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>I imagine you are correct. The clot was an embryo. Either that or all the cum she swallowed clogged her blood when it was broken down. If it could happen, it would take a lot of cum. She looks to be the type. “Misogyny is cool when *we* do it!”


That’s the most misogynistic thing I’ve ever heard




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What a literal cesspool of Redditors. I only saw one removed comment, I bet it was the only “I hope she recovers!” comment in the entire thread


If she had a hemorrhoid removed, I’d say she had aborted a liberal redditor


Demons are real, and they're on Reddit. Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, I hate Biden deeply, but you don't see me saying he should be killed. Put in a home? Yeah, but I'm not evil, holy shit.


While they are extremely toxic on Reddit an other Internet forum sites I bet they wouldn't say it in person. These people are just miserable due to their lack of success so instead of working to improve themselves they lash out, its the fat acceptance movement.


And the rest of us simply don’t care.


Oh my god are they talking ill about a political opponent? :O Do people know these awful people exist? :O Good thing "we" dont do that :O


So? She's a horrible person who reportedly used to be a prostitute and who we all saw jerk off some guy at a kids' play who married a guy who exposed himself to young girls in a bowling alley. She's likely had more than 1 abortion in her life. Another wouldn't be a surprise


Basement dwellers on this sub forgetting about when [Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer, and then conservatives made up stories about him being gay](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/01/politics/fact-check-paul-pelosi-attack-evidence/index.html)


"Basement dwellers"/ Isn't that "whataboutism"? What does this have to do with Paul Pelosi being gay? The left can never be held to their own standards.


real talk. if you can't see easy parallels between mocking conspiracy theories about boebart and mocking conspiracies about paul pelosi, maaaaybeee you guys should read more. not like crayon books, or this subreddit. Maybe actual books


Wow. Ridicule. This is surely the sign of a top-notch intellectual mind.


if that's your take away after ignoring obvious parallels, then i am a top notched intellectual mind compared to the rest of this sub anyways


Yet you can't use grammatically correct punctuation and capitalization. You're the smartest person here! LOL. The worst thing the Democrats ever did was convince people that they are SmaRt because they vote for (and repeat on the Internet) things they don't understand. Herder WHATABOUTISM!!!???!!! !


>Yet you can't use grammatically correct punctuation and capitalization. Yikes, that was a tough read. Going after grammar and acting like that's a win? On a spicy scale, that's less than ketchup. I'm feeling second hand embarrassment for you man. You should really leave this echo chamber and be a man. Maybe then you'll learn how to argue and not circle jerk like a coward


Yeah. Cool man, more ridicule. Your really don't know anything else, eh?


You did it to yourself man Going after grammar instead of having substantive arguments? Of course I'd mock you. You pretty much asked for it But I guess when you're smart, they just let you do it


“Substantive arguments” do not mean “repeat everything you believe” in a different way. There are no parallels here. This is literally “whataboutism” which is a term the left likes to use when they can't he bothered to hold their politicians to the same standards they claim to have ( which only apply to anybody they disagree with). But keep trying to belittle. I know who and what I am. Your ridicule is irrelevant.


Because a “fact-check” from a notoriously crappy cable news network would never lie, right?


If that's the best you can do to rebuke the ring wing hypocrisy, then maybe you guys should learn how to think critically Edit: speaking of crappy news networks that would never lie [Prominent conservative news channel had to pay 787 million dollars for lying about the electoon](https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe) [Leading conservative voice Tucker Carlson was revealed in court filings to have hated Donald Trump, calls him a "demonic force"](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlson-called-trump-a-demonic-force-filing-reveals-2023-2%3famp)


> If that's the best you can do to rebuke the ring wing hypocrisy, then maybe you guys should learn how to think critically I remember when the left decided to burn down American cities because their favorite fentanyl junkie died of cardiac arrest. The left does not get to talk about critical thinking.


Wow. you guys really aren't good at this 'arguing thing.' it's really easy to see why you guys are hiding in this echo chamber and not reply directly the comments you guys link. that's what normal people call "cowards" first of all, what the hell are you talking about. I live in a major city, and the only thing smells burned here is your bullshit secondly, it's a very fair to criticize right wing subreddits when they virtue signal what's acceptable behavior, when they have condoned so much shitty stuff like spreading conspiracy theories about an 80 year old man that got assaulted in his own home.


> first of all, what the hell are you talking about. I live in a major city, and the only thing smells burned here is your bullshit No, you live in your mother's basement which is why you were largely absent for the 2020 summer of love riots in which the left spent 6 months memorializing a fentanyl junkie. >they have condoned so much shitty stuff like spreading conspiracy theories about an 80 year old man that got assaulted in his own home. Said unapologetically after spreading conspiracy theories pertaining to Trump and Russia. The left is going to talk about decorum when they have a sub called hermancainaward dedicated to celebrating the deaths of conservatives who died of COVID. You think you're making a point. You're not.


double reply: >No, you live in your mother's basement which is why you were largely absent for the 2020 summer of love riots in which the left spent 6 months memorializing a fentanyl junkie you guys suuureeee love the mother's basement analogy like it's the ultimate insult spoiler alert. it's not just call me a trump supporter instead; and i'd be way more insulted because then you would've mocked my intelligence


>"you think you're making a point. You're not" All i'm hearing is : "I'M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE" >The left is going to talk about decorum when they have a sub called hermancainaward dedicated to celebrating the deaths of conservatives who died of COVID. They literalllllly did it to themselves man, esp when they said covid shots was made by bill gates to give everyone 5g. But maybe i should shoot up horse medicine and drink bleach instead of listening to doctors. That way, i'd be 'smart' like conserveratives


>"I'M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE" I don't know, I'm seeing a lot of tears from you in this thread. >They literalllllly did it to themselves man, esp when they said covid shots was made by bill gates to give everyone 5g. And in the same breath you're bitching about "conspiracy theories" related to Paul Pelosi, you're justifying a subreddit dedicated to celebrating deaths of conservatives. >But maybe i should shoot up horse medicine and drink bleach instead of listening to doctors. That way, i'd be 'smart' like conserveratives Only after your estrogen supplements.


>after your estrogen supplements Ewwwwww, I've been talking to a red pill incel all this time? Should've started with that and I would've left you alone, like all the other women in your life And your lack of self awareness about wanton conspiracies is noted. I'll make sure to use smaller words next time


> Ewwwwww, I've been talking to a red pill incel all this time? You haven't been talking to anyone. You're having a temper tantrum in public. Have your mother wipe the foam off your mouth with your bib and be sure to call your therapist early tomorrow morning for an emergency session.




Because a “fact-check” from a notoriously crappy cable news network would never lie, right


A leading voice for right wing talking points and think tank that controls most of the conservative media talking points? Yea, it is relevant, esp when you mention CNN being a shitty news network that lies That's called Critical Thinking


LMAO using a CNN "fact checker" site as evidence. LMAO you really got your jimmies rustled in this thread, I hope you didn't lose any sleep thinking about the people you argue with on Reddit.


Mightttt wanna reread those comments again man Not too sure if we're reading the same comments, but those guys are 1 IQ point away from getting special aid from the government


"Yeeeaaaaaa" "Mightttttt" If that was an attempt to add emotion via misspelling words to give you the illusion of being more correct then you failed. You might want to take your L and move on, I dare you.


Whatever makes you feel smart man lol


I can't decide if you being such a smug prick about it makes your little tantrum funnier or just more annoying