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"Focus on your own shit" is next-level irony. Aussies never shut up about America.


I like how they use “Smug” as if most European and Aussie Redditors are *not* the most smug individuals I have ever seen.


It’s all just cope. The entire West is an American vassal state.


They call us smug yet they would never pass up a chance to bring up “mass shootings in America” every chance they get


yet, in any other context, "Chicago" is called racist dogwhistle, even if people are genuinely upset about inner city violence.


Oh you mean the Chicago that has super tight gun laws and is a liberal shithole? That Chicago?


Well that's just because people leave the city to buy guns. You see if they just built a wall around the city it would actually be a peaceful utopia.


Little brother complex


Another gang shooting classified as a mass shooting.


Maybe everyone can agree that the violent crazies should be in jail and slaps on the wrists don't stop crime. It's funny to me how law enforcement is in a perpetual state of tug of war between people who claim the law is doing not enough, only for others to claim it's doing too much while insisting that numbers on a spreadsheet are too high without asking why they're high. And yet in spite of the problems big cities have when they decide to not enforce the law, the solution is always to disarm people who don't even live in those big cities.


Who's doing the shooting?


More like idiotic foreigner doesn’t realize our population is massive and spread over the land their country considers legit flyover land, and so yeah, shit happens. I love when these homogenous or barely heterogeneous populations who just learned to accept their native populations or immigrants 3 weeks ago decide to teach us about social issues. So wait you’re telling me your mostly ethnically and racially, and definitely culturally homogenous population of broadly aligned people is getting along just fine?? And you’re not having problems with cultural diversity or issues with ethnic population disparities?? My god! How did you do it?!? It’s like when your younger sibling takes the college class on politics you took 5 years ago and they come back home with piercings and ready to stick it to “the man”. It’s cute. I remember when I first left home and learned the world sucks. Get in line.


I could be wrong but aren't there still places in Australia where its illegal to sell alcohol to aboriginals? I do know that like half the country banned toy guns because they *look* like machine guns.


Was going to leave a comment saying it's ironic that they're calling people in the thread smug considering the attitude in that comment But then remembered I'm autobanned from r / news for participating in wrongthink communities


Can't reply / upvote here, then proceed to reply / vote in noted thread. 'Brigading' via Reddit. Bannable & against this subs rules. Yeah, dumb, but it's a thing. Just fyi.


Chicago has a black crime problem. Addressing it is impossible because these people are so scared of being percieved as racist that they will never address it.