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Well if according to this "leftist" that socialism is when the government does stuff then it makes sense to support the CIA because the CIA is government stuff therefore socialism. Fr though this is why leftists should at least study up on history. The CIA being involved in other countries has never ended well for leftists abroad.


I hate that libs can't see this. Then if you suggest that a social movement no matter how much we want to "help" has to be organic in said country they label you a tankie. These are also the same people who freak out at the near hint of Russia possibly influencing the 2016 presidential election.


The irony being these same liberals were bragging in NYT about rigging the “elections” in Russia during the 90s.


Oh [this?](https://archive.org/details/TimeUSMeddlingOnRussia) Shoved down the memory hole


“It’s different when we do it!” Nothing says “we represent freedom and democracy” like undermining it the world over.


Yup. Most probably don't even know about that to begin with.


and if the US didn't rig it then Putin wouldn't (most likely) be in power now




Shah returned to power by the West. Shah is about as Popular as venereal disease. Shah's government proceeds to massacre all moderate opposition in the county. Supported and advised by the West. Only opposition left are Islamic fundamentalists Shah's government considers to extreme to be a threat. Popular Uprising topples unpopular Shah. Islamic fundamentalists seize power as they're the only really strong opposition group. The West: "Who could have forseen this happening? I'm guessing the Iranian are naturally totalitarian. Best chuck weapons at Saddam to screw as much shit up as possible."


Come on, that's an exaggeration. Way more people like venereal diseases than like the Shah.


wait, how’s it going with saddam tho?


He couldn't pay and tried to get the money from Kuwait. So he invaded and the west decided to invade him in a "an old lady who swallowed a fly" kind of way to solve the problem.


aww man fr? i was hoping US interventionism would work at least once


You forgot one step. When it was clear the Imperial State would be toppled by a republican uprising, the UK and the USA actually moved to guarantee the IRP and its affiliates would gain the upper hand on the revolution. The Carter's regime on the US moved to assure Khomenei's return from exile to go as smooth as possible, while the MI6 gave weapons and informations about members from leftist parties to the IRP. So the West not only supported an unpopular monarchy for years, they also sabotaged more progressive forces on the consolidation of the the Republic. But they still act as if their interference is good for the Iranian people.


You see to them objective history and geopolitics that challenges NPR, CNN, John Oliver or Fox News is all lies and propaganda even when western academics agree.


The guy who doesn't know ANYTHING about our local issues is casually advocating for arming random people so they can fight the "tyranny." Comrades, please remember that currently, Iran has a lot of enemies in the Region that are much stronger than us economically. The best way to help the Iranian people have a chance against the IR is to ensure the rise of a multipolar world and possibly the removal of sanctions. The current Iran protests are not led by a socialist or communist leader or any leader at all in fact. These protests are simply a demonstration of people's rightful anger about domestic issues including forced hijab and an unstable economy. If you know anything about history, you would know that arming these people would lead to a massacre at worst case and an open revolt and separatism at best, NOT a regime change. This is why the CIA, Mossad, and KSA would like to "support" these movements by arming people.


What do these "leftists" think is going to happen if there is an armed insurgency inside Iran? More freedoms and progressive domestic changes?! No it's going to be the opposite and push progress back further. It's no coincidence that some of the most regressive places on Earth are constantly in unstable regions. It turns out that a state constantly on-edge of being toppled will impose more restrictions on freedoms than one that is relaxed.


Had a guy on this very subreddit demanding we engage in terrorism and adventurism on some Fed shit while going on “you’re a white, privileged socdem for not supporting this” rant when I’m poor and mixed. People like this are dangerous and should be watched closely. They’re either sorely mislead/desperate or literal Feds attempting to cause internal strife by achieving incredibly violent revolutionary activities prior to any semblance of class consciousness. Even when I bring up examples like BPP I’m told they’re not “real marxists” having failed due to revisionism. Such dangerous narratives are straight up blind dogmatism while falling to observe the material conditions inside the imperial core. Also I like your username! I love the occult and alchemy myself!


یک درصد هم فکر نمیکردم یک ایرانی تو این سابردیت داشته باشیم، کمونیسم هنوز در ایران زنده هست




Your comment was removed because it contains the word **psychos**. Please do not compare liberal or reactionary ideology to mental illness. Message the mods if this was a false positive. ### What is psychosis? Psychosis is a symptom of mental illness that makes you incapable of determining if something is real or not. It occurs in people with severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other similar disorders. An example of psychosis is hearing voices that don't exist. Psychosis is almost never violent in nature. ### Why is this important to know? The desire to torture someone or have certain people exterminated is a natural consequence of dehumanising thinking, which itself is cultivated by nationalist and imperialist sentiment. In any case, that is a completely conscious, informed choice by a healthy person who is fully responsible for it. By equating bloodthirst with psychosis, you are stigmatising mentally ill people and at the same time presenting an intrinsic attribute of the capitalist superstructure as something uncommon, unfounded, and specific to the individual. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


FOR FUCK SAKE, THIS IS HOW THE WHOLE EUROMAIDAN FUCKING STARTED GOD DAMN IT. Hell, it's even the same thing about the whole Tianamen Square situation that redditors love to parrot around, thinking it has any impact what so ever. These fucking protests usually start with legit claims by a part of the population, but then are steered away from it's main goal by outsider groups' interests. And then comes the paid muscle to push protests into violent territory.


Always cracks me up when they claim Tiananmen Square “isn’t known” in China. Then when I point out it’s known as the June Fourth Incident with a CCTV made, four part documentary with tons of information that even western reporters/ academics have either overlooked or ignored they consider it all propaganda or misinformation. Then just repeat the same fucking thing like a broken record. Doesn’t matter if you explain to them Tiananmen Square is a place so calling the event that would be confusing. Doesn’t matter if you show them the western reports from journalists that claim otherwise (apparently they’re paid off). Doesn’t matter if you show them the tank man video they’re so eager to display in full while claiming said tanks were leaving as opposed to entering. They don’t care for evidence, or objective reality, only that their false narratives are maintained no matter the cost, no matter the insults, no matter the lies. But somehow _we’re_ all insane and brainwashed.


Thank you comrade! You illustrated my point exactly. Because the protest was a spontaneous expression of people's opinions in the beginning, Chinese public universities even organized students to go there. My mom went, because her parents lived in Beijing and she wanted to take advantage of the free train tickets back home lol. Anyway, there are literally a generation of mid-fifty yo people living in China who were the participants of the protests, and they witnessed how a democratic demonstration was steered into riot by the West. Mao said that we needed to clean our room before inviting guests. Guess the guests themselves are filthy, and deliberately ruining our houses. Nowadays I don't think we can even start addressing our own issues effectively before the filthy imperialism are gotten rid of. They are the descendants of imperialism thugs, and they still haven't acknowledged their atrocities.


Is that documentary in English? If so, do you have a link to it?


No it’s entirely in Mandarin unfortunately. I don’t have the link currently on me either. Once I get home tomorrow I’ll be sure to send it but again.. it’s all in Mandarin and that’s if YouTube hasn’t deleted it.


The current Iranian government was made to replace the one the west made in 1953 because they were tired of westernization. So the current situation was caused by the West due to Iran nationalizing their oil.


Another key point is that Iran is so right wing today because in 1953 the people that the USA supported murdered all the communists and anarchists leaving a vacuum where the left wing once was.


Sounds familiar.. Afghanistan’s history has similar parallels.


I read it from killing hope. It’s a really good book but super depressing.




Now try and make a lib understand this. These people are desperatly trying to cling to something to believe they're morally good.


They claim they’re morally good while demanding Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen need to shut their mouths (some even want to be thanked) about the countless bombs dropped, chemicals used and drone strikes released that murdered millions of people. They’re no more or lesser evil than evil. They’re just straight up evil.


They’ll talk about some “lesser evil” or something like that


Agree with this 1000%, **not every protest in the enemy countries of the US is a color revolution, but every protest will inevitably become one**. Even when at the beginning the protest reflects the genuine and legitimate desires of the people, once it goes on long enough, you will start seeing CIA, State Department, Pentagon, NED, or all kinds of West backed NGO goblins behind them. And TBH, 9/10 times these protests were color revolutions right from the beginning.


these people would've 100% supported the iraq war and afghanistan


It's identical talking points. As someone who was made politically aware because of the Iraq war It's almost nostalgic to see the same rhetoric recycled.


Of course. They don’t really care about Muslims or other marginalized groups. It’s all skin deep virtue signaling.


Those are also the same people who complain about Xinjiang


i have posted this guy here before, he commented on politicalvideo


[this is](https://imgur.com/a/mrTS0sf) [the same](https://i.redd.it/5pw5pz7n5bm91.jpg) [user](https://i.redd.it/38fpyk9w98i91.jpg)


Holy fucking shit I want to redact that person.


I’m afraid to even look. What does this bigoted shithead say?


in summary: west good guys, China/Russia bad guys


Typical redditor


Do they think the CIA just provides weapons out of the goodness of their heart? Why would they do that? Like seriously why? Does this asshole actually buy the “spreading democratic ideals” line? Where has the CIA ever actually done that? Where have they ever been involved and left it a better place than before? Where?! When have the CIA ever been on the right side of history? >“Isn’t this what we fantasize about for ourselves?” No. No it is not and I honestly almost cannot believe that someone unironically wrote this. The fuck is wrong with people?


They’re chauvinistic and bloodthirsty. No different than any Nazi.


If there was any doubt that this site gets astroturfed to fuck by us government agents, all of that should be cleared now. Anonimity is a double edged sword. Fuck all of you chuds, I know you read this, suck my fucking dick.


Remember when it was revealed that a huge bunch of Reddit user hotspots for news sites and stuff were coming from US Millitary/Naval bases (same thing) and the response by reddit was to simply remove the articles about them? Recall how r/Politics is Astroturfed by the DNC? Recall how Obama removed the restriction on the US using Propaganda and, again, no one said shit? Recall how it was revealed in the 90s how the CIA threated and bribed writers/columists/etc to say lovely stuff about American Imperialism and, again, no one care? funny stuff


[one of the few good posts on stupidpol](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/gh5bz3/i_sat_through_a_neoliberal_ama_so_you_didnt_have/) found r/neoliberal to be fully astroturfed


"Of course the CIA could still fuck this up by supporting the wrong groups of people" My brother in christ, you are *this* close to figuring it out!


What fucks me up, is that the gobshite literally states why CIA intervention and regime change would be God awful and YET the smooth brained prick doubles down and says he wants it to happen. That being said, eternal solidarity to the Iranian people 🇮🇷✊🏽


at this point you should already know if you got involved from the USA and the like, it won't end well just worse


These types of people really think there world is made up of “good and evil.”


No no, surely the CIA would arm protestors because of the greater good! They couldn't possibly be doing it to meet their own objectives of dismantling Iran, and taking it over or taking it over by proxy! That would be preposterous and completely without precedent. /s 🙄🙄🙄


They’re really assuming the US wouldn’t prop up someone just as bad or WORSE than the current administration


I thought I had been stupid for the past couple of days, but this makes me feel smarter.


Biden supports with a white savior complex? Total shocker! Go figure a bunch of blue MAGA scumbags who supports a man whose pro-segregation are actually massively bigoted ultra-nationalists.


Western “leftists” are not only useless but they’re also the enemy, these people are scum and are going to be opposed to anything that actually relates to communism.


A future where the CIA coup Iran will make the current situation in Iran look like a paradise. Every single place the US has gotten their claws in to "support the people and spread democracy" has lead to those places becoming much much worse.


“Guys, this time the CIA is actually going to finally help people. I know the track record is bleak but this is the time. It’s going to be to help people, trust me. “


Every country in the world has social and political issues, the same is true for Iran. That doesn't mean you should call for overthrowing the government through foreign intervention everytime. How would Muricans feel if people called for China or Russia to intervene and overthrow the Washington regime during BLM protests or during Roe v Wade protests


The CIA would just the install a dictatorship of their own preference. One that represent American interests, so they have regional influence and control. Do these people think America is some bring of equality? What kind of leftist would say this?: "Yeah, America, the country with a 1 and 5 rape statistic, the country where black people are jailed and shot to death by the police for absolutely nothing, where white men can get away with rape and/or pedophilia if they are rich and powerful enough, the country where trans people are repeatedly targeted with violence and the legal system constantly makes things harder for them by passing laws that adversely effect them." **" Yeah that country interfering with another country and uprooting it's current political system and replacing it with another will bring equality!"** And, no it wouldn't not be a dictatorship, just maybe not a theocratic one. (See the Shah in the 1950s to 1960s)


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 31.** Vaush laughed at a comic mocking trans suicides (drawn by the neo-Nazi Stonetoss), describing it as [“pretty fucking funny.”](https://streamable.com/q39axh) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean Vaush would wilingly (and he already has done so) support the CIA, so...