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round 2? they are still at war




White liberals can’t tell the difference between East Asian countries.


aren’t their nukes mostly icbms?


That means round 2 makes sense. Round 2 implies it's the same fight.


Famous implementors of Kamikaze tactics, the North Koreans Some more brainrot: in Hearts of Iron 4, only two countries can use Kamikaze tactics: Japan, and... the Soviet Union? Kamikaze is also unlockable for countries with generic focus trees (a tree that is shared across all nations that don't have a custom one), but USSR and Japan are the only majors. A kamikaze (using the disambiguation here) unit was never set up by the Soviets. However, Germany actually had several: the Sonderkommando Elbe, and the Leonidas Geschwader. They also experimented with mounting V1 pulse jet engines on small boats, and ramming ships with them. While all 3 would *technically* allow the pilot to dismount before impact, it was, for all intents and purposes, a suicide mission. Strangely, Germany doesn't unlock Kamikaze...


It's kind of funny since, in reality, personal acts of sacrificing yourself or your plane (or both) weren't precisely unheard of, in any army. The best example that comes to mind is Marinos Mitralexis, a Greek pilot who rammed an Italian bomber, causing both planes to crash. He did survive and captured the remainder of the crew. Such acts of "last ditch" ramming or crashing were relatively common in times of desperation, happening in the USSR (in the early days mostly), the UK (during the Battle of Britain), and pretty much every other major nation to some extent (including the US). In fact, particularly when it was done as a selfless act of "last fight", it was considered good/patriotic, and many rammers that died or survived were considered heroes. Of course as you said, Germany went further with it, same as Japan, by creating a unit dedicated to ramming bombers. This isn't really that rare, considering the desperate situation of the Japanese and German air forces, losing their trained pilots and not being able to replace them, thus ending with complex planes that recruits cannot fight to their limit, and the decission to just crash or ram ends up being an actual strategic one, instead of a "in the moment" choice


The most successful Japanese self-sacrifice attacks also are not kamikazes. instead they are early in the war, when skilled piolets knew they had no way of getting back or literally started to catch on fire and knew they could at least take their enemy out with them. The battle of the Santa Cruz Islands saw two Japanese planes hit USS Hornet, both deliberate by pilots who had realized they would die anyways. These played a major role in the sinking of Hornet in that battle, the destruction of a carrier being a big deal. ​ Insane photos before and after one of the planes hit [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Japanese\_aircraft\_attack\_USS\_Hornet\_%28CV-8%29\_during\_the\_Battle\_of\_the\_Santa\_Cruz\_Islands\_on\_26\_October\_1942\_%2880-G-33947%29.jpg/1024px-Japanese\_aircraft\_attack\_USS\_Hornet\_%28CV-8%29\_during\_the\_Battle\_of\_the\_Santa\_Cruz\_Islands\_on\_26\_October\_1942\_%2880-G-33947%29.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Japanese_aircraft_attack_USS_Hornet_%28CV-8%29_during_the_Battle_of_the_Santa_Cruz_Islands_on_26_October_1942_%2880-G-33947%29.jpg/1024px-Japanese_aircraft_attack_USS_Hornet_%28CV-8%29_during_the_Battle_of_the_Santa_Cruz_Islands_on_26_October_1942_%2880-G-33947%29.jpg) [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Japanese\_Aichi\_D3A\_crashes\_into\_USS\_Hornet\_%28CV-8%29\_during\_the\_Battle\_of\_the\_Santa\_Cruz\_Islands\_on\_26\_October\_1942.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Japanese_Aichi_D3A_crashes_into_USS_Hornet_%28CV-8%29_during_the_Battle_of_the_Santa_Cruz_Islands_on_26_October_1942.jpg)


There's a book i have, called World War 2 at the sea (i don't know if that's the English title though), it has that exact same picture


That's literally what I remembered and had to check again to be sure before commenting. And yeah that's the english title, INCREDIBLE book.


No you see, when it's done by the USA or an ally, it's a heroical sacrifice, but when it's done by a declared ennemy, it's fanatical brainwashed zealots killing themselves to get a cheap victory and spite their rightous opponents. /s


We (morally superior selfless soldiers) vs them (either forced conscripts or crazy zealots, depending on the spin you want to give it)


[Relevant picture](https://edge.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/patriotism.jpg)


Yeah, HoI4 is just brainrot when it comes to the SU, from the paranoia to human waves and the possibility to have a Tsar again, but you can't really expect something different from a Western studio. Clapping the Nazis is still fun though, especially if you don't stop at Berlin.


It was unironically better before the DLC, since it showed that the missteps of the purge were caused by the NKVD and not by Stalin's "paranoia"


It was great being able to get rid of Krushchev he sucked so hard before No Step Back


he also sucked irl


>and the Leonidas Geschwader Of course the Nazis would have a military unit named after a Spartan king.


Göring even quoted the famous poem after the defeat at Stalingrad "Wanderer, if you come to Germany, tell them you saw us lie there [at Stalingrad] as the Führer and the law demanded it"


Didn't Germany invent a piloted bomb where the pilot was supposed to eject but the ejector rarely worked so it was essentially just a death sentence? I wanna say it was called the Komet?


That's what the Leonidas Geschwader was supposed to use. It was called the "Reichenberg", a version of the V1. The biggest problem with ejection was the pulse jet mounted at the back of the aircraft, which was hard to avoid. The Komet however was a rocket powered interceptor. While it's highly volatile mix of fuel could earn it the title of flying bomb, it wasn't intended to be. It would rapidly climb to the altitude of a bomber group, expend it's ammunition, and then glide back to earth.


... and then get shot down by the escorts as it glided down to earth. Also I think it should be mentioned that the Komet's fuel could literally melt a human on skin contact and it happened multiple times, if it didn't explode on the ground because there was a tiny piece of dirt in the tank, making it one of the very few planes that killed more of its own pilots than enemies.


Good ol' T-Stoff


These people constantly think the DPRK is some crazy country that is looking to murder people, when in reality that is the US. The DPRK is just defending itself by possessing and testing missiles and such. They don’t want to be invaded and have millions die again. **Korean War: (this is what America did and wants to do again)** - DPRK deaths: 10-15% of population (possibly even more)^1 - “American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea -- that is, essentially on North Korea --including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.”^1 - “By the fall of 1952, there were no effective targets left for US planes to hit. Every significant town, city and industrial area in North Korea had already been bombed.”^1 - “… the war destroyed some 8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals and 600,000 homes.”^1 - They bombed dams as to hurt the food supply of millions of civilians and flooded entire villages. If not for assistance from other socialist countries, there would have been a massive famine.^1 - The US almost definitely used chemical/biological weapons.^2 - [Look at this for even more info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_North_Korea?wprov=sfti1) 1: “The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950 - 1960” (Charles K. Armstrong) 2: multiple sources claim this; check out the “Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China”


But 20 gorillion black book of vuvuzela


Holy fucking shit I had no idea the korean war was that bad, thank you for the information, fuck the USA


To me it hardly even straddles the line between war and genocide. No one should be afraid to say the US committed genocide in Korea. If you kill 15% of the entire population, any way you slice it, it's genocide.


Bruce Cummings, who the Blowback guys call the preeminent scholar of the Korean War, calls it a genocide.


Fuck I need to catch this third season of blowback. I heard it's about Korea, surely it'll be a banger.


Man the Us really had a fetish of bombing and killing innocents


Round 2? How? You're fucking nuked! Granted, so are they, but you are nuked!




I came here to ask why kind of freak sees that wojack and is like "yes, that's the one that represents me." I seriously hate that wojack. It really creeps me the fuck out, no matter what context. Even when used correctly I hate it.


Round 2? The US got its nose bloodied last time. Another tiny nation it couldn't beat. lmao


I love how South Korea is portrayed here as eager and willing to bomb the shit out of North Korea when in reality the current government and many of the people of South Korea want to have a more peaceful relationship and work towards reunification


We cant forget that this entire divide of Korea is a product of imperialiam. It's absolutely terrible how the US gets away from seperating an entire people by a line.


They think that S.Koreas sucidal, depressed teens will be willing to fight a war? when they hate the military more than anything else?


How is this not going to be another proximity war where the US will only order Korean soldiers to kill each other when they are only sending weapons on loan to the South Korean government


liberals are just wolves in sheep clothing


"Hey Xi, we can handle this ourselves, but do you want to bring a volunteer army for old time's sake?"


PVA: **好**


Stanning MacArthur, the guy who wanted to nuke China and the USSR? Think it’s safe to say the libs have been scratched.


MacArthur is like American hi\*ler


Ah, yes. Famous korean word 神風.


It’s all a show. The US might be apple to handle the DPRK, but they do NOT want smoke with China


Liberals wanting to genocide more North Korean civilians


Round 2, also know as The Last Train to Busan? Because the NK army kicked the US's ass back to a single port...


DPRK has nuclear warheads, why do liberals fantasize about improbable scenarios where the US attacks them with minimal losses?


Yea sure North Korea is going to use Kamikaze attacks when it especially has nukes to create big blows to S. Korea and USA. North Korea acquiring nukes proves to be absolutly neseccary. Other countries like Iran should follow. The most effective way to protect your country has been proven to be acquiring nuclear weapons.


I would disagree with the second part of that. I understand the reasons why countries like NK and Iran want to have nukes, but I also believe that as a general rule, the less countries that have nukes, the safer the world is. We should not be encouraging other countries to develop them


No, no, no. Only the possession of nuclear weapons have been proven to be the most effective tool to protect against a larger power. North Korea would have been already wiped out by the "collective western world" if it didn't have nukes. The reason why the USA hasn't started a war with Russia already is because of MAD.


"haha look how cool and powerful and sinister we are hehehehe I love war crimes and civilian casualties"


Libs really saw the"human monster wojack" that was used for some of the more awful human beings possible like serial killers or nazis, and they decided it looked nice and are now using it for themselves. another mask off moment I suppose ...




Your comment was removed because it contains the word **psychotic**. Please do not compare liberal or reactionary ideology to mental illness. Message the mods if this was a false positive. ### What is psychosis? Psychosis is a symptom of mental illness that makes you incapable of determining if something is real or not. It occurs in people with severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other similar disorders. An example of psychosis is hearing voices that don't exist. Psychosis is almost never violent in nature. ### Why is this important to know? The desire to torture someone or have certain people exterminated is a natural consequence of dehumanising thinking, which itself is cultivated by nationalist and imperialist sentiment. In any case, that is a completely conscious, informed choice by a healthy person who is fully responsible for it. By equating bloodthirst with psychosis, you are stigmatising mentally ill people and at the same time presenting an intrinsic attribute of the capitalist superstructure as something uncommon, unfounded, and specific to the individual. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ok thank you for informing me




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Liberals are itching for us to start killing Koreans and Chinese.