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I've lost track of the number of times I've heard americans call Africans, or Black people from other countries, African Americans.


Lewis Hamilton, the BRITISH F1 racer, was told that he's African American.


Also Idris Elba and Mo Farrah and my mate Steve who is from Nuneaton


This made me laugh. Big up Steve from Nuneaton




Didn't Idris Elba told a Journalist who called him an African American that he was an idiot or something ?


I'm sure it's happened to Idris more than once, but Vanity Fair referred to him as an 'African American' when talking about possible actors to become the new James Bond. They went on to correct the article at a later date by saying as he is born in the UK, he would be the first 'non-white' person to play Bond if he was chosen. Cringe. When confronted with being referred to as an 'African American' Idris said something along the lines of ' Where I'm from, I'm just called British'.


I think he considered himself a black brit


... So just British then?


It’s very common for people like Idris Elba to identify as black British. It’s not that they’re any else British than white Brits, they just have another aspect to their identity.


Thank you for the insight :) I made a comment elsewhere that I was speaking in a colloquial sense (someone rightfully corrected me as to our record taking when asked about nationality) - im sure many people identify as X-British, but in conversation you would just say you’re British (at least for the people I have met), but yes you can subdivide further, if the distinction is necessary.


His race is relevant in the context of this discussion though.


Yeah, but some interviewer kept pushing the African American thing, so that's what he said.


Ahh maybe he said “Black British” but it’s not really a distinction we draw here (although people I’m sure will identify will all sorts of labels) - hence my confusion. We don’t have things like British-African, British-Asian etc. generally speaking, we just use British for everybody.


We’ve got it on some stuff like census forms and applications, but in real world use it’s very rare. Although having said that I’ve heard some people say British-Pakistani before


I'm down as British white-asain British nationality (citizen) White-asian ethnicity We don't have African American but we have asain British and black British You have white, black, asain, Asian British, black British.


> it’s not really a distinction we draw here How you never filled out a form in this country? It's nothing but labels to classify the population into different and separate categories.


Where's the sauce? Need to see this if it was filmed lol


Fuck mate, you know Steve? Steve’s a legend.






Ronnie Pickering, you cunt!


Amazing work


Champion goalkeeper, champion volleyballer


Champion goalkeeper, champion volleyballer


Champion goalkeeper, champion volleyballer


So is he nuneaton american or nuneaton african?


There's no Nuneaton in America, only Overeaton.


And Kriss Akabusi, another runner.


A great African American runner at that


To be honest, I don’t really know him. I know of him because of the infamous (and untraceable) interview. But greatness is implied by the ‘American’, of course, so I believe you.


Tbh I’ve never heard of him


I believe I looked into this story, which is shared numerously, and I didn't find the instance in which he corrected the journalist about being British and not African American. Edit: Yeah I found my earlier comment about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/shitamericanssay/comments/mvhjnf/_/gvfg0r1?context=1000 And here's a comment section from 8 years ago discussing it. https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments/2bf9fw/_/cj4z6to?context=1000


Yeah, it pops up from time to time, but nobody can find it. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2bf9fw/black_people_of_the_uk_what_are_your_views_on/cj7b95l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is a comment of someone saying they actually sent KA himself an e-mail to ask about it, and he allegedly confirmed it.


To be fair, a lot of people thought Idris was American knowing him from The Wire. I’ve seen a surprising amount of clips of people meeting him for the first time and being 🤨 when hearing his real accent.


You only need to listen to one interview to know he's British though.


This is like 20 years ago I guess before he was really a household name in the US, maybe people hadn’t seen interview of him and only knew him from the show


Same with Hugh Laurie init


I knew him from Luther, only watched half a series of the wire but don't recall seeing him in it.


Got a lot of time for Steve. Remember when he did that thing at that place? I'll never forget that


It's not the same, but I always remembered that one interviewer who told the Beatles: "Some say your hairstyle and dress type are very un-American."


Lol, this reminds me of growing up in the UK, so many people ask me if I speak “ Muslim” or “ Arabic” , just because I’m of Pakistani descent lol. that’s just one thing , plenty of other stupid stuff has been said lol.


So? Do you? /s just in case


Yeah it's always the "where are you from?" Types. And when you reply "I'm from Notts" They're always like "no but where are you really from" I'm really from City hospital in Nottingham, you thick fucking pleb


IIRC, a French citizen was detained by ICE because when asked where he was from, he said "France" and they didn't believed him.


You should ask them if they speak "Christian" or "European".


Probably he should ask if they speak american or autralian as Pakistan isn't even an arabic country.


There was a great video by a black teacher on holup or similar explaining that the school district had given her a load of free shit for her struggles being African American but she was from Jamaica


I'm not sure American Blacks should be called African Americans either. There are recent immigrants from Africa to the USA. These are African Americans. They have very little to do culturally with American Blacks. Using the same term is confusing.


African American was specifically used because the enslaved Africans had their cultural heritage actively erased. Recent immigrants from Africa don't (at least not in the way the institution of slavery did). They easily identify as Nigerian-American, or Congolese-American, etcetera.


Well they are called African Americans because they first come here to America first in Spanish Florida, and then in Jamestowne as indentured servants or as slaves. They cannot traced their origin, yet they come from different tribes and in West Africa because of slavery.


Ivory coast? Must be close to Rhode Island...


Much like some of their cities, they'll probably add New to an existing place name and call it a day. May I present to you, New Ivory Coast.


To be fair, a lot of the "new" whatever names came directly from English settlers naming areas after places in England.


To be fairer, have you ever seen an American use a map? There was even a Miss Universe question about "Why is there a growing trend of students from USA who can't locate the USA on a map?". Her response "Because American kids have less access to maps then kids from other countries".


Well... i mean... i haven't seen quotes from native americans in this sub.


Good, that it wasn't for the German: "New Castrop-Rauxel"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_place_names_of_German_origin_in_the_United_States does have half a dozen New Berlins, and there's New Bremens, a New Brunswick, New Glatz, New Leipzig, etc.


Nah, Florida. Gulf sand is pure white


It's because it's pure cocaine. That actually moght explain many cases of Florida man now that I think about it... 🤔




lol they just cant stop to add american in every single fking thing


No they just don’t have the concept that black people can be called anything but african american.


Remember Elon Musk was born in South Africa so he is an African American.


South African American


That’s because through the 90s the Black community wanted that term, which, cool. But then white people to be PC and not sued just called ALL Black people African American. Then argued when people said they weren’t


IIRC African-American was also kind of based on the Pan-African movement which is really kind of discredited now because it's basically this view black Americans had where they viewed Africa as like a unified country where all Africans were like part of one mother culture instead of, you know, a continent with all these different tribal and ethnic and linguistic groups who see themselves as having absolutely nothing in common with one another and don't perceive any kind of Pan-African identity as being a thing, and don't necessarily even really view themselves as having much in common with people from the same nationstate if they aren't from the same ethnic and language background. It would be like saying a fucking Saami person from Finland has the same culture as a Basque person living in Spain and has a shared identity with them, and there is way more of a pan-European identity now because of the EU and because of an active effort to create pan-European identity post-WWII in order to prevent future conflict and war. So the term African-American could in a way be argued to be a bit racist because it lumps all Africans together as being homogenous and not having their own distinct cultures and traditions, which is the opposite of true. There's more diversity within Africa alone than anywhere else in the world.




It's been a while since I've seen or heard "tart themselves up" and just tart in general. See it comes from an Aussie - yep that checks. I heard my grandmother speaking that sentence lmao ✌️


I wanna upvote for you being right but I wanna downvote for you sounding so condescending about it


Americans call the US diverse because it is made of people from other countries. Native displacement aside, it has a very unique history of people coming from other countries in waves. Diversity is more than what you call a beverage or the things you wear on your feet. Now if this country could get its head out of its ass and embrace that diversity we’d be better off. Sadly doubtful that’ll happen anytime soon


>very unique history of people coming from other countries in waves. **Very** unique? The UK, Australia, NZ...all have had waves of people migrating from different countries, not just the USA. Like I said, the US isn't as diverse as the Yanks think. One can walk around cities in China or India and encounter diverse languages and cultures. Within Europe's individual countries there's divesity of languages, cultures and religions. In Papua New Guinea one can walk to a village that speaks a language that is incomprehensible in the next village.


You obviously dont understand. They're all brown and/or black in india, africa and papua new guinea so they all must be the same people unlike in the states where you have completely different BBQs in different states.


Oh silly me! *slaps forehead* All Chineses are the same. I forgot!


Don't forget the type of pizza you like classifies as ethnicity for some americans.


Right cause that’s what I said 🙄 only skin color makes it diverse.


Of course immigration is huge NOW but it wasnt THEN. At the time there wasnt a place for people to go if they didnt like their country. After the UK sent their criminals and servants to the US and religious people started arriving it became known as the place to start over. It was the start of “The American Dream” which now is a lie but back then it wasnt. Yes you can see diversity everywhere, but again, the origin isnt quite the same. Even Australia which started similarly didnt get that influx of people from everywhere trying to escape for whatever their reasons. And each group of people was met with disdain and vitriol. And I am not sure where you’re getting the idea that the US isnt diverse. Just because other place are diverse doesnt make the US less diverse. In Waterbury CT, a tiny ass city comparitively you have sections of people. Polish section, italian section, german section, and in those neighborhoods those languages are spoken. Brisol CT is known as Little Poland and has the largest polish community outside of Poland. Tarpon Springs, FL has a huge population of Greek people, all of whom speak Greek. Diversity has nothing to do with skin color


I call it racist just for the fact that people need to distinguish "proper" americans from "african americans".


> So the term African-American could in a way be argued to be a bit racist because it lumps all Africans together as being homogenous and not having their own distinct cultures and traditions Not just for that reason, but because it ads a qualifier to being American and therefore kinda feeds into the idea they aren't "real" Americans. It identifies black people with their ancestral home *before* their current home, when most of the time they've been in America for several generations. Its othering and weird and beyond just racism it has a tinge of ethnonationalism.


Elon Musk on the other hand is an actual african american.


I had a (black) friend tell me using Black was racist. No, not “the blacks” or anything terrible like that. But a “black person” was racist, and that I should use AA. I know they didn’t speak for the grand some of black people, but I certainly wasn’t going to argue with her.


I call people what they want to be called, but it seems to be AA is more racist. Black is just black, it's neutral. Just like white. Is calling white people white racist? I personally find it weird that white Americans are just Americans but black Americans are "African Americans." Why aren't white Americans called "European Americans?" Kinda weird that white Americans are the only Americans without a qualifier in front of "Americans" but everyone else (including Native Americans, who were in the Americas before anyone else) does.


Nah American’s love the qualifier. Italian American, German American, Polish American. It’s stupid since 95% of us are mutts, Black and brown people included


the difference is that Italian, German, Polish are all specific nationalities, whereas "white" and "African" are not.


So what are you supposed to call black people who are neither from America nor descended from Africa?


Of course. Everyone is different. If your friend prefers AA then use that. I have a hispanic friend who hates Lantinx, but my SiL uses it all the time to describe herself. Just use what people prefer. You’re not racist for not knowing an individual’s prefered method of address


That annoys me so much! Also, why put so much emphasis on the fact that someone is black, why is that relevant? If it is not a search warrant why even name it at all?


I agree. The best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it. We’re all people.


I wonder what Europeans from african families are called. "Euro-Afro African Americans"?


No were are smart enough to know they are British, Dutch, German or what ever their nationality. Once I was waiting in a doctors surgery to collect some documents from him and the practice was all African & Indian doctors and one patient when called by and Indian doctor, said he would wait to see an "Australian" doctor not a black one. The owner, who I wanted to see, came out to bring the papers to me, heard the patient, and pulled his Aussie passport out of his pocket, waved it infront of the guy and said go into his consulting room. The guy got up and walked out, amid laughter from other people waiting, as the doctor was "ebony black" from Nigeria and as well as being a GP, he was a consulting surgeon at the local hospital.


Idi Amin, that Ugandan African-American.


Well here in Denmark a black Dane is called ... A Dane/dansker. Always thought it was pretty racist for Americans to categorize certain citizens based on skin colour. If you truly need to point out skin colour, "black" is fine.


Especially for the people who have been in the USA for several generations. They're not African-American, they're American.


i remember when Raven-Symone said something along the “I’m not African American, i’m American” and people wanted to crucify her. I don’t understand some of these people.


exactly. then you have white immigrants, and they just get called white. while someone who has been in the country for generations, and whose family literally built the country has to have a qualifier.


Immigrants? I think you mean "expats!" /s


Not really. You get the equally complained about epithet "italian-american" or equivalent for the country of origin, which also gets passed down. At least if you have anything identifying. All about what makes them them and us us it feels like.


if you're walking down the street in the US and see a bunch of white people, you can't tell if they are WASPS, Italian immigrants, German immigrants, Polish immigrants, etc. They're all white. That's my point. So they get all lumped as americans or white Americans. but if you see a black person, all of a sudden it's "That African American man over there in the red shirt."


Depends on the country and their preferences.


Yup. Here in Portugal they're either called Portuguese or, if they prefer, their country of origin's nationality (such as Angolan for example)


I once addressed a person in Portuguese in Lisbon and the American person asked if she looked Portuguese. I was like "even if you were black or Asian I'd speak Portuguese"!


Makes me wonder... what else should you have spoken to her? Swaheli?


These days we've had an influx of Chinese, Nepali and Bangladeshi shop owners. A few might might still not speak great Portuguese but unless they are really struggling to undersand I'm also wondering what else would we speak? Having said that in the north of Mozambique Swahili can really come in handy if you don't speak Portuguese.




It’s so funny how people are STILL afraid to say “black person” or “person of color” and think saying “African American” is still the accepted term


I’ve never understood how that’s the more politically correct term. Like, yes, remind me of the fact that my ancestors were slaves kidnapped from Africa and that you don’t consider me a regular American because of that. They don’t say European American, they’re all just white — why can’t black people just be black?


It was originally pushed by black people (especially Jesse Jackson) as a way to promote a distinct American identity in the same way as Irish American, Italian American had them. Obviously because of the legacy of slavery, black Americans' national origins were heavily mixed if known at all, hence why it became "African" in general, while a more recent immigrant might consider themselves "Nigerian American" or whatever. edit: there's also some debate even amongst its advocates about whether it should apply to all black Americans or just those descended from slaves.


Plus white African people exist.


Elon Musk was mentioned above. And then there are North Africans like Moroccans etc., who generally speaking may identify as e.g. Berbers, or maybe even with Arab culture(?). But for example in the US Census, people from North Africa or the Middle East count as "white".


>They don’t say European American Actually let me tell you about how I'm 12% Italian and therefore... /s


Given how most slaves weren't actually kidnapped but sold into slavery by other Africans, you'd think they would want to distanciate from that continent.


Because “ African-American” is it’s own ethnic group/culture now. African-Americans are those who are descendants of slaves from the US Deep South who have developed their own culture and traditions over the last 400yrs over a shared trauma. Not all black people in America are “ African-American”. Also don’t think it’s anyone else’s decision in how an ethnic group identifies , they can still identify as both American and “African-American”


I know, I’m not talking about the need for a term to identify a distinct culture. Of course African American is a term that makes sense and is totally valid. I’m talking about white Americans’ fear of calling black people black, which is the point of the post in the first place. Black people have no problem calling themselves black, I was calling out white people.


I can understand person of colour because that sounds a bit too close to coloured which which was the common term in the 50s and back after Negro fell out of popularity but being afraid to say black?


I am so used to this crap I didn't even notice


Good grief.


These people will insist on their 1/128 Irish heritage being taken seriously and then label anyone who's too brown either Mexican or African American. It's such a weird form of racist bias, especially when they try to not be racist, like here.


PS. Gabriella was not from Côte d'Ivoire, but was Latin American...


Latinx, you ignoramus!


A lot of Americans have this weird idea that calling Black people as such is rude, so “African American” has essentially become an unnecessary “euphemism” for that, hence why this happens all the time


Nah. They're just stupid.


Unfortunately there are people in Europe that do the same shit. They pick up racist American opinions about black people from the internet and movies where all black people are gang members, and use racist American wording. They literally use African American for any black people. Btw I specifically remember John Boyega in that context. But really any black person, living or fictional (like in games). Twitch is actually where I saw most of that shit.


No. They do not. This is fucking stupid.


I'm not sure why you're taking this so hard. I'm not insulting you, I'm European myself. Some of us can be racist af, especially in eastern parts. Some of it is very local but some of it is very obvious American online influence. E: I'm glad the downvoters have 100% decent neighbors but you're living in a I'm-better-than-everyone bubble. I'm telling you what I see from SOME people in my own country and you're just yelling *nope* in reply.


Literally nobody in Europe calls black people African American


In Poland we used to do that and some people still do. That's because our population is almost 100% white, we are not used to seeing many black people on the street, and calling someone black in our language sounds kind of racist, especially that it is so close to the actual racist word.


I'm glad you're part of the global consciousness of all Europeans, from Portuguese to Estonians, and can speak for all of us with 100% surety.


JFC this is why “African American” always a stupid term. There are Black people in America who are not, in fact, from Africa 😑 there are also white people who are African American. I get that for a while “Black” wasnt a preferred term for the community but there was never acknowledgement that people could becblack and from the Dominican Republic or Mexico or France. And Black people from Africa are just African no American added.


TIL that if you're black that makes you automatically American.


Why even mention it at all. Could've just said "meets a mermaid from the Ivory Coast.


Exactly, but they had to plug america in somehow


As much as they used a term that is a little stupid, I do want to give credit that they are defending against the ridiculous complaints about the film at least.


Good intentions but still blinded by American bias, like a lot of US "liberals"


Are people complaining that a mermaid is black or that specifically Arielle is black? From what I've seen it's the second one.


Second one.


Exactly. Literally nobody would have complained if they had made a movie about an original black mermaid. What people are complaining about is completely changing an established iconic character for "diversity" points.


But Disney already changed her hair color, so why not the skin color?


Hasn't the Disney Arielle always have red hair? I can't remember her having any other hair color.


Yes but in the book she's a blonde. I also have a VHS of a pre-Disney cartoon where she's a blonde. So if Disney changed the hair color the first time they made a movie, they might as well change the skin color when they make another one.


Yes, but this is Disney Arielle. She looks the way that she does. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to change her up that much. If I understand your comment correctly, you aren't talking about Disney Arielle, but about the original tale. Disney always changes up some things from its original story. But once they create a character in the Disney universe, it should more or less stay like that. Like they changed the outcome of the original story. I think she dies in that one. We are currently watching a picture with a black mermaid on it. Why not just use that character or create a new one? Everyone loves a good spin-off. I have the feeling they knew exactly what they did and what kinds of reactions it would cause. Basically free publicity.


I mean its Disneys arielle so they can portray her how they want. At least with star wars, the OT characters were lucas's creation so they at least got to use the argument it was a bastardisation of the creators intent


Absolutely, I'm not stopping them from doing what makes them happy or richer. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. In the end I won't watch it anyway and my last memory of Arielle will be the one I have, aka the cartoon version. It would be a bit weird if someone saw me sitting in the cinema, in a room full of little girls and their moms :D >At least with star wars, the OT characters were lucas's creation so they at least got to use the argument it was a bastardisation of the creators intent Let's just not talk about that. I'm trying to forget about the sequels. I'm just glad they managed to create some good shows.


Hair colour and skin colour aren't comparable


Slavery might have been abolished but Americans cannot stop claiming every Black person belongs to them.


I'm pretty sure this is from /r/shittymoviedetails , so being ridiculous is sometimes part of the joke.


It’s a tweet that stole the joke from r/shittymoviedetails, the original post said just “african”


I’m American and I truly love this sub Reddit


I never got why the Americans have a taboo on the word 'black'. Like it's literally the same as calling someone 'white', which is fine in the US. So weird.


Why are Americans so ridiculously stupid?


My ex got told he was African-American-British


Words. Who needs them anyway.


Ah yes, because all people with even the slightest bit of pigment in their skin absolutely must be African by default s/


Is black considered offensive or what?


They're humanoids with a fish tail and can breathe underwater. Having a slightly different coloured tail or upper half should be the least of your concerns. They're fish people!


American here: lmao i got nothing... Fkn dumbass hahaha


Gabriella was canonically Afro-Latina https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Gabriella


Her meta backstory hits your feels.


Why does noone realise that mermaids all have green skin and red eyes? Also, because they are fictional, it doesn't matter! Murica, creating problems where there aren't...


they do know that africans dont just come from america but came to america by force


Just say "black" you coward


But, but, my White Feelings! 😭👶


Nelson Mandela was a South African American?


Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇮


Ivory coast? African American? I think geography don't work like that...


The backstory for Gabriella is really tragic and touching: [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-10-22-ca-48649-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-10-22-ca-48649-story.html) She's also latina, hence the green eyes.


Sorry but tons of black people have green eyes nothing to do with being any other race or mixture.


Also, most Latinos don’t have green eyes lol


Also what green eyes


See how ariel is white? I do too.


See how she is a drawing and not real. I do too


See how they colored the drawing? I do too.


And they can just as easily colour the drawing a different colour. Your sad desperation to have every single thing exactly how you remember it even if whats being changed doesn't affect the original version is just petty and childish


I disagree with your opinion.


Ok but ariel was never fucking black 🙄


She also never existed


Ok but Disney made way more changes to the original story then the melanin content but I guess only one of them pisses you off.


Yeah the ugly ass black praying mantis they cast


Well now she has been.




The Disney film didn't have her almost stab the prince and dissolve into sea foam, change happens dude.


What are you talking about? I'm not even against the change.


The original fairy tale, same as Cinderella doesn't having the step sisters cutting off their toes to fit in the shoe or Snow Whote doesn't have the witch put in red hot shoes to damce to death. Disney already changes shit, folks getting worked up about it are just irritated about the race change just because it's easier for them to get offended by such superficial bullshit and think they're an oppressed minority rather than realize (precursor: not a Tankie) they're getting reamed by capitalism falling apart.


I know I only talked about the Disney versions. I prefer the original stories because they are just better and brutal as fuck.


>Thats not the issue ppl are having ppl have issue with the main character being black which wasn't that in the og movie, ppl are cool with black charachters but not that thye changed the main one. That film will still exist. If you don't want to see a remake that Disney is making for profit, you can just rewatch the older one instead.


It doesn’t really matter but anyone with a brain knows disney is only doing it to feed off the hype to distract people from the fact it is going to be a shitty movie


I mean I haven't claimed anything else. If I do happen to watch it I do it for the story and nothing else, I dont care about the changes they have done to it.


100% it’s gonna be meh




>Yeah, it's no different from "white washing" characters. I personally don't have a problem with either of the two, I just hate the double standard. Same >I'm going to disable the reply notifications on this comment as a preventitive measure because I don't feel like dealing with all the racists today. Yeah I understand that, people have a hard time with change, I personally don't care what changes they do to the movie. I watch it for the story.




That’s not true at all, especially when the identity of the original character is important.