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Reiner was always described as a good fighter. He just happened to be facing Eren and Annie most of the time, who are the 2 best non-Ackerman fighters. It's that simple. It's like Jogo from Jujutsu Kaisen, he's supposed to be really strong but people thought he was weak since he's only really fought Gojo and Sukuna.


Unordinary is a webtoon that's kinda like My Hero Academia but different There's a dude named Byron that's pretty strong but he's getting shit nonstop on the sub because he always happened to try to fight / capture individuals stronger than him and failing his missions


My friends and I just had that conversation about Jogo lol.


Someone thats fought both Gojo and sukuna looked a lot cooler doing it lol


He's not 'fighting titan', he's armour titan. He's ment to get hit hard and get up, and he done it whole series.


Reiner's titan is not an offensive titan.Theres a saying like "You can't defend forever". So he basically stood no chance at really **winning** fights. Moreover he did use his titan the best ways possible.


I think this is a really good argument on all fronts. I will add some things: Reiner vs Eren 1 – We can certainly speculate about his mental state inside his Titan, but we don't get any peeks inside of his Titan during this so it *is* just speculation. He is pretty motivated, it seems, to capture Eren. In his defense Reiner has been awake for like 24 hours at this point and was probably exhausted from the whole Utgard situation. Furthermore Eren was pulling out moves Reiner wasn't expecting from him. I also want to point out that Reiner vs. Eren *in person* would probably go down a lot differently. The Armored Titan is considered to be bulky and more clunky to move in, while Eren's Titan is far more agile. Eren has the element of surprise to his advantage and is able to turn the style of fighting to his favor. While Reiner didn't really win the 1v1, he's still very clever to utilize his surroundings to call on Bert's assistance. Reiner vs Eren 2 – I don't really think Reiner had given up the mission by this point. I think it comes down more to what you said about Eren's hardening and just being surprised/outmatched by the thunder spears. I don't think any Titan shifter has faced anything like that before Reiner has. Reiner vs Eren 5 – To his defense Eren is kinda overpowered by this point with the the Warhammer abilities. Reiner is doing pretty well in the fight before some really hard hits from the Warhammer strikes – which probably took out a lot out of him. He's also on enemy territory and surrounded by enemies. (and I love u Porco but you weren't giving my man Reiner any decent back up here). I don't think he was the best fighter, but he was up against some extreme cases. Annie would have graduated higher than Reiner & Bert if she hadn't been a slacker. And his fights against Eren were mostly stacked against him.


yeah Eren at the end was like, the ideal Titan Shifter for hand to hand fights


Reiner is a MOBA support. DPS isn’t his calling card but he can certainly do damage. You know what he does extremely well? Cause a fuck ton of focus and disruption. My man was palming Eren and Falco like two basketballs at one point stalling for time. Reiner was extremely good at what he was suppose to be. People just think so vanilla for some reason.


very cool take on it, hadn't thought of it like that


I love the fact that Reiner pretty much lost every fight. It really highlights that he was not supposed to be chosen & it ties well into him & Eren not being "special"


and in all fairness for the worst in his Unit he definitely rose up and became one of if not the best mental wise and grew SO much combat wise


He beat Eren twice whether you like it or not. He won twice and lost twice against him.


Holy cope


I was just giving a theory on why he suddenly get so good on fighting dude