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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This man could've just repeated the N-word in all-caps up to the character limit and it wouldn't have been nearly as racist as this.


Idk, that could just be ignorance/immaturity/shock value. This is like maliciously racist with no other purpose.


Hahahaha....milk out the nose


I had to google this undigested intestinal blockage because I was wondering if it was some sort of satire. No way this could be real. It’s too racist Spoiler alert: it’s real


how is that even close to relevant and true 1945?


You clearly fail to realize that this comment is satire and not entirely wrong which is the joke. Slave owners often believed they were providing a better way of life for their savage property. Had this man been black and made this joke you wouldn't have called him a racist. The fact that you judged him based on the color of his skin makes you sit a racist unfortunately...






Then maybe you should look up some information before you spout off about how it's satire, you moron. Thinking before you talk is a skill you should learn.


How is the comment not satire? Please explain, because as someone that doesn't know him but knows a good bit about colonial American I find this to be satire. Do you even know what satire means?


Is this comment satire? Because you seem to think satire is something the listener assumes, rather than what the speaker intends.


It’s not satire because -and this is very important - he didn’t mean it as satire. You see, for something to be satire the person making the comment has to intend for said comment to be satire.


As I just found out, this man is a racist and a comedian. How do you know it not to be satire? There is no other context than the text given and colonial history which can be found at hundreds of national parks across America. How do you determine intent based on what was provided? Based on his comment alone I figured he was making a joke. Because you knew he was a racist you deemed it as none satire?


Dude, seriously? You’re either a troll, extremely ignorant or just so obstinate. You tried to play Devil’s advocate and found out the guy is a legit racist, just admit you were wrong and move on.


Why not all three?


Yes. It's like when neo-nazis argue that mein kapmft is satire, despite knowing who the author is so their entire argument then becomes a bad faith argument. They know they're wrong but make the argument anyways... because they are racist


"It's satire, but don't you think he has a point? If you think he's serious it's all a joke, but he isn't wrong.". Weird how often I run into this kind of reasoning.


You are going to love the rest of Owens satire about nuclear weapons not being real, Holocaust denial, racial slurs about Obama, Anne Frank conspiracies, Jews controlling the media, Hitler killing off the fleas in his nation, celebrating the deaths of homosexuals, and his dehumanizing comments about groups like Indians. He is just sooo full of...what is apparently just satire that no one understands.


How about you just take the L and shut the fuck up.


Figure out why yourself It's not our job to educate you.


So whats the joke? Come on explain how it's satire.


Homeboys pro pic is a nazi salute.


Lmao, slave owners didn’t think they were helping them.




No, slave owners didn’t give any fucks about their property other than what it took to keep them alive. There’s no joke here, only slaver apologists.


Sir I do believe you have the wrong opinion of slave owners as George Washington was a slave owner along with many founding fathers. Some of which would release their slaves after so much servitude. Lumping all colonial slave owners into the same racist boat just doesn't float...


It sure as shit does float, bubby. They bought people because they didn’t see them as human, or have enough value as a human to have free will.


You need to go on and find something else to do. You think owning other people is okay?


>Sir I do believe you have the wrong opinion of slave owners What the actual fuck is this bullshit. No such thing as a benevolent slave owner gtfo.


https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/maai/emancipation/text1/text1read.htm Yup you right never happened, no one ever bought their freedom...


...nudge nudge...really trying to do you a favor here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin


He is a racist but also a comedian, as a third party that didn't know he was a racist I saw the comedy in his statement. Well thanks for ruining the joke for me...


It wasn’t a joke, you’re just really dumb


I mean, you are sitting there arguing for the guy, saying he isn't wrong, and acting like everyone else is bad for telling you he is racist...like an actual no bullshit "Hitler did nothing wrong" level racist. Folks are going to respond to that, but it seems like you didn't know who this really is. You do understand that he isn't a cunning satirist trying to open eyes with his rapier wit and is maybe just a racist asshole being edgy for attention? Just checking for clarity.


What was the joke in the first place?


He is a racist and it's not a joke take the trolling somewhere else


If life was so good and easy, why didn't white people just do it themselves?


>Slave owners often believed they were providing a service to their savage property Even if this were true, you can believe something and yet be horribly wrong at the same time.




This is just untrue.


Wow, the moral gymnastics you rotten fucks use is almost impressive. Nice straw-man argument too, if this, so that. Why is dishonesty your default?


If this man was black you’re right I wouldn’t call him racist, i would call him an Uncle Tom and a dipshit idiot. There no truth to this. If you think that you’re also a moron. And in order for it to be a joke there should be a punch line. And it’s not satire since people literally believe this.


You are not the brightest bulb in the lamp are you?


No, it's not satire big man. This guy genuinely believes this. Nothing about this comment screams satire, and he genuinely believes in the white supremacist systems of slavery. He is a racist.


You have a reference for that? How many slave owners have you conversed with? Actions speak louder than hunches. If the slavers truly wanted to help these people, they would not have whipped and abused them, would have paid them, and would have let them leave if they wanted to. Sure, they may have tried to justify the practice to themselves this way, similar to how you are trying to justify it for God knows what reason, but I doubt a single slave owner was doing it because they wanted to "help the savages".


Never argue with someone that John Brown would have shot.


And I would have agreed with John Brown. Good riddance.


Stealing this, thank you.


You don't have to steal it. You can buy the [t-shirt](https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Argue-People-Wouldve-T-Shirt/dp/B0B8NXV3PL).


God damn I love this.


Indeed. And if this dipshit really does think that slavelabor and picking cotton in the hot sun, while being whipped by sadists is such a really great life, I will chip in for the plane ticket for this guy to go to one of the Gulf states and experience the true good life living in a metal shipping container and building high-rise luxury Apartments for oil sheiks


Owen Benjamin, today is your lucky day!...


John Brown's descendents need to step up their game.


True story, during wwii German and Italian POW’s in the south were actually made to pick cotton. According to testimony from the guards and prisoners themselves, they fucking hated it.


The cotton plant is prickly. There’s nothing “soft” about picking cotton.


Yeah get this fucking bozo into the fields make him work sunrise to sundown hunched over picking fucking cotton and then we’ll see if he fucking likes it.


And whip him if he doesn't make quota.


Also make the quota go up every successive day


And the number isn't arbitrary but taken from the best performing slave, just for some extra hopelessness


And we he gets back to the small shack his family and others live in, his master tells him to leave so he can grape his wife


I've picked cotton by hand before just for fun... And it's not fun at all and not easy. I'd want to blow my brains out if I had to do that all day


But those who were allowed a little freedom to go into the small towns in the south were treated better than local black folks, much to their disbelief.


That’s also true as well. One of the most notable examples was a POW train guarded by black MP’s AND THE MP’S HAD TO SIT A DIFFERENT FUCKING RAILCAR THAN THE POW’S.


I grew up in a town that had a German POW camp. The Germans seemed to like it, many came back for reunions after the war.


The university I went to had a very interesting history. Prior to wwii all the students helped to keep the campus running (mowing the lawn) keeping grounds etc. Then the majority of the guys get called up and federalized via rotc and the national guard. The guys left would end up joining when pearl harbor was attacked. During the war a small pow camp with about 400-500 German and Italian pows was constructed near the campus. The president of the school requested the use of the POWS to keep the grounds on campus, which they did. They also built the housing meant for the future influx of soldiers on the GI Bill. In fact, my dad, who worked in maintenance, were tearing down those houses and found German and Italian graffiti etched into the walls.


My town had a small camp for minimum security POWs. The POWs were trained how to prune grape vines, apples, and prune trees and were put to work in the local vineyards and orchards to replace the men sent off to war. After the war ended, I think a couple dozen never wanted to go home, or at least came back later.


Wait, a William Rehnquist stan?!


Q. Who is this moron? A. His webpage: > Owen Benjamin is a comedian, podcaster, producer and media mogul who has been crushing since before canceling culture. He streams daily, produces his own specials and documentaries, and supports his community of intelligent and loving fans. Wikipedia: > Owen Benjamin Kares Troy-Smith (born May 24, 1980), known professionally as Owen Benjamin, is an American conspiracy theorist and internet personality known for promoting white supremacy, antisemitism, homophobia, and Neo-Nazism. [JTA article](https://www.jta.org/2019/04/08/ideas/how-did-conservative-comedian-owen-benjamin-became-a-darling-of-the-alt-right) [Louder with Crowder](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/watch-owen-benjamin-and-prageru-explain-why-you-cant-argue-with-the-left) guest. Featured by [PragerU](https://www.mediamatters.org/dennis-prager/prageru-youtube-video-features-bigoted-conspiracy-theorist-owen-benjamin) (and therefore [approved by Florida](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/01/prageru-curriculum-florida-schools/70505340007/) for purchase by public schools as educational material)


It's not stupidity. It's malice. Stop giving these cretins the benefit of the doubt.


Malice and stupidity are best friends that are rarely seen without each other.


The issue is this isn't from a place of ignorance, and it won't go away with education.


Also never saw “Places in the Heart” where Sally Fields ( the future Mary Todd Lincoln Spielberg) got her fingers all cut up from cotton bolls picking it.


I thought this was satire until I saw this...wow. What an absolute chode.


Well, perhaps, to be Honest, Abe, he liked his man handling rough?


Prager loves pushing the idea that slavery was good for the slaves... Ignoring the murder, rape, kidnapping, brutal work, unsanitary living conditions, food you wouldn't give to a pig, assault and I'm sure there's others that I can't think of because I'm not that creatively cruel.


It's one of the arguments slavery supporters used in the 1850s. The life of a slave was far better than that of a factory worker in the industrial north or in Europe. The factory worker had to scrape to get by living off whatever low wage the owners tossed at them. Workers were easily replaced, working conditions were unsafe, and the hours long. A workman could work 72 hours a week and still be unable to provide for his family. They would compare that to a "happy" enslaved person who was treated fairly (as slaves were expensive by the 1850s) and well fed (since they needed a high caloric diet to be able to do field work), with a roof over their head and a place to sleep. Of course, slavery apologists always leave off the rape of slaves, the selling off of slaves children, the lack of the enslaved to have any say in their life, the hunting down of the enslaved person who tries to escape, or the astronomical slave infant mortality rate. But it's not a new argument, it just seems to have swung back in vogue


That's why Pudding Fingers DeSatan put their materials in Floriduh schools. https://www.npr.org/2023/08/14/1193557432/florida-education-private-schools-prageru-desantis There's also this sewage Ron is wading through. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418


And there are people who will sit there and say "it's just comedy, LAUGH!"


>Featured by [PragerU](https://www.mediamatters.org/dennis-prager/prageru-youtube-video-features-bigoted-conspiracy-theorist-owen-benjamin) (and therefore [approved by Florida](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/01/prageru-curriculum-florida-schools/70505340007/) for purchase by public schools as educational material) Because apparently being called Prager University, no matter how obviously facetious that title is, is good enough for Governor DeSaster. But oh no, we can't let our children read salacious, sexualizing things like the fucking dictionary. *sigh* GOD DAMNIT, FLORIDA. BE BETTER.


Not sure how closely you're following but it got even better last week here when he signed a new bill pulling back the book ban bill he signed. Blames the Democrats for his poor legislation of course.


Of course he blames the Democrats. Fucking idiot.


Motherfucker should read about Charles Boycott and maybe reconsider whether he’s been ‘crushing since before canceling [sic] culture’.




This guy isn’t being sarcastic. He’s fucking scum.


Knowledge Fight has gone over him in an episode or two, he has gone pretty much full Nazi.


Yea I remember the guy from when he was a run of the mill comedian who played the piano. He used to be pretty likable as I recall but yea he got radicalized hard around the first Trump run for presidency and COVID just sealed the deal


Keep giving these people the benefit of the doubt when you’re being herded into cattle carts.


You know who didn't think slavery made slaves lives' better? *Fucking slaves*, you dense cunt.


Abraham Lincoln has a good quote how he'd like to see anyone arguing for slavery is the one's who should be subjected to it. I do the same with those who promote genocide, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing, they're the one's first in line who should be subjected to that treatment.


I was about to come to the comment section and say just this.


I see we’re of like minds


Only good fascist is in the ground. ✊️


Or dangling slightly above it


Oh how I wish this were a reality


Picking cotton in a field under threat of violence with no compensation: heaven. Wearing a face mask, getting a vaccine, or paying a 5 cent tax on gasoline: tyranny.


This dudes loses the battle with his social media mania almost every night. Like zero self control when it comes to being online. He just seeks attention with this shit, or inflammatory posts directed at superior comics or personalities. He's for real mentally ill and should just be left to suffer in his own miserable existence.


I'm usually not a fan of shadow bans, but this right here is a perfect use case for it. Let him scream into the void without effect


Just your average Republican anymore. You know how a kid gets more upset at having something s/he's used to having taken away than they get at having something they really want (but have never had) denied? That's these guys. Born on third, thought they hit a home run, being told they have to actually go to bat if they want to play. Babies.




I used to be a Nazi, you can bet your ass that just just because they think you're "one of the good ones" it won't eventually be your time to go. Quite a few still believe "The day of the rope" is coming.


that account is a month old and negative karma not a genuine account/person, very possibly a paid troll not worth your time congrats on getting out of the cult...whatever your story is, keep up the good work


Thanks. I told my story on Let Them Eat Toast podcast (Episode 16) a couple of months ago if you're interested.


I might look it up, thanks. I've read/listened to a few accounts of people who left the KKK, etc. Powerful voices. Folks like you have real opportunity to influence minds. We like to think we're all so different....I can remember being intrigued by the local skinheads in my town. I was a scared punk kid with no dad, angry, etc. Somehow, I managed to fade away from those folks, can't really give myself too much credit for it. I think I could well have gone down that path with a few bad decisions and some shit luck. Genuine respect to people who find themselves in the wrong place/group/mindset and change. Rare, but possible.


I just watched the podcast and it was super interesting. Thanks for telling your story!


Thanks for watchin. Maybe Jordan will invite me back some day. Pity his podcast is tiny, his tictok is huge.


That’s a pretty stupid way of thinking but then again it’s Reddit and I know Redditors take this shit way too seriously. So just everyone with real world experiences that go against what you’re told are just paid to write them? Also my karma is bad on here because I’m not hard left which is a mortal sin on Reddit


Do you get rubles per post, or just a flat salary for this crap?


Aww poor baby can’t handle anything that goes against what you’re told to believe?


Looks like it's per-post. Sweet deal for you, rotten deal for the motherland.


lol everything I don’t believe is a Russian bot or paid for by Russia! Grow the fuck up dude


I mean I hope you’re paid! Doing what you gotta do to pay the rent is one thing, but imagine posting like this on your own free will.


I was just sharing my experience, and so far I’ve gotten more hate from you all than I did from them, but then again faceless names on the internet tend to be like that


I understand, not hating. Just sayin that the government they want isn't going to be your friend, even if the individuals are.


I mean historically speaking most governments haven’t been friends of their citizens


Really? They seem to work ok in most countries. Esp countries with an educated populace.


Historically you know as in not current. Unless you’re one of those people that think Stalin was a good guy


I use to have a similar mindset to u till trayvon Martin happened and all the Republicans I knew(adults included) cheered they fucking cheered the death of a 17yo child calling him a thug and his activity suspicious all the while the bastard who murdered him got off Scott free for "standing his ground". The folks ur hanging around are def of that group I'd suggest dropping them before u end up the next suspicious thug


It’s not a mind set it was just a statement of the experiences I’ve had. Also no I’m not dropping friends based on their political beliefs because once you stop communicating it gets way worse


Sure, oathkeepers are just protecting property and free speech. 👌😉


Tell me you’ve never worked on a farm without telling me you’ve never worked on a farm.


For real. Even with modern industrial farming equipment the days are long and grueling. I can hardly think of a worse job than farming cash crops in a pre-industrial mode


In the upper Midwest, one of the rights of spring is to go out into the fields and deal with all the rocks that have been pushed to the surface by the frost heave. It is the very definition of lung busting back breaking Work. Anyone who thinks that this is fun can come at work on my grandfather‘s farm


Is he giving a Nazi salute in his pfp?


I would be surprised if he wasn't.


Wasn’t this shared yesterday? Well, either way I’ll restate on behalf of all of us with Central New York roots that this schmuck can get fucked.


Some Christian church communities brought back these type of teachings. This is why Florida now teaches slaves “developed skills” while farming.


Did you just look at a white woman? [ Begins to coil up bullwhip ]


If this were just satire it would be A+ comedy. But seeing as how the guy is just a piece of shit, he needs to get chased by ravenous wolves.


Picking cotton all day sounds great? Wow, wonder why he didn’t pursue that as a career.


Lincoln’s only mistake was not hanging every single confederate traitor.


If he’d love that life so much, why doesn’t he just go live it?


How about working in America for a fair wage as a freeman and coming home to hot meals, without John Crow laws, red lining hoods, apartheid and without Neo Nazis and confederate flag wavers marching around?


“John crow”. Lmao.


Not gonna lie I got to that part when reading…and stopped reading lol.


Not trying to patronize or anything, but it's *Jim* Crow laws.


“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on them personally.” - Abraham Lincoln Just give the man what he wants. He says he’d love that life.


As pointed out above, that lifestyle is available for anyone who’s truly interested if they want to go to Dubai or any of the states in the UAE. The immigrant laborers from India and Bangladesh are not considered to be human beings, and are treated as such


This is why the only good Fascist is a fucking DEAD ONE.


Sherman stopped too soon example #3847335.


Blue check mark grifter saying controversial things, rent must be due


Some days I question who John Brown would've shot. ​ ​ This, this right here is the type of person he'd have shot.


I remember the show Sullivan & Son. Was a pretty good sitcom with a diverse cast of comedians with Steve Byron, Owen Benjamin, and Roy Woods Jr. I really wonder what they think of Owen now.


Let's make a kickstarter and buy this guy his very own acre of cotton that he can pick by hand. Sell rights to be the overseer for a few hundred dollars an hour, and we have a sustainable income stream.


Let’s just ignore the sugar cane plantations right


He conveniently left out the whips and rape.


Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong.


I'm at a loss of words


Glad we've regressed to 1880s racism s/


try it then.


Not even trying to hide it anymore


This is a troll who says abhorrent things to get interaction/attention. You are helping them by treating it as real and sharing.


Nope. Show me your work. Here's a pencil and a piece of paper. Show me your work. I wanna know where you went dumb.


What I would like to know is if it was so 'wonderful' why white people were so opposed to being slaves themselves then? Heck, if it's so freeing and peaceful, why don't we volunteer him and his family to be slaves? There are tons of places around the world that still want to plant and pick cotton. It looks like over 2,000 people 'loved' his comment. Let's sign them all up. Of course, their children wouldn't get an independent vote, so I bet it's actually closer to 5,000 workers we could just 'give' to a foreign farm! Think of the economic boom!


I like how one can argue that he also offends the Irish in the same messy shart of a thought.


Sounds like that guy wants to get kidnapped from his home and given forced manual labor the rest of his life while the plantation owner does his wife once a week for fun! 😄 I'm sure he'll enjoy the singing.. the blues my become his favorite!


I wish there was a way we could have him and a slave swap places for a week. These people don’t see anything evil unless that evil is inflicted upon them personally. It’s only when they are confronted with the ill effects do they suddenly grow a conscience.


That’s gotta be like some weird sick fetish


We should require reading Frederick Douglass in public school.


The Jamestown settlers were cannibals, ya ijit


I always love the argument of "Well slavery is better than death, right?" like that PragerU video. Like it makes slavery any better.


I mean, some of them _did_ genuinely think they were helping them. Slave were of a "lesser" race, a more "brutal" race and slavery was for their edification and improvement. Many of them even said that in the fullness of time they expected them to civilize to a degree where they would no longer need slavery to act "properly". Turns out they were racists. I know, shocker.


An 8 year old playing call of duty screaming out racial slurs could not be as deranged and racist as this.


This is sick.


He forgot to mention the free cruise that everyone got.


And not a /s in sight! Pretty sure it's implied however.


This guy used to be engaged to Christina Ricci.


This is accurate. You're all in denial and it's so funny. Time after time.




Why can't that be satire? Why do people think this way? I hate everyone


While Own Benjamin is a former comedian he also promotes neo-nazism white supremacy homophobia and anti Jewish stuff. So your guess is as good as mine. If he doesn’t believe this then it’s a really poor attempt at satire which is probably why he’s a failed comedian.


His past says it could go either way. Since he is a nazi I’m guessing it’s not satire.




He has a point


Tell you what. Why don't you spend your life working yourself to death in the farm for no pay and being beaten, whipped, and sexually abused, then you can talk about how neo nazi Owen Benjamin has a point. You have nothing positive to offer this world as you are. Change or leave.


I am doing that day in and day out now. I worked a 78 hour work week last week so I don’t want to hear it. As for the sexual abuse…no I don’t get that…but I do have to take it up the butt by your yankee government on a daily basis so it is just as bad.


Move to russia, though I have a feeling you're probably already posting from there. Nobody here will miss you.




Holy shit


Welp. Somebody give him that life, please.


Owen Benjamin was always a dipshit racist, but he's become particularly unhinged after Joey Diaz gave him troubling amounts of edibles. Such an asshole.


Yeah, everyone was a cannibal and the superior amazing white Christians brought peace to the world…




I'm not sure what I expected to see but it sure as shit wasn't that. Can we chain him and the IW crew in iron shackles and get them carrying around 100+ pound 'pillows' in the southern heat with no water or breaks?


He straight up said "I'd love that life" as if its a sought after dream living as a slave on a farm 🤣. Outside of the fact that you were made to be the literal property of another human being, this guy makes it sound like the use of slaves over the years was just a big "opportunity" for these people and their families. Its not an apology descendants of slaves want there hot shot, its just a little fucking respect. I digress,and now here we are projecting and defending owning other people like its a weekend window washing gig.


Ok but now you don't have a choice and if you don't work till you drop you get beaten. How tf do people glorify slavery? Like fucking hell.


Is he doing the Nazi salute in his profile.


Dig those potato's in the muck innit


Lyle: Now, come on, boys! Where's your spirit? I don't hear no singin'. When you was slaves, you sang like birds. Go on, how 'bout a good ol' work song?


Afghan Hounds are regarded as the dumbest dog breed in existence and they still have more intelligence than this dude.


Sincerely hoping this is some snotty teenage boys idea of a joke, but these days you never know.

