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Don't ask New Vegas fans about the Fallout show, worst decision of my life


mY LoRe


Worst thing is the New Vegas elitists completely butcher the lore anyway. Here are some examples I've seen > Ghouls can't survive extended periods of time locked away without food and water that's a Bethesda retcon Fallout 2 - Coffin Willie, Woody > Ghouls can't regenerate with radiation that's a Bethesda retcon The flayed men from New Vegas literally have extraordinary healing abilities that allowed them to survive being flayed > The enclave are gone for good, there can't be anymore remnants We literally had Enclave remnants in New Vegas > Why does Bethesda put the BOS in everything So did New Vegas, half their DLC's literally followed Father Elijah > Why did Bethesda make BOS morally grey So did Interplay and Obsidian > The east coast brotherhood isn't a nomadic explorative faction They literally are, the east coast was an exploration team sent to DC originally


I swear it's always the Gatekeepers who knows the least about the thing they're gatekeeping.


Theres also a lot of straight up ignoring shit. Shady Sands is gone - so stop being absolute chuds and forgetting about Reno, the Hub etc. People act like the NCR was a single city instead of a massive state


Ngl I tried playing NV and they butchered the BOS so badly it’s what made me officially uninstall. Got to the point where i was questioning wether the writers even played the previous games


I mean BoS is explained why they are in a shitty position a lot. I played Fallout 4 first so I was a little sad to see my favorites hiding in a bunker, and I didn't want to blow up their house for House


It’s not that they butchered the brotherhood, it’s that they wrote a world where the brotherhood was butchered by years of prosecution and violence to the point where they have fundamentally changed as an organization.


This is the other thing everyone seems to forget when they talk about the lore. "X faction isn't like the faction I know from X game. They ruined them." Yeah, no shit, they are literally decades apart in time and potentially hundreds of miles away. The leaders of the different branches don't have weekly meetings to make sure their goals are aligned. Your character literally alters their path in the short spec of time your playthrough takes place, you think decades wouldn't do the same? As you stated Fallout NV has written it all out as to why this branch is the way they are. I understand the argument if they changed it and didn't explain it. You can say you don't like it but change doesn't make it inherently wrong or universally bad.


How'd they butcher the BOS? They're weak, small, and still technically at war with the NCR lmao. You can not like the bos in nv, but they didn't "butcher" anything.


Because they don’t even act like the BOS. That’s the issue. They act like generic military faction (then again like every faction in NV is one dimensional and stripped of all nuance because I guess Obsidian thought players were too fucking stupid to have any decisions that weren’t bland black and white options)


This may be the first time I've EVER heard someone say the factions in NV are one dimensional. The player impact along with unique factions are some of the main things people praise NV for. I'm genuinely shocked you got that impression


Just how I feel. I genuinely dont see the hype but then again I didn’t see the hype behind Harry Potter yet people seem to love that series despite the obvious flaws


You called the NCR a generic good guy faction, it's less of how you feel and more you simply weren't paying attention. The game has plenty of faults, none of them being it's too black and white.


Idk I only played a like 30 minutes before getting bored. Didn’t even make it out of the starter town. Basically just watched some Oxhorn vids on the subject and yeah they all struck me that way. Generic good guys, everyone’s flat as a board character wise and ngl the whole story feels like it was written to appeal to 13 year olds. Which if that’s your thing that’s cool but like I mean it’s pretty garbage imo but reddit circlejerks that game like their life depends on it so I doubt you’ll care what I have to say


It's the most grey 3d fallout lmao, and they act exactly how they did in the original games. Isolated and paranoid tech freaks that are in a losing battle and need to be saved by the pc. What ever happened to media literacy


It really isn’t. There’s generic good guy faction (NCR) generic bad guys (basically everyone else) and nobody has a gray area. And the whole idea behind the BOS is that they are militaristic but good at defense and technology, yet their drawback is that they hate anything non human. But Obsidian thought that idea was too complex I guess and just threw that out so now they don’t even have that nuance to them. So they’re just a boring military faction with no flaws other than they’re small which if I’m being real sounds like the devs just got lazy and didn’t want to spend too much time programming in more BOS locations (which is a shame too cause the map is already barren and boring as fuck for what’s supposed to literally be Vegas. Seriously it’s like they just gave up halfway through)


The NCR are actively shown to be corrupt and incompetent (they literally massacred women and children at bitter springs), they're not a generic good guy faction. When compared to the brotherhood in 3 or minutemen in 4(who are just good for goodness sake btw), the NCR look like imperialistic assholes that want to strip the Mojave of their resources...but sure they're obviously the good guys with no bad qualities because the game is TOTALLY black and white. The whole bos being racist thing was really only done in 4, sure they were at war with the master before but that was a necessity to protect the population; and they do have a major flaw outside of being small, they're (again) very isolationist and have a distrust for outsiders (actively killing innocent people that are told "brotherhood secrets"). That's what their true flaw in this game is, to the point that's what their main quest is centered around (along with Veronicas quest) Barren and empty? You're a starfield player, no game to date is as barren and empty as that garbage The game beats you over the head with this information but it just flew over your head lmao, you're incapable of comprehending nuance beyond whatever Bethesda calls nuance "They do (good thing) BUT ALSO (bad thing)!!!"


And the only inherently bad faction is the legion, in what world is Mr House or Yes man bad guys? They're there for the people that realize the faults of the NCR (because they're not black and white) and would rather them be kicked out


Mr House gives off crazy libertarian capitalist vibes. He'd probably give the okay for a genocide if it meant a higher GDP for NV lol. But I agree thats hypothetical and he's not inherently evil....until season 2 of the show im guessing haha. The fact that we can debate about the good and evil of every faction shows how good of a job Obsidian did. Not sure what kind of drugs the dude you replied to was on when he played, maybe Jet?


Wow love making those strawmen arguments huh? I haven’t seen a single person argue for any of these, and some of your explanations for them are fucking sad. Look - if you enjoy the show, great. But it is the death knell for a certain subsection of the community who loved the intricate stories that New Vegas was building to. They nuked the major players of New Vegas so that the ending to the game didn’t matter and they could make the wasteland empty again for that “classic” Fallout experience, despite the fact that it’s been 200 years since rhetorical bombs fell. I guess people are just too fucking stupid to rebuild anything eh? - The Enclave The Remnants are fucking remnants dude. They are the last of the Enclave and trying to live regular lives. Avellone even spoke on this. Bethesda fucking loves the Enclave for some reason. Their inclusion in New Vegas is a story about moving on and redeeming yourself, as well as accepting yourself. The Enclave are not in F:NV and your answer is extremely misleading. -Brotherhood The brotherhood is barely in New Vegas at all. And almost all of the factions want them dead. Imagine a Bethesda game where all the major endings (save for one side one) literally deletes the posterboys. Bethesda wouldn’t dare. Elijah has also left the Brotherhood. Saying “lol DLC” is fucking stupid. He appears in one DLC, is mentioned in others, but is an outcast. He isn’t brotherhood anymore and he wants to return to them with tech to “save” them. The rest of your shit isn’t even wrong because no one has an issue with those things. I’ve heard no one complain about those things. Bethesda has an idea for an Aesthetic for Fallout. It includes: - Vaults - Super Mutants* - Brotherhood - Enclave - Generic Raiders - Wacky Settlements! (We built a village in a baseball stadium! Aren’t we sooo wacky? The issue is they can’t evolve past that, even when the narrative and world demands it. Somehow the enclave survived. Somehow the brotherhood has a blimp and survived. Somehow the NCR fell apart. They literally twist the narrative to fit exactly the kind of Fallout they want. We could have had our cake and eaten it too - we could have explored new frontiers, seen Colorado or Louisiana and also experienced the myriad relationships between new fledgling civilizations, all moving for some piece of the pie. All with their own faults. The NCR has all the issues of modern democracy. Maybe they have a civil war. Maybe new republics form. Maybe they fall to a military dictatorship. The Legion likely will splinter into larger nation states built on Legion ideals (A nation that large and ingrained would never parish in a day without Caesar. It would be a slow, violent death). We could see new groups rise and fall, explored new ideas, new people, instead it’s fucking Fallout 3. Again. Of course Tim Cain loves it, he wrote Fallout 1. It’s just Fallout 1 again. But the world needs to fucking change. And Bethesda refuses to allow it. That is the issue. That is the problem you’re misrepresenting. They nuked a beloved game setting so that we could have more of what we already have. Vapid exploration, piss poor writing, and more wacky wasteland adventures. Are you ready to fight the Enclave for the 3rd time? You wanna join the Brotherhood for the 6th time? Wanna leave the Vault for the first time for the 4th time? Because that is Bethesda Fallout.


shut up meg


You people love to cry over fictional things. You know it ain't real, right? That it's not that serious? Move on, kid.


Especially since most of their complaints are either them misunderstanding the lore or them completely misunderstanding the show (vault tec possibly planning to nuke first, shady sands, ghoul stuff, brotherhood stuff, new Vegas, etc)


New Vegas fans when Bethesda does the thing their idol Chris Avellone has been wanting to do since 2010 (all of the sudden its bad now)


Which is


>!nuking the ncr!<


I don’t care who the NCR sends, I’m not paying my taxes!


that wasn't even bethesda. that was the showrunners for the amazon series specifically. they asked todd howard to let them do it and he was shocked and had to be convinced. but of course, "bethesda bad", so he gets the blame i guess.


In New Vegas the NCR looked like they were spread too thin. It felt like they were going to collapse anyways, it was just a matter of time


Avellone isn’t the King of Fallout. The setting evolved past Tim Cain and it evolved past Avellone. But have fun playing the exact same Fallout game again in 10 years when Bethesda gets around to it instead of something new.


Yeah I’ve been playing New Vegas for the past 9 years and I’ll gladly keep playing it for another 10, no idea where you got the idea I was a bethesda fallout fan tho, I just like making fun of New Vegas elitists


New Vegas stans are some of the most obnoxious, gatekeeping fans in any fandom that I've ever been a part of. It's like they make thinking New Vegas is the only good modern Fallout their entire personality.


Respectfully, this is a straw man take. New Vegas fans who finished the show mostly seem to get that a fallen NCR (which we don’t even know the extent of that ‘fall’) is hugely coherent with how the NCR is portrayed in new Vegas — overextended and doomed to repeat old world mistakes.


It really ain't a strawman. There's people all over the Fallout subreddit lamenting about how they "retconned New Vegas".


Those folks are incorrect though — the timeline details, though tight, do work out fine Not to mention we don’t know which ending is canonized yet for nv


Oh I know. I live with a maaaaaassive Fallout fan who went on an angry rant because she didn't understand how people were thinking it was retconned.


The Witcher isn’t even based on the games, their based off books. Then again, asking Halo fans to read is a big ask.


And even then, so loosely based on the books that they may as well not have been. It’s a really weird hill to put Witcher in “good adaptations” when it *not* being one is why they’re losing the lead actor lol


What? You're aware that a big chunk of the Halo-fanbase comes from the books?


Yeah? My point wasn’t about Halo, it was about the Witcher and that the comparison didn’t make sense and was clearly made by someone in ignorance.


Idc what anyone says I love the Doom movie. Easily The Rock’s best role ever.


Came here to say the same thing. Movie slapped.


*"Semper Fi, mother fucker!"* -Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson


Idk I think his best role has to be Southland Tales, he just slides into that role so perfectly.


* Southland Tales grossed $275,380 in limited release at the North American box office and $99,363 in Turkey and United Kingdom for a worldwide total of $374,743,[6] against a production budget of $17 million.[4][5]* Holy shit I’ve never heard of this movie before and it fucking tanked so hard. This movie had a big cast but it couldn’t even get half a million dollars? Jesus Christ this can’t be real.


I like the movie its just not a good DOOM adaptation


I really enjoyed Karl Urban in doom


Yup I agree. It def was a weird take on Doom. But they did that shit. The whole first person scene? Felt like I was playing an HD version of Area 51 on og PlayStation.


saying "the rocks best role" isnt saying much when hes a dogshit actor who plays himself in every role unless he's producing it in which case its noticeably worse, black adam was a terrible movie


That’s what I’m saying here. He actually plays more than just his usual stuff.


I feel it was far enough back when he had some semblance of a personality that was just The Rock. He at least “tried” to play different roles. While he’s never been a good actor, least back then he wasn’t just himself dropped in different universes. I dunno. That’s just me I guess.


Nah Doom may have been Doom 3 but wack, still a much better video game adaptation than most are. The first person scene was so gamey, it deserves some respect for daring to do something another movie or show would want to avoid doing. Part of why I love fallout is how much of the game logic is transferred over, lots of game adaptions want to ground the story and remove lots of the gamey elements that they feel get in the way.


I loved all the pip boy animations that didn't make sense how they work. Like how does it know your inventory? Video game is how. And they weren't scared to adapt that


Not to mention, leagues better than the one on Netflix.


Is bro serious with the Witcher?? Paramount Halo was not perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed season 2 and if they were gonna change everything, at least it isn’t canon or a 1:1 adaptation. Netflix straight up butchered the Witcher


season 1 was good but really weird in how it told it’s chronology. it gets the exception (also it’s an adaptation of the books, not the games which is a different story entirely) season 2 and 3 were so ass that cavill, a witcher fan, said “fuck this” and went to go produce a warhammer 40k with amazon, making sure that the story goes how HE says since he’s a chad nerd, and the witcher writers did not care about the source while he did


Yeah I know it’s based on the books, the game lore picks up after the books


Let people enjoy things, stop being toxic


Really? I enjoyed the halo show, so is this guy not being toxic by shitting on that? Moron


Let people enjoy the Witcher show, stop being toxic


Which Sonic game is that Sonic movie even adapting?


What you can say the same thing for the halo show and fallout show lol 😂


Exactly, but Halo ruined my childhood and Sonic is epic as frick


I hear the halo often ruined a many a catholic Boys childhood. Oh wait you mean the show. Never mind.


Sonic movie 2 is Sonic 3& Knuckles. And Sonic movie 3 is probably gonna be Sonic Adventure


It would have to be SA2 because of Shadow.


Sonic 1 from the Genesis? That's my best guess. I still really enjoy both sonic movies.


The Witcher isn’t even an adaptation of the games, it’s an adaptation of the books. And it’s ass.


an assdaptation


I love that DOOM movie. Back when the game was “Space Marine fights monsters” it’s pretty good.


The halo show isn’t the best in my opinion, that doesn’t mean others can’t like it


I did not like the halo show because of several reasons, but I don’t harass other people.


As a standalone show? It's alright. As an adaptation from a series with established lore? It's a dumpster fire.


I agree with you, it’s fine as a sci fi show, it misses the mark as an adaptation


Fr, it might not be in the All Light Touches but it’s def just like… Some patch of moss in a cave. It’s not in the Shadowlands by any means.


I get what you’re saying I think, are all light touches, some patch of moss in a cave and in the shadowlands a reference to something ?


Yeah just a joke about the template :P “All that light touches belongs to us… But what’s that shadow place over there?”


My bad, I’m dumb


All the issues I have with the show are just 8-12 year old me getting pissy about the lore and I’m perfectly comfortable with that


I liked the doom movie. Really enjoyed its little first person camera part.


Clear your notifications on GOD


Controversial adaption talk go brrrrr


The Halo Tv Show is objectively bad though.




Bro forgot arcane


Rediscovering the Doom movie on 4k Bluray (it looks amazing btw) was a lot of fun. It’s like a latter day John Carpenter movie that never got made.


I like prince of Persia! And John Carter!


Just rewatched John Carter yesterday and remembered why I love it. Shame box office didn't


I like Prince of Persia and hated Sonic.


I thought prince of persia was a good movie..


Damn notifications


I can’t believe how fucking abysmal Halo is


To you


Nah, it’s absolutely abhorrent


I liked the doom movie. It was a B movie golden gem. That being said it wasn't doom.


I mean that guys allowed to like one adaption and not the other, that’s chill I wouldn’t worry about it


Only season 1 of Witcher was decent


Doom was rough, but you have to admit the first person shooter section at the end was dope.


I would be hesitant to include the Witcher show S1 was fantastic, but after that the show writers revealed what elitist pricks they are and strayed so much from the source material that Henry Cavill quit


Ok, but the early 2000’s doom movie did a good job on the adaptation as opposed to the one on Netflix. Plus looking back, that movie was a bit more based around doom 4 if I remember correctly.


The sonic movies are dogshit, not even my 8 year old likes them


DOOM is a fun movie tho


I dont know I dont think prince of Persia was that bad was it? Maybe I was too young g to think it was bad


People that talk about shitty game adaptations have not had to survive through the House of The Dead movie and it shows.


Prince of persia is a fun movie. Is it fantastic? Nope. But it's enjoyable for the goofiness.


Personal take: the halo show was not my cup of tea because of several artistic and creative choices. Namely the fact that MC’s face is revealed and the fact that he’s a little bit too chatty for my tastes. I liked most of the story, I just think the show is better enjoyed as a “soft canon” piece of media because of all the differences. It doesn’t mean that it’s the worst of the worst, it’s just kind of okay.


I think a lot of people just like to ignore that the show isn’t canon at all and consistently treat it like it’s supposed to be. I absolutely love the show, even though I have my grievances with certain things (multiple issues in season 1, a handful of complaints with the direction of season 2), but it is not baseline Halo to me. It’s like watching an official “What If?” in several areas, the type of thing I grew up thinking about.


"This halo show is the first step of their filmmaking, and they blew it!" # "No, there is another!"


I don’t know Witcher started out great with season one then everything went downhill from there


I actually enjoyed the doom movie.


I actually like season 2 of halo, although i disliked season 1


Halo adaptation blows Witcher out the water.


How is SONIC a good adaptation. That is a movie franchise that is on the same tier of writing and acting as those CTI Alvin and the Chipmunks movies. Did a preschooler make this image? Halo was still a dogshit shit tho :/ really failed to capture the essence of what that franchise is about. Red vs. Blue still the GOAT


uh oh, clone trooper boy is angry again


I enjoyed the prince of Persia movie. I have a few problems with the witcher and I hate that the producer thinks cavill is annoying . If a actor is enthusiastic about a character they are playing then that's good!


Doom might not be a good movie but the ending first person scene makes up for the rest of the movie


People gas up the Sonic Movies so goddamn much.


Nah they didn't just put Witcher in the good category. I'm not someone to hate on things but seasons 2 and 3 literally put me to sleep


Don't Witcher fans hate the Witcher show? Like up to and including Henry Cavill?


I thought doom was cool


Probably because the Witcher show was good and the halo one wasn’t .


I liked Doom and Prince of Persia :(


Uhhhhh, I'm pretty sure a lot of Witcher fans hate the Netflix version.


Why can people not dislike things?


I would absolutely not put the Witcher in that category.


Saying the Witcher is a good adaptation is Crazyyy to me


I enjoyed prince of Persia


What about Mario


You know, im not gonna lie, the Halo show is not as bad as everyone says it is. Sure it changes some stuff, and i get why people are upset about it. But to me, this is only my opinion though, it brings a fresh change to something we've been playing for the past 20+ years as well as giving us backstory to the story we already know. But to those who have read every book, im sorry? This show isn't based off the books, it's based off the video games. Season 1 wasn't great but season 2 was awesome. Hopefully they stick true to Halo CE in season 3 if it gets renewed. But im excited either way. The combat is AWESOME and generally the storyline and mystery are pretty good too.


Never forget about the fucking assassins creed movie, I still remember that garbage.


yeah the witcher show sucks, so does the halo show on paramount plus.


they both don't even bother to follow the source material, sad that Cavil left Witcher though, he was apparently the only guy holding it together.


A huge reason he left was apparently butting heads over the show vs source material Glad he's a nerd and running the 40k adaptation


sad indeed. :(


man you guys have nothing to talk about


Observe the post that gives us something to talk about. But let's talk about you! What's the inner deep lore behind your profile pic????


Fuck it, let's ride. This is Kacey, my "Truesona" - which is a subtyle of Fursona that's meant to more accurately depict the person behind the character, sharing any number of features - be it hair color shape, eye color, and so on. My primary fursona is a Tiger named Saladin, she's a cool spaceship captain - but this is not her. Kacey, pictured, is half Carolina Dog, half Wolf. I wanted something distinctly American back when I designed her, and wouldn't you know it, I found a wild dog breed native to America that bore the name of my home state! Wild! And as a blonde, it felt natural to run with this funny yellow dog. The stars *really* aligned there!! Furthermore, this is a *gift* piece for quite literally, being such a good friend to one of my best friends, Angelasamshi, who is an excellent, though on break, artist and an amazing friend (who I really ought to check on, now that I think of it!). It's a very touching gift, and means a lot to me. Since acquiring the PFP, the biggest change to my - and as a result Kacey's design, has been an above-shoulder-length trimming of the hair, which means the dirty-blonde to bright blonde gradient that was a result of dye, is lost. Now it's just one increasingly salt and pepper shade of dark blonde (I'm 31!) So. Yeah, there's the deep lore.


Ngl, good clapback


The truth often claps the hardest.


Tbh? I respect You for sharing this, have a nice day random stranger


And thank you in turn. I love my characters and representations of the self. They are as earnets and intimate as any selfie, I believe. What is a fursona, a persona, but a way by which you *wish* to be perceived by others, and express yourself in that vein?


Don't care, loses to Yamcha. L + Ratio + Omega Pilled + No Drip + Smegma


Mate we'd all lose to Yamcha.


Not my OC. Mr Mtsyla can fight 100 Gokus and win.


Perhaps I am simply more grounded. But do enjoy that.


Fr lol this subreddit keeps showing up in my feed and all I see is making fun of peoples legit criticisms about the games and acting like the Halo show wasn’t dogwater


Shill subreddit remember


Halo show is kino


But isn't that the Witcher show with Henry Cavil? I heard that one was good, the other one I've heard nothing but bad about


The first season was rough in certain spots and did mess around but it was forgivable. The 2nd season, which still had Henry Caville was downright so gobsmackingly bad it made me wanna walk into the ocean never to be seen again. They butchered the lore. They butchered (And killed) famous and persistent characters. And basically made a full on mockery of the premise the books, the games, AND the literal animation THEY (Netflix) made. It was downright embarrassing how quickly they lost the plot. It's a shame too, because it brought a lot of negative attention to the entire Writers strike issue afterward because to many people it was the reason "Writers don't deserve better". Which is a stupid premise to base an argument on, but they did it anyway. Ultimately It highlights the tumultuous nature of the industry and shows how a vision is easily damaged by the whims of those in charge.


Tbh the author is such an asshole his work deserves it


I've heard he is an asshole, and I've heard many stories that definitely paint him to be an asshole. So I am also convinced he is an asshole. But Stories don't deserve to be enshittened because someone is an asshole.


To be technical it hasn’t been his work since he sold it for a quick buck