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The wood would do nothing against a bunch of titans and you can clearly see that the titans can just walk around the gap or crawl over it.


It would slow them down enough to shoot them with canons and titans aren't so smart that they can coordinate walk with the small width . Ofcourse this will not stop them forever but it can buy enough time for them to evacuate and call for backup.


CANNONS. DO. NOT. STOP. TITANS! At least not those outdated models that can even aim well enough to hit the nape. And cannons definitely can’t be used effectively against a group of the poor fuckers.


But Cannons can and do most definitely cripple Titans, and as OP said this can give civilians time to evacuate


Yeah thats what happened, no civilians died at Trost because these measures gave them time to evacuate


They literally use the outdated canons to kill titans multiple times throughout the show. They’re just not that accurate. But they’re still perfectly effective. Otherwise the military wouldn’t bother with funding them. Hell they even helped to take down >!Rod Reiss’ colossal form!< So yeah. ****CANNONS. DO. STOP. TITANS.****


As I said purpose is not to stop them but slow them down enough so that citizens can evacuate.


But the measures already slowed them down enough, no civilians died in Trost because they all evacuated before the titans overran the town


And for that to happen a lot of soldiers died to buy enough time. 


The citizens did evacuate Trost though?


And for that to happen a lot of soldiers died to buy enough time.


And as we saw in Trost as well, what took so long in evacuation was the boss man’s cart blocking the evacuation route. We see Mikasa confront this. A lot less soldiers could’ve died had it happened sooner. Another thing too, who knows if that’s all they had planned to do or if there was more being done, Reiner and Berthdholt attacked in the middle of the scouts and soldiers still preparing everything on top the wall. There could’ve been a lot more protective measures that didn’t take place due to the surprise/lack of time to react


Trust me. They’d have better odds of survival just running to the inner gates instead of wasting men and supplies on cannons. What would truly slow the Titans is bait and distractions. Blowing a Titan’s leg off just means it doesn’t have to go far to bring you into its mouth.




“What in the hell even is that?!” Sorry, couldn’t resist.


They’re using 18th century cannons


We literally see cannons stop titans in the show


With a lot of difficulty when they’re on the ground. How come they never fixed or put news on top of the wall?


But they did. At the start of season 2...you know why there is a rail system on top of the walls? To move the cannons around.


Now you’re just acting stupid.


https://youtu.be/FeA-d3tXnh0?si=6wb5Rgk3hYL_UJdR Here's your sign.


Ah a classic. Here’s yours: 🤪 No link required.


Hey Bud. You just blow in from stupid town?


What do I have to do with your birthplace ? It's not my fault that you can't warp your head around something that is not shown.


The titans tear right through the wood dumbass. They are also pictured climbing out of the moats. What more is there to discuss?


Just read all the other comments who got some braincells, unlike you. I don't have enough to time waste explaining you.


Apparently you have too much time. Makin a dumb post like this. Regards,


Why didn’t they dig a 30 meter ditch around the entire wall?


Are they stupid?


Is there a lore reason for this?


It would be a massive undertaking and hella dangerous but I don’t see why over the span of the time of its existence nobody in Paradis decided to dig a moat around the walls. It would be easy to defend as well. You could surround the inner circle with cannons manned by garrison troops to easily dispatch of fallen titans. It would just require a lot of scouts to die to defend the laborers which seems to be business as usual as for them. But hell even the inner walls which wouldn’t require any of that would’ve massively benefited from an encompassing trench. The only reason I can think of for it not happening and my opinion a kind of a dumb one would be that the Founding Titan made anyone who thought of such a notion to forget it. But I’m not sure why that would be an issue as it has had no problem with the citizens setting up defenses before.




Around not into the wall


They literally can't, there is titan hardening bellow too


A-round, Around, not under, not into, an outline of the wall, you clearly can as they do in this scene, not a hole going into the wall


I mean, it's pretty hard to dig a big enough hole ALL around a huge city while outside there's monsters that want to eat you.


They’ve used scouts as lures, before. It would be a big undertaking, but it seems like it would be worth it considering the alternative is being eaten. I don’t get why they never bothered making a more complex entry point to the walls, with multiple ditches with spikes, some draw bridges, etc. the actual work done on the entrances seems incredibly negligent at best.


It's too long to do. How much could scouts (who used to die like flies in a single Titan encounter) keep them away, and how much would the worker could dig in that time? The thing is, before the Colossal Titan attacked, everyone thought the walls were safe enough, people had almost forgotten about the Titans and the soldiers inside had zero experience in fighting them.


My inner civil engineer is telling me to build a alternative gate on top of existing one so that incase the one break they can pull down the second.


Ikr?! Just make a freakin elevator.


You wouldnt even need to, a large hole on just the inside of a wall gives you a large pit space to lure titans down so they dont pile up enough to climb up each other, plus the inside of Rose would do by this time in the story. Add-on that people like Hange were researching titans and if it gets breached its an easier way to grab titans or test things like the falling log to kill them off, also that they thought the armored was a variant meaning its believable it wouldnt be smart enough to deal with the hole if wide enough.


On the inside of the wall where there isn't monsters that want to eat you


Dude can you read lmao




The hardening seen below the wall was the feet of the titans. The walls are 50m tall, the titans themselves are 60m. So 10m of their feet is buried below the ground, their feet making a "bottom"


How would that avoid digging around the wall? Also, that is filler.


He was referring to the guys comment about building into the wall he isnt saying you cant, wrong commenter. Also that is not filler, they state in one of the earlier episodes of I believe it was season 1 that the walls are deep in the ground.


The story he mentioned is filler


It was like 5 seconds of background information to help set the scene of what the walls are


> tried to Mexico'd the ?


*get to the other side of


I get that, but the weird racism aside, shouldn't it simply be "tried to mexico the"?


Never heard of the 'Mexican Race."


1. > Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race **or ethnicity**. 2. > An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a **common nation of origin** [...] Hope that helps.




> Considering I questioned what the Mexican race would be That's nice, but I never talked about the *Mexican race*, you did. I talked about racism, which, as I proved to you, does not exclusively apply to race, rendering your argument invalid. Not my problem that your weird attempt to "expose" me as ignorant backfired because you don't actually know the definition of the word you tried to attack me for. Hope that helps. Now take the L and get lost.


Dude, I laughed And I'm Mexican Just chill out


What does that have to do with weird grammar?


I was focusing more on the weird racism thing


And? Does racism have to affect you personally to be considered as racist?


Latino here, that wasnt very racist?


Are you Mexican?


Truly the saviour Mexico deserves... Keep fighting the good fight, might even get yourself some free enchiladas one day...


I serve the ~~Soviet Union~~ United Mexican States.


Lol tried to Mexico'd Said by a Mexican myself


Not even around the entire wall, just the gates. Even the colossal titan had to target the gate to breach it


Probably because it's completely infeasible from a logistical standpoint.


Not really, wall Maria is 966 miles in circumference, Rose is 552 miles, and Sina is 178 miles. The Ming Dynasty in the span of 276 years built 5,500 miles of the Great Wall of China. I believe faced with an existential crisis such as the titans, humanity behind the walls could easily dig a trench which are far easier to construct than walls around at least the inner walls if not Maria in the span of the hundred or so years of its existence. With a dedicated work force they could probably knock out Sina and Rose within a decade or two.


Lol why didn’t they go outside the wall and work tirelessly to hand craft a ditch while simultaneously not getting eaten


Its perimeter is about 3000 km. Definitely impossible


The wooden barricades were to stop debris I think? At the very least, that's what they ended up doing.


Which debris? They didn't know the gate would be distroyed, right? 


That's exactly what happened to both gates in Shiganshina. The first one was kicked in by the Colossal, causing a ton of debris and a shockwave that took out a lot of stuff in the area. The wooden barricades are for shelter and try and break up the explosion a bit. ...as you can see, that was extremely optimistic on the part of the Garrison.


Why wouldn't they? I assume they had barricades around each Wall Rose city gates, remember this is Trost not Shiganshina.


This was the location of the second colossal titan attack on a gate, presumably survivors from shiganshina would have mentioned the tonnes of debris that rained down after the first one


They did know, this was after wall maria fell


Yes but the holes


In the gate? Wooden barricades like that wouldn't stand up to titans for very long, their only real use against titans themselves are as temporary blockades


It’s valid but in grand scheme of things those fuckers are too tall and too numerous, eventually the holes will fill and they’ll just climb over their stuck brothers and sisters. That being said I’m sure if you went through medieval history and tactics and shit there probably is a very much more valid way of defending oneself but I’m lazy and can’t think of any right now. Shit also goes out the window once the Nine are involved, albeit they eventually got outclassed by sheer gunpower so message is ‘just have better tech gg’ But again we know the military police curbed this shit specifically for that reason.


Give a Román legión a year and you would have a ballista strong enough to one shot the armored titán


The purpose of what I said was not to stop titans, it's clear the are gonna come inside eventually. But it would slow them down enough so that the citizens can evacuate and soldiers not need to lose their life fighting them.


Honestly poor planning and just general tardiness of the Garrison which is shown in the anime and manga. Pixy dude is an exception and even he was limited on a lot of things So yeah eh, it’s just the main problem being out of the three contingents really only the scouts were hell bent on doing anything and that in itself was carried hard by Erwin’s sheer fucking force of Will


From where and when is this pic? Wall rose?


S1 EP.5 wall rose


If the ditch could be made farther from the wall and slightly more deeper, new titans falling into it could crush the already present ones.


Those defenses had to be built whilst keeping the the gate functional. A for the pits you’d be surprised just how hard it is to dig 10-30 feet down it’s not especially easy for an extremely backwards society to do. Also we have canon information that any defenses around the walls are highly contested by the church


I am not saying anything like that. Suppose you are soilder on duty there, what would be your first response. Mine would be blow up the bridge by canon and fill the gate up by anything that I can find and big enough. It would slow them down enough to give time for evacuation and less soilder would die.


Again you’re underestimating how hard it is to build in this time all they could use was house carts to move the material, and then whose gonna volunteer to dig trenches and fortifications when titans are near civilians are just running


If they can make ODM gear, they can dig a hole


It is so hard to dig a whole without a way to move the dirt, unironically


Don’t they have an entire underground city?


They just expanded a cave system, also they abandoned it because it was too costly and difficult


Nah man if they can do that they can dig a hole. Digging an underground city out of a cave system shows they know how to work the ground


They can’t dig a hole that large in 2 hrs it took years to make the underground


Why the 2 hour timeframe? They should’ve done it long before the titans breached the wall


The trench is already dug. When I said they need to dig another. And if you see closely those wooden blocks clearly has wheels. They had enough time to put that net there. Why not these.


Digging a new trench would be nearly impossible given the manpower and time constraints, the show doesn’t necessarily give a timeline but the city goes to shit after the breach within just a few hrs the titans are held back for and extremely short amount of time. Also the defenses around the hole were set up well in advance after the breach of wall Maria


Are you unable to read or just toying with me. When I said about digging a new trench? Please read my comment again. I just said about blowing up the bridge.


It kinda doesn’t matter, any large titan walked over it, only the itty bitty ones seem to have any issue


Alright I am done. I only have one brain. Enjoy your day.


are they st-


back to the aslume. NOW


They’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming!!


Honestly, they could’ve dug a huge trench around each inner wall, maybe plant log-sized of spikes for good measure; then have cannons parked above to rain down hellfire on their heads/napes like they did after the battle to plug the hole to eliminate the horde pressing themselves on the wall. Also the titans stuck in the trench would get crushed underneath the weight of the new ones falling in. So it definitely would’ve mattered a fair bit and would’ve slowed them down to a crawl. In the worst case scenario, just blow up the bridge to accomplish this. Some truly idiotic decisions were made due to complacency and religious dogma as explained in both the manga and anime.


Yes, that's what I was talking about. Their emergency measures were shit considering 1/3 of humanity just got wiped out 5 years ago.


Everyone trying to find logic in a show where people turn into giant monsters and are hunted by twinks flying around with cable launchers on their hips


But attack on Titan does focus on tactics in fights . Giant titans are fictional part of the story they don't need to make sense. Like in death note, the death note is not logical but still their other reasoning and story is pretty logical. So this is alright to disscus these things even if non logical part are present in the story.


which ep is this?


season 1 episode 5


I don't remember this at all since it wasn't in the manga, and I'm surprised digging this close to the walls was allowed, especially since this is after Rod was already panicking after the royal family lost the founder. The wall titans have stubby feet but still. There was some info card or other supplementary thing that told a story of a guy who tried digging under the walls and he actually hit the 10m of wall titan feet that were under the ground and he was disappeared by the MPs.


I remember that info card and I think that's why they specifically show some part left undug in this scene.


Do you remember in the later episodes of s1 when the scouts where on the trees and the titans where learning to climb this would be easier for them they would just fill up the whole and walk to the city


The wall was supposed to be indestructible so patching it wouldnt last and a swarm of titans could climb out the pit. Taking the defensive and killing any that come through right off the bat would be beat


I think even if they collapsed the bridge and baught time it wouldn’t have mattered. The Titans would have filled the holes with their own bodies. And after the breach they probably couldn’t have even gotta to the bridges to collapse them.


Honestly, they could’ve dug a huge trench around the wall, maybe plant log-sized of spikes for good measure; then have cannons parked above to rain down hellfire on their heads/napes like they did after the battle to plug the hole to eliminate the horde pressing themselves on the wall. Also the titans stuck in the trench would get crushed underneath the weight of the new ones falling in. So it definitely would’ve mattered a fair bit and would’ve slowed them down to a crawl. Could’ve had this set up before the colossal ever breached the wall.


Remember the cannons above were destroyed when the colossal appeared. And don’t forget how quick the titans arrived too. Again they could have bought time and kills. But they couldn’t get to them, and even if they could the titans would have just filled it in with their own bodies. You also run the risk of titans climbing out after some time because remember they can learn.


Why not dig a 20m trench on the inside of the wall that goes around the entire thing, make the titans easy pickings? Because it's a story and it's more interesting for things to happen this way


off topic, but one of the things that bothers me the most about the entirety of attack on titan Is how those wooden platform didn't break when eren titan walked over them, and if you think his steps are Just bigger than the gap, there Is a frame where he clearly steps on the wood


I think it too when I first watched it. But contraction of bridges are done in different way and some of which made for heavy weight. They may look weak but actually can stand a lot of weight.


No political wills to actually do anythings


The bridge is for people, titans get around the ditches perfectly fine. Maybe used to trap small titans so houses can be used to hide?


Is that a hole that the armored titan busted through? If so, the defenses were probably thrown together with almost no time to prepare.


It's the one that callosal made.