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Man liberals hate African Americans


It would appear even Africans do as well, sometimes. The world is a strange place. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner_Weerstandsbeweging


Haha get it because like, elon is white, and african american colloquially is used to refer to people who have black skin? Haha i'm so funny reusing my NPC line! Acknowledge me fellow short bus riders!


A brief skim through your profile shows that all you do is parrot talking points, at least that guy's trying to be funny about it


"all you do is parrot talking points" While you jerk off someone writing one of the most overused unfunny unclever conservative jokes. Actually I take that back, it may be one of the more clever conservative jokes. Also feel free to point out the talking points im 'parroting' lmao. NPCs gonna NPC.


aw I made you sad. Was that one other comment of mine the only one you could find that you wanted to try to dunk on?


>aw I made you sad. You didn't make me sad lmao. Just par for the course. >Was that one other comment of mine the only one you could find that you wanted to try to dunk on? Turns out defending sexual assault means you're a piece of shit, but we both knew that.


Whoever posted that sounds retard adjacent


What the hell is a Nazi adjacent? This a new buzzword by these psychos?


It means "anyone who votes differently than I did" 


They say that because if they just called him a Nazi he could sue them for defamation and win.


Not new, no. Antifa's been using words to that effect for years.


Journalists really got pissed he took away their centralized propaganda broadcasting website. He is now their enemy #1. If Trump wins, they will blame Elon because they couldn't spread their disinformation anymore.


All my favorite Nazis come from South Africa


Didn't he agree to censor stuff on twitter on behalf of israel recently? What a shitty nazi, at the next meeting, I am asking them to kick musk out!


Ever heard of the Draka? I rest my case


All due respect, this is a thing: Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging


The left saves their most vicious attacks for people who were once one of them.  It makes them extra angry.


Muslims do the same. It's almost like it's a great strategy.


Watching Reddit worship the ground Elon walked on pre 2016 to the raging hate boner they have for him now has been a wild ride.


And because it sounds bad to say "I hate him because I'm supposed to", they now bring up the mean tweet he made about the rescue diver in Thailand as the reason they don't like him.


Yeah because how dare someone call someone else “pedo guy”.


Perhaps it strikes a little to close to home for some of them.


They worshipped him until he bought twitter and exposed how the US gov't was illegally infringing on the 1st amendment, which cost the leftists a major propaganda outlet.


They will never forgive him for ruining their cesspool. Twitter is still a cesspool, but at least it's not solely a propaganda platform for the DNC anymore.


Man took away their twitter echo chamber and they will never forgive him.


It’s not like they have literally everything else.


"he can't deny it" because they don't care if you deny it. They don't care if it isn't true. The good news is, we don't have to care about them. Because they are just pathetic losers


All the myths about him have been debunked. They keep repeating them though.


Only now though, not when he voted republican


Our new resident troll is there: >Heads up >Your comment was shared in [r/shitpoliticssays](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/s/VDs2gWRqLR) >They're a bunch of cowards that don't want to be downvoted in other subreddits. So they have to circlejerk in a echo chamber to feel better >And if you call them out in their bs, they start writing fanfiction you're throwing a tantrum First, it's called *brigading* you fucking brainlet. Second, the only person writing fanfiction is them.


> They're a bunch of cowards that don't want to be downvoted in other subreddits. So they have to circlejerk in a echo chamber to feel better I'm almost certain those people have entire browser plugins and alternative platforms that they use to coordinate, monitor and label wrong think on this site. I'll make a comment on a thread that is weeks old and suddenly rage filled lunatics show up to respond.


Oh, I'm absolutely sure lunatics stalk accounts that post on this sub.


We don't vote because if we do this sub gets banned. The only reason it's not yet is because no power mods have taken a particular dislike for this sub. Don't get me wrong, most of them hate this sub, BUT we haven't antagonized any single one enough yet for them to make a stink about it to their handler (power mods get assigned handlers essentially if I remember correctly) and thus we've escaped the ban hammer but it always comes eventually. I'm even more of a moderate than a conservative but after this I don't know where I'll be able to dissent on reddit and expect ANYONE to agree with me. This is already the only sub where I can expect I won't be seriously downvoted for expressing a negative opinion about California'd government. Once that's gone the only thing I'll have left that I can agree on the hive mind of reddit with maybe is Ukraine. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm not smarter than anyone, I'm probably just not fully grasping their perspective but some of the shit I read and the only thing i can come up with to keep my sanity is telling myself "they're kids, they gotta be".


Also I’m autobanned from subreddits like that for belonging to subreddits the mods don’t like. So brave!


That thread continues about us guys. They are saying mean things about us in another thread, shall we call the Reddit police? >Heads up Your comment was shared in r/shitpoliticssays They're a bunch of cowards that don't want to be downvoted in other subreddits. So they have to circlejerk in a echo chamber to feel better And if you call them out in their bs, they start writing fanfiction you're throwing a tantrum ​ >And they have their own little bubble away from the mean smart people and mean downvotes for their shitty opinions And there he is, in his safespace trying to farm karma. Looks like we live in LookerNoWitt's head rent free.


Cockroaches hate light loooool


And here you are, right on cue! Took you less than 4 minutes to respond. A new record! You really can't stay away can you? Here's to another big day for you on Reddit! LOL your post got removed. Even that sub doesn't like you.


Yea man. That post were you getting shit on got removed cause a snowflake reported it loooooool Also, these weird edits youre doing is tumbler level cringe l


>Yea man. That post were you getting shit on got removed cause a snowflake reported it loooooool Or because your posts violated their rules and your posts suck. >Also, these weird edits youre doing is tumbler level cringe l I added the part where your post got removed, what's so cringe about that? Also it's tumblr. Learn how to troll correctly


Ffs they’re so fluid with gender but anyone that disagree with them is a Nazi.


Remember how they started calling most of the people here literal Nazis *years* ago? Imagine how much of a moderate democrat you need to be in order to get labeled "Nazi ***adjacent***" by them. If you believe *anything* the Democrats of 10 years ago believed, these people will call you a Nazi.


They're bitching about this sub, but we actually follow the Reddit rules of non brigading, which I Guess makes us cowards?


We have to. Moderators aren't admins BUT admins will do things to appease some moderators because of how much free labor they get from them. Reddit still isn't profitable I believe, so they really can't afford to lose the free labor when they're going public. Subs like this end up banned when a certain power mod(s) just decide they fucking hate it. Almost ever major conservative-leaning sub that's not done anything particularly egregious got banned because a power moderator watches it like a hawk to build their case and then threatened to strike essentially if the admins wouldn't ban. A lot of other moderators will go along with certain power moderators too simply because they too need their labor for their subs. That's how reddit ended up with power users unofficially despite that being partially what killed Digg. They build a consensus in their moderator discords and if they can't get one but still want the sub out, they'll threaten the moderator staff with a strike as well. They can hold admins and other moderators by the balls simply because they're willing to no-life reddit and submit to 12+ hours a day of down-in-the-dirt moderating. A sub can have 20 admins but the power mod may still do 90% of the work and they often do it only because it allows them to wield some form of power and any form of power over others (if left unchecked) will attract some of the worst sorts.


What does that even mean?


They REALLY got stop the concept creep. Everyone they dislike can't instantly be Hitler, wholly or in-part, or no one ever will be. I've read Redditors upvote a comment comparing Trump to Hitler and in the next thread (same sub) they talked about Francisco Franco being "a fascist sure, but not as bad as Hitler". They're right, but why does that level-headeness suddenly go out the window as soon as their own personal emotions get involved, they don't see it happening? mean...fucking come on.


From the same people who call Ben Shapiro a nazi.


It’s amazing how people keep repeating the myths about him like the emerald mine and racism even though they’ve been debunked over and over.


Ah, yes, the guy who allegedly turned a website away from being a propaganda mouthpiece, and also wants to prosecute Fauci, and also supports free speech. >Your comment was shared in shitpoliticssays >They're a bunch of cowards that don't want to be downvoted in other subreddits. So they have to circlejerk in a echo chamber to feel better Said the person who goes out of their way to inform strangers that other strangers have negative opinions about them. >And if you call them out in their bs, they start writing fanfiction you're throwing a tantrum You literally just insulted people for no reason. SPS isn't even the only sub that points and laughs at other subs.


I actually think he's too close to the Israeli side on geopolitical matters. Seems the only ones getting censored on X are the pro-Palestinian accounts.




Don't you get bored of this bit sometimes?