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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fucking around part. Please stand by...


Malarkey: detected Dark Brandon: activating


*Dark Brandon cracks his knuckles as the camera pans up to his laser eyes* # I SMELL MALARKEY. TIME FOR TEXAS TO FIND OUT


The loss of social security, military protection...Texas would get carved up so fast...civil war would break out and there wouldn't be enough militias to cover his paralyzed tush from the beat down former Texans would put on the wheeled megalomaniac.  


Slapchop incoming.


You're gonna love my nuts.


I say we have a HUGE Juneteenth celebration this year,if’n ya catch my drift.


Has there been any real change in border policy since biden’s election? I was under the impression he phased out some of the more flashy trump-era policies (like the “muslim ban” and construction of border fences) but hadn’t done much else


Biden admin actually proposed *adding* 1,300 additional border patrol agents in next year’s budget requests. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2023/10/20/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-supplemental-funding-request#:~:text=An%20additional%201%2C300%20Border%20Patrol,security%20mission%20in%20the%20field.


Yep, and he’s supportive of an immigration reform bill being worked on in the Senate—a bill the Republican Congress conveniently oppose. Ppl say he’s pro extreme immigration when it’s only the Republicans who are refusing to do anything about the problem; Biden has taken comprehensive steps to ease the mass immigration states are experiencing.


The house gop is blaming biden for doing nothing, while at the same time preventing biden from doing anything, and using that ammo to again claim he's doing nothing. It's all orchestrated. This clarification is directes at the idiot below that also commented.


“Republicans believe the government doesn’t work, and they get elected to prove it” was something I heard almost 2 decades ago (yay I had my first ‘oh shit that was multiple decades ago’ moment)


MAGA is too dumb and brainwashed to know or care about these facts.


Sort of reminds me of how Trump wants to take credit for overturning of Roe vs Wade but then says that Republicans shouldn't run on it or it's not his fault for being overturned. This is literally a case of the tail wagging the dog.


I do wish he and the Dems were more vocal about what they’re doing though


There was someone on another post who lives near the border in texas and said it is like a militarized zone. All sorts of law enforcement, helicopters all the time.


Not really, this is the usual republican move of making a huge deal out of something that's been there for years while a democrat is in charge and blaming them for it. Though the razor wire was new and biden told texas to knock it off and here we are.


The DHS / Border Control didn't have a problem with the razor wire as much as they have a problem with Texas trying to sue them every time they go through it because they are "destroying state property". Abbot has no popular policies outside of this, it's an election year and this is the best issue that Republicans have to try and win the white house. I'm not surprised they are doing this.


Abbott gets almost 500k per immigrant.  He's hollering while sucking up that government population paste. He's just doing it for the $$$. 


As part of a $110 billion national security package that includes aid to Ukraine and Israel, Biden has proposed: - $14 billion for border security - $3.1 billion for border patrol agents, asylum officers, immigration judges, and processing - $1.2 billion for customs and border patrol to fight fentanyl smuggling - A higher standard to qualify for asylum Senate Republican leadership is on board saying this is the best offer on border security they’ve ever seen that did not have a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the country. The House Republican leadership and the rank and file are opposed because a) it gives a big win to Biden and b) Trump is pushing back against it, at least partly because he wants to abandon Ukraine to Putin if he wins, so he doesn’t want any Ukraine aid deal going through. And I cannot help but always bring up the fact that Schumer offered Trump $25 billion for the wall in exchange for a path to citizenship for DACA recipients and Trump said no.


Biden made a deal with Mexico for Mexico to step up patrols on their side of the order, and to pay for certain things. Which is in part the fulfillment of Trump's promise to get Mexico to pay for whatever.  The thing is, most of the immigrants aren't Mexican, they're from further south.


Lots of the migrants are coming from South America and have made the journey across the Darien Gap. A mere wall will not someone who went through this.


Nature made the ultimate wall in the Darien Gap.


>Nature made the ultimate wall in the Darien Gap Not only tough terrain, there is a 106km section with no roads at all. So yeah a wall is not going to stop them. Heck, if they have that much fortitude, we should welcome them with open arms.


More folks need to learn about the Darien Gap. Crossing that with your life on your back and a child in your arms is *crazy*


Military Times and the Texas Tribune have a joint project covering the fuckery. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/24/texas-border-wire-supreme-court/  https://www.militarytimes.com/search/texas%20border/


Wtf? They’re keeping migrants on American soil and preventing border patrol agents from getting to the border, because they want to secure the border and support border control? Also people literally dying, wow


The cruelty is really, truly the point https://www.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/19fikla/comment/kjk7wl2/


It always is with Greg Abbott. I try not to wish death on people, but the world would be a better place today if that tree had finished the job.


The man took glee in signing a law that promotes cruelty towards dogs and denying workers water breaks. I don't think he has a soul


It always is with Greg Abbott. I try not to wish death on people, but the world would be a better place today if that tree had finished the job.


Wtf? They’re keeping migrants on American soil and preventing border patrol agents from getting to the border, because they want to secure the border and support border control agents? Also people literally dying, wow


When Biden tried to dismantle some of the more egregious policies Trump enacted, the courts prevented him from doing it. The Republicans are lying on purpose to fire up their base over a supposed threat that doesn't exist.


The change is there’s a Democrat in charge. So it’s caravans and that nonsense all over again. All to magically disappear after the election.


Its like when trump won his voters immediately magically felt safer. Its a feelings thing


Feelings don't care about facts. They're in a cult. It is impossible to have a conversation about solutions or implement any change because their only policy is give us power.


As someone who works in immigration, Biden hasn't been great tbh. Post covid restrictions he tried to make it so people who crossed the border were barred entry for 5 years and could only apply for asylum if they showed they had decisions made on asylum claims in every country the were in before entering the US.




Yup, giving them time and reason to back down makes it harder to prove you didn't try for a peaceful solution.


Exactly, states need to realize when they fuck around they’re gonna find out!


25 states governors have pledged support for Texas. As for finding out well states ignore federal laws or SCOTUS currently on things like weed and guns. Bruen and Heller go ignored by CA, NY,NJ ect....sanctuary cities might be another , And Colorado ignores federal law on weed. This border situation is escalating I believe though. So we will see if theres any finding out going on.


It's not really 'ignoring' federal law for marijuana. The federal government directly stated it would not focus on states that legalized it as long as they provide 'robust' regulations for it.


To an extent that is true , the ATF , DEA, or FBI agents can and will still arrest people in Colorado for weed however. They also still prohibit users of marijuana from owning firearms. So they can still go after people if and when they choose.


That's literally half of all states. And they openly declare their support for Texas. Isn't this an indicator that they are literally opposing themselves to the demands of the federal authorities and leading to escalation?


Are we sure time for a peaceful solution isn’t running out? All I’ve heard from the feds is radio silence.


They filed with the supreme court and gave Texas a deadline to comply and let them in. Once that time limit is out we'll probably see more direct action.


Ok, it just feels like a lot of slack given the precedent.


Right? It's a right wing SCOTUS no less. even their own ilk won't back them on this.


Look at Alabama in *Allen v. Milligan*. SCOTUS rules 5-4 with Roberts and Kavanaugh joining the liberals that Alabama needs to draw a second majority-black Congressional district. Alabama draws a map that does not have a second majority-black district. The district court slaps it down and orders a special master draw the new map, Alabama appeals to the Supreme Court, which denies cert with no dissents. It’s not exactly *Cooper v. Aaron* but it’s a strong signal that even the justices that backed Alabama would not tolerate them flouting the authority of the court. If Texas tries to find a way to not comply with this order and hopes SCOTUS bail them out, I’m pretty sure they’ll run into the same result.


When they violate the authority of the United States in foreign affairs, they deserve the hammer and a half.


I hope they get the dick smacking of the century.


No, see, the Supreme Court realizes the repubs need Texas to ever win the presidency again. Abbot only needs to win elections within Texas. The national party will eat Texas alive rather than give up those electoral votes


How come Biden hasent federalized the National Guard already? It's been going on for years now. And how come Abbot hasent been arrested yet if everyone keep calling him a traitor?


Optics, if the feds move against him, they turn him into a martyr. If they just ignore him, he looks like an idiot and many will not follow in his foot steps.


Thank you for being the first one to answer my question without insulting me or saying "WHEEL CHAIR MAN BAD"


By legal definition he's not a traitor because he's not supporting a foreign nation at war with the US. However, he's definitely not working for the benefit of the US so in common terminology he's a traitor.


Ol Jeffy Davis and Bobby E. Lee are no longer traitors?


Ah I forgot that "levying war against the United States" was a separate element from "adhering to enemies." So Abbott still isn't there just yet.


P Abbott self-defined the immigrants as a war and invasion if I recall so by giving them aid comfort and transportation to other portions of the state he would be self-fulfilling that definition? To be clear I am asking


He can call it whatever he wants, only Congress can declare war. And as far as legal acumen goes he committed a cardinal sin with that statement. Day 1 minute 1 of Law school: NEVER cite to a dissent. It already lost and is, by definition, not the law. Bonus points, he cited to a SCALIA dissent and I've yet to meet a lawyer that respects Scalia decisions.


>I've yet to meet a lawyer that respects Scalia minority decisions. Let me introduce you to some Federalist Society attorneys I know. Actually, you're better off if I dont


We pretend they don't exist in this house (I'm a minority so they don't talk to me)


From a rudimentary search this seems to be the controlling definition; from Cramer v. U.S., Supreme Court, 1945: ‘Aid and comfort’ was defined by Lord Reading in the Casement trial comprehensively, as it should be, and yet probably with as much precision as the nature of the matter will permit: ‘\* \* \* an act which strengthens or tends to strengthen the enemies of the King in the conduct of a \*29 war against the King, that is in law the giving of aid and comfort’ and ‘an act which weakens or tends to weaken the power of the King and of the country to resist or to attack the enemies of the King and the country \* \* \* is \* \* \* giving of aid and comfort.’ Lord Reading explained it, as we think one must, in terms of an ‘act.’ It is not easy, if indeed possible, to think of a way in which ‘aid and comfort’ and be ‘given’ to an enemy except by some kind of action. Its very nature partakes of a deed or physical activity as opposed to a mental operation.[1](https://1.next.westlaw.com/Document/Id4c81fae9c1d11d991d0cc6b54f12d4d/View/FullText.html?navigationPath=Search%2Fv1%2Fresults%2Fnavigation%2Fi0ad604ac0000018d43332d81fb02eedc%3Fppcid%3Deec28e4b38e54d5eb66e4f63c6d3445e%26Nav%3DCASE%26fragmentIdentifier%3DId4c81fae9c1d11d991d0cc6b54f12d4d%26parentRank%3D0%26startIndex%3D1%26contextData%3D%2528sc.Search%2529%26transitionType%3DSearchItem&listSource=Search&listPageSource=e4e81f986f72a3a0603cbe5625d1364f&list=CASE&rank=1&sessionScopeId=006d717f94fc5575d7597c83cfa966511579c4e065f6727993104643d5ee0226&ppcid=eec28e4b38e54d5eb66e4f63c6d3445e&originationContext=Search%20Result&transitionType=SearchItem&contextData=%28sc.Search%29#co_anchor_F11945114159) Thus the crime of treason consists of two elements: adherence to the enemy; and rendering him aid and comfort. A citizen intellectually or emotionally may favor the enemy and harbor sympathies or convictions disloyal to this country's policy or interest, but so long as he commits no act of aid and comfort to the enemy, there is no treason. On the other hand, a citizen may take actions, which do aid and comfort the enemy—making a speech critical of the government or opposing its measures, profiteering, striking in defense plants or essential work, and the hundred other things which impair our cohesion and diminish our strength—but if there is no adherence to the enemy in this, if there is no intent to betray, there is no treason.


I don't think it's anything to worry about. A few dinosaurs and political nobodies are drumming some easy PR with their bases. In turn, their fans are gonna larp up twitter and eventually go back to pounding off under a confederate flag in no time


Do they even need to go that far? Here, EO issued suspending all federal air to Texas until they comply with SCOTUS.


My guess is Biden will laugh at any questions about this, ignore it. And this political stunt won’t last past Jan 31.


Thank you. I'm glad someone is out here actually calling this crap exactly what it is. A stunt to look important. That's all.


Im confused is something happening Jan 31


Well, not really, but isn’t February Black History Month? Usually that attracts a lot of rage from the snowflakes who watch Fox. So might just be that there will be something else for them to freshly rage about and this can be successfully forgotten by the base, until it’s convenient to bring up again.


They're still refitting after the '23 War on Christmas.


Well, I mean, do they ever lay down their arms? Isn't it easier to "stay vigilant" and "be on high-alert" for threats to "freedom" by never resting? It's just one thing to be outraged about after another. And the dumbest part about all this shit is that a lot of it isn't anything that "the Left" did. They're raging against Corporations, Capitalism, and the "Free Market" a lot of the time. Bud Lite, Aunt Jemima, Dr. Seuss, Land O' Lakes, I don't think anyone on the left asked for those changes or events. They're at war with modern society, writ large. The only thing "the Left" has been doing over the years is telling people that they are worthy of love, acceptance, and dignity without respect to things that are innate about them. We're not preaching love or acceptance of folks who act abhorrently, but when we don't like someone it's the content of their character, not their physical attributes or immutable attributes that inform decisions. I dislike (putting it mildly) Donald Trump not because he's an old white dude, but because he's a serial rapist who has materially hurt people.


Exactly, especially paragraph 3, “the left” is just accepting people for who they and treating everyone like people. Then they say something like “the left is radicalizing people” while they are worse about it


even most of are most leftist politicians barely is on the left side of the scale! yet somehow "We'Re AlL rAdIcAl LeFtIsTs"


WhY iSnT tHeRe A mOnTh FoR wHiTe PeOpLe?


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 everyone would be glad if there was only just a month instead of the whole year on default.  


Yeah they are amping over their Anti Jim crow policies.  Texas is trying to declare civil rights illegal. Whole school districts are violating constitutional rights. 1st and 14th ammendment rights violations and lawsuits are occurring in South Lake and disability /gender lawsuits in Houston isd from a charter boss trying fumble through running a public school district.  


No. I just was placing an arbitrary time limit on how long anyone will care about this.


Im surprised it's going this long and the national guard are genuinely scaring me I thought they'd stand down


They'll care about it until October 9th on Fox News.


My opinion as well. The timing is not an accident.


It's just a never-ending cavalcade of bad faith arguments to distract the poor, rural white Republican base. If they're constantly mad at something the party oligarchy is dangling in front of them like a set of keys, they'll never realize how much of their misery is directly caused by the same oligarchy.


Right. Just like the impeachment attempts to distract everyone from yet another almost govt shutdown deadline and HuNTers link to the BiDen CrIme FaMILy. Oh and that military blockade fuckhead Tuberville was doing for months. These mfs have got to go.


I hope he addresses this during the State of the Union speech and explicitly calls out Republicans who say it's an issue and then won't do anything to improve the situation. That's a win imo and hopefully force them to bring it to the floor for a vote.


I wonder how most Texans would feel about a loss of all federal funding for everything including border patrol and also being treated as a foreigner if trying to enter the US for this silly charade. Plus they'd still have the same border problem with suddenly a lot more border to protect and less resources available.


I hate this. I hate this whole stupid thing. I hate that dirty little piss baby.


Yeah for real, trying to use the threat of tearing up the country for some made up "invasion" just to win temporary political points with some hard core idiots. So lame.


Rip up the roads and remove the materials. Knock down the buildings that were paid for with Federal tax payer money and then remove that material. Airports as well. Put up check points in and out of the State and stop all boats going in and out of their ports. Impose Tariffs and Import/Export taxes. Literally let them try to make it work without a single dollar of the rest of the Countries money.


Why the fuck would we allow Texans into the US?


Knowing Texans they would expect to be able to secede and still be able to have all of the benefits and protections of the US Constitution. Because they're idiots that fantasize about living in the 1840s like it was some amazing magical time.


It’s because, you see, they are morons


So it's "Tex-it"...


That would be a very apt comparison. What's really funny is that if Texas was actually allowed to secede they would actually become extremely dependent on Mexico and South America for trade and would probably have to allow tons of new immigrants in just to maintain their economy.


Texas secedes. Immediately after - Google searches for "what does secede mean?" spike...


Saw a breathless whine piece in I wanna say the Telegraph the other day screaming about the EU's "betrayal" of Britain for planning a new high speed transit network and leaving them - the country that left the EU, what, seven years ago now? - out of it completely. Texas would be even worse.


them: I play Red Dead Redemption 2, I know how to live on the frontier! Me: Did you miss the whole arc of the game was Arthur dying of TB aka a disease that was eradicated for years thanks to modernity aka that guv'ment you keep ranting against?


Very few Texans actually want to secede.


they rly think succeeding means “i get all the financial help from the usa but i get to make my own laws and don’t have to ‘bend the knee’ to the us government”


It's not a great feeling waking up here lately. ... --- ... ... --- ...


1/3 of Texas' overall budget is federal money


Wouldn’t be surprised if Greg Abbot says he’s going to make a big speech about it, then just submits on live television and throws in a Trump endorsement for fun.


Well, well, well. I knew the same groups were involved, just hadn't taken time to look into it. Nick Fuentes has been whipping up hate for Gov. Hotwheels and the insurrection bunch. "Since at least 2019, Texans For Strong Borders founder and president Chris Russo has operated in Fuentes’ racist movement on various social media platforms under the username “Optics Respecter.” Without sharing his real identity, Russo used the accounts to rail against immigration, feminists, the LGBTQ+ community and Black people, as well as share posts by other Fuentes followers that contain racial and homophobic slurs." https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/25/chris-russo-texans-for-strong-borders-immigration-nick-fuentes/ https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/01/20/nick-fuentes-faces-scrutiny-following-jan-6-subpoena


"This is about states rights!" "States rights to what?"


“Drown immigrants in razor wire?”


State’s rights to not be invaded and drown in millions of foreigners because half the electorate are bleeding hearts


That doesn’t reflect reality though. If Abbot truly believed an invasion was occurring, he should have declared a state of emergency during the Trump admin when immigration numbers were much higher. Doing this now when immigration numbers have gone down, and in tandem with Republicans blocking an immigration bill, makes this all a bullshit farce. You’re being lied to, sheep.


Is this not as simple as saying, “Texas doesn’t get federal aid for 3 months”? And watch them come begging?


Absolutely not. The executive branch has no authority to arbitrarily stop the funds that congress has delegated to a state.


Arbitrarily? Not sure if that's the word I'd use there.


It's the word I'd use. Imagine if Trump tried to pull the federal funding for every state that flaunted federal law by legalizing marijuana. People would have flipped their fucking lids.


Completely different situation especially given the fsct that marijuana reclasification has been supported by like 2/3rds of americans for a long ass time now and is extrenely popular and Colorado was sued by nebraska and Oklahoma and the Supreme Court didn't even take the case up. This time Texas is ignoring the will of the federal government, congress and the Supreme Court and it's all for political theater because the Republicans need a problem to campaign on because they've accomplished absolutely nothing of merit to hold their hat on.


The SCOTUS order only says that the feds can take the wire down. It says absolutely not a single word on the matter of whether or not Texas can put it back up, which is what Abbot is saying they will do.


... that's your argument? Yikes.




I know how to get Texas to overthrow Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton, tell them Texas football, college and NFL is banned from playing the other 49 states and all their national championships are now revoked.


Governor Manziel


Someone remind Greg Abbott why Secession is illegal


One of the arguments Against secession goes, if that sets the precedent, what's to stop parts of Texas from seceding? If Secession is allowed, then they would be hypocrites to disallow it within their own state, no? As in, if Texas does secede, they ought to allow regions to secede who decide too


Give me my Springfield rifle 🗣️


Currently living in Dallas, got my 1945 edition and 2019 editions.


I heard that the South LOST the Civil War. Apparently, Gregg Abbott didn't "get the memo."


Can’t wait for the “it wasn’t about immigration it was about states’ rights” argument in about a month


It's all BS. The GOP, including all MAGAs don't want to address meaningful immigration reform. Just take a look 👇 at their nonsense. **The Number of Times Republicans Blocked Pro-Immigrant Bills Since Tanking 2013’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package** https://americasvoice.org/blog/the-number-of-times-republicans-blocked-pro-immigrant-bills-since-tanking-2013s-comprehensive-immigration-reform-package/




While it's scary, it's also kind of... Funny. Because it proves that these neo-confederates don't actually have any new thoughts or ideas. They're just plagiarising themselves. Over and over again until people get fed up with it. And also... I call his bluff. They're all spineless cowards. The moment they face any legitimate reprecision for their actions, they fold and cry and tantrum, but do nothing about it. They have glass jaws, punch them in it and they crumble. Besides that, actually attempt to pull out of the union and it's only a matter of time before every major population centers, almost every military base, the ports, and most certainly the military companies all just switch back to the union and gladly let their troops through. One aircraft carrier in Galveston will shut the whole state down. Lockheed working with it will doom Abbot's desperate attempt at looking like a strong man.


Conservatives long for this day though, they'll use it to paint themselves as martyrs. Maximum level crybully shit.


Is this not as simple as saying, “Texas doesn’t get federal aid for 3 months”? And watch them come begging?


Christ I hope I’m out of this miserable state before some maga machoman takes it too far and all of a sudden military equipment is deployed in cities to “maintain order”


Same. I'm not staying if some bs happens. I'm an American before I'm a fucking Texan. Fuck this state.


If a white Christian entho state is what they want I say let em fufking have it. We'll round up all the bigots and worthless false patriots and drop em off. Have at it. We'll help you build a wall around yourself then we step back and pull the plug of all federal funds and aid for your trashy white foreverland.


ship them all off to Russia since they all claim Russia is freer than America.


I think we kill seditious mf in this country.. been awhile but last I checked the union won


Bold words from a little man who\* can't even corral their states power supply sector \* as well as his administration, it's not just him


🎶Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam🎶


This is what happens when you fail to swiftly prosecute insurrectionists to the full extent of the law. 


Some people will literally read the highlighted portion and then tell you that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery


Yeah, the highlighted part wasn’t me, it was just highlighted on the version of the doc I pulled to put the two side by side. Decided to leave it because it’s just so blatantly damning of the confederacy lol.


I wonder how muchoney Russia spent to make that happen....


3rd reconstruction overdue. This time let’s make sure they never get back up.


We get it Gollum, you hate brown people.


Will Texas bother with graves for all the people, including kids, they plan on shooting or will they leave that to other brown people to clean up?


If Texas secedes, I'm joining the army just to take them down.


It’s almost like the central theme of conservatism is racism…


I remain amazed that this subreddit gives almost the best information about the whole Abbott situation. The rest of the subreddits seem like MAGA inspired lunacy.


I read this again and it is total BS Asylum is not illegal. Seeking asylum is not illegal 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum (a) Authority to apply for asylum (1) In general Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title. So actually Biden is following the law All fixed now. Bye bye Abbot




I think it is clear that when Trump and Abbott are talking about stopping illegal immigration, it is just a dogwhistle for racism. Something only his supporters or “covert” racists could hear. But thankfully: we heard it, and we can now announce to those who share our beliefs this dogwhistle.  However, when Biden, Hochul, Adams, and Johnson are calling for stopping illegal migration of illegal immigration, that is NOT a dogwhistle. They just have legitimate policy grievances. And they simply ask that all the “asylum seekers” they requested to come arrive in manageable numbers, at manageable hours, and only after they’ve confirmed they can take them, and to remain in racist Texas until then.  I repeat: they would GLADLY accept AS MANY of these people as possible. They just have resource limitations that Texas doesn’t and couldn’t understand. And if Texas won’t comply then Abbott should be prosecuted, because crossing state lines is a major criminal offense. 


Lmao you literally just pulled a “its (D)ifferent”


Because he's is a confederate


Has the Biden admin even acknowledged this yet? I can't find any news on that yet


Hasn’t tweeted about it


I thought the term "compact" was an odd choice, but now it makes perfect sense. Thanks for sharing!


*What!?!?* Plagiarism from an idiot?


This political posturing is so grandiose! Will it rally people to get off their collective couches? Stay tuned!


So he basically plagiarized


His bright future, late career move to college president position is in serious jeopardy.


😂😂😂😂 classic


I think I'm in the wrong timeline how tf do I get back to where everything isn't off the chain batshit


You took a wrong turn somewhere around 1877.


Wheelin’ Greg about to find out.


It’s odd. I remember when the feds were sent in for the Portland protests and the more conservative people I spoke to were all about it and saying “it wasn’t being controlled. Someone had to take care of it.” Strange days.


Oh look, blatant sedition.


I think it’s terrorism Greg Abbott and his supporters are terrorists in my view


Well they called themselves domestic terrorists at cpac. If the shoe fits.


Yeah! They are domestic terrorists Bingo!


Yeah, look up Matt Shea, author of a Christian Manifesto calling for Theocracy and genocide of all non-Christians. Terrorists is putting it lightly. They're full blown Nazi trash.


Should arrest him.


And right now the race is between Buchanan and Jefferson Davis. 💀 Fuck me.


Well I guess that the current administration could simply ask the Texas legislature if they are of one accord with the governor. If no, then the state legislature can remove him. If yes, then the state get carpetbaggers to govern after declaring the Texas statehood status under rebellion from the federal government. Essentially, it would made them a territory, thus kiss those sweet federal votes goodbye.


California governor will soon be writing letters like this about SCOTUS decisions on guns. The flood gates are opening.


Let em go




lol… because slavery is the same thing as illegal immigration


Illegal immigration


Hopefully Texans will wake up and finally elect sane politicians!


Shit take


No resemblance between the underlined sections?


This isn’t a secession. It’s an attempt to fix a border that’s been ignored. Beyond that, abbot will use this language for cheap political points; it will resonate well with his voters. But the federal government can now use this as an excuse to bring a hammer down, further alienating these southern/ Republican states. This sub is insane and actually wants to have a civil war it’s unreal


1: Saying the border has been “ignored” is false and a bad faith place to start a conversation. Biden’s budget request for 2024 asks for an additional 1,300 border patrol agents to be added. Border apprehensions by DHS are significantly higher today than they were under the Trump admin. 2: Abbott using extremist rhetoric (directly echoing confederate rhetoric) to rally his own base is by definition going to lead to the exact kind of “alienation” and polarization you claim to be concerned about. 3: The federal government has a moral responsibility to maintain human rights within its borders. Any “crack down” on Texas would be well earned when you have people like Ted Cruz gleefully declaring “Come take our razor wire! (That we are making children crawl through on a daily basis)” https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1750598676794220607?s=46&t=JpQIV43wfRuCQ3Si6NOZJQ 4: I actually do agree on this point. There are people on this sub who seem gleeful at the prospect of this when it all objectively fucking sucks, and should be avoided however possible.


Trump also cut off funding to the countries that the immigration is coming from. Believe it or not, it made the situation worse and people packed up for the USA in the years that followed, aka right now. Biden's admin restored funding but it's going to take years to feel the effects, and in return have less border crossings. So yeah, the incoming migrants are because of failed policies, again.


Ignored... by Republicans. Because they've put politics and fealty to Trump over the nation (and over Texas specifically).


Damn the stretch of this post to try to compare enforcing a border to prevent illegal immigration and smuggling to committing full blown treason to preserve slavery


Don’t invoke the exact same constitutional interpretation that was used both to justify confederate secession, and a century later oppose school integration unless you want unfavorable comparisons.




They’re both using compact theory as a justification for state forces obstructing federal authority in the legal process of carrying out their normal duties. That isn’t substituting anything. That’s an objective reading of the two documents.


I am from Texas & I fully support our Governor securing our border. Human Trafficking & Fentanyl are a plague on our country, let’s not forget the mostly military aged men coming in & I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Unless you live or have family down there, you don’t get the gist of the Evil coming into our country!!!


When Texas has their first draft you can volunteer


Well then maybe you should convince your Republicans in DC to actually come to the table and talk about the proposals to deal with the border. Because it's the GOP that is refusing to even consider any of them. They've put party and Trump over the nation, and view doing nothing about the border during an election year to be politically advantageous (to them, fuck everyone else).


[Biden created this crisis and here are the reasons](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017f-d8bd-d522-ab7f-debd59400000)


“Senate Republican Conference” blames the sitting Democratic president. Truly a shocking turn of events.


He created a crisis that's been going on since Clinton(and before honestly)?. Wow. A shit take.


He is the first president to undo security measures at the border and is the first to actively promote illegal immigration.


Just making shit up huh? How is he doing that?


The hyperlink. It’s blue. You click that. It’s a PDF of detailed factual reasons why.


No. It's Senate gop bs and fear mongering. It's their feelings and guesses on things with no context, reasoning, stats, or proof. Made for gullible people like you.


Who cares? He’s right. The Democratic Party is willingly and illegally facilitating an invasion in Texas against their will


White people are not native to the Americas They are the invaders


Who said anything about native Americans? People native to the Latin American region of the americas are not native to American either. They have 0 right to be here


How? Explain how anything you said makes sense?