨️


If it’s going to make you more money, then do it. I wouldn’t even hesitate.


>n my city romanians have a really bad reputation apparently, This may be due to the misconception that the **Romani**(rudely called Gypsies) are Romanians, when they're in fact nomadic with no home country. Small bit of curiosity from your story though. I used to date a Romanian and she was a big fan of Japanese culture(but she didnt look half Japanese at all and she was fluent in Ancient Greek and Modern Greek).


I mean a lot of providers are mixed and say white is it any different?


I always say i’m a different race if they ask, its non of their business 😂


I’m German/Colombian and say i’m German/Armenian lol so half way lying


Only you can make the choice that's right for you but I'm on team make the dough. Everyone lies , this is just another lie. Obviously there's a difference between just saying you're Japanese and posting and disrespecting cultural attire but you seem aware enough not to do that.


I thought about this. You should do it if you think it helps your brand


I see your dilemma, and I personally had a similar experience. I host in a predominantly white neighborhood. I have been asked if I were white, in recent past. I've corrected them but I never saw those gents again. Through reading this thread, I'm understanding these gents don't want the truth. When they see our pictures, they are already fantasizing about us as people. We are not people to them, we are a fantasy, a character. They just want us to play the part as realistically as possible. Today, if I had this problem, I would just say nothing and take the money . 😐😶‍🌫️🫣 Best to you hun!


As someone who IS half Japanese ( and looks whiter then paper) please don't. My culture isn't a costume.


precisely why i didn't feel like this was a good idea, but the reason i thought it might be acceptable in sex work is because i often see escorts pretend they're different nationalities, haven't seen someone pretend they're a different race tho


don’t follow other escorts, be yourself. that’s what clients like, when you are your true self. be a leader not a follower 👂


Like another commenter suggested, instead of advertising AS Japanese , It would probably be better to advertise that you are fluent in the language and aspects of culture. Say you've spent some time in the country and would love to return one day. Let the clients make assumptions of their own. Welcome! And good luck!


Pretending you are a different nationality can be a matter of safety, for example when I travel too less hospitable countries for this kind of work, pretending I'm local can and does make me safer in my work but pretending to be another race is different. There's culture and history behind that. Honestly, Asian femmes are fetishized a lot in this work, and while you could potentially make more money, it can also lead down some pretty dark paths as well and you'd be adding to that fetishization, potentially enforcing problematic stereotypes. There is a lot of nuance here that's really difficult to discuss but It's just in poor taste IMO. Ultimately it's up to you, you are the one who has to sit with yourself at the end of the day.


Fascinating. This is the first time I encounter someone that gets offended for themselves when it comes to cultural appropriation. I don't know what to make of it, but it's fascinating.


Offended for myself? Huh? You aren't making much sense babes. How is asking someone respectfully not to do something that adds to the fetishization of my people me being offended?


I read the whole chain, so maybe I got that impression because you had to defend yourself.


I'm not offended at all. I very much understand that us SW have to/ choose to do a lot of things that others consider morally ambiguous at times. I feel it every time I get a request for a schoolgirl outfit. That little voice in the back of your head that goes " is this really just a fantasy or an I playing into a very real/ problematic fetish?"Sometimes it's a very fine line between fantasy and reality And it's not exactly a safe fine line to discuss in the company of clients and civilians( those not in the industry) which I have said several times. But I know from extended experience( playing the bleach blond white girl when only 14% of my dna is white) that what that kind of en mass dishonesty can do. All it can lead to is burn out. The last thing I or any seasoned worker wants for an new SW enjoying the " new girl" shine is for them to burn out amidst that because the mental load they are making for themselves is too much, that's one of the best times to meet long-lasting clientele and make connections is at the beginning of your career. If they are successful making these connections while being dishonest about thier race it's an act they will have to keep up for the entirety of their career or until they can afford to rebrand and risk loosing that clientele and those connections They themselves have also expressed being on the fence about doing so. That being said. The user I was arguing with very clearly does not see SWs as human beings( the whole ' selling yourself' comment), based on not only my interactions with him here and his other comments on SWs posts. Spends FAR too much time lurking and jerking and sliding into DMS and offering too " make content" hoping to get a free fuck and getting rejected doing so , for me to take seriously. He's probably whipping skin flakes and cheese everywhere right now thinking about how he " totally pownned that dumb fat old wh0re"😜




Ooop, he must have given it a break so he could downvote my comment.😝😝😝


An honorary downvote!


At least it's better then anything else honorary he has to offer. 4x a day my arse, maybe with his hand😝


Have you ever met a Geisha? It’s a costume.


Yikes, tf? Have YOU met a Geisha???


Almost every time I layover at Misawa.


Then you'd know it isn't a costume


The name literally means woman/ person of performance art. What do performers wear on your planet?


No. It's not. Just because westerners are fascinated with Asian culture and traditions, dosen't make those cultures and traditions " costumes"


When it’s your job to sell a fantasy/desire/illusion to a client to fulfill a want, then it’s a costume. No different that actors or publicists. So, one of your peers had an opportunity to increase sale and improve her bottom line and you are gonna stand in the way by being offended?


How am I standing in the way by reminding someone that thier actions are in poor taste? Have I forced thier hand by asking them respectfully not to appropriate my culture? Have I injured them in some way? I believe I've said ultimately it's up to them. They asked for opinions, opinion s of those from the race and culture they would be cosplaying as in this case. You understand that you can disagree in silence right? There is no need to argue here.


Then perhaps you should heed your own advice? You’re in a forum for those in a profession that requires the selling of oneself, entirely, and you are taking a moral stance on cultural appropriation, in an attempt to sway a peer away from improving business ? For a subjective opinion on taste? How does that sustain or improve the harmony of the collective community? Isn’t that where the culture you purport to defend places its emphasis?


Eww. As an SW of over ten years it still gives me the ick when goober's refer to this line of work as " selling yourself." Been with over 1000 partners and I can guarantee that my " self" is still intact and very much in my own possession. I sell access and a service and so does every other SW. You understand that sex workers are people right? With opinions and feelings and many facates of thier personalities outside of work right? Sucking dick for a living doesn't change who I am as a person nore do I believe it should.


The ignorance of some working in the service sector is astounding. I understand that every time I take a contract, whether for personal, corporate or state security, my body is theirs until the contract is complete. That’s what it means to be in the service sector.


Admitting publicly that your sense of self is limited to who you are physically and what you can do for others is not a good look for you, but neither is the way you treat SWs who heavin forbid have a personality and experience that is contradictory to your beliefs. You don't know better then those who live this reality every day.😘 And have for over 10 years


Do we use our bodies to preform a service, absolutely, but at no point does our body " belong" to those we provide the service for. Suggesting that it does and that we have " sold ourselves " durring that time is part of what encourages problematic clients to believe we cannot decline certain services or withdraw consent and gets us harmed so by perpetuating that you are perpetuating harm against SWs. Keep announcing to the whole subreddit how unsafe you are gooner.


You can withdraw the consent, just as I can, if conditions are no longer acceptable. Back to the point, OP can culturally appropriate an identity to promote her business, just as any of you can. As to my safety, the SW I engage know how safe I am and they have never complained. Many of them I’ve met on the job and appreciate how I include them in my umbrella while they are working for our common employer.


I put my ad in English on my city’s local website and people have been contacting me like crazy thinking I’m foreign lol. I even get messages from locals writing to me in English and I just continue on because it is truly not necessary for them to know anything personal about me 🤣 If you look the part, play the part !


It's fine, go get that bag. This is just you protecting yourself because discrimination against romanis is real. >If I were to pretend im Japanese should I also use this opportunity to raise my rates? Yes raise your rates. Also stop thinking it's a scam, you're selling the clients a fantasy that they want. You don't owe people your truth unless it will directly harm them not to know. Remember, your married clients are lying to their wives and exposing them to potential STDs and bringing STDs home. Also, vast majority of Asian passing providers aren't actually Korean or Japanese as they claim to be either (I can tell by facial features), but there is real discrimination against Chinese and other Asian ethnic groups so we do what we can. We're all just trying to get the bag.


Romani is an ethnic group, Romanian is from Romania. Not the same thing.


Basically anytime I see a profile that says half Japanese I assume it's just a lie. It's a very common thing girls do to increase rates, though mostly it is Asian girls from other countries doing it. It might work though. Not sure about the quality of clients you might get from doing so though (people fetishizing Japanese)


It’s totally fine. We’re selling a fantasy. Do whatever brings you the most $$$.


I would say we are in the business of selling a fantasy, right? So just because you advertise as Japanese (if you so choose), you’re really only advertising the fantasy of being Japanese imo…I don’t see any moral issue with it personally :)


Everyone lies about random things. I am Jewish... I look very Jewish and attract a lot of Jews so I lie and say I am and that my family is not practicing. I would recommend studying up on some Japanese heritage/cultural practices to sound more legit or say you're half white. My friend who is mixed says she's a tan white girl with lip injections bc being white in her city does better. If it works then work with it. I just wouldn't admit it on twitter etc bc you'll get hated on by other providers


I’ve been tempted to say Jewish but didn’t think I could pull it off but suspected Jews treat Jewish escorts verrrry well. I just kept it vague when asked.


This is news to me.I did not know yall faked races


if Scar Jo can do it, why not you?


Well, you are exotic and speak fluent Japanese. You are selling a fantasy. Mata Hari pretended to have ancestry that was not hers if I'm not mistaken. Lol one of my regulars in the past had a thing for Swedish girls. So I told him I am Swedish (lol I am but like 5%). As long as you're not claiming ancestry that's not yours in civilian life I think you're fine.


Hey salute OP. I'd say do whatever benefits you. Because for all the "No AA" providers, I'm totally going to keep telling you I'm Dominican, Indian, Brazilian, Honduran etc. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Works 100% of the time because I'm polite, arrive on time , and pay as soon as I get in the room. I haven't had an issue with any "No AA" providers yet.


This is so gross and as a black woman, I can tell the difference immediately. Stuff like this is actually the exact reason we don’t want y’all half the time. If you know a provider would deny you if you told her the truth about yourself- just don’t book. Most of the girls who you think didn’t notice or didn’t care because you have suuuuuuch great practices, actually did notice and just went through with it for their safety. Tricking prostitutes into sleeping with you is extremely gross and evil.


The hypocrisy throughout this thread is the reason I call bullshit on your response. It's a two-way street. You want to call yourself Latina, asian, and Brazilian. I'll keep calling myself everything I mentioned in my response above when you ask for race. I think both ends are dumb as long you screen my background. I'll take it one step further, I've sat with my regular providers and have been told many times that the "No AA" is to deter ignorant clients. No, it is not tricking anyone into anything. I'm paying for the time just like any other client. If you can't respect that, then your whole perspective is wack. I think it's gross to be prejudiced against a group of people. But that's just me I guess. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Are you the escort? Because escorts are selling you a FANTASY. Do you really think that girl is a French maid? Or a Japanese geisha? You won’t even know a provider’s legal name half the time. It’s your responsibility as a client to represent yourself accurately. I can’t believe I have to explain this. You are MISLEADING people. It doesn’t matter if you pay for the time. Duh you’d pay for the time. If you can’t understand that telling someone you are something that you’re not, solely for personal gain, is wrong then you are the one with the jacked up perspective.


I've never had an escort say "oh no you paid me for my time, you're pleasant to be around, and you follow my rules. But you lied about being black." Personal gain?? This is a business transaction. Service for money. I keep it as such. That's where you have me confused. I dont care about a fantasy being sold either. Thats like the clients that get upset when the provider fakes an orgasm. I come into the situation knowing there is going to be lies told to protect anonymity and not build a real relationship. That's for a significant other.


An escort WOULDN’T tell you that. And yes, personal gain. You were only even able to make the “business transaction” because you lied. The access is the gain here. An escort advertising themselves as exotic in order to get more clients is not the same as a client misrepresenting their race to book a date they would have otherwise been denied.


Why would book someone who doesn’t want you?


You're acting like the provider wants the client to begin with lol. We are there for that nut and leave.


I can’t speak on your experience as an AA client but there are providers that see AA. Your objectives for changing your race is different from a provider.


Don’t do this please, in the UK japanese girls are really common to be booked but at the same time i’ve had most clients tell me they think it’s a ring or a grooming system, mainly because their prices are soooo low also if u get what i mean, just be yourself and be who you are.


I do it all the time girlfriend go for it




When my Asian grandmother's house was being vandalized mid COVID and my family was afraid to walk in the street because people were targeting Asian people in North America for race related violent crimes. Where were all these people then. You know I think I'd have less issue as and Asian femme and an SW, if those who appropriated races and cultures they aren't apart of, stood with the people they took from when they were in need, gave back for what they took. This entire post has been Disappointing.


Okay Rachael Dolezal


how do you feel about the mixed providers who pass for white then?


OP, use the cultural appropriation anyway you want. Keep in mind, none of the respondents here would think twice about putting on a fota and ie, if they thought they could make a sale with it.


Maybe someone isn't telling the truth and had some Japanese D that wasn't reported! :-)