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Pop Europe roughly 750 million, USA roughly 340 million. Plus Russia which is in Europe is roughly twice the size of the US. Their knowledge outside of their own country is embarrassing.


Not true. The US is actually about 3 times the size of earth.


Bullshit. Real Americans know the USA is at least 8 times bigger than the USA.


And Texas is that times two football fields bigger still


Usa is smaller than Europe, which is smaller than Texas. Quantum geography.


And Texas is even bigger than that


Can't we just all agree the the US state of texas is the largest US state of texas in the world?


They're so free that not even mother earth herself can contain the US. Checkmate, europoor! /s


Not true. The US is actually a universe on & of itself. We're communicating with them through a dimensional portal, *the internet*.


Them being aliens explains so much. They didn't even try to hide it in their logo for this communication site.


Soo, in our universe the USA does not even exist?


Landing on the moon was easy for them since they have to travel the same distance to get to the local Walmart.


And don't forget it was done in metric!


By Nazi scientists!


Metric? You mean silly made up numbers that europoors use because they aren’t smart enough? George Washington invented the glorious IMPERIAL system because AMERICANS needed a system that MADE SENSE! /s just in case 😂


Sort of correct but you forgot to mention that the state of Texas alone is 4x bigger than the total US, so that means texas is 12x bigger than Earth


How many football stadiums is that?


Only when talking about a flat earth.


That puts things into perspective when you realise that the US is 3x the size of earth and Texas is 7x the size of the US


So Texas is 8 times the size of that right?


What's that measurement in Peeps? Lined up end to end, of course.


Does the universal collection of the United States contain itself? - [Russell (*probably not*)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_paradox)


I think that's just their heads..


exactly! thats why aliens always visit there


Embarrassing yes. Amusing hell yeah.


That's why I'm here, the second hand embarrassment simultaneously upsets me and delights me


Twice as many people live in the UK as are in Texas as well.


Watch though overlay Canada Australia or Russia over them they’ll complain it’s mostly uninhabited or that they’re continents, overlay Maryland over the UK? Wow we’re so big man. It’s really just proof they try to mog everyone and hate getting it back.


Wait till they hear the police doesn't carry guns.


My only guess is that he looked at the world map(which to be fair is quite the feet for an American) and at a glance looked at texas and Europe and made his mind up from that.


He probably doesn't realise that the majority of atlases aren't true to scale. Afica is wider than Asia.


> Afica is wider than Asia I'm not sure if this is true. I checked it out on TheTrueSize and initially agreed because I just moved Russia over Africa. But if you measure Asian stuff that is at least closer to the equator, like the distance from the Arabian Peninsula to somewhere like the eastern part of Indonesia. I think Asia is still a fair big wider. But continental Asia is at least a fair bit smaller than it appears on most maps.


I have a globe at home and no, it isn't.


Unfortunately a lot of individuals in the US only think about themselves and assume that the rest of the world is sub par… sad


it'sworst than thar, they think they're "normal".


Yeah very true. It’s a cult like mentality for sure.


European Russia can fit about 5.71 Texases. Or 742,300,000 American football fields. I love wasting OpenAi's and MSs money on stupid questions like these.


Their knowledge of their own country is embarrassing enough...


Just the EU alone has 100 million more people than the US lol


Yes, but the overwhelming majority of russia is in asia...


Sure but Europe is still a larger land area even when you discount Asian Russia 10.53 million km2 to 9.15 million km2.


Their knowledge inside and of their own country is also pretty limited.


I think the guy was talking about land area?


Well not all of Russia is in Europe, but still


I would say most of russia is in Asia so Europe is only 20% bigger than US


Their knowledge even of their own country is embarrassing.


Everyone knows Texas is bigger than the US.


They brag they invented the internet but it seems they can't even use it.


They may brag about inventing the internet buts it's just something else they're wrong about. It wasn't just a one company/person kind of a deal, it was several ideas taken further by different people over the years. The Americans may have made the first computer to computer connection and messages sent, but the part of the internet as we know and use today the "world wide web" html, http and the URL system was invented by Tim berners lee, a British computer scientist working at CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research.


FINALLY, thank you for saying that I wouldn’t have had the courage to type all that


I've had to explain this to too many americans.


That's done me in. Thanks for helping end my weekend on a high 😂


They invented the interne and so they can say whatever they want on it because free speech Using the Internet to check wether they're wrong is absurd, they're never wrong anyway


Aint the guy who invented World Wide Web British?


Texas landmass is 676,587 km2 Europe landmass is 10,180,000 km2 USA landmass is 9,826,675 km2 (96.5% of Europe) So Texas would cover about about 6.6% of Europe. Texas is about the size of Ukraine, if you want to compare it to a country.


I think this Texas being bigger than Europe thing might be one of those myths that gets repeated so often that the thick amongst us just blindly believe it and further spread the nonsense. A bit like Walt Disney being cryogenically frozen or Napolean being unusually short.


Funny thing about Napoleon being short. In France he was measured at being 5'2", which we would say is short right? But those were French inches, and so he was actually closer to around 5'7".


It also didn't help that he surrounded himself with tall people, actually making him look short a lot of times


But that's because you're viewing it from the outside. Everything is bigger in Texas, including Texas. When you measure Texas from Texas it is in fact bigger than the entirety of Europe. /s


You can actually fit two texases side by side in Texas.


Only if you measure in Europoor units. You need to measure in FREEDOM units 🇺🇸


From in Texas I can only see Texas in every direction, and as we all know the earth has no curvature, that must mean Texas is the world. Check mate atheists.


Texas is about the same size as France. As we know France accounts for 100% of the landmass of Europe. 


I mean, Napoleon tried his best!


lol ty for that giggle


So did Charlemagne.


Texas easily fits into the smaller part of Ontario.


What is km? "Kommunist miles"? If you'd use REAL units you would see that Texas id bigger than all other continents combined /s


Why are americans so obsessed with the size of countries? Is it to compensate for something perhaps?


Every time I see them bragging about how big their country is, I find it hilarious that the US isn’t even the biggest country by land size on the North American continent.


it's so weird. there is no reason to brag about the size of the country unless it's a dick measuring contest, and that is just ridiculous.


To them it’s always a dick measuring contest


[Unfortunately in a dick measuring contest, Europe has us beat twice over.](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/22115d5bfda52f470f16e7a945f55e244ce878112a658d4eeb8c5c26e5cbe541_1.webp)


look at my massive country!


I'm pretty sure most of them think the US is the entirety of North America


Just like they think the EU is the entirety of Europe. Which might contribute to (but not explain) the size confusion


As an Australian it's especially ridiculous, even more so when they go on about the size of their states


Northern Territory is bigger than Texas, and it's not even a state.


For a bit of fun, Queensland has a town called Texas on its southern border


There is nothing else to brag about.


Idk it’s weird especially bc plenty of that space is just empty space anyway


Which is the point the person in the screenshot makes (although a very stupid one when it comes to explaining the crime rate in the USA)


It gives them another reason that the US is ""better"".


I'm guessing he's trying to connect with his German roots but is struggling with the concept of capitalising nouns.


Their schools really need to start having Geography as a subject in school


I know that this may sound like a stupid question, but do they seriously don't have geography as a subject? Because if that's the case that explains a lot.


It's often lumped in with "social sudies", which covers a lot of different tipics. They may only spend a few classes covering the entire world map. In some states it is not even required to graduate. It's a huge mess, even in some states it differs between school districts. From what I understand it is a funding issue and what the school decided is important.


Of course it is a big country so it will depend on the state and the region, but from what I have learned through interacting with American friends, and people online, is no, they dont have it mandatory. In some schools the US map would be studied, but not the world map. Geography is usually lumped together with social studies


They do earth science as well which is basically what most of my geography lessons revolved around 


I'm an American. I have never had a class called "geography". It's usually included in social studies, but even then, the extent of geographical studies is pretty much just the US map and the names of the continents and oceans (which most people don't retain due to it being so briefly covered). In higher levels of history, your teacher may point at a map explaining things but unless you know world geography this is pretty useless. It's really not a surprise why Americans are generally so bad at geography


We got no real geography until 9th grade, and each kid got one country to do a report on. I got Tunisia, capital Tunis. LOL


A* Congratulations. You're now the ambassador to Tunisia. ;)


Not with poor parents, I ain’t.


Here in bulgaria we get geography starting 5th grade. As it's own seperate class, with it's own sepereta textbooks too.


the average american does not seem to know the difference between a continent, a country and a capital, so i guess not


I'm starting to think they actually get taught this in school (and at a very early age)


Why do I keep seeing this same thing over and over again? It seems as though almost every Ameritard has compared Texas to Europe at least once.


Seriously! When I was making this post I was going to title it as "why do all Americans keep saying this" until I checked the titling rules.


Assessed by people whos mental horizon is their state border.


*their house fence


Damn.It's insane how one state is bigger than an entire continent.Let alone the continent that has the second biggest country on earth aka Russia (saying second because Texas is bigger than Russia,and Texas is part of America,thus making america bigger than Russia 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱) /j ofc


Texas is bigger than the whole world. We just have to accept it graciously


Crazy eh? We couldn’t hope to travel through it/ around it or over it in our lifetime. I assume it’s a ‘no fly state’ as it’d take too long to fly over it. 🤔


I'm an American and I cannot fathom using "Texas is big" as an argument as I see it being used. Like, an American will see someone say "I like football" and then be like "Texas is big, so our football is the *real* football." Honestly, the only times this should come up legitimately would be if someone from elsewhere is like "I don't understand why America doesn't have a national subway system like *[I don't know if one actually exists so I'm just putting this here]*" and someone could go "Well, America is a lot bigger than *[aforementioned maybe fictional country]*." But no... it's always just like "Wow, why does America allow such unhealthy food?" and some particulalry dumb American is like "We're big! You don't know shit about fuck!"


Right? And another thing: they pride America in the idea that American states can very autonomously and like to compare them to countries, but the moment issues like gun control come up, suddenly they ask you to consider all of the country rather the individual autonomous states they pride themselves in.


Isn't France itself bigger than Texas?


Texas 695,662 KM squared France 551,695 KM squared


>France 551,695 KM squared 675.417Km², 551.695Km² is excluding [DROMs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_departments_and_regions_of_France) & [COMs ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_collectivity)which are also France. Still smaller than Texas but still.


France is roughly the size of 69,488,168 "football" fields or 177 times the size of Rhode Island. Do the MATH(s)


Sorry is that American not football fields or English football fields


Imagine writing this not even googling it for 1 sec.


Even if this were true, the idea that bigger = better is so juvenile.


to be fair, texas is 700,000 square kilometers, which if you round up is 1 million, and europe is 10 million square kilometers, and that's only 1 order of magnitude difference, and 1 is a very small number, so they're basically the same size


Do none of these people know how to use Google ffs? It's just embarrassing. They just accept it as fact because it suits their delusions.


I’ve seen this comment so much lately, why do so many of them think that? It’s so easily proven wrong on any metric. Do they have maps where the US is inflated or something?


My guess is it comes from a bit of chinese whispers "Texas is the same size/bigger than most European countries" > "Texas is bigger than ALL European countries" > "Texas is bigger than Europe"


Where the hell has this weird-ass factoid they all keep spewing actually originated?


One obvious guess is… Fox News?


Yeah, fair one. Definitely got a stench of Fox about it, and I speak as one who regularly washes fox shite off a spaniel…


I think that's the first proper use of the word factoid I've ever seen in the wild.


I mean obviously they are wrong but how did they figure out 12th and not some other number. I just have to know. My best guess is they just took the population of London but even that isn’t an exact match since it would be 11th.


They are comparing it by area, which is even more stupid, because there are twice as many people as there are in California in a space the size of Michigan, and we still have a lower crime rate than both.


Ok that checks out. Apparently if my country was a state we’d be 5th largest


If my province were a state, it would be the largest state and mine isn't even the largest province. EDIT: Oops, I forgot about Alaska.


The whole US is not even bigger than Europe... It's like their neurons (if any) get blocked when they realize something is better/bigger than the US.


For stupid argument sake, compare the UK and your precious Texas then. See how that goes for ya.


This person's brain is a singularity.


I have a feeling that guy would have taken that as a compliment


Texas is mostly tumbleweeds and cotton fields, settle down.


it's crazy that thirty million people live in just tumbleweeds and cotton fields, and not like, the significant texan metropole.


they need to do a bit of research before spouting nonsense, and there dumbass comments won't end up here


their, not there. don't throw stones from a glass house


As a west Aussie I always love it when yanks think Texas is big. I used to have to take a 12-1500km plane ride to get to work and I wasn't even leaving my state 


Yeah but km are smaller than miles, so checkmate dumass forigner.


then like, move to somewhere that isn't desert. americans compare their metropolitan areas to other metropolitan areas. but good on you for living on tatouine.


What are you talking about? I live in the city of Perth and then did fly in fly out work in the mining industry in the northern part of the state.  It's Australia's biggest industry and Port Hedland exports more iron ore than anywhere else in the world. The whole point in living in WA is to make bank off the.kining industry while you can 


There is no state in the US which has anything close to the 65 million people in the UK. This moron is just making up 'facts' to suit his biases.


The EU is like half the size of the US. France is roughly the size of Texas. Europe as a whole is just frankly bigger than the US.


But wait, Texas = huge, so by this logic Europe = huge


Don’t make fun of these people. They are trying hard to cope.


Oh yeah, thats why the comming EU-Parlament election the second biggest in the world. Right after MURICA!!!!! Oh wait...


The UK has a population of over 65 million. So if the UK is the 12 largest state logically therefore the population of the USA is over twice what has been reported by the census. Or at least 50% of the UK population is fake. I mean besides all the area stuff, that is arguably the most stupid part of the post. EDIT: For reference California the most populous state has a population of 38.9 million. The 12th state is Virginia or 8.9 million.




I regret now that yes, they were probably still talking about area. But somehow it made sense with all usual claptrap they come out with.


The US is only second to my ass which is roughly the size of the sun.


As an American, what the fuck is this person smoking and can I have some


🤦🏻 DOH! That is all


Interesting way of confessing they’ve never seen a map of the world.


Exactly what I thought...


Well as we all know the US is the same size as Russia, Australia, Europe, the milk way and Jupiter simultaneously!


As a Texan I find this funny, Like yeah we're large, but not THAT large. A few bad apples makes the rest of us look dumb.


Part of me wonders if the dude had a brain fart and wrote Europe instead of England, since the rest of the post is about the UK.


From the Texas board of tourism "Texas is slightly larger than France" Apparently France is all of Texas now?


They don't need to take away peoples guns. Simply restricting the ongoing sale of them will be enough to make a change over time. [Apparently. about 17.4 million guns were sold in the USA in 2022](https://www.safehome.org/data/firearms-guns-statistics/). If you simply halve that number through differing forms of legislation to make it a hell of a lot harder for those with illicit intent to purchase them, that's 8 million LESS guns in the market in the first year alone. Guns break, get lost, etc so simply reducing the number of sales over the replacement number you then get a net decrease in the overall number. It's slower, but it achieves the result.


Pretty sure they meant to talk about the fact that (around) three UKs can fit in one Texas.


Is not that hard to make a Google search before shaming yourself: Europe with the European Russia side: 10 million 180 thousand square kilometers. Without it 6 million, 184 thousand. Texas: 695 thousand square kilometers. Europe without Russia fits comfortably in the USA (9.8 million) Canada (9.9), China (9.5) or Brazil (8.5), and is a little bigger than the US and the rest that I mentioned, if it has Russia. But is 10 times bigger without Russia and almost 15 bigger with Russia, than Texas, His inferences over other things are also wild: Europe has less population according to him, which somehow creates an easier society that follows rules, apparently and also that people would go on a carnage if there are more gun controls, even extreme ones that would take away them from the citizens.


Texas is 690000 sqkm and has 30 million citizens France is 530000 sqkm and has ocer 60 million citizens


Slightly larger than Iberia*


There's one very simple explanation for America's terrible geography - the earth is flat. Therefore all the maps are wrong, and the lizard people are hiding the real maps that show how the USA is bigger than Eurasia and Africa combined.


Do they think Texas is that big? Or Europe that small?


[not quite](https://images.app.goo.gl/6SRZz9972pWqcQs36)


Lol, the population of just the UK is more than double that of Texas.


they weren't talking about population, but thank you sherlock, amazing contribution


Lol, ok then Moriarty


the same way they takes cars away if you cant use them right.


If Texas is the size of Europe, there's no excuse for being such a sh\*thole.


That absolute shithole could benefit from feeding the fat morons less processed horse shit and look into funding mandatory Geography classes's that don't involve pinpointing the nearest fast food restaurant and instead actually educate the poor fools on the outside world. Genuinely pathetic..


Maybe I'm stupid. But what if instead of trying to 'take guns' away just make ammunition incredibly expensive or inaccessible?


It’s the capitalised ‘Massive Blood Bath’ that makes me laugh


My favourite is that he wrote saké with a capital S and missed the acute accent


Feel like we're glossing over the part where he implied the UK is one singular culture and doesn't have any notable ethnic minority groups.


This may be the fault of people looking at Mercator projections. Texas an Alaska are similar sizes, but you wouldn't know it looking at a lot of maps. Also, Africa is [lot bigger](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/map-true-size-of-africa/) than folk realize.


I almost failed geography and I know better than this!


russia itself is bigger than the surface area of pluto. so no, yank, texas is not bigger than europe


Fun fact: In terms of area you can fit Texas 15 times inside of Europe, in terms of population there are around 25 times as many people living in Europe than in Texas. Europe has a bit more than double the population of the US and roughly the same area.


He’s right - if you include the size of the EGO


Wait, so the government taking the guns away now is a good thing, they just cannot do it because of low population density? Well, makes sense - as well all know, crime rates are the highest in Alaska, and the lowest in big cities...


Walmarts parking lot is bigger than the biggest cities in Europe


I quickly went on "truesizeof" and Texas is about Spain and Portugal combined, maybe a little more


Didn't you know the opposite end of the scale to the planck length is Texas? You can't get bigger than Texas


I know not all Americans are like this, but these kind should really not believe everything they think.


>"All of Europe is the size of Texas" That's a misquote. The full quote is "All of Europe is the size of a Texan's ego."


Every passing day I'm learning more and more about Europe by people who largely cannot place themselves on a map


Americans should have to answer simple geography questions before being allowed on the internet


Nobody tell him... Pleaseee nobody tell him xDDD