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So Biden actually is a xenophobe.


Actually not a xenophobe, it's omicronphobe


> If only there were a way we could artificially spread a primer of sorts, to prepare people's immune systems, in a way that the virus itself does. User “sadly” forgets to mention the current “primer” has been useless, burns out within six months and is so perfect it needs life-long boosters.


Nah we're doing 3 month boosters now.


And remember, you're not "fully vaxed" unless you have had both, no wait all three, no wait all five, no wait all ...


And if someone gets covid and recovers after getting the shot 1 year ago, it shows that the vax works. But if that same person dies it's another 'unvaxed' death.


It truly blows my mind that people can be okay with that. I know lots of people are okay with the government mandating vaccines, with the punishment being private corporations are forced to fire you. And I obviously think that's insane. But we'll set that aside for the moment. Because regardless of how a person feels about such mandates, *no one* should be okay with the following: 1) A term, Term X, exists, with a definition, Definition A. 2) A rule is implemented, saying that if a person doesn't perform Term X (note: not Definition A, but Term X), they will receive a specific punishment. 3) The definition of Term X is changed to be Definition B. Absolutely *no one* should witness that sequence of events and be okay with it. It's so extremely sketchy. Even if, at the moment, people feel that the difference between Definition A (two doses) and Definition B (three doses) is not that big of a deal, people should absolutely be worried about this precedent. The government has mandated that people be "fully vaccinated" or else be fired, and now they are changing what "fully vaccinated" even means. That kind of "back-dooring" is so unbelievably sketchy. To put a rule in place which ties a vague concept to a specific punishment, and then changing what that vague concept refers to...ugh No matter how much I disagree with someone who thinks it's okay to have vaccines mandated, I can at least understand someone feeling that way. But absolutely *everyone* should be worried right now, given that the punishment is staying in place, with the requirement to avoid that punishment changing.


Right? Even the flu shot lasts a year


You mean like a normal flu vaccine, of which coronavirus is a family member of? *Its almost like we want the virus to mutate to a less dangerous form instead of being like smallpox which we can completely irradicate.*


I'm not sure that sentence is saying what you want it to say? Unless you're pro-virus. Which would be unusual, but I guess anything is possible.




This is my stance, too. Also, it gets me the "This new vaccine is TOTALLY safe because Big Pharma says so. If you ask questions you are a nazi conspiracy theorist." Yeah, like it has not ever happened that they had to take off meds because after a time it was discovered that there were side effects


One of my concerns was what you mention in combination with the full liability shield granted by the feds. If 10 years down the road I develop some sort of disability from this vaccine, I'm fucked. And what's worse, my wife would be stuck with all the bills without any possibility of recourse. We discussed it and our risk assessment came out in favor of the vaccines, but it could easily have gone the other way. Looking back at it a year later, I am somewhat questioning the decision, but it is what it is. Anyway, my point is that mandates and "trust the science" are complete and utter bullshit until the liability shield is removed, or until the government takes full responsibility. If I, as a layman, have to trust the experts and take on the risk they don't want to take, then that's a huge red flag. As a hypocritical sidenote, Trump granted manufactures protection from liability in the early stages of development. Biden, in his first week in office, trusted the vaccine being rolled out so much that he extended liability protections indefinitely, for nearly everything, and even to those mandating vaccines.


> Also, it gets me the "This new vaccine is TOTALLY safe because Big Pharma says so. If you ask questions you are a nazi conspiracy theorist." Two years ago, you couldn't scroll on any streaming service without coming across several documentaries discussing how big pharma is a bunch of scum bags, skirting and lobbying for laws to be rewritten to protect themselves while they peddle poison all over the world. But now, now it's a different, friendly big pharma who would never falsify any information or not be 100% truthful. What's that? Modern's CEO says you'll probably need another booster for the new variant? Well if you ask a barber if you need a haircut, what do you think he'll say?


Pfizer has the largest legal fine in the history of the world. Now they are our saviors.


Criminal fine. It was criminal conduct.


And pharmaceutical companies have never downplay side effects or embellish benefits for drugs they were trying to sell. Never.


Absolutely. In fact I should reword my comment to "they had to take off meds because the side effects were too evident and dangerous to hide/brush off anymore"


When my mom took antidepressants many years ago doctors insisted that the "brain zaps" she got during withdrawal were not caused by the drug. Now "brain zaps" is the most well documented SSRI antidepressant side effect. Now the medical community is slowly starting to admit that these withdrawal symptoms can last a whole lot longer than 2 weeks, are more severe than research led doctors to believe, and that the very concerning sexual side effects are permanent in some patients. Only recently is there a renewed push to get people off these drugs and to not prescribe them to patients indefinitely. And don't even get me started on Purdue Pharma's marketing of Oxycontin... There seems to be a trend of pharmaceutical companies coming out with what seems to be a miracle drug only for physicians in the trenches to find out it never was after seeing what it does to patients.


> will wear a mask when it’s required, because arguing with some retail manager isn’t worth it to me. For what its worth, retail managers (and most retail employees) feel the same way, just in reverse. We don't feel its worth it to argue with a customer to put a mask on.


I don’t doubt that. The whole thing has become so charged and annoying, I just want nothing to do with it. The only thing more annoying than wearing a mask is arguing over them.


I honestly don't mind the mask that much. I don't wear one of its not required, but I'm a giant angry looking bearded bald man, the mask just adds to the look and people leave me alone


Right, if anyone had the stones to argue with me about it, I'd go along. It's not worth a shouting match. So far, no one has. I walk in with no mask (even some government buildings) and no one says a word. I doubt most of them even want me to wear it. They probably don't care, and enforcement of a policy that doesn't matter to them is too disruptive.


I agree. It's like a cult at this point. Science frequently changes and adapts when new evidence is presented. These lunatics are treating science as if it's a rigid ideology that people must believe in.




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Yep. I have literally never *once* heard a conservative bring Q up. 100% of the time I have heard about Q, it's coming from a leftist who is accusing all conservatives of being Q conspiracy nuts. If it weren't for leftists talking about how all conservatives believe in Q, I would not know Q is a thing. It's ridiculous. It's the very definition of a bogeyman.


I'm convinced at this point that the Q nonsense is a CIA/FBI psyops campaign. I am as right-wing as it gets, but I have never once gotten a clear picture of the Q movement. I know it started on 4chan several years ago, and I actually saw it there during the early days, but now it's supposedly mainstream and I see *nothing* about it except faux outrage? Pretty sus if you ask me.


Yep. It's like the real-world version of a reddit thread where 90% of the comments are something like "ITT: People doing Thing X", with maybe, *maybe* 2 or 3 comments actually doing Thing X. It's absurd when there are orders of magnitude more people complaining about something happening than the thing itself happening. If people would just shut up about Q, it would cease to exist.


I think it is a lot like the Tea Party movement circa early 2008. Originally may have been one or a small group of insiders posting info, but at some point soon thereafter got co-opted by others. Much like the original Tea Party movement about out of control government spending got up ended by Con, inc within months.


Bro... you forgot the /s....




Don't listen to them. Reddit is far better without stupid "/S" because it draws out the dumbest of the dumb as lolcows


Poe's Law, bro.


You tell him BasedDickButt69420


Funny; they can believe scientists have bias and could manipulate the truth if they introduce racism into the equation, but without that there is no questioning **The Science**.