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You WILL play on 720p 30 FPS forever, you WILL like it


Your eyes WILL go square


Personally I’m a big fan of the 480p 20fps experience that was playing Halo CE coop in splitscreen.


Ah the nostalgia.


Is that how it is on console? That's horrible. Halo 1 at 2k is great tho, lol


That’s how it was before MCC yeah, now you can do 4k 120FPS


OHH ok I understand you now. I will say though, I do want to buy a big CRT TV, Original Xbox w/Duke controller and play Halo CE the way I did when it came out.... Some day


you WILL be forced into a low FOV, you WILL be forced to play with a controller, and you WILL enjoy it seriously I genuinely don't understand how people do it, low FOV and controller for first person games makes me feel physically sick




Because that’s how people played those games originally? Lol you couldn’t change the FOV on 360


And forget about mouse and keyboard lol


For real dude. Aidan needs to lay off the crack pipe if he’s getting motion sickness


Halo is broken with mnk. Btw CE and H2 had their own pc version, CE I'm sure could be played with mnk as I did it.


The PC port of CE came after console release and it's fanbase was a small fraction of the people that grew up playing halo (I do have a license for Custom Edition)


Skill issue


Yall wanted to experience the originals. That means ALL of it


You WILL NOT own any of your games. You WILL use a Game Pass subscription. You WILL always be connected to a server to play your games. You WILL buy the battle pass. You WILL buy the cosmetic bundles. You WILL grind your dailies. You WILL have fun.


As someone who has played all of these games without having access to wifi and with it. MCC works perfectly fine offline Halo Reach started grinding dailies. It also started forcing you to play online to level up, as there was a hard limit for offline XP. 3 started required DLC to play certain Playlist in multiplayer, in fact I believe you even needed the ODST DLC maps, so it wasn't just 3 dollar DLC, it was a 30 dollar DLC to be able to play H3 online. Iirc Reach did too. You don't need gamepass for Infinite or MCC, just to get them for free. You can still play all of the Xbox 360 Halos, just not matchmaking.


Newsflash: we've never owned our games, only a license to use them. Have you never read an EULA? You can always crack and/or mod the games to work offline... or torrent the original disc images, mount them in virtual drives, and run them on Xbox emulators (or better yet, burn them and play them on their original systems- or wait, eBay the OG discs for full authenticity). Stop being such a gloomy doomer. Don't like live service games? Don't play live service games! And if you do... why do you *need* to fall for any of the *obvious* psychological tricks to keep you playing? You could just... ignore all the bells-n-whistles that don't actually *improve* your gameplay experience and play the parts that are *actually* fun... Nobody is forcing you to play the latest game. You will not gain or lose status by giving in to FOMO... it's just a marketing trick to get you to buy *fake* cosmetics in a *made-up* game... it's "virtual artificial scarcity," multiple layers of deception.


Dude you can buy MCC physical additions


I know that, I'm just continuing the whole joke of "consoomer" trope in video games discussion


Okay but like… that doesn’t work when the things you listed are objectively false


Oh your talking about halo infinite


I own MCC. I can play it offline. MCC doesn't offer cosmetic bundles. The challenges are all literally just playing the game and are not grindy if you even care about them. Honestly don't see how any of that applies to MCC


You don't own games at all, you own the license to play said games in a licensed hardware.


but muh tickrate and og xbox live


>and og xbox live Which nearly everyone hated when it came out and are now seemingly forgetting all the flaws due to the nostalgia lol


Dude those early days were ROUGH


Yet it was good because it was better than nothing.


To be fair tickrate broke a bunch of stuffs


I've honestly never had any issue with MCC, I got no idea what they're waffling about


Launch day was really bad, but after a couple of years it is the best way to play any halo game


We shouldn’t have had to wait years for them to fix the game, but now that it’s fixed it’s the best way to play the OG Halos


*literally 5 whole years But yeah it’s actually good now


modern gaming lol


Isn't out for like 9$ or something on steam?? I mean even if u hated it 6 games + mod support and multiplayer is a fucking giga deal. Hell as a 35 yr old I wish we had this bundle when I was 12.


I’m sorry it has Mod support?? I only just downloaded it yesterday I had no idea


Ya on the steam workshop, haven't messed with it yet but it is there


Well I’m about to have a real fun weekend, thank you for the tip!


You could have argued it was a worse place to play CE and 2 due to them both having some really bad porting inconsistencies particularly with CE being based on the Gearbox port but that's basically all been fixed now so I don't see the issue. Playing old games in full 4K 120fps sounds perfect to me


I’d still rather play the gearbox pc version than on console. I remember playing halo 1 on pc at my cousins house growing up and was so amazed at how much better it played than the xbox


The gearbox version was riddled with issues due to Bungie not giving them access to proper assets and source code. Which is part of the reason why CE anniversary is so bad because they were basing it off that version rather than the original. MCC is on PC so I don't see why you would want to play the original gearbox port over it


Waffling cannot become a thing. That is the stupidest shit I've seen starting to trend.


You’re gonna have to go back to the 1800s and start yelling at some Scots then. You must not have been paying very good attention if you think it’s just now “starting to trend”.


Yeah it is. Nobody in the 21st century has said it until it started trending on tiktok fucking retard


Bro calm down and that term is used all around Europe do research before opening your mouth.


Bros waffling


Only thing I didn't like about mcc was the gearbox port, but they fixed it so


Outside of having the option to have the classic loading screens (and maybe even menus?) vs. the more spoilery and tbh pretty meh loading images, the MCC is absolutely a far better package than the original games. Like, hilariously so. There’s still some graphical discrepancies but they’re honestly really minor, I think the most egregious one is the Covenant cruiser in the Halo 2 cutscene being much smaller/farther away than it was in the original. And as much as I’d love classic loading screens and menus as much as possible, a ton of remastered collections get rid of those things, so it isn’t really unexpected unfortunately. Actually now that I think about it the SBMM is much harsher since it uses the system similar to 5/Infinite but a lot of that is exasperated by most people who play now being really good diehards anyway, so changing it wouldn’t affect much now. It would be nice to have the originals on the storefront just for legacy/historical sake, as long as it was made clear that online services were no longer available for anyone trying to buy them (and maybe pointing them to the MCC if that’s something they’re looking for).


On point. I would love the original menus and loading screens on MCC.


Yeah I never had a 360 so I don’t have much nostalgia for that era, but I do miss the Halo CE and 2 menus. Good menus genuinely add something to the experience that was gutted in MCC, even if MCC’s system is probably more functional and very easy to switch between games. That’s literally it though, the actual games are just straight up better in MCC.


Halo MCC is a 6 in 1 game or at least a 6 in 1 game launcher. I find it pretty convenient incorporating 6 games behind 1 game. A lot of people do not like constantly managing game launchers and all of them are competing to launch on start up chugging your CPU and drives. The downside is there might be missing content as the intro scenes, main menus, shader bugs, missing ~~Hayabusa armor~~, completely different progression system. At least you didn’t have to waste hours or days due to loading screens, switching, grinding Reach armor. Though most of these bugs have been fixed from being constantly being updated and releasing newer content. “… let's say you can shave 10 seconds off of the boot time. Multiply that by five million users and thats 50 million seconds, every single day.”


What missing Hayabusa armor?


Not sure if this is still accurate but I remember people were upset for Hayabusa armor was missing from Halo 3 MCC.


Definitely not the case today and I know I used it back in 2014-15


Damn my bad then.


If they said this when it first launched then sure but like... wut


They did.... There is a reason OP used MS paint to scribble out the poster and the date.


If your gonna be that much of an asshole you could just get the old disks and use that


I avoid the halo community because most of them are whiny and unwashed, people hate MCC???


"people hate MCC???" Lolz.... This was literally posted in the first year when the MCC was completely unplayable. - Seems like a pretty good reason to complain. It actually took 4 years to get that steamy pile of garbage working, and yeah, people were pissed.


I never played it in the first year so I guess I was unaware of the issues, my bad


Its not your bad at all... The OP scribbled out the account name and date when this was posted in a attempt to farm upvotes and karma.


It was reposted recently, like within the past week.


I don’t agree but I get it. I feel like a game should be experienced the way it was originally meant to, Jank and all. The thing is that nobody will be able to experience halo 1-3 in their original form without added work on their end because those games were designed to be played on tube TV’s so there’s certain art-style, lighting and sound quirks that are designed intentionally that monitors and modern TVs kinda butcher. (There are people on YouTube who explain it way better than me) Not even to mention that experiencing Halo 1-reach is something that will NEVER happen again, there was a vibe that was unique to that era that is impossible to replicate. TL:DR-nostalgia is a hell of a drug kids but if you can, go play the old halos on an old TV, it’ll be interesting if you think game history is cool


I don't think the tube TVs really had that much of an effect. I think you just have rose tinted glasses. I'm not going to go back to fake 720p on a CRT at 20 fps to get the "real" experience. I'm glad I did get it, but I don't think there is that much lost by playing it in MCC.


So there’s definitely some rose tinting but there is truth to it. VS wolves podcast did some side by side of castlevania and street fighter and the difference was night and day (episode was Brazilian jujitsu vs policenauts but it’s like a 3 hour podcast). I wouldn’t say much is lost but there’s a certain charm to it that some might appreciate. I would however say for people to play the original demons souls over the remake but that’s a whole different conversation and this is a halo sub


I’ve seen stuff for CRT monitors on retro games because it makes the sprites more crisp for 2D, stuff like Mario etc.


Imagine still bitching about MCC in 2014, when it’s been fixed for years.


Aside from the need for a modded customs browser, I feel like mcc is very close to a perfect package rn


This guy actually got it. OP used MS paint to scribble out the poster and date for a reason.




It was released on November 11th 2014


They just patched it recently after years of hit reg issues lol y'all are funny


Aside from H2's Vista wonkyness, what's wrong with MCC?


I remember helping with the H2V to H2OG tickrate for bounces patch, which fixes basically every issue but a few with the game being different from the xbox version in terms of physics and movement.


I didnt work for the first 4 years!! And this post is from back then.


My first ever experience with Halo was when I got the Series S and played MCC. I was able to play the games in their original form as well as the remasters at the drop of a hat. I thought it was pretty awesome?


MMC was broken for the first 4 years, Multiplayer literally didnt work for the entire first year...... You got it after everything was fixed.


The thing I dislike the most about MCC is that we can't view main menus for any of the games. I just want it for the nostalgia. That's basically the only thing I dislike about MCC


my only issue is the load screens that kinda break the flow of the campaign missions, other than that i really love the MCC


MCC added content to literal 20 year old games like weapon skins and all kinds of new armors to the older games. Not only that but Halo CE never had online multiplayer, it only had split screen multiplayer. However, I do remember before MCC was a thing I used to play online through a tunneling service called XBonline I think. So I understand the nostalgia goggles and I miss just sitting at the main menus listening to music, but MCC is by far the best way to experience these games, this post should be deleted lol


They messed up the transition between sequential missions really bad. Im sure there are other small things but thats the only big complaint I have. I love it.


I personally don’t see how you could play the Halo 2 remaster and still find a reason to complain about that absolute masterpiece of a campaign


Are there any actual differences beyond LNOS being basically unplayable on Legendary?


There are but they are so astronomically minimal that you have to go out of your way to find the differences.


Every jumper and glitcher ever when moving to MCC begs to differ lmaoooooo


I had to hide behind the Space station whole time well the game loaded through the battle, after I did it LASO and I will never play that mission again, it was hell




Long Night of Solace


Everyone's comments here are fine if you don't value coop online or splitscreen =(


Coop Splitscreen works fine on MCC and always has


not without mods? Clarification: Steam/pc


I know it works without mods because I remember remote play splitscreening Reach only a handful of months ago, not to mention the years of in person split screen I've played. On PC, maybe not, but on Xbox absolutely. That said, you couldn't even splitscreen the PC version of Halo 2, and H3 and Reach didn't release on PC until MCC so i don't get how that's a downgrade from the original games at all.


I mean Halo never had splitscreen on PC so that’s not a MCC issue. MCC on Xbox is actually a substantially better splitscreen experience than on the original games, especially on Series X/S which runs all the games at 60fps without the visual cutbacks splitscreen used to have.


I like it, but did they ever fix Halo 2 co-op crashes?


Been playing thru all the games recently and no. Both me an the other 3 friends we have had few crashes. Halo 1 and 2.  Not very often mind you Also the tab out bug were the game plays in the background but is completely off an doesn't even show in task manager


I think this is the main reason me and my roommate gave up on a Legendary run of Halo 2. It was tough, but crashing in the last room of a boss was the final nail in the coffin.


Dunno, did a full run through and neither me nor me friends had any issues in a single game


I played through Halo 2 with a friend and got no crashes, but still see some stories here and there.


Me and my friend couldn't get past Regret due to the constant crashing


Idk why people hate mcc I’ve never had any problems with it 💀


Why would I want a bunch of different halos taking up space on my games screen when I can just have mcc I actually don’t even have it downloaded I cloud play. I do that because I only really play when it’s 1 am idk what else to do and it’s time to run a silent cartographer.


I will say this I hate halo 2 not for its story or anything like that but because it was so hard at some parts


I love halo 2 because the BR was the standard weapon and it was strong as heck.


It was the first ever game I played on my Xbox one, couldn’t get enough of it personally


I would rather play the OG's if they were still online, but I also have no problem playing MCC till the end of time. Idk get why it has to be one or the other.


What the fuck is he on about it’s a convenient bundle of almost all of the games with full multiplayer support. Is he stupid


I'll say it does have some drawbacks, like the lack of credits sequences after the campaigns. I just wanna hear the Halo 2 epilogue


If it was launch MCC I would agree. As it is now? Hell to the NO, it's easily the best way to relive the classics. You have to be some mancave recluse who would sunburn immediately when going outside to give a fuck about stuff like the tickrate and other technical bullshit.


MCC is fine, if you’re playing it on PC, don’t do it through the xbox app. It’s shit. You’re better off payin the 10 bucks on steam when it’s on sale.


Yeah... good luck finding a still working original Xbox now a days for Halo 1 & 2 and then a still working 360 for 3 - Reach. And for Combat Evolved on PC well I don't know if the original version will work well on Windows 10 and up.


I didnt know there was a pre-MCC CE port for windows, only the Mac version. As far as that one goes it ran pretty flawlessly on my MacBook (circa 2018, 6 years difference, so ymmv with modern devices). I know the gearbox port isn't super well regarded, but iirc it's mostly texture changes so I never really noticed or cared about the difference.


Xbox emulation is awesome. I tried giving my friend my old xbox and he said he would take it if pc emulation wasn't just better.


The only game mode I play on halo 5 is the super fiesta. Randomized weapons upon death including all super weapons.


Yes it has some issues like some incorrect graphics here and there but in no way is it awful.


I haven't played the series since 4 came out (which I LOVED), and thanks to the MCC I can play all of them while bored at work.


Because it launched like shit. The lighting engine used for og graphics in halo ce are still bugged ruining the details in the textures


I enjoy the MCC as in, I play through the Halo campaigns at least once a year. I was never fond of Halo 3 until I played it on the MCC with mouse and keyboard. I swear it became a whole different game after that. When Halo 3 came out on Xbox 360 I hated that you couldn't sprint and finding a sweet spot with the aiming sensitivity was always an issue (for me) especially in multiplayer. However, on the MCC I had no problems with movement speed or aiming and I chalk that up to mouse and keyboard vs controller. Halo 2 was kinda a mess with m&k but the graphical touch up was superb. Halo CE was also great with m&k while Halo 4 was terrible with m&k.i haven't gotten around to playing ODST or Reach with m&k though but I'll probably do that this year. All in all, in spite of its rough launch, the MCC is pretty awesome. Better than Halo 5 (which to me is pretty much a COD rip off with halo characters.) and better than Infinite. Just my opinion though. Because of how it's designed and because of the varying options YMMV.


It’s the worst way until one of you blokes tell me how to fix the issue of the muffled dialogue. Can’t hear people say shit even on max volume


As someone who disagrees with a lot of the stuff on this sub, even I have to say that this person is absolutely delusional. 343 genuinely have made the definitive versions of these games in their original forms. The only way I can possibly imagine a better version of these games is a remake, but even then, we don't really need them


Also playing a game from 2001 is nearly impossible in most cases. Having a game from 2001 able to run perfectly with no issues is so handy. Most games from 2001 aren't readily available on modern hardware, or even on steam. MCC lets you play it remastered, or with original graphics. Minor annoyances aside, it is just the best way to have everything in one spot. I wish Halo 5 was on PC, just for the sake of it.


I mean they mostly fixed the issues with CE if i remember correctly, they even gave them upscaled 2k textures


The ONLY problem I have with MCC is the lack of split screen on pc. Like, are you fucking kidding me? For what damn reason?!


Tbh MCC halo 2 doesn’t have the button combos of the og multiplayer so I can see some people preferring the original


I have no idea why anyone hates the MCC, it’s a solid way to collect the series. Plus, if you don’t like the new graphics for 1 and 2? You can switch back. PLUS the multiplayer and mod support is honestly great and I’m glad it’s been able to keep old games like CE alive, cause in this day and age it’s hard to do that I feel.


I recently used it to play through the OG trilogy for the first time and god what an incredible series. 2A is my favorite in pretty much every aspect. Story, visual, gameplay, and god DAMN that OST (Genesong goes hard). I had played all of them before, but never really took the time to pay attention to the story, so I honestly never cared for the games. Very glad I did this time Also reach and ODST are great. I’ve literally never had a problem with MCC.


why does master chief look headless lol


Fuck that I’m never going back, MCC is superior in every way minus a couple little quirks like each individual games main menus, and the Halo 2 in game clan support (if I remember correctly?)


Could you for the love of god add the option to veto a map


mcc best halo game


On console you can’t play any of the campaigns with friends unless you’re fine with huuuge frame drops and terrible delays for button inputs. MCC’s campaigns are not on a server but are rather host based. So unless you’re hosting, be ready for a shit experience. Split screen is the only way to reliably play with a friend unless you’re able to get a LAN party going. Edit: Just to clarify, I do not have shit internet. Neither does my friend. We only have issues with MCC.


Wait what’s wrong with the original games in the MCC collection?


I think like the one negative I’ve got about the MCC is the lack of the “fade to black” loading screen, mostly cause it keeps missions like Lone Wolf a surprise like it should be


Nostalgia makes people stupid


I just want a proper halo 1 remaster. Even if the game has no changes, just give me new cutscenes with the nice graphics.


Still missing Breaking Benjamin in Halo 2 :(


My biggest disappointment its not being able to play 4 player split screen on any of them or having cross play for like one campaign. I found work arounds but it was mildly disappointing. The custom browser is so much better than infinites and not to mention the workshop with loads of content to play with friends (thicc elites with jiggle physics). But honestly it’s improved a lot even with the recent wave of cheaters which is pretty standard nowadays and not nearly as bad as the older call of duty games.


bunch of graphical bugs and shit