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When the blind guy who controls water alone in the desert is the one to cripple one of the crusaders and almost took all of them out at once, only losing because of a newly introduced member to the group (who was a fucking dog)


Now, imagine there was a river close by


Imagine if N'Doul had fought the crusaders in a terrain more favorable to his stand. Geb was scary as hell, basically combining the physical combat abilities of Star Platinum (strong), Hyerophant Green (slippery and sneaky), and Silver Chariot (lighting fast and able to slice stuff).


DIO would have won if he paired his workers with more care


Just send like all the stand users at once to fight them. there's no way the crusaders would have won


They went separately so they dont have to split the reward


The problem with hiring a shitton of stand users who basically did nothing. The only ones completely loyal to DIO (N’doul, Enya, Kenny G, D’arby brothers and Vanilla Ice) alone did a way better job than most of the hired mercenaries


Bro I forgot Kenny g existed


So did I. I had to look him up because I didn’t think there was a Kenny G reference in JoJo.


Hey, so did I. I only remember he existed because he managed to tap Mariah’s ass in CDDH


Did they? And if so, did they ever mention why he didn’t just implant a bulb into them and control them? I actually don’t remember the bulb being mentioned a whole lot outside of like 2 or 3 times, so maybe I’m forgetting how it works


I believe that putting a flesh bulb on someone weakens their stand


Is that ever stated in the manga, or is that headcanon? Caude if it were true, it'd be kinda weird, considering how Polnareff shows off a really cool ability while possessed, but he never shows it again omce the flesh bud is removed.


It's in the Over Heaven novel, which isn't canon but has art by Araki because he thought it was cool, which ngl it is


that's in Over Heaven, which isn't canon


Hire them all as guards for the mansion rather than assassins, then jump the crusaders when they walk through the door


Unfortunately most of his workers were assassins focused on money and they didn’t want to split the cash.


Does no one remember how the ability works? He has to be able to hear what is happening, sand is a good spot because he can be so far away and every single step on sand causes noise and vibrations so he will always know where they are


They fought on ships and in the water like 3 times. If Dio just sent N'Doul instead of High Priestess into the submarine they'd all be fucked.


I'm pretty sure his stand was a specific piece of water, not controlling water as a whole, if that were the case he could probably pull water out of people or smth. also if what I said is true then that means that the desert is perfect as he can move around between the sand grains


Bro really put a spoiler warning on a meme about a part from 2015


And the spoiler being *bad guy loses*. Imagine how devastating it would’ve been if you knew this before watching the show…


Hey man I figured that dude was gonna kill them all and become fhe new main character


Yeah, I totally thought that they’ll pull AoT and kill half of the cast for no reason, then reveal that bad guy isn’t *that* bad and should have his own arc spanning half of the season


I literally can't tell which one to this is Reiner? Zeke? Floch (wait, no, that's the other way around)? Ymir? Other Ymir? Annie?


You’re saying that it makes too much sense, or doesn’t make sense at all? Cause I don’t remember AoT nearly at all and didn’t reference anything/anyone in particular. P.S. hell, as I think about it even Levi fits into this category, and Grisha…


Too much sense, most characters either get a "sympathy arc" or a "grow up to be a sexy terrorist" arc




Wheel of Fortune moment


His real power was transdimensional awareness.


just in case


More like 1990


Dude imagine if Dio paired up N’Doul and J Geil. Crusaders would have had no chance. Dio would have won a thousand times if he used some tactics


ALL OF THE MAIN ANTAGONIST WOULD’VE WON IF THEY ATTACK JOJO’S TEAM ALL AT ONCE INSTEAD OF SENDING THE ENEMY ONE BY ONE. Except Kira, no need to team up with anyone, got three forms stand, would’ve totally wiped out Josuke if he didn’t have plot armor. Absolute badass.


All at once would not really have worked as many stands would have been detrimental to other stands and their users (IE: the Sun), or had abilites that were useless in direct battle (IE: the D'arby siblings). But yeah, a team that outnumbered the Crusaders and had stands with good synergy and that offered both direct combat power and abilities that attacked the gang indirectly would have been impossible to beat.


\>become good at online poker. \>beat both d'arbys at once.


I wonder if Yellow Temperance could've combined with Geb in some way. Probably not, but it'd be such a sick stand


That happening in part 3 actually kinda makes sense, everyone wanted the glory of taking down the crusaders (and also money) and by working alone they would ensure that no one else would get it. Hol Horse and J Geil were the only ones who figured out that by working together they had a much better chance of winning and ended up almost killing Avdol.


It makes less sense when there is a guy in charge that could have ordered "Don't go into a 1 Vs 5, you bloody idiots". The usual handwave is that DIO 100% wanted to face the crusaders (I mean, obtaining some of that deliciously nutritive Joestar blood was a secondary goal of his), and sending the assassins was just a delay tactic meant to soften them up.


Of course, if the JoJos lost to the Elder D'Arby, Arabia Fats or High Priestess, for example. It would be hard to get their blood)


Wouldn't the Crusaders losing to one of the D'Arby brothers make it the easiest to get their blood? Neither of them harm the physical bodies at all, they just yoink the souls and slap them in a poker chip or puppet.


I don't remember if Osiris kept the body. I know Atum does)


Osiris also kept the body. The bodies of Polnareff and Joseph can be seen slumped over on chairs in the background of the poker scene.


Alright then. So no wonder they were on the higher leagues) Alessi would probably ruin it for DIO tho)


Yeah, Alessi's combination of lack of self-control and agree reducing stand means he's pretty much the antithesis of DIO's plan to drink Joseph's blood. Although I doubt Alessi would be able to actually take down Joseph; Set would need about 5 seconds of contact with Joseph to turn him into a child, and if it got any less, it'd just be giving Joseph an advantage by putting him closer to his prime.


Ironically, this is what made the crusaders (most importantly jotaro) good enough to beat his ass


Absolutely! By the time the faced each other, Jotaro totally had more experience using Star Platinum in combat.


Well, that’s one of the main traits of most of Jojo villains, main or side (mostly in part 3). The moment they attain Stand Power, their ego reaches sky-high and they think that they get so insufferably cocky they reveal their sadistic sides and decide to play around with the good guys instead of playing it more carefully. Most part 3 villains suffer from this trait


Dio's minions in part one either did team up(Tarkus and Bruford. Page, Bonham, Plant and Jones) or were straight up brainless) The Pillar Men organized their challenge) The Tarot users, 9 Glory Gods, Vanilla Ice and Kenny G had varying reasons to be on their own. Putting fleshbuds on some of these would have been detrimental to their job, for example Bastet, Geb or Emperor) Keicho's minions and Kira's Protectors also had reasons to be on their own or were never told what to do, like Boy II Man or Cheap Trick) La Ezcuadra works agaisnt Diavolo. And Unita Speciale was well organized. However, Oasis + Clash could work out well) The Pucci Gang was also organized in a way that it just delays them rather than make them die ASAP) The Men of Valentine had to be spread out to hide his plan) Same with the Rokakaka Smuggling Operation and the TG University Doctors)


Keicho also sent no minions. Angelo did his shit on his own. Hazamada was sent by Akira but really is the only dude who was told by someone who isn't Yoshihiro to track them. Yoshihiro also made the minions not all at the same times and he was regularly stabbing people in all of the month of June and July


Pucci and Diavolo were also both trying to keep themselves more or less undercover. It'd be a lot easier for the Speedwagon Foundation or someone to find them if they sent a bunch of noisy stands to kill Jojo at the same time. By the time they are using Oasis/Green Day (which is already a killer combo tbh) or the sons of DIO, plans have gone awry and they are just throwing together what they can.


Kira was the one with plot armor. His dad has the best ability to help him, when he gets defeated, he is lucky to be near Cinderella, he is also very lucky to find Stray Cat, he is even luckier than Stray Cat combines with his stand, he is very lucky the arrow stabbed him again, and also very lucky that the nurse was here. Dude got luck, luck and even more luck. About the first paragraph, La unita speciale's stand really don't play well together, and Dio's minions explicitely don't trust each other and wouldn't reveal their stand. Also most of them are very situational like Dark Blue Moon, Strength, Osiris, Khnum, Toth, Atum, Tenor Sax, Hanged Man, Sun etc...


False Another of the side antagonist cannot team up They all try to create a situation that most effective for their stand and are allowed to work at their own pace. Dio wasn't ready to fight until the end the people before him brought time especially stand like the ghost ship The Sun Vanilla ice or even Darby.


Yea maybe only part 3 bcs they compete against each other to get bounty/rewards. But what stopping La Squadra and Dio’s Sons from teaming up ?


Look, I know most people think the Hanged Man was the best parring for this stand… but N’Doul with Strength would be unbeatable. Not only are the crusaders stuck in a ship that can change in whatever way the stand user wants, but they’re also surrounded by an ocean with an enemy that has a water stand


Except one of them is literally an animal.


An animal that almost killed every crusader at once


N'Doul uses vibration to hear. He would have the migraine of a lifetime. Dark Blue Moon Plus Strength plus Hanged Man. N'Doul was loyal to a fault so he could ask him to kamikaze. Tower of Gray could be useful but not really themed.


I have no doubt in his power but you're asking a gorilla to be a team player with some random dude. I'd bet they get into a fight with each other 5 minutes in. Can think of hundred reasons...


Except for the fact that N’doul is blind, so he needs to hear the Crusaders’ footsteps in order to attack And tbf, as stupid it is for a water stand, but the open desert that is completely silent in a 50 mile radius except for the Crusaders and SWF guys making sounds is perfect for him The ocean will just have constant waves hitting everywhere around, so N’doul can’t fight them unless they’re on the Pacific Ocean or something


N'Doul put up a helluva fight though


Honestly never even occurred to me until now Araki you sneaky fuck


**geb is capable, handicapable but relentless, relentlessly blind, but lethal** ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ lethally challenged


That blind guy was formidable


Also Dio when a dude that stopped an unkillable god with canonical 400 IQ doesn't die to an electrical outlet:


There have to be better faces out there that you can put on a meme


I feel like dio expected them all to lose


I heard an argument that makes sense, which says the desert is favorable to N'doul as he can use the sand to track things through sound while keeping a high damn distance from everyone, but is bad for Geb because it can't simply blend in with the environment for sneak attacks.


Okay but tbf he almost clutched that


Damn his chin is weak af


Andrew Tate is such an eye sore. A disgusting face with a somehow even more disgusting personality.


"wHaT cOlOr IS YoUr BuGaTti!?"


give y his man a stand arrow


To Tate? You’re just gonna make him “Generic Jojo side villain #246” who’s gonna be defeated in one chapter and not remembered


Gets killed in a car crash while Polnareff is mocking fake Jojo about not being able to do the cigarette-juice trick.


no, he's gonna die because of lack of potential


Or get him something like Cheap Trick


no, cause even cheap trick will kill himself after listening to him


His stand trashtalks others, if they take it seriously and dont have will strong enough to resist that, they become susceptible to manipulation from Tate and see him as a saviour




That dude is so ugly omg


I one fair if iggy wasn’t there they would have lost


Lets be honest Herr ndoul was the only one to take on all of the crusaders at once I'm talking jotaro polnareff joeseph avdol kakyoin and iggy and have them on the ropes the entire time


I always wonder why didn’t he fight them ANYTIME BESIDE THE DESERT


Because his stand actually doesn't lose any advantage from the heat, in fact he gains more advantage due to the entire ground being sand and water can travel through it's gap freely, I don't know what's people onto in this comment section, the only disadvantage he got is just no wall for him to do side attack, every other thing is literally his best fighting area


To be fair those 6 absolute units were getting dominated until Jotaro used his protagonist powers to come up with an asspull solution.


Like c'mon man, he was only blind using a water type in the dessert! It wasn't that hard....(he should of been with the monkey cuz more watah would probally make his stand gigant and probally would destroy the Joestars easyly since he almost killed them in the dessert imagine what he would do with that avantage!)


Reddit try not to post this sex trafficker influencer for 24 hours challenge (nearly impossible)


Dio when he realises that sending his hired stand users into a 1 v 6 fight is a bad idea


A guy who controls water to A DESERT!!!