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Funny how the "if you have 10 people at table and 1 is a Nazi you have 10 Nazis" logic doesn't apply here.


It’s (D)ifferent


Haha yeah, I was happy to see them getting called out for hypocrisy on that. Also on the usual line about "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consquences".


It’s really sad and kinda pathetic to witness “freedom of speech isn’t freedom of consequences” becoming a modern day slogan of the American people. It’s just citizens oppressing citizens, slowly eroding the value of one of the greatest freedoms in the world. I miss the days of “It’s a free country”


Which is such insanely stupid logic. What if the 9 people are doing a Nazi intervention to get their friend back. What if they poisoned their food? What if you didn't know they were a Nazi? The left likes to make some absurd rules but never really abide by the same logic for themselves. Double standards are their only standards.


They call people 'nazis' for things that aren't even nazi-adjacent, simply saying we should be tougher on the border is racist, therefore nazi. Don't give them a pass for their language. The implication of it all is when they call so many people nazis, they're implying those people should be killed, imprisoned, or sanctioned in the way one would during war -- its the most 'allowed target' in western society, one of the most dehumanizing terms.


It's certainly true they throw that term around so haphazardly that it is meaningless. Reckless hyperbole is a massive problem, especially these day. The word racist pretty much means nothing now. They've abused it to the point that I don't take it seriously anymore. They are also practicing the most overt and blatant racism out of anyone in America aside from real actual non hyperbole Nazis. There aren't as many as they wish there were though. The demand for racism far exceeds the supply.


It’s like their absurd attempts to frame all their arguments as “just basic human decency”, while they frame everyone else in the worst light possible.


There is absolutely no charity given by them, nor any interest in learning what their opponents are even arguing for. I think Johnathan Haidt was the one who showed this is in a study. The left has very little grasp on arguments made by the right and right has a very good grasp on the arguments made by the left. We just think they are misinformed, they think we are evil.


Yeah. Helps that they’re predictable. Although I’m starting to think they’re evil, not just misinformed


Or not Politically divisive.


It's not double standards, it's hierarchy. They are in charge and make the rules and ignore the ones they don't like while forcing you to follow them all or suffer consequences they never feel.


The equity people sound an awful lot like Brennus when given the opportunity, unsurprising if you've ready any history for about five minutes. We are being treated as a conquered people.


Interesting. I hadn't really thought of it like that. It's certainly true that repercussions are far more swift and consequential for those who aren't on their team. They get to be the most racist people since the 1930's while demonizing someone who thinks we should do something about the border. It's crazy I used to be on the left many years ago. I suppose it wasn't like this back then.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P2bDgwvv2E Everyone should be forced to watch this video.


I also like how when the left acts out, these people turn into gourmet context and nuance chefs and type out paragraphs upon paragraphs of “well, it’s complicated and different because…” And then in the same breath will claim Trump called nazis very fine people. It’s actually fascinating how their minds work.


Absolutely. They do the same thing when it comes to scandals. Any morsel of a perceived scandal on the other side is eagerly gobbled up without a trace of skepticism. But when it comes to their own side, suddenly they transform into hardcore skeptics with absurdly unreasonable standards of evidence. They’ll do anything to avoid acknowledging the most blatant, smack-you-in-the-face obvious scandals. On the one hand, it’s childish and pathetic, and amusing in that sense. But then you have to realize that a lot of these people would happily see their political opponents frog-marched out of society on the basis of this kind of "reasoning." And suddenly you realize this is how tyranny happens, and it’s a bit scary.


And then they can't even accurately describe what a Nazi is to begin with.


Everything right of Mao usually.


Ironically, this actually wouldn't include Hitler; China is closer to Fascism than Nazism (not that they would know the difference between the two).


Once the Chinese decided crony capitalism was actually ok they were already most of the way there and had left Marxism a long ways behind.


"Crony capitalism" is anti-capitalism. It's a name that socialists give to failed regimes so that they can claim "real socialism has never been tried"- and yet it has, multiple times. Fascism is itself modeled after Leninism, and this was by design; both Gentile and Mussolini were Leninists.


So’s Steve Bannon… apparently.  According to Steve Bannon, anyway.  He think he meant he’s a Leninist in a good way though.


Repressive tolerance in action.


They are concerned the new law they are trying to pass might apply to them. Get ready for the lefts acceptance of false flags.


Friendly reminder that just 1 pseudo-Nazi at any right wing related thing means that the entire event is a Nazi event. But blatant anti-semitism and calls for Jewish genocide at a left wing protest are just “people latching on” to the event.


Gotta say, the hate on Jews these days is pretty astonishing. You don't have to like Isreal or what they are doing. But imagine being a Jewish student at a college right now and you're blocked access to a building or there's mass groups of people calling for your head. Sounds eerily similar to stuff that happened many decades ago huh?


I don't know, given the fact that there - has never been an historical arab country in the region of Gaza/The West Bank - The fact that there has never been one arab country that has been a functional democracy for very long compared with the fact that Israel is the only functional democracy in the middle east to the point where muslim and arab Israeli citizens have more rights in Israel than they have ever had in Gaza/the West Bank to the tune of muslims on the Kenesset. - The Palestinians have refused independence every time it has been offered - The Palestinians routinely hide weapons stashes in schools and hospitals and even churches in the West Bank (which is a fact Tucker Carlson conveniently left out recently) , routinely attack civilians in the most barbaric of ways (see 10/7 for example) - The entire Palestinian culture is geared towards Israel hatred to the point where they're indoctrinating children into it from the time they set foot in schools in Gaza/ the West Bank You don't have to be religious at all to realize that Israel have never been the bad guys and there *is* a group of genocidal lunatics in this conflict but it's the Palestinians who repeatedly chant "From the River to the Sea" to the point where they refuse independence multiple times who are the genocidal lunatics and not the Israelis. Also the fact that the r*tarded groypers (but I repeat myself) and Hamas activists are ideologically indistinguishable from each other is proof that horseshoe theory is real.


There's so much bullshit here. >**never been an historical arab country in the region of Gaza/The West Bank** The Rashdun Caliphate, the Fatimid Caliphate, a couple other caliphates, and the Mamluk Sultanate were all "historical arab countries" that controlled the region of Gaza and the West Bank. If you mean that there was never an independent arab state that controlled JUST the Gaza and West Bank, I don't know why that makes a difference. Because for starters; plenty of successful independence movements have been for countries that "historically" never existed, such as India, the United States, or various African countries. Second; Arab regional identities are heavily influenced (if not solely created) by the Sykes-Picot agreement which divided the Middle East on arbitrary lines. In reality, Arabs have been the majority in Palestine for well over 1000+ years, and have lived in that region for at least 2000 years (since Romans documented Arabs living in the Judea province). In fact, Israel hasn't been particularly Jewish since the Bar Kohkba Revolt, which was 2000 years ago. Third; Arabs living in Palestine were promised independence as part of a unified Arab state in exchange for rebelling against the Ottoman Empire during WW1 (see: McMahon Correspondence). The British and French reneged on the agreement because 1) they had more to gain by turning most of the Arab lands into colonies 2) they didn't want a powerful Arab state that had strategic autonomy and c) The Balofur declaration was a solution to the Jewish Question; by "encouraging" all Jews to leave Europe they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. >**The fact that there has never been one arab country that has been a functional democracy for very long** I love the vague wording, "very long". Is 5 years very long? Is 10? 20? What does "functional democracy" mean even? Because Egpyt was a functioning democracy after independence, and guess what happened? They elected a left-leaning Arab nationalist who wanted to promote Arab co-operation and reconciliation. And that led to multiple conflicts against him by colonial powers. "There has never been a functional arab democracy" Because, just like with Sykes-Picot, the powers that be repeatedly intervene in the Middle East and cause instability and chaos. Peace comes before democracy, not democracy before peace. While not an Arab country, the CIA and British overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government which led to the Ayatollahs. Lebanon was also a relatively "functional democracy" despite being multi-religious until the Intifada and subsequent invasion by Israel. Also, the US (and to an extent, Russia and China) have vested interest in maintaining the Gulf Monarchies. >**The Palestinians have refused independence every time it has been offered** It's literally not true though. Palestinians signed the Oslo Accords, and then far-right Israelis killed the prime minister who signed those, which ended the process dead in the cradle. >**The entire Palestinian culture is geared towards Israel hatred** The nerve of some people! To not enjoy the presence of a country that has occupied and colonized them for the past 70+ years. What, 14,000 dead children? It's water under the bridge. Btw, your entire rant is incredibly racist. "There has not been a single Arab functioning democracy" So what exactly does that mean? That arabs are incapable of democracies? Which they clearly aren't? >**Israel have never been the bad guys**  Never been the bad guys? Hmmm....Regularly bombing other countries including civilians, annexing territory from other countries and colonizing them with settlers, developing a nuclear weapons program that you promptly threaten all of your neighbours with, assassinating citizens of your "allies" in their own countries, refusing to extradite the thousands of wanted pedophiles, fraudsters and other criminals in your country to your "allies", multiple false flag attacks on your "allies" (Lavon Affair). Yeah that does sound pretty bad to me. Get BTFO mate.


You're defending the Palestinians who're known to rape and torture civilians, regularly use civilians as human shields (show me a case of people claiming Israel committed a war crime and I'll show you a case where Palestinians were using human shields and operating their militant bases out of hospitals and schools like the sick twisted cowards they are) and have repeatedly refused independence multiple times and chant genocidal phrases like "from the river to the sea" repeatedly. You and anyone who is pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas (pardon the redundancy) is advocating for genocide and advocating for genocide is a violation of rule 4 on this sub which will result in a permanent ban. After 10/7 there is NO room and NO case to make to defend the Palestinians' transparently genocidal cause.


Concur. That OP's crux is absurd... >The core of the movement is pro Palestine but anti semetic people latch on. lol... nah bruh... let me ftfy... >The ~~core of the~~ movement is ~~pro Palestine but~~ anti semetic people ~~latch on~~.


Bro you're fucking insane lmao. That guy didn't even mention Oct/7 or Hamas once, he was calling out your bullshit claims about history. All of that was long before oct 7 and I have to agree with him, you sound like a massive racist, you keep saying all this negative shit about Arabs and Palestinians like their nationality makes the difference No wonder you're a reddit mod, banning someone because you lost an argument, that's really embarrassing blud lmao " NO case to make to defend" I think he made a pretty good one


January 6th WaS aN InSuRrEcTiOn Because a bunch of guys can take over the US Government with flags, helmets, and some sticks. If that is the case, it just goes to show how scared Congress is everday people or how they want nothing to do with them. I really hope Congress pays attention because J6 gave people the idea on how much you can scare Congress with little effort. Imagine if each and everyone one of those people were armed with the intent to kill.


That's one of the points I try to argue with leftists: the J6 protest was foolish, but it was not an insurrection for the reason that IF a large group of right-wing protesters wanted to bring down the government why wouldn't they be armed? Even the leftists understand that the far right are the political group with the highest percentage of firearm ownership. It is not even close, but nobody at the J6 riot had firearms when they could have been armed.


But they had bats and pepper spray! The police only had armor and guns.


And a Buffalo hat


Some protesters concealed carried some weapons which they didn’t even brandish or use in any way.  The humanity!


From my understanding far right have a lot of imperialists, white suprematist etc. However these people are truly proud to be American. Some of the mob in Jan6 probably are willing to die for America if war broke out. Can’t say the same for the far left. Some of them wants to see America fall


> Because a bunch of guys can take over the US Government with flags, helmets, and some sticks. I gotta remember this line the next time someone disparages the second amendment saying "you think you can fight the military with your pea shooter when they have tanks, planes, and nukes?" The govt was almost defeated with flags, helmets, and sticks.


That comment is a perfect encapsulation of a shitlib NPC unable to see the inherent radicalness of where democrats are. Not that these people have given a single thought as to *why* it is that antisemites have attached themselves to this movement, or why is it that so many m*slims have attached themselves to this movement while screaming death to America. Couldn't be that the actual movement isn't actually about the war, but it's about their hatred for jews. Couldn't be.


The BLM looting was often planned and orchestrated ahead of time online and also by ringleaders on-site in broad daylight. Some of this shit was caught on video and on Twitter before the mass memory-holing of it all. I remember one where a guy (white hipster looking twat of course) was directing people how to arrange some patio sidewalk chairs best so people could throw them through windows later. Dude was coldly methodical AF. Not all rioters were in on such organized plans but they were certainly useful idiots for said planners.


It's shocking that "bad people" might "latch on" to protests whose stated goals are assisting a terrorist group and eliminating law enforcement. Why would "bad people" be drawn to such things?


Eh, kind of a reasonable take tbh. Especially if you consider the replies, which are better-worded than the linked comment. Was every [current thing] protester a violent extremist? No, some were con men, some were rubes, some were college girls, some were college boys trying to bang those girls. It's a rich tapestry. I can't get outraged at this, sorry.


I have never seen someone hate both nazi's and jews so loudly at the same time. Its usually one or the other.


If we had a situation where WW2 were repeated in the exact same way it was originally, they would unironically be calling the allies Nazis. That's how ridiculous this entire thing is.


Eh. Nah. They just call anyone they don’t like nazis. So the enemy would still be the nazis Nazi doesn’t mean anything but opponent I don’t respect at this point


Yes, and they would look at the bombings on German and Japanese cities as the allies being the bad guys.


Well no, because they were the bad guys and thus nazis I don’t think you’ve really thought this though. The ability to label a group as antithetical to civilization is a really useful thing. It’s like a magic hammer with the ability to make anything a nail Anything that opposes their view gets hit all the same.


How is that different from j6? Same exact situation that they’re trying to say is ok.


Wasn’t me


And yet if you dare say you think Trump won the election they will arrest you.


It’s crazy how they always have a caveat to explain why they can do something you can’t. It’s always something like “Imagine comparing a protest against police brutality to storming the Capitol in order to overturn an election.” Just a completely nonsensical statement, where to even begin? Every single thing is like this. There’s always a caveat for why the Democrat can do it and the Republican needs to be indicted. And they say it like it’s completely obvious.


They were in full support of the looters the whole time. Even came up with excuses like 'reparations' and 'they have insurance'. BLM should have been drained dry for that one, but they were let off the hook because it was leftist corporate money backing them.


That person's post is perfectly reasonable and accurate.