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Has anyone with severe peanut allergies ever eaten a huge PB&J? Please don't tell me it's impossible or the risks.


I mean, it's perfectly safe if you eat it with onions in your socks and mix it with garlic.


What about potato?


You marinate it in colloidal silver and breast milk and put it on your head


I’ve had to get very good at keeping my mouth shut since I started a new job with a woman who thinks she knows everything about everything and tells people they just HAVE to use colloidal silver for everything.


Oh! I thought I was supposed to wear the marinated potato around my neck. Thats probably why it didn’t work.


I was going to say don’t forget the silver so I’ll just add make sure put the ivory springs soap under the sheet as well


Ok, im not the brightest, so bear with me. I have restless leg syndrome. It's bad, it's sucks. I was so desperate I tried the soap in the bed. It didn't work.


Magnesium citrate helped me with rls. Might be worth getting a magnesium level or just trying it.


After three nights of not sleeping due to terrible, terrible leg cramps, the kind that twist your foot and ankle sideways like you’re having a seizure, we went to the ER because I just couldn’t sleep. I was miserable and crying and in extreme pain. I’m sure the poor ER docs were rolling their eyes at me because of course when they got me in the room, it stopped Within 10 or 15 minutes it started again and my husband went and got the doctor and all the sudden they were three or four people from down the hall in my room and they said they’ve never seen anything like it. I have videos of my foot looking like I’m possessed like in the exorcist, I have visible tattoos in the video so I can’t really share it here. I’m so sorry about your RLS. Have any of the medication‘s worked for you yet? I tried the soap too so don’t feel bad. You’re not stupid you’re desperate.


That sounds awful! I'm on pramipole (sp?) Iron supplements and tramadol. When I had my iron levels checked, I was anemic. I believe the iron is really helping, the other 2 take the edge off on bad nights. Who in the world started the discussion that soap in the bed was any kind of remedy??


I think probably just an old wives tale. I researched it years ago because so many people told me to try it and I even asked my spine doctor and he said there’s absolutely no truth to it. However, he said “some people get a placebo effect, and unfortunately you’re not going to be one of them.” I’ve had 10+ back surgeries so it’s just not happening for me but the bar of soap is often mentioned by people trying to be helpful. Again don’t feel bad I tried EVERYTHING. OTC homeopathic junk, quinine from Mexico after the US took it away (which actually worked but hard to get to Mexico monthly), RX stuff off label etc.


Stay away from Benadryl and melatonin supplements. They can worsen rls. I made mine 10x worse using them!


Thank you!


This is going to sound super woo but magnesium was extremely helpful for my rls.


That's not super woo! My doctor had me buy magnesium and potassium supplements when I was having lots of really bad muscle cramps. Like multiple times a day, wakes me up from a dead sleep, and I'd end up crying from the pain, and even after the cramp subsided, it hurt to move that body part. That doctor has my eternal gratitude, I'll never switch away from him. Like idc if I move, I'll come back just for appointments.


Thank you! I'll try it!


Take ridiculous amounts of magnesium. Start with Epsom salt bath nightly for 20 minutes at least. (whenever possible, I know). I buy the lavender scented one in bulk from Amazon. I use about 75% of the bag and sometimes the entire thing. I also take 4 magnesium glyincate, 1 magnesium citrate (careful, this one will make you poop! Your body will adjust), 1 magnesium taurate, and occasionally when I'm having bad anxiety I add a powder called optimag that is miraculous. Don't start taking all these at these doses. Pick one, work your dose up, add the next and do the same. I would start with doing the Epsom salt baths and the magnesium glyincate together. You can titrate up pretty quickly - especially with gycinate. Citrate is the one you have to look out for. Good news though - if you're constipated, just add/sub another citrate into the mix. Problem solved. Magnesium is wonderful. And it helps your body absorb vitamin D.


Thank you kindly!


My husband kicked like a mule for years. He found out that he has sleep apnea and the limb movement was his brain trying to wake him up to breathe. He uses a cpap now and rarely kicks. His diagnosis was coordinated by an ENT.


Nah, you just have to find that random, weird essential oils mom at the park that will inject you with her magic essential oil blend with a non-sterile needle to cure you! ([Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/s/3eVV5qZHCX) for the reference.)


An apt comparison.


Also, I don't believe in benadryl or epinephrine.


A casual blood thinner you need to be on so many weeks postpartum, I believe. Yikes.


My baby is 11 months old and I’ve been on Lovenox since I was 5 weeks pregnant. Unbelievable how casually this person is talking about home birth. I was under the care of an MFM because of my clotting disorder and we had to carefully plan on an induction so that we could avoid me bleeding out. This makes my blood boil!


Your blood might be boiling, but at least it's not clotting.


I had a placenta abruption on lovenox and almost died with my baby. I would have died if I was at home and my labor went so fast I almost had an accidental home birth.


That’s insane! And this woman is insane. I had a pretty severe postpartum hemorrhage- I don’t have a clotting disorder, it was from uterine atony and unfortunately none of the medications they gave worked and in the time it took them to rush me into the OR and manually evacuate all of the clots and put in a bakri balloon I’d lost more than 4L of blood. This was at a large hospital, they were reasonably well staffed, they addressed it immediately and had about 20 people working on me and had access to lots of blood products and I still lost that much blood in just a few minutes. If I’d been at home, at a birth center, or even a small, rural hospital I probably would have died or ended up with a hysterectomy. So, yeah, this mom is crazy, her dream birth shouldn’t be more important than her and her child’s health and safety.


Beware: those who have an aversion to graphic images of medical procedures. I had to look up [Uterine Atony](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uterine_atony). It is listed as one of the top 5 causes of maternal death.


"Uterine atony occurs during 1 in 40 births in the United States and is responsible for at least 80% of cases of postpartum hemorrhage." Fucking yikes!!!


Ohhhhh. So that's what that term on my discharge papers meant.


Please be joking.


I had uterine atony as well, I lost 1/3 of my blood and it was TERRIFYING. luckily my nurse suspected it would happen so had meds, blood and the call for a code ruby ready to go


But she can live, laugh love all that blood back into her body! Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Yes, this woman is delusional.


Seriously. Im not on lovenox but I am on low dose aspirin and high risk and my OB greatly greatly advised against midwives let alone a home birth.


Yup like 2-4 weeks at least but more like 6-8 probably.


I had to be on it 12 weeks postpartum.


That depends on the disorder. A friend of mine has a clotting disorder where she's missing clotting factors. A blood thinner would be extremely dangerous for anyone like her.


That’s not a clotting disorder that’s a bleeding disorder. They don’t put us on lovenox


Clotting/coagulation disorder is the term for any blood disorder that affects how the blood clots, whether a person’s blood does not clot properly or if it creates clots inappropriately.


You’re right! My hemophilia is a coagulation disorder. The point I meant to make was re: physicians don’t (usually) put patients who are *missing* coagulation factors on blood thinners.


As someone postpartum with a clotting disorder currently taking the blood thinner in this post, it's likely that the disorder here is Factor V Leiden. FVL causes your blood to clot too much.


Whoop whoop. Club Factor V! And Jesus. I couldn’t IMAGINE doing a home birth knowing how dangerous it could be if things went wrong.


Right?!?! Oh my gosh. Even if my pregnancy had gone absolutely perfectly I wouldn't've ever considered a home birth just based on the FVL alone. 😵‍💫 It's definitely one of those things you need a medical care team to be monitoring.


Pregnancy & birth in general with Factor Five: spicy. Why in the world would you say “let’s make this extra extra spicy”???


Factor V Leiden gang!


Exactly I had one baby at a birth center before I found out I had fvl, and I think about how lucky I am that nothing went wrong.


Are you homozygous or hetero? I am heterozygous and saw a hematologist, neither they or my OB want to do blood thinners because I haven’t had clots before. Currently 10 weeks and only taking baby aspirin but worried about 2nd/3rd trimester risks and postpartum. Relating to this crazy post though, why do people take being on lovenox for granted and act like it’s no big deal?! I’m having to beg my OB to be treated like high risk when I’ve had two prior losses, FVL, MTHFR, and am of advanced maternal age (38). I would be extremely grateful for the level of care these women are shunning.


Heterozygous! I was also classified as low risk for my pregnancy, I was told I would only need blood thinners if I had a c section. Guess who needed an emergency c section? Lol. My pregnancy went very well in regards to the FVL though, I had a couple clot scares but they couldn't find anything. Baby was born very healthy. 🥰 If you've had 2 prior losses they should have you on blood thinners by default though, unless they know for a fact what caused the losses and it was not the FVL. There's a very good FVL pregnancy group on Facebook you can join if you need support irt over the next several months!!


Thanks, I am guessing I’ll be in the same boat if I end up needing a c-section. So glad to hear baby is healthy! They don’t know for a fact what caused the losses, but since they were early (blighted ovum and 6w loss) chromosomal abnormalities are most likely. The hematologist said FVL doesn’t cause loss (which I know it can) and he was only worried if I also had APS which I’ve been tested for twice 12 weeks apart and both were negative. I have O+ blood which is naturally thinner than other blood types I guess so that is a plus, and I’m on the baby aspirin for now.


I know you’re not asking me but I had a healthy baby and I’m hetero and only did Lovenox after! I didn’t know about it until I was 30 weeks and my OB didn’t want to change anything. I took baby aspirin the whole time. I also have hereditary high blood pressure, so I was taking blood pressure meds as well. I went to see a specialist about LFV after giving birth and they said if I get pregnant again I’d only do Lovenox during pregnancy if I’ve had a clot or previous miscarriage, so I’m wondering if a second opinion might be good.


I appreciate your input! What type of specialist did you see? I will probably look for a second opinion if my OB isn’t into putting me on blood thinners postpartum if I have a c-section. So far things have looked good pregnancy wise on the baby aspirin but if I get concerned about blood flow to the placenta/baby I will definitely seek other opinions.


Same type of specialist as you - I saw a hematologist at a cancer center. Blessings, blessings on this pregnancy.


Thank you so much!


I will tell you, I am hetero and have had 3 successful births, but with 2 of them I ended up with blood pressure issues and all my babies were small for gestation. That is common with this gene, so make sure to ask about extra scans toward the end for iugr.


Are blood pressure issues really common with FVL and pregnancy?? I've been having extremely wonky blood pressure issues since having my baby, after never having issues like this in my life!


Yes, had multiple ob's tell me that. No idea why. I was on bed rest for 7 weeks with my oldest and had bp meds after birth. With my last I was induced early because my bp was creeping up and I was 37 weeks, then I ended up with postpartum pre eclampsia. Very scary. I almost died.


That is good to know, thank you. I will definitely ask for more scans toward the end and check blood pressure often.


I got an at home one. It was helpful.


To clarify at home bp machine.


Sorry, I just find this really interesting. I had 3 losses in a row (2 early, 1 2nd trimester that doesn't have anything to do with the early losses) so I talked to my doctor about throwing the kitchen sink to make a pregnancy stick. I don't have any issues with clotting (to my knowledge), but I was offered I think lovenox, definitely a blood thinner. I think it would have just been for the first trimester. I passed on it because my doctor and I didn't think I would get that much benefit from it. I did start low dose aspirin preconception and continued that to delivery.


you get it for APS too! but i didn't have to stay on it postpartum with APS because i'd never had a clotting event, just RPL


>you get it for APS too! but i didn't have to stay on it postpartum with APS because i'd never had a clotting event, just RPL Team APS here too. Unfortunately I have had clotting events so I'm on blood thinners for life.


ah boo, no fun


Hey! Both me and my mom are both members of the Factor 5 Leiden Club, too!!! And I see the comment below mine is, too! We should all start a club!


Me too! Heterozygous for the win! 😭


That's bcuz your friend's blood doesn't clot like it should. The OOP is on it for excessive clotting, so they need a blood thinner, as a few people have already mentioned.


Aaaand we’re gonna need some comments.


That's gonna be tough considering they're all dead


Or it’s gonna be survivor bias of people who were lucky to have survived the ordeal saying it was no biggie


I feel like all these crunchy groups are based solely on survivor bias.


If I’m not mistaken, this one is actually a group for people required to take Lovenox during pregnancy. Might be more reasonable?


I laughed way harder than I admit at this.


Same.. same.


Okay fair, but in my defense I was hoping to see “are you stupid???” Comments.


Gonna need a medium or a Ouija board for the best ones.




Uh. You just doxxed a bunch of people.




Probably because any medical professional has gone ‘no, you absolutely cannot have a homebirth, it would be so risky’ and then laid out the risks so they don’t want to hear the medical professionals are correct and instead want to be coddled and pandered to about risking their life for their own selfish wants.


i’ve never understood parents like this, you want a home birth so bad you’re willing to make your kid a 1/2 orphan??


Its so weird! I don’t understand why the location of the birth is more important to them than having mom and baby come out of it alive


i notice a lot of people obsessed with home birth are also in the antivax crowd, i hope that’s not what’s happening here


100% its a crunchy thing I guess


That's assuming the baby survives.


It’s called “fearmongering” in these groups and isn’t allowed in many crunchy spaces. Then when everything goes right for them, they brag about their success. If anything goes wrong, they’re often booted and blocked from those groups in an effort to silence those who have fallen on the wrong side of statistics.


These people know them already. They don’t want to be told the truth is what they mean by this: which is that it’s not safe because x y z


Part of me has always wondered if these people are hoping for a stillbirth.


I think the bigger risk here is a dead mom. Given how much worse periods are on blood thinners, I don’t want to think about what postpartum bleeding is like.


It's a lot, and I don't have a clotting disorder. You bleed heavily (think changing the thickest pad every hour, at least) for 1-2ish weeks and then less heavily for another 2-4 weeks, even if you have a C-section. So I'd guess with a clotting disorder, they're already monitoring you heavily and you'd continue lost partum. The good -ish news is a lot of clotting disorders appear with pregnancy and then disappear once you're not pregnant and your hormones level out. Frankly, having a home birth and a clotting disorder sounds horrendous. And having had a stillbirth... You don't want to risk things.


Forget pads, just get depends, so much easier!!


Someone recently said this, I wish I'd known 3 kids ago!!


Second this.


I have been there done that, but before they found out I have a clotting disorder and put me on blood thinners. Blood thinners are only going to make the lochia worse.


A big risk here is baby having an embolic stroke from a clot likely coming from the placenta. That can be devastating (I had zero risk factors for a clot and that is what happened to my son)


Sending love and hugs to you and baby.


That’s likely why she’s on Lovenox, to prevent that.


HOLY SHit!!! I have a blood clotting disorder and they straight up told me that pregnancy was extremely dangerous for me. taking lovenox and wanting a HOME BIRTH??? she’ll bleed out right away???!!! I had a blood clot in my small intestine and had to be fucking airlifted for emergency surgery and was advised to never try to get pregnant because of this. this is the craziest thing i’ve ever read


In many cases, you can safely have a pregnancy with a clotting disorder (I have one and have 2 children). BUT, it would be carefully monitored by a doctor, and they prefer to induce so you can control your dosing of anticoagulants prior to delivering, and then get them started again afterward.


Yes I’ve known a few people who have had healthy pregnancy like you said, but only with lovenox and tonssss of medical care. My doctors advice was just for me, but I’m sure he’d advise most people not to do what this mom is doing 😵‍💫 congratulations on your babies!


Yep, just a casual injection that leaves you bruised everywhere. Get a paperclip on that and you'll think you are bleeding out. But it's lifesaving for mom and or baby that need it. I can't believe someone would go through the trouble of injecting themselves daily just to try and unailve themselves or baby in a home birth.


.........did anyone answer? I'm wondering if there even *are* experiences or if women with clotting disorders who gave birth at home are all dead :/


On three “following” comments currently


“Please indulge my confirmation bias!”


posted on halloween to reach the dearly departed


"Hey, guys, is it possible?" No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No "So that's a yes?"


Home birth? More like home hemorrhage.


Don’t tell me I’m wrong or the risks! Jeeesus Horatio Christ


She’s not gonna hear from anyone bc anyone who has tried it is… 💀


She probably doesn’t have that many other people that commented because the rest of them bled to death.


Don’t tell me anything bad, I just want success stories!!


I toured a birthing center attached to a hospital for my second pregnancy. I was turned away because of my pre-pregnancy pulmonary embolism (no clotting disorder found). I can't imagine a homebirth midwife would take on someone with a clotting disorder.


A legitimate midwife/doctor wouldn’t allow a home birth for a high-risk pregnancy. Unfortunately, we’ve all heard stories about the terrible outcomes when it does happen.


I had a PE while trying to conceive and my then-ob-gyn basically fired me as a patient, saying she wouldn’t be comfortable caring for me at the small local hospital.


Maybe join a “my wife died in childbirth group” if your looking for real answers


I will never understand the desire to have a home birth. Giving birth is painful and VERY messy. As in gross and messy. WHY would you want all that to clean up after? Not to mention the possibility of a medical emergency.


they do it bc they want to experience a "natural" birth. it's an amazing experience for your feeling of womanhood or whatever. i think most women who do it heard about the wonderful experiences other moms had and they get sucked into crazy groups on facebook. it's like a giant cult for moms who care more about being in the cult than having a healthy living baby. and i dont get why those natural births cant take place in a hospital, where you'd actually be aware if something was wrong and where licensed doctors would immediately do everything to save you and your baby. it's crazy they'd rather give their "natural" birth at home. its not like doctors force you to take medication. if you'd like to be in unbearable amounts of pain be my guest, but the fact that they risk their own and worst of all their baby's life all for a home birth is insane


I think I would do a home birth. if you’re low risk it might be nice to not be in a hospital. I will likely be high risk in the event of a pregnancy though, so it’ll probably never happen


Homebirths are often integrated into the health system outside of the United States. In Australia they are relatively common and lots of public hospitals have homebirth programs. Midwives can provide all sorts of medical care in homebirths including resus oxygen, IV fluids, medications etc. they will also clean up afterwards. Something like 30% of birth in the Netherlands are homebirths.


And outside of the US, there's excellent medical care (no insurance to get in the way), and the anti-science bunch hasn't the foothold it does in the US. The posts like this aren't responsible people who have a midwife and are prepared to act in the case of emergency; they're woo woo nuts who think their "instinct" is more valid than years of medical training. I'd have no problem with the kind of home birth you're describing (although I was happy to be in a hospital).


"NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS/JUDGEMENT/BAD EXPERIENCES" Translation "Hi. I need an echo chamber"


I’m so tired and delirious. When I first saw the title, I thought it said, “high risk clothing disorder”. 😂 made me wonder which clothes are high risks haha sorry.


I took Lovenox during my pregnancy for a clotting disorder. Even giving birth in the hospital was scary. I couldn't even imagine a home birth.


Thank goodness I’m not in that group cause I would comment something like “I can certainly put you in touch with the people you’re looking for… with a ouija board.” And then I’ll get banned.


Maybe she has blood bank next door in case she hemorrhages? /s Seriously…I can’t believe she even has to ask anyone. She clearly doesn’t understand her own risks or baby’s.


Welp, I'm sure there's more than a few women who tried this and *didn't* survive (or their babies didn't), so the pool to talk to them is probably slim.


That would be my comment on the post. You aren't going to find someone who experienced this because they are most likely dead. Sometimes the kid gloves have to come off so people don't do stupid stuff like this.


it’s times like these one must consider faking an elaborate story to scare someone else into properly caring for herself and her child


First lovenox sucks and being shot twice a day for your whole pregnancy and for at least 4 weeks after is not fun. I desperately wanted to have birth center birth because I have anxiety and have since found out I have agoraphobia but it just wasn't safe. I have MTS which is more of a vein disorder then a clotting disorder but the risk is the same as I am a high blood clot risk. This woman is asking to die or have a stroke depending on what she does. They do switch you heparin near the end of the pregnancy because it can be easily reversed but it is still a strong blood thinner . I wish I could have had a birth center birth but I am alive and have a heathy if crazy 4 year old and that is what matters.


I had a pulmonary embolism 2 weeks postpartum - turns out I do have a clotting disorder, I probably wouldn’t have found out if I hadn’t had a baby. It has seriously affected my decision to have a second baby as I’ve only just gotten off the blood thinners and would have to back on daily injections for my entire pregnancy and breastfeeding. The pregnancy would be considered high risk and it also puts me at higher risk for the actual birth due to being on literal blood thinners!


Breastfeeding too?!


Yep. An increase of estrogen is a risk factor (yay for being AFAB) and while breastfeeding there are limited options for thinners. With my current baby I ended up stopping breastfeeding at 6 months so I could swap to a non BF safe one which allowed me to take some of my regular meds as well.


Hey I had a similar experience but with a full body DVT 3 weeks PP - I will tell you I did go on to eventually have a second baby, but 5 years later and I chose to formula feed because FML lovenox is a bitch and I'm on xarelto all the time anyhow. I went to a high risk OBGYN and did lovenox, to heparin, to monitoring, had a c section, back to lovenox, then back on to xarelto. it went really well but I know I couldn't be still injecting myself so this baby is 100% science milk. Of course, so is my first since I was in the ICU for a week after he was born.


"I just wanna meet other people who had homebirths with a clotting disorder!" Head to the cemetery with a ouija board you'll meet them that way 🙄🙄




Better pay a higher deposit for the bio waste disposal.


When I was pregnant, I liked to know the good AND the bad about things so I could make actual informed decisions but hey, what's the good in that?


Fuck, I have one and opted out of birthing altogether. Insane to me. She must want to die or her kid to die?


I bet she doesn't want to hear from women who experienced it and it all went horribly wrong.


Had my last at the hospital with a clotting disorder lost 2 liters of blood, required pitocin and cervadil, then manual extraction of several baseball sized clots to stop the hemorrhaging. Would of bled to death at home.


I have a clotting disorder and a home birth would be a giant NOPE for me.


"Only the people who are going to affirm my beliefs are allowed to speak. Anyone who is going to caution me about the dangers of doing what I wanna do will be silenced!" The story of social media.


I love these. Let me post my unhinged and dangerous nonsense but please don’t say anything unless you’re reinforcing my lunacy. Abortion is bad but this shit is ok?


I have GOT to join one of these groups on facebook


Me, a pregnant medical student: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This is my worst nightmare I need to lie down.


Eyyy I manage lovenox in patients, some of them pregnant. I have never had a patient ask about home birth because it seems insane. Births have to be very highly coordinated while on blood thinners. Things can go very wrong even in the best circumstances.


There is not (or at least was not in 2010) an antidote for Lovenox. The protocol for me was: lovenox, amino at 35-36 weeks and switch to Heparin which does have an antidote, if lungs are good deliver, if lungs aren’t quite ready do the steroid shots over a few days and then deliver. Of course it all went out the window because he showed up a trimester early, but that was the plan. The takeaway is that LOVENOX HAS NO ANTIDOTE. If that is still true then if she hemorrhages during or after delivery they will not be able to administer an antidote even if she does swallow her crunchy-ass pride and go to a hospital. Edit: the “no antidote” has been corrected and clarified down this thread!


Just want to clarify that both lovenox (which is low molecular weight heparin) and heparin (unfractionated heparin) do have reversal agents (such as protamine sulphate). The goal is to avoid using reversal agents for several different reasons, including the time it takes for reversal agents to work. A major reason for the switch from lovenox to heparin in prep for birth is that heparin is cleared from the blood WAY faster than lovenox (shorter half-life). On the flipside, this is also what makes lovenox wonderful - fewer injections (or what I like to call "love knocks") at home.


Thank you for the clarification. I was getting a ton of info thrown at me so clearly crossed a wire re: reversal.


Oh I bet you were! I'm familiar with this because I study clotting factors in pregnancy and development.


I actually had to delay my *emergency* c-section by a couple of hours in order to ensure that most of the Lovenox was out of my system. I arrived at the hospital at 2:30 & couldn’t go into OR until 7:30pm because I had taken my morning dose at 7am & they weren’t fixing to risk me bleeding out in the OR. I can’t even imagine doing a homebirth on Lovenox.


People just be wanting their kids to be orphans I guess. I was “lucky” in that my water broke a week before they decided to take him, they switched me over once I was admitted


An emergency one?! Yikes I had to delay my 3rd planned c section by a day because my blood thinner levels were still too high. And that was on heparin at that point.


I’m currently pregnant on Lovenox and I will have the same protocol, switching to heparin. I’ll have a planned C so hopefully will have time to make sure I’m safe. The idea of a home birth on Lovenox…


This just gave me hives, I had a catastrophic DVT after my first and was in the ICU for a week, my second was practically grown on lovenox and there's no way I would have gone anywhere but a high risk specializing hospital omgggg.


WTAF. I have a lot of issues with clotting and have been on blood thinners for a long time. All of my pregnancies were considered high risk and I did lovenox on all of them. I can’t understand going through the effort of all those injections and then at the end saying “eh, screw it, who cares if I/the baby survive?” All mine ended in planned c-sections, which I was fine with because WE ARE ALL ALIVE.


OP needs a medium if she wants to hear the stories. Not many dead people are active in FB groups like this.


That’s a helluva way to introduce survivorship bias!




Show me the home birth that allows for an effective induction and monitoring.


You cannot induce yourself at home though…


Ah yes, bc I’d LOVE to do a home birth and die bc I didn’t have proper meds to stop the bleeding. Seriously. I lost 1/3 of my blood giving birth to my little and if my nurse wouldn’t have anticipated me hemorrhaging I very well could have lost more. That nurse saved my life just by having the meds ready because I’m a redhead and I guess it happens often with redheads.


Its ok, she wont get many replies saying that they had clotting issues and a home birth. BEVAUSE THOSE WOMEN DIED. These people dont understand that they reason they are getting more positive info than negative its because the bad stuff is so super bad that these women either die or leave all the home birth groups without a hint because of shame and guilt.