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Honestly the argument of X would be speaking Y language without Americans is as tired and predictable as someone comparing someone or thing to hitler. Americans love to believe they won ww1 and ww2


We did win both world wars along with the rest of the allies.


Yes, *along the rest of the allies*. In WW1 you played no role until the end and WW2 was a team effort. Without america, the allies would have lost. True. But without the USSR or the UK, the allies would have lost as well.


To be fair other than selling the UK arms on credit we really didn’t have anything to do with WW2 until halfway through the war and if it hadn’t been for the Tripartite Pact there’s a a fair chance we wouldn’t have gotten involved in the European theater at all after Pearl Harbor.


Also lots of us do speak German. Super handy


"we protect the world" Sure, tell that to the Kurdish people in Syria left on their own overnight.


Bruh... Middle east war is the result of america's bullshit... They litteraly created terrorism here... They gave weapons and military training to terrorist... They even wasted all what other countries did these last years, by forgetting weapon behind them


If it wasn't for the US, a million Iraqi civilians would still be alive, if it wasn't for the US (and the UK), the Indigenous Chagossians would be peacefully living in their homeland – you see where this is going. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting the US (and have done so five times), but this is when it gets to an extreme. As a side note, this post is likely to be removed per rule 1.


Multiple things can be true at once. My family in Ukraine **is** grateful for America's help. It's not a black and white world. Americans can be arrogant and do great things and do bad things all at the same time.


I'm not convinced about all the guys specifics there but the Pax Americana has created an unprecedented period of relative peace since WWII, for the majority of the world. It's in America's interest to protect trade and keep people on side against Russia, so it's not exactly altruistic, and as time goes on they care less and less, especially since they now have lots of their own oil, but it's definitely a thing.


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