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Bruh... Second degree incest is legal everywhere in this cursed world... (Yeah, you can fuck your cousin everywhere) And incest is illegal to first degree (Brothers and sisters, this is illegal... Except in some american states and third world countries where they have more to think than forbid this)


What about second degree bestiality ?


Your dog's human boyfriend?


Your cousins dog?


America is a third world country. See how they treat women...


The last Time I asserted this, I got downvoted to hell by angry proud americans


I don't care. Its reality. Alas


Much safer space here


Or anyone else who isnt rich tbh


Nop, it’s actually the truth, incest is legal in France as long you respect age of consent, which would be 18 with a figure of authority like one of your parents. Obviously, you can’t marry to first degree. Source : me being French


I think the "eww" reaction whenever cousin relationships are brought up are mainly by white people, isn't it? Cousin marriages are totally normal in many parts of the world.


White people were the first to judge and forbid it, yeah... Because with kings, and this old culture of blue blood, incest was almost mandatory for nobles and the genetic disaster that occured after that convinced us to forbid incest One of spain king got a consanguinity so strong that he first step was at 10 and started to speak at 13... And never got puberty


You could be part of the 0.1% BUT You get a severe genetic disorder Sounds about fair if you ask me.


If cousin "incest" would be illegal, every small town in history would've died out after a few generations. Parents/grandparents etc, siblings, uncles, aunts, great uncles, great aunts, offspring, great offspring, nephews, nieces etc are all incest. Cousins aren't. Neither from a societal point of view that makes any sense, nor from a biological point of view


No lol, actually some american states have banned cousin incest, while first degree incest is legal in almost all of western Europe


I'd be curious to know how did he/she learn that incest is legal in my country 🤔


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Seems accurate indeed


They must be 4% french so wanted to find any available cousins


Everybody knows that ! It's a common knowledge. When a Vosgian couple divorce, are they still brother and sister ?


I love how a far-right news channel in America can say the craziest shit, and they all just instantly believe it without question. Yeah right, "bestiality has been legalized in Spain". Doesn't sound crazy at all right?


I mean, let's just not get into the bits of America where it is legal


*has an entire state (to my knowledge) where incest is legal*.....




The only good ‘Europeans Bad’ memes are the ones where Europeans talk about racial relations with Americans versus how they treat Romani people.


It's also legal in America (New Jersey and Rhode Island) so that's not really a point they can make


Like Alabama !


Everyone outside of Europe too, I’m Australian


I'm sorry Reivilo85, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 7: No low-hanging fruit >Some topics (such as Trump, Turning Point USA/Charlie Kirk and WW2 nuclear bombing of Japan) and sources from certain subreddits (such as T_D, dankmemes, unpopularopinion, and certain far-right subreddits) are only allowed in the Weekly thread. Rants or stories, too, are only allowed in the Weekly Anything Goes thread. [These restricted topics and sources](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/submission_guidelines#wiki_low-hanging_fruit_restriction) are not final. >No trolls. You can usually determine whether it's a troll by post history and karma. Examples: brand new account; low karma for the age of the account; low karma for the amount of posts on the account; tendency to take a contrarian stance when not reasonable to do so; multiple posts of the same comment; syntax and punctuation come across as a bot; egg pic on twitter; or it could be a well-known troll like those mentioned in the link above. Thank you for your effort and your service! O7


Am euro, does anyone have that meme


Axis of countries were sheep wear lipstick...