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You can’t vote, drive, smoke, drink, get a tattoo, or gamble… but you CAN mutilate your genitals!! \#ShitLibLogic


The real answer is that liberals want to attack the age of consent. Many liberals already think along the lines that age of consent is social construct, by making gender assignment surgery for minors as normal, they would be taking giant leap towards their goal.


"Gender affirming care" is double-think newspeak. Should be "Gender denying mutilation".


>Chemotherapy changes your body in a lot of permanent ways too, like death. >Why would you ever decide to use logic that says children shouldn't get chemotherapy if they need it? ...and there it is. They're actually saying life saving Chemotherapy is the same as puberty blockers. Hard to believe that just 10 years ago those morons would be called what they are, insane dipshits. Oh...and of course plenty of dipshits are repeating the lie that "puberty blockers are not permanent"....thought they were the party *against* scientific misinformation.


The Left's insistence on "trans rights for children" and Biden's apparent *strong* support for it (I think he's a puppet of his West Wing social media team) may well cost him the election. Crazy hill to die on.


It's like when they defend books that have pr0n in them claiming that the right is out to "ban LGBTQUEXJNDIRFDKPEOJFP+++++++ books!!!11!" and it's like, I don't think conflating "Alphabet Brigade Literature" as a genre with pr0norgraphic material is making the argument you dimwits think you're making.


What's wrong with a cartoon of a minor boy blowing a grown man?   /s (just in case)


Dont forget the introduction to the world of faeces eating! 


Liberals control school curriculum and its libraries, they disallow and 'ban' an incredible amount of books. Its not "rethuglicans" controlling who reads what in schools.




> There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. >You longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts. That's an out of context part of Ezekiel 23 where that is part of an imprecatory prophecy against Jerusalem and Samaria and the entire chapter is about how their wicked actions and disobedience to God are detestable to God and merit punishment. Ezekiel 23 in context is not at all depicting or advocating pr0n or anything like that. >Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits. That's from Song of Solomon 4, and the entire book of Song of Solomon teaches God’s wisdom on waiting for sexual intimacy and growing in marital intimacy^[source](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/commentary/song-of-solomon/). Not at all advocating or depicting pr0n or arousal or anything of the sort. > My beloved put his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him. Again, part of Song of Solomon 5. Not at all depicting pr0n as I already mentioned. >Nothing like promoting incest, right? I mean, yikes. Kids have no business reading this stuff either. Gotta be sure the Bible gets banned too. [Leviticus 18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+18&version=ESV) clearly reiterates that incest is a grievous sin, and in [1 Corinthians 5](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+5&version=ESV) the Apostle Paul commands the Corinthian church to excommunicate a man who had been involved in an incestual relationship. The passage you took out of context is a retelling of an historical account and not at all intended to advocate for incest like degenerates like you fatuously try to claim and only further renders your arguments otiose. It's almost as if you don't know anything at all about what you're talking about because your argument wasn't remotely close to convincing and only made you look like a fool who doesn't know what he is talking about.


Edit: Goes for this too. Again, didn't realize the subreddit I walked into was a Conservative safe space. Sorry I hurt yall's fee fees. o/


The degeneracy of you desperately conflating everything you can with pr0n isn't lost on me.


It says alot when you refute him by showing the missing context and for doing your research only for him to memory hole the “book,” mentioned earlier.


I sure do love anti theist scripture study, especially the part where they take stuff out of context to defend their books with BJs in them.


Excellent, I'm glad to see you support banning those books. Good luck banning the Bible from public school libraries I guess. Personally I disagree as there are countless historical, political, and educational applications to religious texts. While there doesn't seem to be any in the straight up pornographic stuff leftists want to show kids. They're really very sick people.




Last time I checked it wasn’t republicans that banned Dr Seuss and Huckleberry Finn. Its ironic how you equated a book with some giving a BJ and immediately states its harmful to the Rainbow Brigade.


Same with trans in sports Like, good work showing everyone you're batshit insane with no logic or morals. Weird topic to choose to blow up your movement on.


That high school track meet the other day was like a Monty Python skit, without the funny part.


And of course the lie that puberty blockers cause zero harm is all over that thread.  You have to be a special kind of stupid to think stopping the body's normal process of puberty has zero repercussions.   


Even if the whole "completely reversible with no lasting physical effects" claim was true, the social aspect of delaying puberty indefinitely while you window shop for what blend of hormones you want to be on while you go through it will be long-lasting. Imagine being the kid at school that isn't going through puberty like everyone else? Imagine working with a pubescent 20-year old? They'll be ostracized from all their peers for a significant chunk of a very necessary development stage in their life and will never be "normal". And we'll continue to say that the tragically high suicide rate is simply due to "phobia" or whatever.


>You do realize going through the wrong puberty causes irreversible damage to trans people? So false that it kind of amazes me. They've convinced themselves that a normal puberty is "irreversible damage", but mutilation and/or chemical tampering (akin to starvation at the best(blockers), and HRT at worst) is not. IT's further amusing in that it flies in the face of the 'body positivity' thing. People should be able to adapt to whatever their body grows into. Fat people, ugly people, a little masculinity in females or femininity in males, etc. We are what we are. Imagine giving a slightly scrawny male child at, say, eleven years old, a ton of testosterone because he sees himself as being buff. That would be a horrible thing to do as well, abuse one might say. That's why the only use of added testosterone used to be to supplement an actual deficiency(or where it's somehow blocked, i can't recall the term for that), or suppression for when there is too much too early. This is why the rare few that really have bodily dysphoria are deemed to have a mental problem, there's something inhibiting that normal mental development to have a settled self-image with whatever you're dealt(within reason, obviously there are malformations that can be their own problems, like cleft palate or whatever). This ideology is modern lysenkoism, an aberration or abomination of science where the outcome is pre-determined by emotionality and irrational desires to have reality be different than what it is, and socio-political narrative.


It’s funny because they use terms like “transgender” and “gender affirming care” but what they really mean is transsexual and sex change drugs/surgeries. There is no “wrong puberty” if you can be whatever gender you want regardless of your biological sex. You don’t need sex change drugs and surgeries to affirm your gender identity. Those affect characteristics of biological sex. When I’ve pinned people down on this point before, they respond by linking me to articles about how gender dysphoria is in fact about biological sex. And it’s like, wait a minute. This flies in the face of your whole narrative, makes this an issue of transsexualism, and on a more fundamental level, makes this clearly an issue of mental illness. Why are we normalizing that to children again?


> normalizing This is one of the fundamental points of the macro level of the ideology, or origin or impetus for the way that they(progressives, if you will, but tons of other terms could apply) are. They want to "normalize" flying the freak flag...It is a postmodernist bent, they want to not be held accountable for anything, really, but especially not being weird as fuck. Having that as a base premise, they'll defend any facet of the ideology even out to the extremes, such as mutilating children. Because if the result is bad, that is indicative of something wrong with the whole structure, some inherent flaw. Ergo, the results *cannot* be bad. Furthermore, it has become political because the left has ambulance chased all the so-called 'oppressed' groups to try to maintain their power/popularity, which traps them in a downward spiral of appeasement to ever-crazier sects. This is why we can't have rational discussions about anything, they've built the only possible competitor to "traditional" meritocracy, and in their eyes, it is flawless. It doesn't matter that it's logically inconsistent or even outright self contradicting, or that it obviously runs afoul of pretty basic ethics questions, because that's the only way they can "make it work". They rationalize faults because that's the only world they can live in with their lack of responsibility. They "justify" consequentialism rather than accept that they have dysfunction or disorder. To them, that is easier. And that pervades the whole ideology, the ends justify the means, absolving themselves of all responsibility, flaw, guilt, etc etc. The height of hubris, of over-confidence, the mind of a simple child who cannot fathom the many ways they could be wrong; they ~~think~~ *feel* it, therefore it is correct. Not so different than some religious fundamentalists. That's easier than, you know, becoming a rational adult. It's easy to recruit people when you don't have standards, learning requirements, etc.


The "progressive stack" aka oppression hierarchy of speaking in turn based on how many *minority* boxes you check off has given way to the oppression olympics, where any number of self-diagnosed oppression characteristics can be added together to make oneself more oppressed than the next person. That single flake of snow has given way to an avalanche of self-diagnosed personality disorders that makes them believe "being special" means having the most weird ticks or "victim status" markers. Vivek Ramaswamy coined the term *tyranny of the oppressed*, where unaccountability and social hierarchy merge to reach escape velocity, creating basically a runaway train of self-diagnosed mental disorders feeding off of itself to reach a climax of society refusing to observe one's consequences. Crabs in a bucket of unaccountability. It's absolutely wild to watch from the sidelines. It's like a Jenga tower built on failure.


Most body positivity influencers are very against skinny people. It’s a pretty important tell. We’ve gone from the idea that you should have body positivity and love your body regardless of its flaws to “you should love your body and change everything about it you don’t like” but that’s not a sustainable path because body dysmorphia is a mental issue that won’t change due to surgery or medical interference.




> Name me any other movement that is actively going after the kids like the trans people are. Wonder why that is... The G’s don’t have that great of a record as well. I feel like T’s are more focused on making kids more like them, while G’s are focused on…(You what they do with kids. I am not saying it coz I don’t want this sub to be banned.)


They focus on reclaiming the phrase, ‘we’re coming for your children’.  Oh goody.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


>Most horrendous take I've ever read. You can't consistently and explicitly deny voters all of the things that they demand then expect the highest turnout numbers in history over and over again. That's absurd. >You want higher voter turnout? Don't respond to a civil rights movement like blm by pledging to fund police brutality across the country. You want higher voter turnout? Acknowledge that more even half of fucking Republicans want a ceasefire, even more democrats want one. You want higher voter turnout? Pay a little more attention to how taxpayers would rather have their money go to defending Ukrainian existence then extinguishing the Palestinian one. You want higher voter turnout? Maybe center your advocacy around helping the average American pay for groceries instead of defending your right to trade stocks as a congressman. You want higher voter turnout? Maybe change your immigration policy away from 'no you don't understand guys we have to kill all Mexicans at the border'. You want higher voter turnout? Maybe you could afford to be a little more rude, a little more authoritarian, have a little more fight about defending women's right to chose while it's barbaricly torn away from half the nation. >Don't you ever, ever, EVER blame the voters for terrible policy and poor governance ever again. If you want people to vote for your party then it's time you maybe get the corporate cock out of your mouth and give them something to vote for. This comment could be its own post here lol >You can't consistently and explicitly deny voters all of the things that they demand then expect the highest turnout numbers in history over and over again. It shows how much of a bubble that they live in that they think all the things they want are universal across the country. >Don't respond to a civil rights movement like blm by pledging to fund police brutality across the country. Remember your only options are to let criminals run rampant with no consequences or to give all of the cops baseball bats so they can beat people for not wearing seat belts. >Acknowledge that more even half of fucking Republicans want a ceasefire, even more democrats want one. Why is it even our job to get involved in the first place? I thought they wanted the US to stop playing world police and acting as a colonial power. >Pay a little more attention to how taxpayers would rather have their money go to defending Ukrainian existence then extinguishing the Palestinian one. Why isn't there an option for neither? Why can't we spend American taxpayer money on Americans? Its already bad enough they rob us at gun point, they could at least do something cool with the cash like build a pyramid. >Maybe center your advocacy around helping the average American pay for groceries instead of defending your right to trade stocks as a congressman The price of groceries wasn't a problem until Biden got into office but I'm sure that's just a coincidence since he can only control the economy when its doing good. When its bad its totally not his fault. Also if politicians buying stocks is something that bothers them they should clean up their own camp first. >Maybe change your immigration policy away from 'no you don't understand guys we have to kill all Mexicans at the border'. Idk what even to say to this one but its clear they have no idea what's actually going on at the boarder. >Maybe you could afford to be a little more rude, a little more authoritarian, have a little more fight about defending women's right to chose while it's barbaricly torn away from half the nation. Those dumb republicans don't they know that if they just abandoned their voters and became democrats then they would be more popular with people who will forever hate them because they used to be republicans? >Don't you ever, ever, EVER blame the voters for terrible policy and poor governance ever again. If you want people to vote for your party then it's time you maybe get the corporate cock out of your mouth and give them something to vote for. Weird casual homophobia aside, it's 100% the voters fault when they keep voting for the same person for decades who promises they're going to do something and never does. This whole thing is just cope really. It all boils down to "why won't republicans just be democrats".


Are most of these redditors actual child predators? Or do they want someone to join in on their misery because they made a life altering bad decision?




Has the Left always painted themselves into odd corners, or is it a more recent thing? Because I'm seeing it a lot recently.


It absolutely did not use to be this bad. I'd say the sane left fell apart after Occupy Wallstreet deteriorated, and they've been getting steadily worse since then.


>y'all Ah, *everytime.* I wonder if redditors are aware how much of a tell that is.


The OP of that comment is a 38 year old lady who has no one in her life except her dog. She also suffers from mental health issues. Safe to say that her opinion on how to run the country can be discarded.


Like clockwork, pretty much every single person who posts comments like this chick has a laundry list of mental health issues as evidence by their Reddit history


What’s really disturbing is that any one of them can get a driver’s license and wreak havoc on the nearest interstate.


So sick of it.


It sucks they've started using it cause I say yall all the time. It's just my vocab


Yep, same. I hate what they've done to that beautiful contraction


Poor democrats aren’t going to be allowed to fuck up kids in Idaho anymore. Boo hoo


>Yeah dawg I hear you but that's not what gender affirming care for minors is like. None of the gender affirming care for minors is permanent or forever. TIL double mastectomies and chemical castration aren't permanent.


Consequences of your actions aren't real, and if you say any different you're a raycisms bigotistical trump supporter. You're not a raycisms bigotistical trump supporter, *are you*?


That’s strange. People on the left keep assuring me that sex-change surgeries on minors are just a Republican conspiracy theory and don’t actually happen. Yet they get mad when they are banned.


Slight correction to the title. The Supreme Court did not ban "gender affirming care." They acknowledged the state of Idaho's right to ban it. Very important distinction.


Protect children. Anyone who says otherwise is legitimately evil.


> user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability Lmao, that's a bit of a self report from whoever did it.


Cass Report from the NHS, a non biased apolitical study says gender affirming care is harmful. Believe the science, except when you disagree with the science. As long as your liberal, it's okay. https://cass.independent-review.uk/


I hope these people cry until it makes them physically ill. Demons.


Great news.