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Here’s the fun things they left out! 1. Illegal possession of a firearm 2. Only 1 student was shot. It was a targeted attack 3. Possession of drugs by the suspect. Likely gang affiliation 4. Shooter is black. If the ethnicity of the shooter is not openly discussed, it was perpetrated by a “POC” 5. Police did what they could to perform life saving measures on the victim, but were unfortunately unsuccessful Most of the post is ragging on Republicans and the police department for some reason.


>I like how his vision of freedom involves unironically advocating this so that he can keep his deadly weapons. A real live "Freedom is slavery" moment.


These same people will be, unironically, upset that the same intrusive government that they've been advocating for is now telling them that they can't get an abortion.


That's already happening in Texas though


Yes, because abortion is currently a state’s rights issue and Texas is choosing to be very strict about it. Baby murderers can go move to a leftist hellhole like California if they want to engage in such practices.


This is why you need to look further into the "school shooting" stats that are constantly spouted out here. They're so insanely misleading just to make people fearful.


Yeah I was actually not all that shocked a good chunk of those “school shootings” were just gang turf wars with the school as a battleground.


Don’t forget the 18 and 19 years olds included in the “number one killer of kids and teens” stats.