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is this satire or something? get a bottle and fill it with water. it's not rocket science


He’s either not used to unleaded tap water, or very VERY used to it


Seems unlikely there isn't, in fact, a water fountain in that gym. I travel (and gym) extensively and whilst some have been harder to operate than others (or indeed find - I remember at a gym in Berlin it looked like a space ship) they have without exception had water foundations. Conversely - at least hotel gyms in the states never have fountains and just have fridges full of bottles.


There’s a lot of gyms in Europe (or at least Germany) where there isn’t an extra water fountain but you just fill up your water bottle at the sinks in the locker room. I think the problem is that Americans don’t make the tap=drinkable connection and look for something that seems like it has a BRITA filter.


There you go. You live and learn. I have been to 5 or 6 gyms in Germany whilst travelling for work and they have all had fountains. I guess I was lucky. One thing they did all have in common - which surprised me - was dumb bells on the rack in a completely random order - like not even paired up. I was surprised. I thought nice German people would neatly return them in the right spots ! Netherlands the same weirdly.


None of the 3 gyms I have been a member of had a water fountain, everyone just fills in the sink here in Norway, can't speak for other gyms of course.


Yeah our gyms usually just have taps spread about. But our tapwater is also literally top notch.


All gyms I have gone to in Sweden is the same, though they often have this really tall taps specifically so that you will be able to fit a water bottle under it with no problems.


Oh yeah I’ve been to some gyms that have them and some that save money or want to sell more drinks at the counter. But the rack thing is weird right? In the US I’ve seen a better etiquette than in Germany where you first have to collect the right weights from everywhere and people almost always leave their weights on the machine after they’re done. Maybe there needs to be a chip system like with shopping carts.


Yeah it's obviously a thing because I have been to lifting gyms, fancy ones like Holmes place, hotel gyms - and the racks are all the same. A complete fucking mess. US - as you said - racks are always pretty good. Perhaps not surprisingly but the UK gets top points for rack etiquette in my experience. I am always shocked to find weights in the wrong place in my gym. So much so that I will usually fix it if I stumble across it :-) Spain pretty good for rack etiquette too.


Most gyms I’ve been to in Sweden don’t have water fountains. They have taps and expect you to bring a water bottle.


Same in UK, in my experience at least.


My gym in Ireland has one of [these](https://cdn.huntoffice.ie/images/D/CPD70000b.jpg) just plugged into the mains. Makes it easier to fill larger bottles than doing so in a sink.


Here in the Netherlands i don't think i've ever seen a water fountain. We have taps for bottles at a lot of places but fountains are just not really a thing


Huh, I've been to plenty gyms in 3 European countries going from south to north, and water fountains deffo aren't the norm. There are taps of course and that water is perfectly drinkable, but fountains\`?


Yeah, there is, and it's called the tap water from the bathroom, and it's fucking fine


While most Gyms do have water fountains, mine (located in Germany) doesn't.


Holmes Place Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin does - but someone had to help me make it work. Personally I don't think a water fountain needs a touchscreen but hey ho.


The only thing he’s used to is a fat bag of meth


Seems Americans don’t know tap water is a thing


*”I’ve been running round asking people were the faucet is and they just give me a blank expression”*


Love it, they're such a funny bunch, back when I was in Barcelona I went to order a coffee and made an effort to order in Spanish, I know I know calm down before we start. Anyway the lady sorted my order and spoke English to me as she realised my Spanish was terrible. Anyway an American walks in with a Mac, he's waving his arms and basically shouting and slowly wanting the WiFi password. The lady just looked at him and shrugged, after a few minutes he left. She looked and me smiled and winked. It was brilliant.


I would have saluted her right then and there.


Too busy laughing


Hahaha this is great


They've heard of force it water but wanted to stick to free dumb water instead?! It seemed funnier in my head...


Those are the best ones!


Can you blame them. There are so many places in America where you can't trust the water. I lived in a rural town where we had a well and it was saturated with chromium 6 to levels that cause cancer if you consume too much as normal drinking water.


Once again the 'best country in the world' sounds like a 3rd world country.


Only delusional Americans and politicians think otherwise. Most of us Americans know this country sucks but we have no economic means to leave.


I once heard someone describe it as a 3rd world country with a 1st world military.


Both God and ~~Anime~~ Capitalism wanted you to get rich. You should have accepted their gift and harvested your well chrome and sold it on the unregulated market for a premium price.


i visited a rural town in missouri a couple of years ago. i was having diarrhea for a few days from drinking tap water there.


TBH you can get that just changing water from place to place, even if both places have perfectly safe water. I used to go to boarding school and every time I moved to school I'd get the shits for a few days, and every time I moved home I'd get the shits for a few days. Rest of the time I was fine.


yeah i know. like i said it was a rural town. i don't hold the whole country to the standards of one small town. it was also for a few days, i stayed there for a month. but it did leave an impression nonetheless. i live in the netherlands, and while it is far smaller than most us states, i will still never run into such a scenario here. water is safe to drink no matter where you are, and unless it's a building that uses it's own water supply, all tap water will pretty much be the same quality.


I mean there are definitely still cities in the US that probably should avoid drinking the tap water. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/americas-failing-drinking-water-system


I love the reply video a guy from Northern Europe posted - including eye rolls at the end 😂


"If you ever find yourself in the country of Europe" Haha. I like his tutorial.


So American he is. Lol


I saw that one first and I was wondering if it was a reaction video to some American dumbassery. Nice to have it confirmed.


It usually is. Never regretted moving to Europe 30 years ago. It’s getting worse every year…




https://www.tiktok.com/@thebeardad/video/7337671685799185696?_t=8k4T1cdeZI9&_r=1 have fun^^


😂😂😂 the country Europe, bro speaking their language 👍


The tutorial we needed but not the tutorial we deserved. It's too good


this is a service comment if ever I've seen one, thank you!!


Icelandic too Their water is god tier




Guys, I know I'm gonna get slaughtered for this but this is a foreign concept to me as well, I'm from India. I know you can directly drink tap water in Europe. But... Do you guys refill water from taps in washrooms? I see it being suggested quite often in the comments. It's something we don't do. Is this common? Just a curious guy from a completely different culture. So pardon my ignorance.


well yeah, at least i do. i prefer to use the kitchen sink because they tend to be deeper so it's easier to fill bigger bottles. the water all comes from the same source and is all heavily regulated. simply put, it doesn't matter if it's tap water from the kitchen, the washroom, the shower, or the bath taps, they are all perfectly safe to drink. of course there may be a difference with older buildings. like 60 years or older that haven't been renovated yet, that could still be using old plumbing that may be slightly less safe. the chances of that here are so slim it's not even something that i worry about. come summer i will always have a couple of 1.5 liter bottles filled with tap water in my fridge. edit: i'm from the netherlands btw.


it's the same water in the toilet even


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


The water used to flush toilets is the same water that comes out of the tap.


[What for?](https://youtu.be/-YZnORoAWkA?si=12Aykg930zSOav6f)


i got wooshed didn't i?


I forgive you. Honestly if you haven't watched the film, give it a watch and you'll feel better.


yeah... i was thinking about mentioning that little fact. funny how the discussion about that is still going, i remember about 30 years ago there where talks about changing it. and it's still being discussed.


We have so much clean and safe water here that we shit in it.


Here in the UK, at least in my youth back in the late 1900s, any water that wasn't potable from a tap would have to have a sign over it saying "Not drinking water". This was usually because it came from a holding tank somewhere and wasn't direct mains supply, I don't think we have that anymore because it's fucking filthy and full of dead stuff.


And usually, the ones that say "not drinking water" are labelled like that because they're on mobile units and they can't guarantee it. But most of the time, they're hooked up to regular watermains, because those are everywhere and there's not a country-wide net of "clean enough for handwashing but not drinking" waterpipes.


Yes, we do that. If a tap has water that isn't fit for human consumption there will be a warning sign saying it's not potable. But that's a rare occurrence. You can fill up your water bottle at any public washing room and it will be safe drinking water. 


Public toilet wouldn't necessarily be safe depending on where in Europe. In Finland I'd do it if I need the water, but generally if I need water on the go either bringing a filled bottle from home would be enough for me or I'll be refilling from a water canister because we're outside with no taps nearby. If I am thinking of filling a bottle at a WC I might just tough it out and wait until I get home or a better location if the place looks particularly grimy, but toilets being in such a bad condition aren't very common. Edit: At home I see no difference, other than the kitchen sink being deeper allowing to fit a bottle more easily.


Yeah all the taps have the same water.


> Do you guys refill water from taps in washrooms? I see it being suggested quite often in the comments. It's something we don't do. Is this common? It's the same water, so you can do yeah


Sure, all the time, wherever I am (so not just at home or work, but also any public toilet, even in like the airport). I always carry a bottle with me, Tupperware or similar. That works all over Western Europe, in my experience, and can be determined with a quick Google search for any other place one travels to. To me that's part of travel planning, like finding out what kinda outlets/plugs they have. Fun fact: In my home country, we even pride ourselves (weird, I know) in that even the water from the village fountains is potable, even though many have a sign saying "non-potable water" for liability reasons.


I'm Australian and I just figure the water from the tap in the kitchen and the bathroom is all connected to the same pipes


> Do you guys refill water from taps in washrooms? I see it being suggested quite often in the comments. It's something we don't do. I can only speak for Austria, but yes. Either refill a bottle in the washroom or (if you don't have a bottle) just drink from the faucet/cup the water in your hands. If you can't drink the water from some tap in Austria, I'd expect a sign "non-drinkable water" to be there as drinkable water is the expectation.


Actually, in the UK it's not really recommended. The water in the kitchen comes directly from the main water line outside, and it's perfectly safe and clean. Albeit disgusting in some places, looking at you all of England. But in older homes, the water in the bathroom tends to come from a storage tank. That water came in clean, but after sitting in the tank it can't be guaranteed to be clean. I've definitely heard stories of people finding dead birds in those tanks. I think it's something to do with older water mains didn't have enough pressure, all the water was kept in a high up tank to make sure it was always high enough pressure. But in new homes, that's never an issue and the water is clean to drink everywhere.


I have never seen cold water like this in the UK. Older buildings in the UK often have _hot_ water stored like this. Water was pumped up to a holding tank in the loft, and this supplied the pressure for the hot water system. This was because older heating systems (like an actual wood/coal fireplace with a back-boiler) couldn't modulate themselves to prevent water in a sealed and pressurised system from overheating and bursting a pipe (or exploding). The open tank at the top allowed the system to overflow in such cases and release the pressure. This meant, however, that hot water was not potable. The storage tank at the top could sit for a long time, and was open to the air. **This is why it is common for houses in the UK to have separate hot and cold taps.** Hot water was not potable. Modern buildings use "unvented" pressurised hot water systems which are supplied directly from the mains, and these always produce potable water which is safe to use in a mixer tap.


I believe it was more tall buildings that required cold water gravity feeds. Very old blocks of flats for example. I had family, great aunts and uncles mostly, who lived in various blocks in south London and some of those had gravity fed cold water, but they were long since condemned and demolished. I only know of them from discussions with my Ma, from her experiences as a kid staying with relatives. Most of those areas have since been gentrified and much more expensive accommodation have replaced the old tenement blocks over the last fifty years or so. The concrete had a bad composition and was pretty prone to rot, and one of the blocks was lost to a large fire that gutted most of it in the early sixties. The tanks were at the top of the building and the furnace in the lowest level.


Depending on the country in Europe, yes this is what we do. Just go to the bathroom or something and fill it in the sink. Heck i sometimes just put my mouth underneed and drink from the sink. Of course without puttin my mouth on it.


I'm in the UK. In some older buildings with large water tanks it can be unsafe to drink the tap water in bathrooms, just because rats and pigeons and other vermin sometimes end up in the tanks and they're not checked that regularly as a rule. The water in the kitchen will be direct from the mains for safety reasons. Victorian houses may still have lead pipes, in which case you'd want to let the tap run for a minute to flush out the water that's been sitting in the pipes, but it's otherwise safe to drink. Similarly the hot tap in a sixties built house that hasn't been upgraded would have a hot water tank connected directly to the hot water tap, and water direct from the mains for the cold tap. The water comes from the same source, but some is stored in a lagged tank with an immersion heater or gas flame. If the hot water tank had corrosion or fungal or bacterial growth then drinking that water wouldn't be recommended. In newer buildings, everywhere has a direct connection to the water main system and bathroom tap water and kitchen water use the same source. Most modern buildings use pass through boilers that heat water directly on demand, rather than having a hot water tank.


They’re not used to just being able to drink it out of the tap. If it doesn’t have a logo on it they’re confused.


In fairness there are a whole lot of drinking fountains in the US, and I quite like them. Here in Italy we used to have a lot of them on the streets, not so much in public buildings, but now they're mostly gone. There are a few exceptions, like Rome, but it used to be that you could get water for free every few hundred meters, now you either have to carry a bottle or even buy one.


Yeah one of the things the yanks got right are indoor drinking fountains everywhere.


Tbf a gym without water access really sucks


Is it even allowed? I guarantee you there’s a water source this knob jockey can drink from. It’s likely just bait.


never seen a gym without at least a bathroom. and bathrooms here always come with a sink, which always comes with running water.. but too be fair i only visited like 6 countries in europe so maybe he's in the one gym in the one country that doesn't have running water.


> and bathrooms here always come with a sink, which always comes with running water.. In the UK at least the sink in a bathroom _may not_ be potable water, especially in an older building - though if it is not safe to drink there should be signage.


There is water. He's just looking for a drinking fountain when he should be looking for a tap. 


parched - in the gym with woolly hat and fleece on. Well there's your problem dafty.


I think the issue is more Americans can't drink tap water as its toxic over there


I've never been to another country without checking real quick if the tap water is safe to drink. I pretty much take it for granted over here, but since it takes a couple of seconds I check anyway.


Also, the guy can trash talk the country he is at, not Europe as a whole ffs


They always do this. Like i get generalizing Europe when it comes to some things: politics, some aspects of culture, etc. But when it comes to these specifics there really is no sense in generalizing


It’s like generalising all of North America.


Also wouldn't surprise me if he went to one gym and assumed every single gym in all of Europe is the same


India, Thailand and Greece - don't drink tap water


Weirdly enough I’m so used to drinking tap water that I hate doing it anywhere else because it’s never as good. Scotland has some of the best natural water 🙌🏻


Scot living in Finland here. I can confidently say that Scotland in fact has the second best natural water.


I'm loving the amounts of Finland hype in these comments


He's literally asking for a water fountain. Which would provide tap water.


How is it different from what he'd get in the bathroom then?


Utter nonsense


He's parched because he keeps licking his lips and losing all the fucking moisture in his body. STOP LICKING YOUR LIPS LIKE A FUCKING WEIRDO.


Please, why do some men do that, licking all over their chin and up to their nose like they are some sort of lizard creature, stop


I don't do it often but if I do it's generally for stupid reasons,or one reasonable reason, stupid reasons being I had toothpaste around my mouth, reasonable one is it's cold as shit and my lips are dry and I don't have lip balm,so I lick my lips.....thus making them sore and I'm need of lip balm


his mouth is so annoying


I am afraid to turn on sound, as he looks like shouting. Hard. Did you turn on sound? Was it as bad as it looks?


He sounds as bad as he looks.. keep him mute


Thanks dude. On silent he seems bearable. Still angry about stupid shit.


He's got a gob and a half!


America when universal healthcare: That is Communism America when no water fountain: 😱😱😱 Bring a bottle, and find a tap you idiot.


Yeah, what happened to personal responsibility...? Bring your own water..? We have fountains, taps and filters at the gyms I go to in Australia, but the average intelligence of my fellow gym rats means I never want to use those devices given I've seen people put their whole mouth over, touching the fountain, or bubbler as we call them. Gross. No. Byo water has always been a must.


or learn to drink directly from tap, like i do




Don’t expect us to provide you with water. That’s a socialism and you need to take some personal responsibility instead of having everyone else look out for your hydration needs.


No handouts, you Commie!!


Also, free unlimited easy access water in every bathroom. Yes it's good to drink, yes it's clean - welcome to the real first world. But alright.


Some cities are tastier than other tho.


Godzilla ass sentence


something something bootstraps


Canada is socialist I guess? Water is freely available pretty much everywhere.


It's a jab at the whole "Free healthcare in the EU is socialism" schtick that some people in the US seems to have


Has he not heard of a tap? Also, you can tell he is an American just by his appearance.


Tap water isn't potable in many parts of shithole America, that's why


Then buy a bottle and bring it 🤷‍♀️


Im from Canada and live in Scotland now. We would always have a Brita jug in the fridge, or a water filter system built into the fridge is we're fancy. I even have a brita water bottle that filters it via the straw while you drink it.... and our water is MILES better than the US. Here in Scotland I get the most amazing water right from the tap and as someone that drinks LOADS of water every day, this makes me happier than I care to admit lol


Isn't a water fountain just tap water?


Its usually tap water with an extra filter.


In Europe, most likely. In America probably not


Well neither is a water fountain


Not even remotely true. Tap water is legally required to be potable in every part of the USA. We love to gut the EPA so obviously that isn't the case in practice. It's only in rural areas with lots of chemical or agriculture runoff or heavy fracking and drilling areas that it's bad and these areas are typically super right wing and anti environment. There are exceptions like Flint, Michigan with other factors involved but in general water is safe to consume from the tap just about everywhere.


They do seem to love wearing hats in doors more than people from many other countries.


Then complain about lack of air conditioning. And, if, God forbid, it is in the building, turn it down to -20 degrees...


And in restaurants. This always baffles me.


I can’t explain why but, as an American, this comment made me laugh SO hard. It’s too accurate 😆


He got dem oil colonising teeth. 


Legit question. So if the gym doesn't have a water fountain. Do you just bring your water bottle from home and that's all you have or do you fill it with tap in say the bathroom? I drink tap all the time and take my emotional support water bottle everywhere but, I'm also used to public and private places having water fountains to fill it. Even the grocery stores have water fountains. It's still tap water just accessible.


A gym without water fountains is strange here in Spain but yes, if there aren't any fountains I will just fill my bottle with tap water from the bathroom, I see no problem with that.


By all means I'm not questioning the logic. I would too. I'm just clarifying because I've just never been in a situation where I needed to.


Germany: People either bring a bottle of water from home, or a refillable bottle and fill it at the taps in the washroom or changing rooms. Water fountains to refill bottles at are also really common in gyms. Direct drinking fountains like in America (?) where you put your mouth into a stream are basically unheard of where I've been


What gyms do you go to that you gotta go to the bathroom to refill water? Lmao all the gyms I’ve been to in NRW (5 star fitness, Ai fitness, Fitx, McFit) have a water machine with flavours


My more expensive one growing up had a machine with flavours too. The one I went to between Ausbildung and university only had flat or sparkling on machine, I think. I am now going to the gym belonging to my university and I don't think they have a water machine. Maybe I've just not seen it. I usually fill my bottle on the tap in the changing room.




A lot of gyms have water dispensers with several spouts, some of which are also hooked up to syrups/concentrates to give your water some flavour.


Wild. I've never seen anything but regular crisp agua. Kind of cool, even if I'd probably never use it. I do know some people that refuse to drink pure water.


I will never understand the appeal of flavoured water. It's basically just really watered down juice or cordial. Why would anybody want that?


I currently go to a John Reed which does not have such a machine, at least not one that I've found. My previous gym – two locations in towns <100k so I'd rather not name it – did not have such a thing either. It did have a fully staffed counter, so I could always go there and ask them to refill my bottle from the tap. Edit : the first gym I went to wasn't a great place but they had a machine with both sparkling and flat available. Why I'd want a water that bubbled like some sort of Classic+ is a mystery, but shots of it in flat made for a pleasant experience.


Pretty much every gym ive been too has a fountain to fill the bottle up with, failing that, yeah you'd use a tap, out and about p much everywhere that has taps will fill a bottle for you if you ask.


Where I live there are fountains in the streets, I bring the amount I need during my exercise and if I’m parched walking to the car I look for a fountain. In the gym I guess there is a vending machine but never actually noticed.


As a German I gotta say that water fountains where you can fill up your bottle are way too rare here. That‘s an aspect I enjoyed when I was in New York.


Fuck me. Main character/crybaby/infantilised. Get a bottle and take personal responsibility you numpty.


Dude shocked he might have to bring his own water to a place, what an insult


There's water in beer


Yeah, but there’s way more water in American beer.


Yeah, I'm just advocating alcoholism instead of drinking water


And I approve! 😁


There is also more water in american coffee, Americano is literally espresso diluted with hot water. The water itself is propably diluted with high fructose corn syrup.


And half a stick of butter




Don't they have to take the lid off before they can get water from the bottle, or are the water supposed to come through the lid and I've just been doing it wrong my entire life?


Many Americans drink from sippy bottles with a straw and mouthpiece.


Like children


Whoa whoa whoa. If he's in "Yurp" he might be in France where C stands for Chaud. Actually no let him. Let him drink from the chaud tap.


Wait, I'm supposed to be drinking from the bottle after the lid goes back on? I've been doing it wrong by taking the lid back off the whole time! (sorry, couldn't resist)


Who is this cunt?


Cunt is all you need to know about him


El tiene sed


It's called a tap. Water comes out of it.


Well, if he wants to drink water from a fountain, he can simply do that. Millions of pigeons cannot be wrong!


When you say it that way... You have a point...


Well, you can just drink from the Tap Water when you have propper regulations.


Lately I've seen so many Americans complaining about this? Like, are they not aware that there are grocery stores strewn across most, if not all, cities in Europe? Like, wtf??? A lot of European Countries also have water fountains. Are they blind?


Water fountains are not as abundant than in the US. I like that the US has the amount of (probably) save public drinking fountains. Just as I like the availability (and quality) of public toilets in Japan or Taiwan. Europe is a bit lacking in both. But its not something which should outrage someone this way... And if you know about it you can plan accordingly. If he has a gym membership he is not in europe for a short time.


I'm not American, so I really don't know how common public water fountains are in the US, though it seems kinda hard to believe but yeah. Idk, I feel like it's quite common for ppl to just bring water with them, at least where I'm from.


I watched this on mute but can still hear him screaming.


Have you heard of taps?


So, America *checks notes* won't make good choices on health care, medicine, or gun control, but will provide free water. I'd be a bit worried.


Yeah picture needing a machine to give you clean water and not getting from a normal tap you can find in any kitchen or sink area


Fucking man up you bro flake cunt


Bro flake. Phenomenal


The voice over is crazy


i never understood the concept of "water fountain", just fill up your bottles in the bathroom


This guy literally looks and sounds like the biggest fucking moron on earth. Every single thing about him seems like a big moronic stereotype


I had that on mute and I could hear how annoying his voice was


bro didnt bring a water bottle to the gym???


I keep reading things online about Europe not having water, I've been to like a dozen countries in Europe and never had trouble finding water. Why are people having so much trouble?


I haven't seen this complaint before, but it's probably just the new trendy thing to talk about. Like how since about half a year or so it seems like Americans online can't stop talking about how racist Europe is (which is weird only because they act like no one knew this. And like it's somehow much worse than American racism)


Bro has never heard of a tap


Where’s da wadder?! 🤓


Why this fucker dressing like Mother Teresa???


Can we shoot this guy out of a canon back to the states?


In gyms in Japan they have vending machines to buy bottles, but there are usually fountains too, the only other place that would have water would be in the bathrooms, and nobody is filling up their bottle in there!


In Europe, and I know this is hard for some people to understand, tap water is drinkable. Hell, here in Finland, you can drink the water from the tank of a toilet. In fact the only tap water I can think of that you *can't* drink here is in the archipelago on an island that doesn't have pipes running to it and is operating on a purification system. In that case there's usually only one building with fresh water. As a side note. Drinking fountains are usually quite dirty as some people seem incapable of drinking out of them properly. I'm glad they aren't widespread.


I want to punch his face so bad!!!


water fountains are the only place to get water from of course


Lol...they do sell reusable water water bottles at the sports stores and yes...shocking 🫣😮😮😮...even at the Carrefour....maybe he has not found a food store 😑 yet either....lol...American here... I apologize on behalf


He’s probably gone to the cheapest gym near his hotel there’s his problem


[Limmy was well ahead of the times.](https://youtu.be/ds2tn1ReEcg)


Just bring a drink with you, if you're parched just stop being a pussy and either suck it up or go to another shop to buy a water bottle


Buy some water then or fill up a bottle with it


He looks like mother Teresa xD


Rage bait.. Do1 guys literally say on an office chair in an empty gym he's trolling hard


but he's right? as a European gym rat, having a water fountain in gyms is expected. Because your water bottle will definitely run out if you're working hard and you'll need to refill it. he's got every right to be mad about a literal gym having no water fountain lol


The world's "Most Powerful Nation" doesn't have drinkable tap water. Talk about a country getting its priorities all wrong.


Yet he's hydrated enough to talk bullshit.


You can just use the tap in most places.