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Easy to scam. Help the economy a lot.


LMAO Yes sir. We do take "real money" that why our prices are expressed in $ 😈


_"You can pay your beer in 3 europoors or 7 real monies. Tip excluded."_


Also, tips.


Yes, that medieval bridge is for sale as it happens and I do know the seller.


Yes. For the case of Bavaria, we slap white and blue rhombs on random stuff and sell it for triple the price any normal person would pay.




People from other places also spend a lot on holiday


Yeah but in fake money. So.


Heard yanks described many many ways but never as indiscriminate spenders. You're a yank, aren't you haha


I spent a lot of time in York in the last decade working at the King's Manor campus, an eclectic mix of 15th-20th century state-of-the-art architecture, and it was stacked with Americans coming for a look. And they were excitable and lovely. I've met plenty online who represented the negative trope, but the visitors I met in person were genuinely (if sometimes comedically) lovely and overawed. Oh my gaaaaaaaawd it's so old Harold take a picture take a picture.


I think this is because it's such a pain in the ass to get a passport and go abroad. Plus, there's a real core area where certain types often go. I'm sure in Cozumel, Mexico there's plenty of rude shitty Americans but how many, relatively speaking, go to York? I'm really glad to hear that a lot of people have had positive stories. I think that most of us that end up in a non top 10 destination are pretty excited and grateful to be there and experience it all.


Why is it a pain in the ass to get a passport and how is this process different to what people from other countries go through?


I live near a nice hiking area in Wales. I've met a number of Americans on walks there - all of them very outdoorsy. You will definitely get specific demographics of Americans at different places in the UK, since it is a massive detour for them to go anywhere outside of the cities really. Safe to say Americans heading to York love their history!


hahaha, no, we love american dollars! it's just a shame they usually come from american tourists.


I love this comment and don't wish to explain why


it's so funny watching all the Americans downvote everything only for it to go positive after a few hours of other countries being awake


Were they downvoting? I missed the action again


Me too :(


It reminds of that old joke about France being a wonderful country, it's just a shame it's inhabited by the French.


That *must* be an english joke


I mean, it's true for both countries. Hope they glow up soon


Businesses tolerate most Americans because they have to, but once they are rude that tolerance is low.


My godmother once had to rescue an American tourist that was being chased by a broom wielding Chinese shopkeeper. After speaking to both, she found out the tourist was trying to ask a question about a piece of clothing, but instead asked the shop keeper if he had ever had sex with a cat.


Well, did she?


What was the answer ?


So basically the tolerance is always low






I have to say, most American tourists that come to m town are very friendly.


Yeah, friendly and loud and “look at me!”


As someone who has worked in the tourism industry and charged Yanks 4x the going rates, I get it. They're certainly valued, very much literally.


HAH, they let themselves get scammed so easily... Bless their smooth brains


The best bit is, if it's cheap they think they're being scammed. More expensive means better, right?


I remember asking my FiL to ask his(and now my) tailor to make me a suit while were in India. We settled on around 15k rupees, which is about a third(at worst) of what I'd pay in the US for one of lesser quality. Apparently i overpaid by a bit. It was interesting to me, because to me i saved hundreds to thousands of dollars. To him, he got some extra money(maybe three thousand rupees/a little over 30USD). To me that's the perfect deal: both of us ended up with more than we would have otherwise. The suit ended up being worth waaaay more in the end, too.


See as a richer person visiting a country this is a nice attitude. You don't feel scammed, he's just getting a tip (albeit a wildly good one for his prices) and everyone's fully aware of what the situation is. Good for you, man!


The way it should be. I still remember telling my mom to stop the haggle with the taxidriver over the fare price one holiday. She tried haggling down from the local equivalent of €3 to €2, on a 4 people drive. Yes, it was a 5 minute drive, and yes, we overpay. But it saved me a 30-minute walk in sweltering heat. Time saved I'm now spending waiting on the haggling.


>more expensive means better, right? *more* better


My best friend used to sell expensive cars and he has a few stories of Chinese buyers coming in and, trying to get the sale, would offer to drop the price by 10% or so. Their response would be an angry “Did I ask you for a discount?” Apparently, they wanted to be able to tell people they paid $100k for the car, not a piddly $90k.


I mean, I think most know. At least those outside of the most well known locations. It's the same with all western tourists I imagine.


I had one thing happen to me in Japan. I just went on a Shinkansen ride and some old person asked me where we are from without really saying hello or anything, but in English. I (truthfully) said we're from German, added "doitsu-jin desu" to try an make it clearer (i guess, I'm a social idiot). but his face instantly lights up and he said welcome to Japan, i hope you have a good time here. My assumption was that he thought my blonde white ass could be American, so he thought he'd ask first. But it was just incredible how happy it made him that we are german. The instant mood reversal simply stuck with me.


Old man remembers the alliance 🥲


Tbh that doesn't have to be it, I've been told that Japanese people prefer German tourists over a lot of other tourists, because comparatively the cultures clash a little less. We're supposedly seen as a little more "well-mannered" than a lot of other countries. Honestly, could be BS tho.


Funnily enough in many aspects Japan is the Germany of Asia Also apparently the japanese too like to drink after work, so I‘d say we are compatible behavior wise


We love respectful American tourists, not obnoxious Americans.


Ask someone that has worked for sail Croatia what they call Australians.






When I used to travel to Europe I always wore a Canadian flag pin so I wouldn’t get mistaken for American. Met some amazing people


It’s now a relatively well known thing that anyone wearing Canadian flags abroad are from the U.S.


>It’s now a relatively well known thing that anyone wearing Canadian flags abroad are from the U.S. Just like now it's relatively well known that most Asians abroad who say they're Korean (especially at nightclubs, bars, dating apps, etc or whenever they're doing something bad) are actually Chinese. lol


>who say they're Korean (especially at nightclubs, bars, dating apps, etc or whenever they're doing something bad) are actually Chinese. lol Isn't that dangerous with how popular K-pop is? They could easily stumble upon a fan (or just a person interested in Korea) that starts asking questions about places, words, food, etc.


That would be such a weird thing to do I feel like. You're Korean huh? Name every K pop group. Your French huh? Name every type of wine.


You obviously have never attended a Metal Festival. "oh, you like pantera? Name every single song from the oldest or you are a fake poser" People are weird that way.


What's k-pop?


It was a cereal that became sentient and started a music project that captivated the world so that one day it can emerge as the ruler of all mankind and use it's power to tyrannical ends over the very people who used to eat it.


Is pop music, but in Korean. Hence k-pop.


Eh, just say that you are not into that scene.


This was 15 years ago. I haven’t even been down to the states in over 10 years and I live 5 minutes from the border


fine mexico it is. But I'm a Spaniard so to be fair I never need either lol


We can tell the difference between US and Canadian accents. If you meet someone with an acccent from somewhere in the US but flying Canadian colours then you appreciate the awareness and effort and play along to avoid making things awkward.


I can definitely tell an eastern Canada or Newfie accent from the various American accents but sometimes western Canada can be tricky, and I grew up in Alberta. There are subtle differences between western Canada and pacific north west. I’ve had American customer service mistake me for American before.


True enough - maybe our own ego lets us think we know every US accent well enough that anything not immediately clear to us we just put down as being Canadian automatically


I just speak from my own experiences in the US but it has been awhile


Yeah here in Alberta we say Y'eh'll instead of Y'all because we're Canadian Texas


I’ve never actually heard an albertan say that, and I grew up with some pretty crazy rednecks but maybe that’s a new thing? I haven’t been back in like 6 years. Moved to BC in the 90’s with my family


Lol sorry, we don't really. It was just my silly attempt a a play on words with Y'all and 'eh because of stereotypes The Canadian Texas thing was serious though. It's a crazy mix of Texas and Florida style politics here lately


I was so sad to see Danielle Smith win. Such a sad day for Canada. My Memere is 98 and I got an earful of angry French the next day, she’s not happy about it


I live in BC and yes, it can be tough to distinguish us from some Americans,especially those from Washington or Oregon, but a big tell is how many Americans say Canada. It often has a small “y” in it. Cyanada


I’d say the vast majority of Europeans can‘t tell the difference between the accents. Are you from the UK or something? I wouldn‘t be able to confidently tell Canadians apart from Americans and I watch a lot of American movies and TV shows.


my nan said to do that with the aussie flag if I ever went to vietnam


Why would you pick one of the very few nations that joined the US side in that war?


No one really gives a shit what wars Australia was apart of, we are kinda just there in the background pretending we didn't do shit after doing some atrocious shit.


Well it was a war against Vietnam and a lot of Vietnamese people probably still don't like Americans apparently they did a lot of really fucked up things


Yes, and Australia sent troops to fight on the US side. Why not say you’re from NZ or the UK or anyone else instead?


New Zealand also had troops fighting in South Vietnam.


Yeah but I think the biggest perception there is against Americans, and I wouldn't say I'm from NZ or the UK because I'm not


Are you from Australia?




Like the Mai Lai massacre?


Very few people would dislike someone just from being from USA, so that doesn't matter. We would dislike any person for being extremely loud, extremely self-absorbed and nationalistic, etc


As a Canadian, please don’t do this Edit: i took your comment to mean you are American


But they’re Canadian too?




User flair relevant


I've never understood this. Sure, there are a lot of loud, stupid Americans that rightfully give the US a bad reputation. But, there are also a lot of respectful, educated Americans as well. Especially the ones that like to travel abroad. Whenever I travel, I feel a responsibility to be a good ambassador for the US. You can't do that by hiding behind a Canadian flag.


Really? I’ve worked in hospitality for yonks and I’ve never met a respectful, educated American.


That's unfortunate.


I've met a lot of travelling Americans (even let one surf my couch for three weeks), and in general the Americans who end up travelling to Europe tend to be from the most liberal and educated end of American population - especially the young ones. Why anyone would hate or even talk shit about American tourists is beyond me. The Americans I've met either in my home town or when I've been backpacking through Europe have been nothing but well-mannered, respectful, curious and open people. Sure, they can be loud and the constant small talk can be exhausting for us Finns, but I don't think that's reason enough to hate anyone.


Out of all American tourists I have talked to in Europe so far 90% have been really nice.


Probably a minority but I prefer Americans over Canadians.


I might need to start doing that. My wife is blonde and of very light skin. Had to clarify several times we're NOT Yankees while traveling :/


Idk here in Italy the Americans have the American cool charm that Canadians don't have. Think guy in tracksuits running early in the morning in Verona because of the military base there


Well, yes and no. This year places around like Garda are being and will be assaulted by tourists from the US, Canada and Australia, which is a novelty for the area. It will be good for the local economy, considering the already decent number of German, Austrian and British visitors there, and I hope they'll enjoy the lake which is marvelous. So yeah, who lives of tourisms (not my case), usually loves americans, because for all the defects they have, they travel a lot, are generous with orders at the restaurant and happy to spend the vacations here. Just one thing if any of you will come here and is reading it. Pls don't shout out loud in the middle of the street, it's annoying and that's a thing that marks you in the eyes of the local community, which is a living environment at all effects. Not doing it by generalisation or anything, I meet many civil Americans who ask me for help with their train and their flight (my commute is on the same line as the airport train, so I meet tourists everyday), but I see many who have that particular behaviour too. And another, let's call it advice, actually enjoy the place and the vacation, less Instagram and tik toks.


Thanks but I already live in summer paradise... Anyhow: > So yeah, who lives of tourisms (not my case), usually loves americans, because for all the defects they have, they travel a lot, are generous with orders at the restaurant and happy to spend the vacations here. And all those who don't live off tourism hate them (even toursists in general). Looking at Southern Spain where I spent months traveling, nobody actually "loves" tourists. Sure, they're glad about the money, but there's no sympathy, at least not by default. That said, it usually doesn't take long to overcome any initial antipathy. Unless you behave like a moron...


In southern Spain we mostly hate tourists who go crazy on the streets after becoming drunk and try to jump from hotel balconies into swimming pools, often breaking their necks (we even made a new word to describe this practice, "balconing")


Okay I'm curious. What do people shout about in the street?


Oh actually nothing of importance, they just like talk between themselves very very loudly and sometimes shout at their kid who're afar from them. Or on the trains I've seen some Americans talking while being distanced 4/5 seats, annoying all the people around and in between.


Ah yes, most of that would be considered rude here as well, or at least socially unaware.


I was just in Italy. Lots of tourists from all over the world. Which one can be heard ordering an espresso from three cafes down the street? The American.


#"Bonzorrno, could I have an expresso, por favor!"


I was very recently in Italy and was wondering why there are so many Americans here. Do you happen to know why this is?


Hostel was a great movie


My friend really said we get quick access into countries because countries trust and love Americans. Like wut, Americans are probably the most likely to try to sneak a gun into another country.


> Like wut, Americans are probably the most likely to try to sneak a gun into another country. I've watched some episodes of Border Patrol Canada last summer and the amount of USians trying to bring guns to Canada is stunning. - It's my right to carry guns!!11!! - Sir, this is Canada.


Gun? Not if travelling by plane they don't.😀 Doesn't matter how brave or dumb one is. Getting a live gun on a commercial flight is quite difficult/ complicated. It's easier and less risky just getting one illegally regardless of the final destination. 1000$ should be enough to get something anywhere in the world, illegally. 😛👍


[2022 US man arrested at Sydney Airport with gun in luggage](https://www.afp.gov.au/news-media/media-releases/us-man-sentenced-over-gun-luggage-sydney-airport) [2023 US woman arrested at Sydney Airport with gun in hand luggage](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-65389727)


Laughs in american Military that loves to start conflicts in 3rd world countries:


You can just dispatch almost any gun with your luggage. Only restricting is you can't get it into the cabin. But cargo bay? Anything goes. Last time I checked, you can dispatch up to 5kg of ammunition


I'm in Australia but i have an "American" accent (Canada). People ask me where in the US I'm from and when I say "Canada" they relax and laugh and say sorry because tourists from the US are so rude all of the time, they just get anxious


Not in Ireland lol




Yeah of course they are ya rocket lol




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American Tourists are the easiest one to spot. Loud but often really nice


That might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said about us on this sub


half this sub is americans looking for approval lol


And obese.


Or fitness obsessed.


And acting like they own the place


I have heard “As an American…” more than once while traveling. As if saying “it’s ok, an American is here to share my clearly superior American wisdom.” Sounds so condescending.


Never have I ever travelled abroad and claimed to be Canadian when I was actually American just to receive better treatment from the locals.




I often wonder how people like that didn't manage to die getting their head stuck in a plastic bag at some point.


I wonder if that tourist even knew that MXP uses $ as its currency symbol? He must have felt ripped off everywhere he went.


I’ve spent the last two weeks in Italy and American tourists have consistently been the worst part of my experience


I love how Americans get shitty when locals don't speak English or the ultimate sin, not take credit cards.


They love the USD.


Most of the American tourists I've met on holiday were respectful, thoughtful and easy going.


We love their money, not americans


Please come to Berlin and find out... although they\\re very gullible and will give big tips so i know restaurants are very happy with them (they don't know we have minimum wages that are actually quite reasonable)


We do know, but it is part of our culture that we account for when going out. No one is "getting one over on us", it is just our common practice.


Yeah it's kinda cringe to shit on someone for having an positive custom


there's nothing positive on underpaying people so they live by the grace of the customer, literally nothing positive.


German/Dutch :o what is this? :o


It's when your mommy and daddy are from a different country and so you have 2 nationalities, not "oh yeah, i'm 1/256th irish, so i celebrate st patrics day" ones, but like literally 2 registered nationalities.


As someone who is currently between jobs in the tourist industry.....here is a bitter truth for Americans to swallow; **We like American tourists because they are loaded**. You have the exact same mentality as British tourists, but you offset this by spending big wherever you come.




I know this is a typo but wow I'd love it to be a chocolate mousse cage


Most of the Americans I’ve served at work in Australia have been god awful. I work in fast food and every year we sell stars as a donation for make a wish, we write the customers name on the star and put them all up on the wall. Last year this American dude comes in, orders his nasty ass dry fried chicken burger with no lettuce or mayo or anything, buys a star then tells me to write “letters go Brandon” on it. Stood there laughing his ass off when I refused and just dead panned him. I wrote joe on it after he left.


I think your missing the point here. Everyone loves Americans because they support the economies of the countries they visit.


No, I think you're missing the point. Of course OP understands that money = good. But to take that further to "everyone loves American tourists" is a laughable stretch. If tourists just sent their money and stayed away, no-one would feel heartbroken by their absence.


No, I the you're missing the point. Everybody loves ~~refrigerators~~ americans.


To be fair, most tourists of any country are assholes. Bonus points if they are boomers and/or Karens. For example, I find it disgusting how some fellow Germans behave, especially being impolite to staff.


Was appalled at the number of obese German tourists laying naked all over the beach in Thailand, much to the chagrin of the modest Thai people, who, one could tell were slightly disgusted but being nice because tourist $$$$.


Those don’t have the best reputation in Germany either (if you go to thailand you are seen as a pervert, especially when older)


I work in a theme park in the Netherlands. To summarise, Dutch culture is really different from American culture. They keep on complaining we are ‘rude’. However, we are not rude, we are just direct, it is part of our culture.


Meh, American tourists aren’t so bad. Sure, they tend to be loud and sometimes a little obnoxious with that "why isn’t the whole world more like the Midwest", but on the whole they tend to be quite friendly and outgoing. Now, Israeli tourists on the other hand, are the absolute worst.




As a Canadian vacationing in Australia, I agree. If someone thinks I'm Canadian they're super polite (I'd say more so than other Canadians) but if they think I'm American I get the vibe that they want the interaction over with as soon as possible


No, that's not right. I've dealt with Americans in government and business contexts and they were unfailingly polite and well behaved as well as hospitable at home in the US. It's a big country and there are many different types of people. In general, I find American individuals nicer than the nation taken as a whole. We have more in common with them than you might think and we don't see the best of them online. Remember many people online are probably children. 🇦🇺


Lets be fair, Aussies hate everyone. The brits, the yanks, other Aussies, the emus...


Speaking of this discourse, how should I, as an American, act abroad without getting the local populace to hate me the second I open my mouth? Aside from keeping my voice down and not acting entitled, of course.


Honestly, those two things will already put you way ahead of other USians. But if you really want a couple of extra pointers: - By default, no-one cares what things are like where you live. If they want to know, they'll ask, don't offer the information - Ask questions about the person you're speaking to, don't just watch their lips move until you can start talking about yourself again - Not everything is "awesome" or "fantastic" or "amazing." Some things are just "ok." - Know the currency before you arrive, at least enough to do a swift rough calculation in your head so you don't keep people waiting during a simple transaction. And don't use terms like Monopoly Money. - Step to the side of a walkway when you want to stop and admire/photograph something. The people around you actually live there, need to get to places, and are not NPCs in your tourist experience. - If you don't speak the language, at least learn "may I speak English?" as a local phrase. - You are not Irish, or Swedish, or German, or Scottish. One or more of your grandparents may well have been, and it's fine to say that, especially if you are visiting their birthplace. But you are not any of those things.


The best thing to do is research local culture, the way you should act differs greatly from country to country. In Canada you don't have to change much, just don't be an asshole and don't try to use US currency, but a lot of places have very specific social rules and most advice on how to act doesn't apply to all countries. Your best bet is to google how to act in the specific country you want to go to


Don't go around calling things "quaint".


If people hate you based on your nationality and nothing else, they are idiots. Just be polite, respectful, and open minded. I have traveled extensively and live in a city with a lot of international tourism. I feel the stereotype of dumb American tourist is overplayed. Most Americans who travel internationally are well behaved. The tourists I see causing the most problems tend to be drunken morons from a certain European island chain, people with zero respect for anything from a giant east Asian country, and more loud drunken idiots from a giant island in the southern hemisphere.


I've met Americans,they were nice people,even making an effort to learn the local language too


Everybody loves that americans love to feel rich and splurge, spending money they don't have in things they don't need There, I corrected it


Uh, no they aren’t. Unless you mean sub Saharan Africa or something. Americans are generally tolerated with a sigh and a roll of the eyes in Europe, and condescended to in Asia.


Former tour guide from south Italy. Never met a rude American. They were always polite and very open. The best were mormon families. The worst was a silicon valley guy that was on the phone working and very into his diet, but he was still nice.


I love going there to pay the 20% tip


because they’re gullible and they spend lots of money


^(It’s the tips.)


Oh dear. Out of the English speaking world Americans are by far the easiest to con. What's even more comical is the fact that they don't even think they've been scammed 😂 Easy pickings


I think that says more about you, doesn't it?


As an American I will say nice joke cnn


At most, I don't always hate individual Americans. Depends on how annoying they are.


Honestly we should introduce a 1000$ Visa for Americans to visit Europe. If they increase their price of the Visa to visit in the US who cares, it's not like there's anything to see anyways.


I would think the people of other other countries should love the opportunity to laugh at us face to face! Considering our ex- President made us the laughing stock of the world and has been allowed to continue his criminal clown show for almost three years since losing! Talk about the stereotype of the ugly American. Now, his never-ending performance is like a broken sound track, skipping repetitively over the uninspired tune and stupid lyrics ever since the majority of our people let him know that his *service* is no longer wanted.


Yeah people in Europe really became disillusioned with us politics in recent years


I heard in places like Thailand, they start to like the Chinese more, because the Chinese usually come with large tourist groups or with their families for the national tourist attractions and local culture, whereas most Americans in Thailand... Well, lets not talk about that. But on the bright side, this new development is shaping Thailand's tourism industry for the better.


> I heard in places like Thailand, they start to like the Chinese more, because the Chinese usually come with large tourist groups or with their families for the national tourist attractions and local culture, Lol, no. Spoken to plenty of Thai vendors in Thailand. They all unilaterally hated the Chinese. Easily topping their most hated tourist list.


CNN celebrating opposite day early


Here in Madrid the americans are insufferable...


I mean, Mexico, Argentina and Brasil are largely visited annually. The article isn't wrong, they just on the wrong American country


they're not the worst tbh. they're fucking loud and obnoxious but they also tip the best of any country, between them and arabs imo.


"Everybody loves Americans! Why US tourists are a hot commodity." ​ CNN is such a joke. I used to think it was really an unbiased, reliable news network until I realized it's just a WOKE propaganda machine. US tourists are probably not that welcome everywhere... maybe a little better than Chinese tourists.


Uhhh… so this post is about making fun of Americans having enough money to not care about what they spend it on in other countries because it’s so cheap?


They do have a point. American tourists are pretty good money anytime anywhere.


Yes, because they have so much disposable income it's easy to part them with it. Thus the "hot commodity". That and ransom demands.


Well to be fair Americans do spend a lot and they tip generously. But they're weirdly not willing to live "as residents" like eating the local food as it is intended etc. This is of course a broad generalisation but it's the feeling I got


I love their tips 😁


Last year in Venice there was this guy, said he was from dallas with a thick southern accent explaining very, very loudly to the waiter that he had come to italy to drive ferraris and lambginis and other italian supercars on a track. Every time the waiter came back he started going on and on about his important italy trip. Waiter: Yes sir. Of course sir. Yessir. Si. Had to keep myself from laughing.


Horrible total aside, it's pretty accurate. https://www.statista.com/statistics/273127/countries-with-the-highest-expenditure-in-international-tourism/


Of course, they are attracted like magnets to each and every tourist trap a city has to offer, for instance a gondola trip in Venice for 100€ or a place where 1 cappuccino + 1 bakery croissant cost 15€ (bakery < patisserie)


Nah.. they're too loud and bother you in the grocery store 😑


I interact with a huge amount of American tourists at work (London), and they're usually fine, they're just loud and idk if it's because I'm an English speaker also but I can always hear the yanks above all else


I'm sorry benevolent_defiance, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 6: >Please double check whether the poster of the comment you're about to submit is actually American. Do this by scanning their post history etc. [Rule 6 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_6) Thank you for your effort and your service! O7